# Resume & Use Model Check Points This folder contains check points for models and their weights. They are generated from [PyTorch's pickle](https://pytorch.org/docs/master/notes/serialization.html). Model specifications are in each folder's ReadME. Pickle names with "model" contain the entire models, and they can be used as an freeze module by calling the "forward_checkpoint" function to generate images. Example: ```python import torch # No need to reconstruct the model model = torch.load("./DCSCN/DCSCN_model_387epos_L12_noise_1.pt") x = torch.randn((1,3,10,10)), torch.randn((1,3,20,20)) out = model.forward_checkpoint(a) ``` Pickle names with "weights" are model weights, and they are named dictionaries. Example: ```python model = DCSCN(*) # the setting must be the same to load check points weights. model.load_state_dict(torch.load("./DCSCN/DCSCN_weights_387epos_L12_noise_1.pt")) # then you can resume the model training ``` Model check poins in Upconv_7 and vgg_7 are from [waifu2x's repo](https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x/tree/master/models). To load weights into a model, please use ```load_pre_train_weights``` function. Example: ```python model = UpConv_7() model.load_pre_train_weights(json_file=...) # then the model is ready to use ```