from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import json import h5py import os import numpy as np import random import torch import skimage import import scipy.misc from torchvision import transforms as trn preprocess = trn.Compose([ #trn.ToTensor(), trn.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) # from ..utils.resnet_utils import myResnet # from ..utils import resnet from captioning.utils.resnet_utils import myResnet from captioning.utils import resnet class DataLoaderRaw(): def __init__(self, opt): self.opt = opt self.coco_json = opt.get('coco_json', '') self.folder_path = opt.get('folder_path', '') self.batch_size = opt.get('batch_size', 1) self.seq_per_img = 1 # Load resnet self.cnn_model = opt.get('cnn_model', 'resnet101') self.my_resnet = getattr(resnet, self.cnn_model)() self.my_resnet.load_state_dict(torch.load('./data/imagenet_weights/'+self.cnn_model+'.pth')) self.my_resnet = myResnet(self.my_resnet) self.my_resnet.cuda() self.my_resnet.eval() # load the json file which contains additional information about the dataset print('DataLoaderRaw loading images from folder: ', self.folder_path) self.files = [] self.ids = [] print(len(self.coco_json)) if len(self.coco_json) > 0: print('reading from ' + opt.coco_json) # read in filenames from the coco-style json file self.coco_annotation = json.load(open(self.coco_json)) for k,v in enumerate(self.coco_annotation['images']): fullpath = os.path.join(self.folder_path, v['file_name']) self.files.append(fullpath) self.ids.append(v['id']) else: # read in all the filenames from the folder print('listing all images in directory ' + self.folder_path) def isImage(f): supportedExt = ['.jpg','.JPG','.jpeg','.JPEG','.png','.PNG','.ppm','.PPM'] for ext in supportedExt: start_idx = f.rfind(ext) if start_idx >= 0 and start_idx + len(ext) == len(f): return True return False n = 1 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.folder_path, topdown=False): for file in files: fullpath = os.path.join(self.folder_path, file) if isImage(fullpath): self.files.append(fullpath) self.ids.append(str(n)) # just order them sequentially n = n + 1 self.N = len(self.files) print('DataLoaderRaw found ', self.N, ' images') self.iterator = 0 # Nasty self.dataset = self # to fix the bug in eval def get_batch(self, split, batch_size=None): batch_size = batch_size or self.batch_size # pick an index of the datapoint to load next fc_batch = np.ndarray((batch_size, 2048), dtype = 'float32') att_batch = np.ndarray((batch_size, 14, 14, 2048), dtype = 'float32') max_index = self.N wrapped = False infos = [] for i in range(batch_size): ri = self.iterator ri_next = ri + 1 if ri_next >= max_index: ri_next = 0 wrapped = True # wrap back around self.iterator = ri_next img =[ri]) if len(img.shape) == 2: img = img[:,:,np.newaxis] img = np.concatenate((img, img, img), axis=2) img = img[:,:,:3].astype('float32')/255.0 img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose([2,0,1])).cuda() img = preprocess(img) with torch.no_grad(): tmp_fc, tmp_att = self.my_resnet(img) fc_batch[i] = att_batch[i] = info_struct = {} info_struct['id'] = self.ids[ri] info_struct['file_path'] = self.files[ri] infos.append(info_struct) data = {} data['fc_feats'] = fc_batch data['att_feats'] = att_batch.reshape(batch_size, -1, 2048) data['labels'] = np.zeros([batch_size, 0]) data['masks'] = None data['att_masks'] = None data['bounds'] = {'it_pos_now': self.iterator, 'it_max': self.N, 'wrapped': wrapped} data['infos'] = infos data = {k:torch.from_numpy(v) if type(v) is np.ndarray else v for k,v in data.items()} # Turn all ndarray to torch tensor return data def reset_iterator(self, split): self.iterator = 0 def get_vocab_size(self): return len(self.ix_to_word) def get_vocab(self): return self.ix_to_word