import copy import random import numpy as np import scipy.signal import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from lib import seg_dvgo as dvgo from lib import seg_dcvgo as dcvgo from .load_data import load_data from .masked_adam import MaskedAdam from torch import Tensor ''' Misc ''' mse2psnr = lambda x : -10. * torch.log10(x) to8b = lambda x : (255*np.clip(x,0,1)).astype(np.uint8) def seed_everything(args): '''Seed everything for better reproducibility. NOTE that some pytorch operation is non-deterministic like the backprop of grid_samples ''' torch.manual_seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) random.seed(args.seed) @torch.jit.script def cal_IoU(a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Calculates the Intersection over Union (IoU) between two tensors. Args: a: A tensor of shape (N, H, W). b: A tensor of shape (N, H, W). Returns: A tensor of shape (N,) containing the IoU score between each pair of elements in a and b. """ intersection = torch.count_nonzero(torch.logical_and(a == b, a != 0)) union = torch.count_nonzero(a + b) return intersection / union def load_everything(args, cfg): '''Load images / poses / camera settings / data split. ''' data_dict = load_data( # remove useless field kept_keys = { 'hwf', 'HW', 'Ks', 'near', 'far', 'near_clip', 'i_train', 'i_val', 'i_test', 'irregular_shape', 'poses', 'render_poses', 'images'} for k in list(data_dict.keys()): if k not in kept_keys: data_dict.pop(k) # construct data tensor if data_dict['irregular_shape']: data_dict['images'] = [torch.FloatTensor(im, device='cpu') for im in data_dict['images']] else: data_dict['images'] = torch.FloatTensor(data_dict['images'], device='cpu') data_dict['poses'] = torch.Tensor(data_dict['poses']) data_dict['render_poses'] = torch.Tensor(data_dict['render_poses']) return data_dict # semantic nerf is used for reproducing the segmentation of SPIn-NeRF def load_existed_model(args, cfg, cfg_train, reload_ckpt_path, device): model_class = find_model(cfg) model = load_model(model_class, reload_ckpt_path).to(device) optimizer = create_optimizer_or_freeze_model(model, cfg_train, global_step=0) model, optimizer, start = load_checkpoint( model, optimizer, reload_ckpt_path, no_reload_optimizer = True) return model, optimizer, start def gen_rand_colors(num_obj): rand_colors = np.random.rand(num_obj + 1, 3) rand_colors[-1,:] = 0 return rand_colors def to_cuda(batch, device=torch.device('cuda')): if isinstance(batch, tuple) or isinstance(batch, list): batch = [to_cuda(b, device) for b in batch] elif isinstance(batch, dict): batch_ = {} for key in batch: if key == 'meta': batch_[key] = batch[key] else: batch_[key] = to_cuda(batch[key], device) batch = batch_ elif isinstance(batch, np.ndarray): batch = torch.from_numpy(batch).to(device) else: batch = return batch def to_tensor(array, device=torch.device('cuda')): '''cvt numpy array to cuda tensor, if already tensor, do nothing ''' if isinstance(array, np.ndarray): array = torch.from_numpy(array).to(device) elif isinstance(array, torch.Tensor) and not array.is_cuda: array = else: pass return array.float() ''' optimizer ''' def create_optimizer_or_freeze_model(model, cfg_train, global_step): decay_steps = cfg_train.lrate_decay * 1000 decay_factor = 0.1 ** (global_step/decay_steps) param_group = [] for k in cfg_train.keys(): if not k.startswith('lrate_'): continue k = k[len('lrate_'):] if not hasattr(model, k): continue param = getattr(model, k) if param is None: print(f'create_optimizer_or_freeze_model: param {k} not exist') continue lr = getattr(cfg_train, f'lrate_{k}') * decay_factor if lr > 0: print(f'create_optimizer_or_freeze_model: param {k} lr {lr}') if isinstance(param, nn.Module): param = param.parameters() param_group.append({'params': param, 'lr': lr, 'skip_zero_grad': (k in cfg_train.skip_zero_grad_fields)}) else: print(f'create_optimizer_or_freeze_model: param {k} freeze') param.requires_grad = False return MaskedAdam(param_group) def create_segmentation_optimizer(model, cfg_train): param_group = [] for k in cfg_train.keys(): if not k.startswith('lrate_'): continue k = k[len('lrate_'):] if not hasattr(model, k): continue param = getattr(model, k) if param is None: print(f'create_optimizer_or_freeze_model: param {k} not exist') continue lr = getattr(cfg_train, f'lrate_{k}') if lr > 0: print(f'create_optimizer_or_freeze_model: param {k} lr {lr}') if isinstance(param, nn.Module): param = param.parameters() param_group.append({'params': param, 'lr': lr}) else: print(f'create_optimizer_or_freeze_model: param {k} freeze') param.requires_grad = False return torch.optim.SGD(param_group) ''' Checkpoint utils ''' def load_checkpoint(model, optimizer, ckpt_path, no_reload_optimizer): ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path) try: start = ckpt['global_step'] except: start = 0 msg = model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model_state_dict'], strict = False) print("NeRF loaded with msg: ", msg) if not no_reload_optimizer: optimizer.load_state_dict(ckpt['optimizer_state_dict']) return model, optimizer, start def find_model(cfg): if model_class = dvgo.DirectVoxGO elif model_class = dcvgo.DirectContractedVoxGO else: model_class = dvgo.DirectVoxGO return model_class def load_model(model_class, ckpt_path): ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path) num_objects = 1 if 'seg_mask_grid.grid' in ckpt['model_state_dict'].keys(): num_objects = ckpt['model_state_dict']['seg_mask_grid.grid'].shape[1] print("Load model with num_objects =", num_objects) model = model_class(num_objects = num_objects, **ckpt['model_kwargs']) msg = model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model_state_dict'], strict = False) print("NeRF loaded with msg: ", msg) return model def create_new_model(cfg, cfg_model, cfg_train, xyz_min, xyz_max, stage, coarse_ckpt_path, device=torch.device('cuda')): model_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(cfg_model) num_voxels = model_kwargs.pop('num_voxels') if len(cfg_train.pg_scale): num_voxels = int(num_voxels / (2**len(cfg_train.pg_scale))) if #print(f'scene_rep_reconstruction ({stage}): \033[96muse multiplane images\033[0m') #model = dmpigo.DirectMPIGO( # xyz_min=xyz_min, xyz_max=xyz_max, # num_voxels=num_voxels, # **model_kwargs) print(f'scene_rep_reconstruction ({stage}): \033[96muse dense voxel grid\033[0m') model = dvgo.DirectVoxGO( xyz_min=xyz_min, xyz_max=xyz_max, num_voxels=num_voxels, mask_cache_path=coarse_ckpt_path, **model_kwargs) elif print(f'scene_rep_reconstruction ({stage}): \033[96muse contraced voxel grid (covering unbounded)\033[0m') model = dcvgo.DirectContractedVoxGO( xyz_min=xyz_min, xyz_max=xyz_max, num_voxels=num_voxels, **model_kwargs) else: print(f'scene_rep_reconstruction ({stage}): \033[96muse dense voxel grid\033[0m') model = dvgo.DirectVoxGO( xyz_min=xyz_min, xyz_max=xyz_max, num_voxels=num_voxels, mask_cache_path=coarse_ckpt_path, **model_kwargs) model = optimizer = create_optimizer_or_freeze_model(model, cfg_train, global_step=0) return model, optimizer ''' Evaluation metrics (ssim, lpips) ''' def rgb_ssim(img0, img1, max_val, filter_size=11, filter_sigma=1.5, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, return_map=False): # Modified from assert len(img0.shape) == 3 assert img0.shape[-1] == 3 assert img0.shape == img1.shape # Construct a 1D Gaussian blur filter. hw = filter_size // 2 shift = (2 * hw - filter_size + 1) / 2 f_i = ((np.arange(filter_size) - hw + shift) / filter_sigma)**2 filt = np.exp(-0.5 * f_i) filt /= np.sum(filt) # Blur in x and y (faster than the 2D convolution). def convolve2d(z, f): return scipy.signal.convolve2d(z, f, mode='valid') filt_fn = lambda z: np.stack([ convolve2d(convolve2d(z[...,i], filt[:, None]), filt[None, :]) for i in range(z.shape[-1])], -1) mu0 = filt_fn(img0) mu1 = filt_fn(img1) mu00 = mu0 * mu0 mu11 = mu1 * mu1 mu01 = mu0 * mu1 sigma00 = filt_fn(img0**2) - mu00 sigma11 = filt_fn(img1**2) - mu11 sigma01 = filt_fn(img0 * img1) - mu01 # Clip the variances and covariances to valid values. # Variance must be non-negative: sigma00 = np.maximum(0., sigma00) sigma11 = np.maximum(0., sigma11) sigma01 = np.sign(sigma01) * np.minimum( np.sqrt(sigma00 * sigma11), np.abs(sigma01)) c1 = (k1 * max_val)**2 c2 = (k2 * max_val)**2 numer = (2 * mu01 + c1) * (2 * sigma01 + c2) denom = (mu00 + mu11 + c1) * (sigma00 + sigma11 + c2) ssim_map = numer / denom ssim = np.mean(ssim_map) return ssim_map if return_map else ssim __LPIPS__ = {} def init_lpips(net_name, device): assert net_name in ['alex', 'vgg'] import lpips print(f'init_lpips: lpips_{net_name}') return lpips.LPIPS(net=net_name, version='0.1').eval().to(device) def rgb_lpips(np_gt, np_im, net_name, device): if net_name not in __LPIPS__: __LPIPS__[net_name] = init_lpips(net_name, device) gt = torch.from_numpy(np_gt).permute([2, 0, 1]).contiguous().to(device) im = torch.from_numpy(np_im).permute([2, 0, 1]).contiguous().to(device) return __LPIPS__[net_name](gt, im, normalize=True).item() ''' generate rays ''' def get_rays(H, W, K, c2w, inverse_y, flip_x, flip_y, mode='center'): i, j = torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(0, W-1, W, device=c2w.device), torch.linspace(0, H-1, H, device=c2w.device)) # pytorch's meshgrid has indexing='ij' i = i.t().float() j = j.t().float() if mode == 'lefttop': pass elif mode == 'center': i, j = i+0.5, j+0.5 elif mode == 'random': i = i+torch.rand_like(i) j = j+torch.rand_like(j) else: raise NotImplementedError if flip_x: i = i.flip((1,)) if flip_y: j = j.flip((0,)) if inverse_y: dirs = torch.stack([(i-K[0][2])/K[0][0], (j-K[1][2])/K[1][1], torch.ones_like(i)], -1) else: dirs = torch.stack([(i-K[0][2])/K[0][0], -(j-K[1][2])/K[1][1], -torch.ones_like(i)], -1) # Rotate ray directions from camera frame to the world frame rays_d = torch.sum(dirs[..., np.newaxis, :] * c2w[:3,:3], -1) # dot product, equals to: [ for dir in dirs] # Translate camera frame's origin to the world frame. It is the origin of all rays. rays_o = c2w[:3,3].expand(rays_d.shape) return rays_o, rays_d def ndc_rays(H, W, focal, near, rays_o, rays_d): # Shift ray origins to near plane t = -(near + rays_o[...,2]) / rays_d[...,2] rays_o = rays_o + t[...,None] * rays_d # Projection o0 = -1./(W/(2.*focal)) * rays_o[...,0] / rays_o[...,2] o1 = -1./(H/(2.*focal)) * rays_o[...,1] / rays_o[...,2] o2 = 1. + 2. * near / rays_o[...,2] d0 = -1./(W/(2.*focal)) * (rays_d[...,0]/rays_d[...,2] - rays_o[...,0]/rays_o[...,2]) d1 = -1./(H/(2.*focal)) * (rays_d[...,1]/rays_d[...,2] - rays_o[...,1]/rays_o[...,2]) d2 = -2. * near / rays_o[...,2] rays_o = torch.stack([o0,o1,o2], -1) rays_d = torch.stack([d0,d1,d2], -1) return rays_o, rays_d def get_rays_of_a_view(H, W, K, c2w, ndc, inverse_y, flip_x, flip_y, mode='center'): rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(H, W, K, c2w, inverse_y=inverse_y, flip_x=flip_x, flip_y=flip_y, mode=mode) viewdirs = rays_d / rays_d.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) if ndc: rays_o, rays_d = ndc_rays(H, W, K[0][0], 1., rays_o, rays_d) return rays_o, rays_d, viewdirs ''' interactive mode TODO''' def fetch_user_define_points(): pass