# python3.7 """Contains the generator class of StyleGAN. Basically, this class is derived from the `BaseGenerator` class defined in `base_generator.py`. """ import os import numpy as np import pickle from PIL import Image from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch from . import model_settings from .stylegan3_official_network import StyleGAN3GeneratorModel from .base_generator import BaseGenerator __all__ = ['StyleGANGenerator'] def make_transform(translate: Tuple[float,float], angle: float): m = np.eye(3) s = np.sin(angle/360.0*np.pi*2) c = np.cos(angle/360.0*np.pi*2) m[0][0] = c m[0][1] = s m[0][2] = translate[0] m[1][0] = -s m[1][1] = c m[1][2] = translate[1] return m class StyleGAN3Generator(BaseGenerator): """Defines the generator class of StyleGAN. Different from conventional GAN, StyleGAN introduces a disentangled latent space (i.e., W space) besides the normal latent space (i.e., Z space). Then, the disentangled latent code, w, is fed into each convolutional layer to modulate the `style` of the synthesis through AdaIN (Adaptive Instance Normalization) layer. Normally, the w's fed into all layers are the same. But, they can actually be different to make different layers get different styles. Accordingly, an extended space (i.e. W+ space) is used to gather all w's together. Taking the official StyleGAN model trained on FF-HQ dataset as an instance, there are (1) Z space, with dimension (512,) (2) W space, with dimension (512,) (3) W+ space, with dimension (18, 512) """ def __init__(self, model_name, logger=None): self.truncation_psi = model_settings.STYLEGAN_TRUNCATION_PSI self.truncation_layers = model_settings.STYLEGAN_TRUNCATION_LAYERS self.randomize_noise = model_settings.STYLEGAN_RANDOMIZE_NOISE self.model_specific_vars = ['truncation.truncation'] super().__init__(model_name, logger) self.num_layers = (int(np.log2(self.resolution)) - 1) * 2 assert self.gan_type in ['stylegan3', 'stylegan2'] def build(self): self.check_attr('w_space_dim') self.check_attr('fused_scale') self.model = StyleGAN3GeneratorModel( img_resolution=self.resolution, w_dim=self.w_space_dim, z_dim=self.latent_space_dim, c_dim=self.c_space_dim, img_channels=3 ) def load(self): self.logger.info(f'Loading pytorch model from `{self.model_path}`.') with open(self.model_path, 'rb') as f: self.model = pickle.load(f)['G_ema'] self.logger.info(f'Successfully loaded!') # self.lod = self.model.synthesis.lod.to(self.cpu_device).tolist() # self.logger.info(f' `lod` of the loaded model is {self.lod}.') def sample(self, num, latent_space_type='Z'): """Samples latent codes randomly. Args: num: Number of latent codes to sample. Should be positive. latent_space_type: Type of latent space from which to sample latent code. Only [`Z`, `W`, `WP`] are supported. Case insensitive. (default: `Z`) Returns: A `numpy.ndarray` as sampled latend codes. Raises: ValueError: If the given `latent_space_type` is not supported. """ latent_space_type = latent_space_type.upper() if latent_space_type == 'Z': latent_codes = np.random.randn(num, self.latent_space_dim) elif latent_space_type == 'W': latent_codes = np.random.randn(num, self.w_space_dim) elif latent_space_type == 'WP': latent_codes = np.random.randn(num, self.num_layers, self.w_space_dim) else: raise ValueError(f'Latent space type `{latent_space_type}` is invalid!') return latent_codes.astype(np.float32) def preprocess(self, latent_codes, latent_space_type='Z'): """Preprocesses the input latent code if needed. Args: latent_codes: The input latent codes for preprocessing. latent_space_type: Type of latent space to which the latent codes belong. Only [`Z`, `W`, `WP`] are supported. Case insensitive. (default: `Z`) Returns: The preprocessed latent codes which can be used as final input for the generator. Raises: ValueError: If the given `latent_space_type` is not supported. """ if not isinstance(latent_codes, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f'Latent codes should be with type `numpy.ndarray`!') latent_space_type = latent_space_type.upper() if latent_space_type == 'Z': latent_codes = latent_codes.reshape(-1, self.latent_space_dim) norm = np.linalg.norm(latent_codes, axis=1, keepdims=True) latent_codes = latent_codes / norm * np.sqrt(self.latent_space_dim) elif latent_space_type == 'W': latent_codes = latent_codes.reshape(-1, self.w_space_dim) elif latent_space_type == 'WP': latent_codes = latent_codes.reshape(-1, self.num_layers, self.w_space_dim) else: raise ValueError(f'Latent space type `{latent_space_type}` is invalid!') return latent_codes.astype(np.float32) def easy_sample(self, num, latent_space_type='Z'): return self.sample(num, latent_space_type) def synthesize(self, latent_codes, latent_space_type='Z', generate_style=False, generate_image=True): """Synthesizes images with given latent codes. One can choose whether to generate the layer-wise style codes. Args: latent_codes: Input latent codes for image synthesis. latent_space_type: Type of latent space to which the latent codes belong. Only [`Z`, `W`, `WP`] are supported. Case insensitive. (default: `Z`) generate_style: Whether to generate the layer-wise style codes. (default: False) generate_image: Whether to generate the final image synthesis. (default: True) Returns: A dictionary whose values are raw outputs from the generator. """ if not isinstance(latent_codes, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f'Latent codes should be with type `numpy.ndarray`!') results = {} translate = (0,0) rotate=0.0 z = torch.from_numpy(latent_codes).to(self.run_device) label = torch.zeros([1, self.c_space_dim]).to(self.run_device) if hasattr(self.model.synthesis, 'input'): m = make_transform(translate, rotate) m = np.linalg.inv(m) self.model.synthesis.input.transform.copy_(torch.from_numpy(m)) ws = self.model.mapping(z, label) #wps = self.model.truncation(w) img = self.model(z, label) img = (img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) * 127.5 + 128).clamp(0, 255).to(torch.uint8) img = img.cpu().numpy() results['image'] = img results['z'] = latent_codes results['w'] = ws.detach().cpu().numpy() #results['wp'] = wps.detach().cpu().numpy() return results