import chokidar from 'chokidar' import moment from 'moment' import fs from 'node:fs' import lodash from 'lodash' class PluginsLoader { constructor () { this.priority = [] this.task = [] this.watcher = {} this.dir = './plugins' } async pluginsLoader () { const files = this.getPlugins()'加载插件中..') let pluCount = 0 let packageErr = [] for (let File of files) { try { let tmp = await import(File.path) if (tmp.apps) tmp = { ...tmp.apps } let isAdd = false lodash.forEach(tmp, (p, i) => { if (!p.prototype) { return } /* eslint-disable new-cap */ let plugin = new p() if (!plugin.priority) return isAdd = true logger.debug(`载入插件 [${}]`) /** 执行初始化 */ this.runInit(plugin) /** 初始化定时任务 */ this.collectTask(plugin.task) this.priority.push({ class: p, key:, self: plugin, name:, protocol: plugin.protocol || 'http', priority: plugin.priority, rule: plugin.rule }) }) if (isAdd) pluCount++ } catch (error) { if (error.stack.includes('Cannot find package')) { packageErr.push({ error, File }) } else { logger.error(`载入插件错误:${}`) logger.error(decodeURI(error.stack)) } } } this.packageTips(packageErr) this.creatTask() this.priority = lodash.orderBy(this.priority, ['priority'], ['asc'])`加载定时任务[${this.task.length}个]`)`加载插件完成[${pluCount}个]`)`-----------`) } getPlugins () { let ignore = ['index.js'] let files = fs.readdirSync(this.dir, { withFileTypes: true }) let ret = [] for (let val of files) { let filepath = '../../plugins/' + let tmp = { name: } if (val.isFile()) { if (!'.js')) continue if (ignore.includes( continue tmp.path = filepath ret.push(tmp) continue } if (fs.existsSync(`${this.dir}/${}/index.js`)) { tmp.path = filepath + '/index.js' = + '/index.js' ret.push(tmp) continue } let apps = fs.readdirSync(`${this.dir}/${}`, { withFileTypes: true }) for (let app of apps) { if (!'.js')) continue if (ignore.includes( continue ret.push({ name: `${}/${}`, path: `../../plugins/${}/${}` }) continue } } /** 监听热更新 */ ret.forEach(v => {, v.path) }) return ret } async runInit (plugin) { plugin.init && plugin.init() } packageTips (packageErr) { if (!packageErr || packageErr.length <= 0) return logger.mark('--------插件载入错误--------') packageErr.forEach(v => { let pack = v.error.stack.match(/'(.+?)'/g)[0].replace(/'/g, '') logger.mark(`${} 缺少依赖:${}`) logger.mark(`请执行安装依赖命令:${'pnpm add ' + pack + ' -w')}`) }) logger.mark('---------------------') } /** 收集定时任务 */ collectTask (task) { if (Array.isArray(task)) { task.forEach((val) => { if (!val.cron) return if (! throw new Error('插件任务名称错误') this.task.push(val) }) } else { if (task.fnc && task.cron) { if (! throw new Error('插件任务名称错误') this.task.push(task) } } } /** 创建定时任务 */ creatTask () { this.task.forEach((val) => { val.job = schedule.scheduleJob(val.cron, async () => { try { if (val.log === true) { logger.mark(`开始定时任务:${}`) } let res = val.fnc() if (util.types.isPromise(res)) res = await res if (val.log === true) { logger.mark(`定时任务完成:${}`) } } catch (error) { logger.error(`定时任务报错:${}`) logger.error(error) } }) }) } /** 监听热更新 */ watch (appName, appPath) { if (this.watcher[`${appName}`]) return let file = `./plugins/${appName}` const watcher = let key = appName /** 监听修改 */ watcher.on('change', async path => { logger.mark(`[修改插件][${appName}]`) let tmp = {} try { tmp = await import(`${appPath}?${moment().format('x')}`) } catch (error) { logger.error(`载入插件错误:${}`) logger.error(decodeURI(error.stack)) return } if (tmp.apps) tmp = { ...tmp.apps } lodash.forEach(tmp, (p) => { /* eslint-disable new-cap */ let plugin = new p() for (let i in this.priority) { if (this.priority[i].key == key) { this.priority[i].class = p this.priority[i].rule = plugin.rule } } }) }) this.watcher[`${appName}`] = watcher } } export default PluginsLoader