time O -100 on O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive keep O -100 it O -100 up O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 better O -100 . O -100 actually O -100 it O -100 was O -100 so O -100 fade O -100 in O -100 color B-ASP Negative . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 s O -100 small O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 similar O -100 to O -100 exrta O -100 small O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 s O -100 small O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 similar O -100 to O -100 exrta O -100 small O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 size B-ASP -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 with O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative are O -100 just O -100 a O -100 little O -100 too O -100 short O -100 . O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Neutral was O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 , O -100 still O -100 adjustable O -100 . O -100 good O -100 once O -100 , O -100 pure O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive . O -100 cool O -100 look O -100 , O -100 soft O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive but O -100 sleves O -100 end O -100 is O -100 not O -100 strachable O -100 . O -100 breathable O -100 material B-ASP Positive used O -100 and O -100 ovio O -100 decent O -100 looking O -100 and O -100 good O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 . O -100 breathable O -100 material B-ASP -100 used O -100 and O -100 ovio O -100 decent O -100 looking O -100 and O -100 good O -100 stitching B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive and O -100 design B-ASP -100 of O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 and O -100 design B-ASP Positive of O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 great O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 , O -100 its O -100 made O -100 in O -100 mexico O -100 and O -100 at O -100 rs O -100 539 O -100 / O -100 - O -100 great O -100 fit B-ASP -100 and O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 , O -100 its O -100 made O -100 in O -100 mexico O -100 and O -100 at O -100 rs O -100 539 O -100 / O -100 - O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 great O -100 looks O -100 , O -100 lovely O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 graphic B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 it O -100 fits B-ASP -100 well O -100 . O -100 graphic B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 it O -100 fits B-ASP Positive well O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 product O -100 , O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 with O -100 nice O -100 colours B-ASP Positive & O -100 value O -100 for O -100 money O -100 , O -100 overall O -100 happy O -100 with O -100 the O -100 product O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirts O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 but O -100 have O -100 a O -100 high O -100 prise B-ASP Positive to O -100 buy O -100 it O -100 . O -100 but O -100 good O -100 pick B-ASP Positive at O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 price O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirt O -100 under O -100 this O -100 price O -100 range O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 great O -100 stuff O -100 . O -100 but O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive us O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 looking O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 not O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Negative from O -100 Adidas O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabrics B-ASP Positive good O -100 colours B-ASP -100 good O -100 for O -100 jeans O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 also O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabrics B-ASP -100 good O -100 colours B-ASP Positive good O -100 for O -100 jeans O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 also O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabrics B-ASP -100 good O -100 colours B-ASP -100 good O -100 for O -100 jeans O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive also O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive are O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 color B-ASP -100 combination I-ASP -100 are O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 are O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 color B-ASP Positive combination I-ASP Positive are O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 quality B-ASP Positive i O -100 love O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 looks O -100 good O -100 but O -100 after O -100 4 O -100 months O -100 of O -100 use O -100 underarm O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative came O -100 out O -100 . O -100 no O -100 write O -100 size B-ASP Negative as O -100 a O -100 company O -100 fixed O -100 and O -100 me O -100 m O -100 size O -100 orders O -100 and O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Positive on I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive shirt I-ASP Positive is O -100 excellent O -100 # O -100 comicsensexyz O -100 . O -100 while O -100 ordering O -100 i O -100 thought O -100 it O -100 would O -100 b O -100 a O -100 50 O -100 - O -100 50 O -100 kinda O -100 but O -100 fortunately O -100 husband O -100 loved O -100 it O -100 got O -100 smooth O -100 light O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive _ O -100 a O -100 descent O -100 color O -100 combo O -100 which O -100 looks O -100 elig O -100 . O -100 though O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP Negative was O -100 a O -100 little O -100 tight O -100 ( O -100 big O -100 man O -100 ) O -100 , O -100 the O -100 overall O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 t I-ASP -100 shirt I-ASP -100 & O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 though O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP -100 was O -100 a O -100 little O -100 tight O -100 ( O -100 big O -100 man O -100 ) O -100 , O -100 the O -100 overall O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive t I-ASP Positive shirt I-ASP Positive & O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 though O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP -100 was O -100 a O -100 little O -100 tight O -100 ( O -100 big O -100 man O -100 ) O -100 , O -100 the O -100 overall O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 t I-ASP -100 shirt I-ASP -100 & O -100 print B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 tshirts O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive was O -100 great O -100 but O -100 there O -100 was O -100 holes O -100 in O -100 lower O -100 side O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 from O -100 j O -100 & O -100 j O -100 . O -100 product O -100 was O -100 good O -100 and O -100 its O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 less O -100 price B-ASP Negative quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 have O -100 gifted O -100 it O -100 to O -100 my O -100 brother O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive superb O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 . O -100 i O -100 have O -100 gifted O -100 it O -100 to O -100 my O -100 brother O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 superb O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 product O -100 have O -100 a O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 & O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 too O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 pure O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP Negative according O -100 to O -100 price O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 soft O -100 looks O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 are O -100 just O -100 perfect O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality B-ASP Positive , O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 are O -100 just O -100 perfect O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 are O -100 just O -100 perfect O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive are O -100 just O -100 perfect O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 so O -100 bad O -100 , O -100 length O -100 wise O -100 is O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 its O -100 very O -100 broad O -100 for O -100 m B-ASP -100 size I-ASP -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 so O -100 bad O -100 , O -100 length O -100 wise O -100 is O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 its O -100 very O -100 broad O -100 for O -100 m B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative fading O -100 and O -100 lose O -100 material B-ASP -100 after O -100 1st O -100 washing O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP -100 fading O -100 and O -100 lose O -100 material B-ASP Negative after O -100 1st O -100 washing O -100 . O -100 stunning O -100 look O -100 and O -100 great O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 not O -100 very O -100 satisfied O -100 by O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative . O -100 looks O -100 very O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 but O -100 fittings B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 really O -100 cool O -100 n O -100 comfortable O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 comfortable O -100 cotton B-ASP -100 cloth I-ASP -100 recommend O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 product O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive recommend O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 product O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 pure O -100 cotton O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 large O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 and O -100 firing B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 , O -100 above O -100 average O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 can O -100 be O -100 used O -100 for O -100 daily O -100 wear O -100 for O -100 college O -100 boys O -100 or O -100 at O -100 home O -100 , O -100 delivery O -100 was O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 you O -100 might O -100 face O -100 little O -100 color B-ASP Negative fading O -100 . O -100 first O -100 of O -100 all O -100 i O -100 will O -100 thank O -100 Flipkart O -100 to O -100 provide O -100 such O -100 a O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive ( O -100 within O -100 2 O -100 days O -100 ) O -100 now O -100 coming O -100 to O -100 the O -100 product O -100 i O -100 am O -100 using O -100 this O -100 product O -100 from O -100 3 O -100 months O -100 and O -100 i O -100 am O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 it O -100 completely O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 looking O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 thanks O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 expectations O -100 . O -100 neck B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 big O -100 and O -100 i O -100 had O -100 to O -100 change O -100 2 O -100 sizes O -100 . O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 hood B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 hood B-ASP Positive , O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 length B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 short O -100 so O -100 i O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 like O -100 this O -100 product O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 - O -100 shrt O -100 but O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative and O -100 printing B-ASP -100 is O -100 so O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 printing B-ASP Negative is O -100 so O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 take O -100 care O -100 while O -100 washing O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative fades O -100 pretty O -100 quickly O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 loved O -100 it O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 even O -100 more O -100 awesome O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 even O -100 more O -100 awesome O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive best O -100 in O -100 price B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 best O -100 in O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 color B-ASP Positive was O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 was O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 neck B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 neck B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 design B-ASP -100 are O -100 perfect O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 design B-ASP Positive are O -100 perfect O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 clothes O -100 material B-ASP Negative , O -100 poor O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 poor O -100 clothes O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 poor O -100 colour B-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative not O -100 what O -100 i O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 the O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive was O -100 very O -100 quick O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 best O -100 for O -100 summer O -100 . O -100 best O -100 in O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive 100 O -100 % O -100 genuine O -100 t O -100 shirts O -100 good O -100 colors B-ASP -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 best O -100 in O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 100 O -100 % O -100 genuine O -100 t O -100 shirts O -100 good O -100 colors B-ASP Positive go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative colour I-ASP Negative lost O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 very O -100 good O -100 for O -100 summers O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 damn O -100 good O -100 . O -100 graphic B-ASP -100 and I-ASP -100 tee I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 disappointed O -100 with O -100 size B-ASP Negative it O -100 come O -100 little O -100 bigger O -100 than O -100 other O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 select O -100 wisely O -100 the O -100 size O -100 . O -100 graphic B-ASP Positive and I-ASP Positive tee I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 disappointed O -100 with O -100 size B-ASP -100 it O -100 come O -100 little O -100 bigger O -100 than O -100 other O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 select O -100 wisely O -100 the O -100 size O -100 . O -100 the O -100 product O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 as O -100 i O -100 thought O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 neck B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive n O -100 color B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 n O -100 color B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 will O -100 suit O -100 everyone O -100 irrespective O -100 of O -100 the O -100 age O -100 . O -100 , O -100 luckily O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive good O -100 for O -100 my O -100 dad O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 look O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive t B-ASP -100 shirt I-ASP -100 fitting I-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 t B-ASP Positive shirt I-ASP Positive fitting I-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 i O -100 gifted O -100 it O -100 to O -100 my O -100 husband O -100 and O -100 he O -100 loved O -100 it O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive time I-ASP Positive is O -100 super O -100 fast O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive awesome O -100 experience O -100 . O -100 not O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP Negative also O -100 a O -100 problem O -100 . O -100 the O -100 printing B-ASP Negative was O -100 improper O -100 but O -100 still O -100 then O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 was O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 printing B-ASP -100 was O -100 improper O -100 but O -100 still O -100 then O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive was O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 dull O -100 not O -100 like O -100 image O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 breathable O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 soft O -100 . O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 clothing B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive buy O -100 it O -100 . O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 smaller O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 the I-ASP -100 cloth I-ASP -100 is O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 smaller O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative cloth I-ASP Negative is O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 also O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 also O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP Negative looks O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 correct O -100 . O -100 good O -100 looking B-ASP -100 and O -100 suits O -100 to O -100 party O -100 casual O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 looking B-ASP Positive and O -100 suits O -100 to O -100 party O -100 casual O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 . O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative a O -100 kinda O -100 tight O -100 , O -100 otherwise O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 of O -100 a O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 the O -100 shirt B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative is O -100 larger O -100 than O -100 me O -100 . O -100 small O -100 in O -100 size B-ASP Neutral , O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 best O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 best O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 light O -100 , O -100 great O -100 to O -100 start O -100 the O -100 day O -100 with O -100 ? O -100 . O -100 best O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 best O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 light O -100 , O -100 great O -100 to O -100 start O -100 the O -100 day O -100 with O -100 ? O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 & O -100 fit B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 also O -100 perfect O -100 in O -100 size B-ASP -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 also O -100 perfect O -100 in O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 this B-ASP Positive product I-ASP Positive is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 xl B-ASP Negative siz I-ASP Negative e O -100 is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 large O -100 in O -100 size O -100 . O -100 not O -100 impressed O -100 with O -100 material B-ASP Negative and O -100 print B-ASP -100 . O -100 not O -100 impressed O -100 with O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 print B-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 exactly O -100 how O -100 it O -100 appears O -100 online O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 exactly O -100 how O -100 it O -100 appears O -100 online O -100 . O -100 not O -100 a O -100 good O -100 product O -100 , O -100 the O -100 neck B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 big O -100 , O -100 print O -100 looks O -100 great O -100 in O -100 the O -100 display O -100 good O -100 at O -100 the O -100 available O -100 price B-ASP Neutral . O -100 good O -100 but O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 change O -100 . O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 was O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive was O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 l B-ASP Negative - I-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 long O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative is O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 product O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative too O -100 large O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive fabric I-ASP Positive is O -100 much O -100 good O -100 and O -100 price B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 affordable O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 fabric I-ASP -100 is O -100 much O -100 good O -100 and O -100 price B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 affordable O -100 . O -100 comfortable O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 comfortable O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 does O -100 not O -100 fit B-ASP Negative well O -100 and O -100 the O -100 batman O -100 design B-ASP -100 made O -100 on O -100 it O -100 is O -100 also O -100 made O -100 from O -100 some O -100 rubbery O -100 material O -100 . O -100 does O -100 not O -100 fit B-ASP -100 well O -100 and O -100 the O -100 batman O -100 design B-ASP Negative made O -100 on O -100 it O -100 is O -100 also O -100 made O -100 from O -100 some O -100 rubbery O -100 material O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 super O -100 product O -100 & O -100 best O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive service I-ASP Positive . O -100 product B-ASP Negative cloth I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 for O -100 a O -100 38 O -100 inch O -100 chest O -100 and O -100 14 O -100 inch O -100 biceps O -100 fit O -100 muscular O -100 guy O -100 like O -100 me O -100 , O -100 size B-ASP Positive s O -100 fits O -100 perfectly O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 worthy O -100 at O -100 this O -100 price O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 great O -100 and O -100 the O -100 shirt B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 so O -100 transparent O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive with O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 with O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 perfect O -100 but O -100 i O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 know O -100 if O -100 this O -100 will O -100 shrink O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 but O -100 overall O -100 it O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 even O -100 if O -100 it O -100 is O -100 not O -100 Flipkart O -100 assured O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 guys O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive tshirt I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 feels O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 if O -100 u O -100 r O -100 not O -100 over O -100 weight O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 much O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 this O -100 material B-ASP Positive good O -100 but O -100 not O -100 for O -100 wear O -100 in O -100 sun O -100 light O -100 or O -100 summer O -100 season O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative , O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 are O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 or O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 piccture O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP Negative and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 are O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 or O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 piccture O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Negative are O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 or O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 piccture O -100 . O -100 great O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 not O -100 appropriate O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative not O -100 appropriate O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 are O -100 not O -100 good O -100 option O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 design B-ASP Negative and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 are O -100 not O -100 good O -100 option O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Negative are O -100 not O -100 good O -100 option O -100 . O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 great O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 same O -100 product O -100 which O -100 have O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP Positive soft O -100 material B-ASP -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP -100 , O -100 excellent O -100 service B-ASP -100 by O -100 Flipkart O -100 deserves O -100 a O -100 5 O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP -100 soft O -100 material B-ASP Positive nice O -100 color B-ASP -100 , O -100 excellent O -100 service B-ASP -100 by O -100 Flipkart O -100 deserves O -100 a O -100 5 O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP -100 soft O -100 material B-ASP -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive , O -100 excellent O -100 service B-ASP -100 by O -100 Flipkart O -100 deserves O -100 a O -100 5 O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP -100 soft O -100 material B-ASP -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP -100 , O -100 excellent O -100 service B-ASP Positive by O -100 Flipkart O -100 deserves O -100 a O -100 5 O -100 . O -100 best O -100 item O -100 and O -100 very O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wash B-ASP -100 and O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wash B-ASP Positive and O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 the I-ASP -100 sticker B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 or O -100 2 O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 sticker O -100 is O -100 going O -100 to O -100 fade O -100 away O -100 , O -100 which O -100 make O -100 the O -100 tshit B-ASP -100 looks I-ASP -100 bad O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative sticker B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 or O -100 2 O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 sticker O -100 is O -100 going O -100 to O -100 fade O -100 away O -100 , O -100 which O -100 make O -100 the O -100 tshit B-ASP -100 looks I-ASP -100 bad O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 the I-ASP -100 sticker B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 or O -100 2 O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 sticker O -100 is O -100 going O -100 to O -100 fade O -100 away O -100 , O -100 which O -100 make O -100 the O -100 tshit B-ASP -100 looks I-ASP -100 bad O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 the I-ASP -100 sticker B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 or O -100 2 O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 sticker O -100 is O -100 going O -100 to O -100 fade O -100 away O -100 , O -100 which O -100 make O -100 the O -100 tshit B-ASP Negative looks I-ASP Negative bad O -100 . O -100 good O -100 design B-ASP Positive , O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 less O -100 than O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative was O -100 spreaded O -100 in O -100 my O -100 whole O -100 top O -100 body O -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 keeps O -100 cool O -100 in O -100 summer O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative of O -100 all O -100 tshirts O -100 aren O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 same O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 print B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 somewhat O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fitting O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative can O -100 be O -100 improved O -100 as O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 flipkart O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 inhouse O -100 brand O -100 . O -100 everything O -100 are O -100 awesome O -100 on O -100 it O -100 , O -100 its O -100 design B-ASP Positive , O -100 its O -100 metarial B-ASP -100 , O -100 its O -100 look O -100 . O -100 everything O -100 are O -100 awesome O -100 on O -100 it O -100 , O -100 its O -100 design B-ASP -100 , O -100 its O -100 metarial B-ASP Positive , O -100 its O -100 look O -100 . O -100 Flipkart O -100 has O -100 a O -100 good O -100 return B-ASP Positive policy I-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 worth O -100 buying O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 it O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 rate B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 satisfactory O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive so O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 but O -100 there O -100 is O -100 a O -100 problem O -100 of O -100 color B-ASP Negative going O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 so O -100 be O -100 careful O -100 . O -100 and O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 just O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 fit B-ASP Negative got O -100 loose O -100 after O -100 wearning O -100 for O -100 a O -100 day O -100 . O -100 sleeves B-ASP Neutral are O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 . O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive boy I-ASP Positive behavior I-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 fitted B-ASP Positive perfectly O -100 , O -100 great O -100 offer B-ASP -100 , O -100 great O -100 deal B-ASP -100 , O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 fitted B-ASP -100 perfectly O -100 , O -100 great O -100 offer B-ASP Positive , O -100 great O -100 deal B-ASP -100 , O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 fitted B-ASP -100 perfectly O -100 , O -100 great O -100 offer B-ASP -100 , O -100 great O -100 deal B-ASP Positive , O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 too O -100 big O -100 a O -100 size B-ASP Negative for O -100 an O -100 s O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 fitting B-ASP Neutral also O -100 fine O -100 . O -100 i O -100 got O -100 this O -100 product O -100 at O -100 very O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive fabric I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 and O -100 also O -100 fits B-ASP Positive well O -100 . O -100 on O -100 any O -100 kind O -100 of O -100 jeans O -100 . O -100 or O -100 chinos O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Positive are O -100 very O -100 good O -100 but O -100 print O -100 are O -100 not O -100 safesent O -100 . O -100 really O -100 an O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 at O -100 such O -100 a O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 looking O -100 and O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 i O -100 am O -100 fully O -100 satisfy O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 clothing B-ASP -100 material I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 clothing B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 just O -100 ok O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tees O -100 with O -100 perfect O -100 body B-ASP Positive fitting I-ASP Positive . O -100 i O -100 have O -100 a O -100 small O -100 problem O -100 with O -100 the O -100 size O -100 of O -100 the O -100 neck B-ASP Negative . O -100 cloth B-ASP Neutral material I-ASP Neutral is O -100 polyester O -100 and O -100 the O -100 print O -100 on O -100 it O -100 is O -100 so O -100 best O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 fine O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 fine O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 received O -100 the O -100 product O -100 as O -100 promised O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 on O -100 the O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 , O -100 there O -100 was O -100 color B-ASP Negative bleeding O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Negative does O -100 not O -100 metch O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP Positive was O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP Positive & O -100 smart O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP -100 & O -100 smart O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive . O -100 worst O -100 quality B-ASP Negative , O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 , O -100 clothe B-ASP -100 colour I-ASP -100 will O -100 go O -100 very O -100 soon O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 , O -100 clothe B-ASP Negative colour I-ASP Negative will O -100 go O -100 very O -100 soon O -100 . O -100 absolutely O -100 brilliant O -100 by O -100 flipkart O -100 , O -100 great O -100 design B-ASP Positive by O -100 Adidas O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 best O -100 deal O -100 at O -100 best O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 so O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 uniform O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 got O -100 wrong O -100 size B-ASP Negative . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive but O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fit B-ASP -100 well O -100 on O -100 my O -100 hands O -100 part O -100 . O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 but O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fit B-ASP Negative well O -100 on O -100 my O -100 hands O -100 part O -100 . O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 though O -100 i O -100 haven O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 washed O -100 it O -100 yet O -100 , O -100 will O -100 keep O -100 you O -100 guys O -100 updated O -100 of O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Neutral durability I-ASP Neutral once O -100 i O -100 wash O -100 it O -100 twice O -100 or O -100 thrice O -100 . O -100 and O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative used O -100 is O -100 of O -100 a O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloths B-ASP Positive qualit I-ASP Positive y O -100 is O -100 good O -100 no O -100 issues O -100 in O -100 this O -100 clothing O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 too O -100 good O -100 . O -100 another O -100 great O -100 shirt O -100 from O -100 highlander O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 made O -100 by O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive but O -100 look O -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 as O -100 i O -100 expected O -100 but O -100 in O -100 the O -100 end O -100 must O -100 say O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 worth O -100 buying O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 and O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive clothes O -100 and O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 clothes O -100 and O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 finish B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 finish B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colours B-ASP Positive are O -100 vibrant O -100 and O -100 it O -100 has O -100 that O -100 feel O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 bike B-ASP Negative logo I-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 fits B-ASP Negative too O -100 tight O -100 order O -100 two O -100 sizes O -100 up O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 pretty O -100 good O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative not O -100 bright O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 but O -100 some O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 faded O -100 while O -100 washing O -100 . O -100 but O -100 neck B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 short O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative colour I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 match O -100 with O -100 this O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 very O -100 worst O -100 . O -100 hoody B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 full O -100 covered O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 cloth O -100 with O -100 superb O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive with O -100 superb O -100 fitting O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirts O -100 good O -100 printed B-ASP Positive . O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 color B-ASP Negative got O -100 completely O -100 fed O -100 . O -100 printing B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 as O -100 look O -100 in O -100 the O -100 in O -100 this O -100 photo O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Positive good O -100 but O -100 medium O -100 clothe O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 fine O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 smaller O -100 than O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 product O -100 is O -100 super O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 , O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 overall O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 the O -100 issue O -100 . O -100 the O -100 stitches B-ASP Negative from I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative sleeve I-ASP Negative of O -100 all O -100 tshirts O -100 came O -100 off O -100 only O -100 in O -100 one O -100 use O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive used O -100 for O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 image B-ASP Negative and O -100 he O -100 product O -100 no O -100 match O -100 at O -100 all O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive very O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 very O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive good O -100 but O -100 a O -100 single O -100 problem O -100 with O -100 size O -100 . O -100 the O -100 best O -100 in O -100 the O -100 lineup O -100 and O -100 the O -100 best O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive available O -100 and O -100 it O -100 gives O -100 an O -100 edge O -100 as O -100 my O -100 money O -100 goes O -100 for O -100 charity O -100 . O -100 in O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Negative feded O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 comes O -100 out O -100 . O -100 in O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP -100 feded O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative comes O -100 out O -100 . O -100 but O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 not O -100 the O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative used O -100 . O -100 no O -100 doubt O -100 that O -100 upholstery B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive used O -100 in O -100 this O -100 cloth O -100 , O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 am O -100 a O -100 body O -100 builder O -100 and O -100 its O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive but O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative was O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative faded O -100 in O -100 single O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 its O -100 colour B-ASP Negative get O -100 fade O -100 in O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 exchange O -100 service O -100 but O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 rough O -100 . O -100 i O -100 like O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 though O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 way O -100 it O -100 packed B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 appreciable O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 not O -100 bad O -100 , O -100 its O -100 printing B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 also O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 colouring B-ASP Negative and O -100 bad O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 i O -100 love O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Neutral is O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 i O -100 am O -100 satisfied O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 i O -100 am O -100 satisfied O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 soft O -100 on O -100 skin O -100 cons O -100 : O -100 regarding O -100 durability O -100 , O -100 it O -100 is O -100 ok O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 of O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 same O -100 as O -100 given O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 of O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 same O -100 as O -100 given O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 the O -100 front O -100 design O -100 material B-ASP Neutral is O -100 kind O -100 of O -100 rubber O -100 type O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 a O -100 great O -100 deal B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 just O -100 fabulous O -100 and O -100 the O -100 delivery O -100 was O -100 also O -100 made O -100 before O -100 the O -100 due O -100 date O -100 very O -100 happy O -100 after O -100 this O -100 purchase B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Neutral quality I-ASP Neutral is O -100 ok O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 material O -100 is O -100 fine O -100 , O -100 it O -100 fits B-ASP Positive the O -100 body O -100 well O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 n O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 decent O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 n O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 decent O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 looking O -100 very O -100 stylish O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive clothe I-ASP Positive , O -100 attractive O -100 printing O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 cotton O -100 clothe O -100 , O -100 attractive O -100 printing B-ASP Positive . O -100 to O -100 cheap O -100 material B-ASP Negative don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 . O -100 3xl O -100 was O -100 a O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive for O -100 me O -100 . O -100 thin O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative not O -100 worth O -100 for O -100 money O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 at O -100 amazing O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 super O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 super O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 fully O -100 cotton O -100 and O -100 it O -100 is O -100 specially O -100 attractive O -100 for O -100 the O -100 unique O -100 design B-ASP Positive at O -100 the O -100 neck O -100 of O -100 the O -100 tee O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 fully O -100 cotton O -100 and O -100 it O -100 is O -100 specially O -100 attractive O -100 for O -100 the O -100 unique O -100 design B-ASP -100 at O -100 the O -100 neck O -100 of O -100 the O -100 tee O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 and O -100 also O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 cloth O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 combination B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive color I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 fade O -100 and O -100 even O -100 smell B-ASP -100 is O -100 coming O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 is O -100 fade O -100 and O -100 even O -100 smell B-ASP Negative is O -100 coming O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 and O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 print B-ASP Negative will O -100 be O -100 removed O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 . O -100 Flipkart O -100 for O -100 this O -100 product O -100 at O -100 an O -100 amazing O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Negative on I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative t I-ASP Negative shirt I-ASP Negative was O -100 all O -100 ready O -100 gone O -100 when O -100 i O -100 had O -100 open O -100 and O -100 saw O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 quality O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative appears O -100 to O -100 be O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 after O -100 2 O -100 months O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 color B-ASP Negative fade O -100 . O -100 super O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive and O -100 super O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 super O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 and O -100 super O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive looks O -100 genuine O -100 as O -100 well O -100 , O -100 love O -100 it O -100 . O -100 in O -100 wash O -100 in O -100 twice O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 i O -100 gifted O -100 it O -100 to O -100 my O -100 husband O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 was O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 gifted O -100 it O -100 to O -100 my O -100 husband O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive was O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 but O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative . O -100 clothes B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 clothes B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 it O -100 is O -100 same O -100 which O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 screen O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 soft O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive when O -100 i O -100 wear O -100 it O -100 my O -100 friends O -100 complimented O -100 me O -100 . O -100 very O -100 cheap O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative in O -100 use O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Negative was O -100 little O -100 transparent O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 m O -100 size B-ASP Negative and O -100 i O -100 received O -100 s O -100 size O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 and O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 clothes B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 boat B-ASP -100 neck I-ASP -100 is O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 clothes B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 boat B-ASP Negative neck I-ASP Negative is O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 a O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 in O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 so O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 stars O -100 stars O -100 and O -100 stars O -100 , O -100 no O -100 fading O -100 , O -100 best O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 going O -100 for O -100 more O -100 . O -100 : O -100 ) O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 worth O -100 for O -100 money O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive fabric I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 m O -100 size O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 l O -100 size O -100 . O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 i O -100 liked O -100 the O -100 product O -100 , O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 design B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 i O -100 liked O -100 the O -100 product O -100 , O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 design B-ASP Positive - I-ASP Positive pattern I-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 color B-ASP -100 as O -100 well O -100 . O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive as O -100 well O -100 . O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 and O -100 it O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 feel O -100 comfortable O -100 on O -100 the O -100 body O -100 . O -100 after O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 looking O -100 so O -100 dirty O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Negative also O -100 fade O -100 . O -100 please O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 purchase O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP Positive but O -100 clothes O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 not O -100 better O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 design O -100 but O -100 clothes B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 better O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive & O -100 quick O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 & O -100 quick O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 really O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 print B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Positive looks O -100 amazing O -100 until O -100 you O -100 see O -100 it O -100 in O -100 person O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 worthy O -100 . O -100 so O -100 bad O -100 worst O -100 product O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 goinng O -100 . O -100 printing B-ASP Positive on I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive tshirt I-ASP Positive is O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 got O -100 defected O -100 piece O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 worth O -100 for O -100 money O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 as O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative materil I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 cheap O -100 . O -100 un O -100 fit O -100 size B-ASP Negative and O -100 damaged O -100 . O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive is O -100 one O -100 of O -100 the O -100 advantage O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 overall O -100 - O -100 better O -100 shopping B-ASP Positive experience I-ASP Positive . O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 excellent O -100 & O -100 awesome O -100 , O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP -100 is O -100 heavy O -100 . O -100 design B-ASP -100 is O -100 excellent O -100 & O -100 awesome O -100 , O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Negative is O -100 heavy O -100 . O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 material B-ASP Negative , O -100 seller O -100 is O -100 not O -100 giving O -100 proper O -100 size B-ASP -100 . O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 seller O -100 is O -100 not O -100 giving O -100 proper O -100 size B-ASP Negative . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 price B-ASP Positive was O -100 also O -100 fair O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative cloth I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 this O -100 is O -100 amazing O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive very O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 smooth O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 even O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 of O -100 inferior O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative t I-ASP Negative shirt I-ASP Negative get O -100 erased O -100 . O -100 soft O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive but O -100 bit O -100 loose O -100 after O -100 some O -100 use O -100 and O -100 stretchable O -100 also O -100 . O -100 material O -100 is O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Positive rate I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Neutral is O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 price O -100 rate O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cool O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 correct O -100 choice O -100 for O -100 summer O -100 and O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered B-ASP Positive the O -100 product O -100 with O -100 in O -100 one O -100 day O -100 henley B-ASP -100 style I-ASP -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 and O -100 very O -100 smooth O -100 . O -100 cool O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 correct O -100 choice O -100 for O -100 summer O -100 and O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered B-ASP -100 the O -100 product O -100 with O -100 in O -100 one O -100 day O -100 henley B-ASP Positive style I-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 and O -100 very O -100 smooth O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 texture B-ASP Positive , O -100 amazing O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 texture B-ASP -100 , O -100 amazing O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 texture B-ASP -100 , O -100 amazing O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative not O -100 as O -100 per O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 their O -100 print B-ASP Negative was O -100 damaged O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 , O -100 please O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 product O -100 deliver O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive also O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 n O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 product O -100 deliver O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 also O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 n O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative issue O -100 . O -100 long O -100 lasting O -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive but O -100 d O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 not O -100 nycly O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 quality B-ASP Negative , O -100 short O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 worst O -100 part O -100 was O -100 color B-ASP -100 - O -100 you O -100 get O -100 a O -100 dark O -100 green O -100 color O -100 instead O -100 of O -100 shown O -100 one O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 short O -100 size B-ASP Negative and O -100 the O -100 worst O -100 part O -100 was O -100 color B-ASP -100 - O -100 you O -100 get O -100 a O -100 dark O -100 green O -100 color O -100 instead O -100 of O -100 shown O -100 one O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 short O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 worst O -100 part O -100 was O -100 color B-ASP Negative - O -100 you O -100 get O -100 a O -100 dark O -100 green O -100 color O -100 instead O -100 of O -100 shown O -100 one O -100 . O -100 fast O -100 delivery O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive but O -100 not O -100 pure O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 really O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 good O -100 printed B-ASP Positive of O -100 lord O -100 siva O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cuttings B-ASP Positive and O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 are O -100 done O -100 to O -100 perfection O -100 ( O -100 premium O -100 stuff O -100 ) O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cuttings B-ASP -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive are O -100 done O -100 to O -100 perfection O -100 ( O -100 premium O -100 stuff O -100 ) O -100 . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 but O -100 one O -100 of O -100 the O -100 tshirt B-ASP Negative neck I-ASP Negative fitting I-ASP Negative is O -100 bad O -100 but O -100 other O -100 than O -100 shirts O -100 are O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 not O -100 fit B-ASP Negative and O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 big O -100 . O -100 not O -100 fit B-ASP -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 big O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 totally O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton O -100 , O -100 and O -100 is O -100 not O -100 the O -100 best O -100 , O -100 but O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colors B-ASP -100 are O -100 bright O -100 and O -100 same O -100 as O -100 in O -100 the O -100 pictures O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 totally O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton O -100 , O -100 and O -100 is O -100 not O -100 the O -100 best O -100 , O -100 but O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colors B-ASP Positive are O -100 bright O -100 and O -100 same O -100 as O -100 in O -100 the O -100 pictures O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 totally O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton O -100 , O -100 and O -100 is O -100 not O -100 the O -100 best O -100 , O -100 but O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colors B-ASP -100 are O -100 bright O -100 and O -100 same O -100 as O -100 in O -100 the O -100 pictures O -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 thanks O -100 excellent O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive thanks O -100 i O -100 got O -100 a O -100 very O -100 light O -100 blue O -100 colour B-ASP Neutral . O -100 i O -100 have O -100 used O -100 them O -100 for O -100 3 O -100 - O -100 4 O -100 times O -100 and O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 nothing O -100 happened O -100 odd O -100 thus O -100 good O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP Positive not O -100 cheating O -100 . O -100 five O -100 stars O -100 for O -100 style B-ASP Positive , O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 print B-ASP -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 looks O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 five O -100 stars O -100 for O -100 style B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive , O -100 print B-ASP -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 looks O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 five O -100 stars O -100 for O -100 style B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 print B-ASP Positive , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 looks O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 five O -100 stars O -100 for O -100 style B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 print B-ASP -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP Positive , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 looks O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 five O -100 stars O -100 for O -100 style B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 print B-ASP -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 looks O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 five O -100 stars O -100 for O -100 style B-ASP -100 , O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 print B-ASP -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 looks O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 and O -100 cheap O -100 quality B-ASP Negative product I-ASP Negative . O -100 super O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 with O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP -100 specially O -100 suits O -100 to O -100 all O -100 men O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 with O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive specially O -100 suits O -100 to O -100 all O -100 men O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 good O -100 martial B-ASP Positive tshirt O -100 . O -100 stitch B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 but O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price B-ASP Positive its O -100 good O -100 , O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP -100 is O -100 fading O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 stitch B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 but O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price B-ASP -100 its O -100 good O -100 , O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP -100 is O -100 fading O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 stitch B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 but O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price B-ASP -100 its O -100 good O -100 , O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 fading O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative faded O -100 aftrr O -100 few O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 this O -100 is O -100 the O -100 worst O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative i O -100 have O -100 ever O -100 seen O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 than O -100 it O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 . O -100 this O -100 is O -100 the O -100 worst O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 i O -100 have O -100 ever O -100 seen O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 than O -100 it O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 . O -100 i O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 know O -100 if O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 cotton O -100 or O -100 something O -100 else O -100 but O -100 its O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 feels O -100 like O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality O -100 at O -100 superb O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative not O -100 as O -100 per O -100 cost O -100 . O -100 fantastic O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 color O -100 but O -100 color O -100 was O -100 fading O -100 . O -100 fantastic O -100 size O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Negative but O -100 color O -100 was O -100 fading O -100 . O -100 product O -100 and O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive texture I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 shoulders O -100 are O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 sleevs B-ASP -100 are O -100 too O -100 short O -100 . O -100 product O -100 and O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 texture I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 shoulders O -100 are O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 sleevs B-ASP Negative are O -100 too O -100 short O -100 . O -100 soft O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 fits B-ASP -100 really O -100 well O -100 . O -100 soft O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 fits B-ASP Positive really O -100 well O -100 . O -100 super O -100 product O -100 and O -100 delivery B-ASP Negative is O -100 so O -100 late O -100 but O -100 product O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 thank O -100 you O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 this O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 , O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 color B-ASP Negative spread O -100 not O -100 good O -100 very O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP -100 not O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 company O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 , O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 color B-ASP -100 spread O -100 not O -100 good O -100 very O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP Negative not O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 company O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive worth O -100 buying O -100 it O -100 . O -100 attractive O -100 , O -100 dashing O -100 black B-ASP Positive color I-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 from O -100 peter O -100 england O -100 , O -100 good O -100 color B-ASP Positive very O -100 comfortable O -100 also O -100 at O -100 very O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 from O -100 peter O -100 england O -100 , O -100 good O -100 color B-ASP -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 also O -100 at O -100 very O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 worst O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 , O -100 size B-ASP Negative not O -100 match O -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Positive combination I-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 so O -100 is O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP -100 combination I-ASP -100 is O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 so O -100 is O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 fabls O -100 brand O -100 thanks O -100 metronaut O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 color B-ASP -100 both O -100 are O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive both O -100 are O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 low O -100 cost O -100 is O -100 very O -100 hi O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Neutral quality I-ASP Neutral is O -100 ok O -100 , O -100 nothing O -100 great O -100 . O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 large O -100 size O -100 what O -100 i O -100 normally O -100 wear O -100 but O -100 the O -100 selves B-ASP Negative were O -100 small O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 & O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 superb O -100 & O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 moreover O -100 it O -100 is O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 attractive O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 colour B-ASP Positive as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 its O -100 really O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 looking O -100 like O -100 same O -100 as O -100 above O -100 picture O -100 , O -100 really O -100 like O -100 it O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 in O -100 such O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 but O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 medium O -100 size O -100 is O -100 so O -100 big O -100 than O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 has O -100 to O -100 be O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 superb O -100 but O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative , O -100 medium O -100 size O -100 is O -100 so O -100 big O -100 than O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 has O -100 to O -100 be O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 . O -100 well O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 well O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 blue O -100 colour B-ASP Negative shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 match O -100 with O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirts O -100 blue O -100 colour O -100 . O -100 thin O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 cheap O -100 , O -100 not O -100 expected O -100 from O -100 locomotive O -100 . O -100 i O -100 got O -100 it O -100 for O -100 320 O -100 and O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 i O -100 like O -100 tight O -100 fit B-ASP Positive on O -100 my O -100 arms O -100 . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 think O -100 much O -100 about O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 it O -100 just O -100 an O -100 awesome O -100 , O -100 but O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 if O -100 you O -100 have O -100 lower O -100 belly O -100 , O -100 otherwise O -100 fantastic O -100 items O -100 , O -100 stick O -100 to O -100 your O -100 body O -100 , O -100 smooth O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 after O -100 two O -100 times O -100 or O -100 3 O -100 times O -100 wash O -100 it O -100 losen O -100 up O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 heavy O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 small O -100 than O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 ok O -100 smooth O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive colouris B-ASP -100 dull O -100 , O -100 flifcart O -100 delivery O -100 is O -100 good O -100 for O -100 me O -100 . O -100 ok O -100 smooth O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 colouris B-ASP Negative dull O -100 , O -100 flifcart O -100 delivery O -100 is O -100 good O -100 for O -100 me O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 size B-ASP -100 n O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 size B-ASP Positive n O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 at O -100 a O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 not O -100 a O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 level O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 level O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative and O -100 stitching O -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 material O -100 and O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 , O -100 genuine O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 such O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 at O -100 the O -100 right O -100 price B-ASP Positive worth O -100 for O -100 money O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP -100 loved O -100 it O -100 . O -100 such O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 at O -100 the O -100 right O -100 price B-ASP -100 worth O -100 for O -100 money O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive loved O -100 it O -100 . O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative clot I-ASP Negative h O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 was O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive was O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 for O -100 the O -100 price B-ASP Positive , O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fad O -100 after O -100 multiple O -100 rounds O -100 of O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 it O -100 has O -100 a O -100 great O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive and O -100 premium O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 . O -100 it O -100 has O -100 a O -100 great O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 and O -100 premium O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive . O -100 so O -100 quet O -100 color B-ASP Positive & O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 most O -100 nice O -100 brand O -100 . O -100 so O -100 quet O -100 color B-ASP -100 & O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive most O -100 nice O -100 brand O -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 cool O -100 fittng B-ASP -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 cool O -100 fittng B-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 colors B-ASP -100 , O -100 form B-ASP -100 look O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 colors B-ASP Positive , O -100 form B-ASP -100 look O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 colors B-ASP -100 , O -100 form B-ASP Positive look O -100 good O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 - O -100 color B-ASP Positive looks O -100 fab O -100 . O -100 thanks O -100 to O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered O -100 in O -100 2 O -100 working O -100 days O -100 & O -100 the O -100 shirt B-ASP Positive design I-ASP Positive & O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 stunning O -100 really O -100 good O -100 product O -100 thanks O -100 to O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 thanks O -100 to O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered O -100 in O -100 2 O -100 working O -100 days O -100 & O -100 the O -100 shirt B-ASP -100 design I-ASP -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 stunning O -100 really O -100 good O -100 product O -100 thanks O -100 to O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 build B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive and O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 build B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 and O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP -100 & O -100 of O -100 course O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 on O -100 time O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP Positive & O -100 of O -100 course O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 on O -100 time O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP -100 & O -100 of O -100 course O -100 delivery B-ASP Neutral on O -100 time O -100 . O -100 i O -100 gifted O -100 this O -100 to O -100 my O -100 father O -100 its O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 bright O -100 color B-ASP Positive worth O -100 buying O -100 this O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 better O -100 not O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 match O -100 to O -100 the O -100 color O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 amazing O -100 product O -100 , O -100 beautiful O -100 print B-ASP Positive , O -100 delivered O -100 before O -100 schedule O -100 arrival O -100 . O -100 the O -100 shirt O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 also O -100 . O -100 very O -100 dull O -100 colour B-ASP Negative and O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 cloth O -100 is O -100 cheap O -100 . O -100 very O -100 dull O -100 colour O -100 and O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative cloth I-ASP Negative is O -100 cheap O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive n O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 n O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 fit B-ASP Positive perfectly O -100 for O -100 a O -100 bulky O -100 guy O -100 like O -100 me O -100 , O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 xl O -100 size O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 a O -100 little O -100 thick O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 the O -100 clothes B-ASP Negative are O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 but O -100 print B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 but O -100 good O -100 look O -100 n O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 light O -100 than O -100 it O -100 appears O -100 and O -100 hot O -100 , O -100 not O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 i O -100 believe O -100 the O -100 brand O -100 is O -100 placed O -100 perfectly O -100 , O -100 pricing B-ASP Positive is O -100 competitive O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 believe O -100 the O -100 brand O -100 is O -100 placed O -100 perfectly O -100 , O -100 pricing B-ASP -100 is O -100 competitive O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 shoulder B-ASP Negative was O -100 broader O -100 than O -100 i O -100 thought O -100 and O -100 also O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 faded O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 the O -100 shoulder B-ASP -100 was O -100 broader O -100 than O -100 i O -100 thought O -100 and O -100 also O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative faded O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 overall O -100 good O -100 deal O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive overall O -100 good O -100 deal O -100 . O -100 third O -100 class O -100 product O -100 print B-ASP Negative removed O -100 after O -100 second O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 clothes B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 cheap O -100 . O -100 but O -100 i O -100 doubt O -100 that O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 i O -100 got O -100 from O -100 Levis O -100 . O -100 and O -100 best O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive very O -100 bad O -100 product O -100 clothes B-ASP Negative comfort I-ASP Negative are O -100 very O -100 less O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 but O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 the O -100 sticker B-ASP Negative label I-ASP Negative is O -100 also O -100 useless O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 horrible O -100 , O -100 the O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 is O -100 horrible O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 crappy O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 horrible O -100 , O -100 the O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 horrible O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 crappy O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 horrible O -100 , O -100 the O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 is O -100 horrible O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 crappy O -100 . O -100 i O -100 have O -100 ordered O -100 large O -100 size O -100 in O -100 combo O -100 and O -100 received O -100 the O -100 same O -100 , O -100 but O -100 one O -100 tshirt O -100 fits B-ASP Negative perfect O -100 while O -100 other O -100 one O -100 too O -100 big O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Negative faded O -100 in O -100 a O -100 single O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 not O -100 good O -100 for O -100 material B-ASP Negative quality O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 color B-ASP Negative lightly O -100 got O -100 faded O -100 after O -100 few O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 very O -100 very O -100 beautiful O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 such O -100 a O -100 good O -100 cloth O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 that O -100 too O -100 with O -100 such O -100 a O -100 afforable O -100 rate B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 very O -100 beautiful O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 such O -100 a O -100 good O -100 cloth O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 that O -100 too O -100 with O -100 such O -100 a O -100 afforable O -100 rate B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 very O -100 beautiful O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 such O -100 a O -100 good O -100 cloth O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 that O -100 too O -100 with O -100 such O -100 a O -100 afforable O -100 rate B-ASP Positive . O -100 not O -100 worthy O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 good O -100 , O -100 color O -100 is O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 overall O -100 its O -100 worthy O -100 only O -100 for O -100 rs O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 and O -100 clothe B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 super O -100 . O -100 best O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 comfort B-ASP -100 , O -100 buy O -100 it O -100 . O -100 best O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 comfort B-ASP Positive , O -100 buy O -100 it O -100 . O -100 loved O -100 this O -100 product O -100 , O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 loved O -100 this O -100 product O -100 , O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 ' O -100 m O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 respect O -100 to O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 stuff O -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive must O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive & O -100 colour B-ASP -100 both O -100 are O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP Positive both O -100 are O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 color B-ASP -100 as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 delivered O -100 with O -100 in O -100 2 O -100 days O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 delivered O -100 with O -100 in O -100 2 O -100 days O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 cloth O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 must O -100 buy O -100 for O -100 a O -100 fit O -100 person O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 it O -100 has O -100 supreme O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 loved O -100 this O -100 product O -100 . O -100 but O -100 this O -100 jersey B-ASP Positive is O -100 an O -100 authentic O -100 one O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 superb O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 are O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive and O -100 it O -100 is O -100 correct O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 are O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 and O -100 it O -100 is O -100 correct O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 yeah O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 great O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 that O -100 printing B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 big O -100 . O -100 only O -100 thing O -100 which O -100 is O -100 bit O -100 awkward O -100 is O -100 length B-ASP Negative which O -100 is O -100 too O -100 much O -100 for O -100 that O -100 size O -100 . O -100 overall O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 tee O -100 but O -100 the O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative should O -100 have O -100 been O -100 stitched O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 more O -100 precisely O -100 , O -100 because O -100 after O -100 wearing O -100 the O -100 tee O -100 with O -100 thumbs O -100 on O -100 , O -100 it O -100 is O -100 creating O -100 a O -100 wrinkle O -100 on O -100 the O -100 sleeve O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality O -100 in O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Negative . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative and O -100 printing B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 and O -100 printing B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative not O -100 per O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 cheap O -100 and O -100 best O -100 premium O -100 clothing B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 was O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative of O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 below O -100 standard O -100 level O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive and O -100 design B-ASP -100 felt O -100 excited O -100 while O -100 wearing O -100 it O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 and O -100 design B-ASP Positive felt O -100 excited O -100 while O -100 wearing O -100 it O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 looking O -100 and O -100 marerial B-ASP Positive is O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 low O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Negative used O -100 for O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 m O -100 size O -100 but O -100 actually O -100 some O -100 big O -100 like O -100 xl O -100 size O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 superb O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive ma O -100 hubby O -100 lyked O -100 it O -100 so O -100 much O -100 . O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive was O -100 on O -100 time O -100 and O -100 loved O -100 it O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 larger O -100 than O -100 regular O -100 fitting O -100 . O -100 i O -100 am O -100 using O -100 this O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 i O -100 never O -100 get O -100 upset O -100 from O -100 it O -100 high O -100 quality O -100 shirt O -100 in O -100 cheap O -100 price B-ASP Positive very O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 the O -100 delivery O -100 was O -100 very O -100 quickly O -100 . O -100 i O -100 got O -100 the O -100 perfect O -100 product O -100 and O -100 the O -100 product O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 fantastic O -100 and O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 looks O -100 really O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 , O -100 would O -100 definitely O -100 recommend O -100 it O -100 . O -100 these O -100 cotton O -100 tshirts O -100 have O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 perfect O -100 for O -100 daily O -100 uses O -100 . O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 no O -100 where O -100 close O -100 to O -100 the O -100 display O -100 picture O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 lame O -100 , O -100 and O -100 is O -100 overly O -100 priced O -100 . O -100 returned O -100 the O -100 product O -100 same O -100 day O -100 . O -100 highly O -100 disappointed O -100 with O -100 Flipkart O -100 whose O -100 selling O -100 this O -100 kind O -100 of O -100 low O -100 quality B-ASP Negative products I-ASP Negative . O -100 will O -100 think O -100 twice O -100 before O -100 ordering O -100 clothes O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive used O -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 so O -100 good O -100 but O -100 it O -100 is O -100 not O -100 fit B-ASP Negative because O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 so O -100 big O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 so O -100 good O -100 but O -100 it O -100 is O -100 not O -100 fit B-ASP -100 because O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 so O -100 big O -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative changed O -100 in O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 but O -100 its O -100 too O -100 high O -100 price B-ASP Negative . O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive but O -100 hands B-ASP -100 very O -100 tight O -100 and O -100 neck B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 round O -100 shape O -100 in O -100 while O -100 wearing O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP -100 but O -100 hands B-ASP Negative very O -100 tight O -100 and O -100 neck B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 round O -100 shape O -100 in O -100 while O -100 wearing O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP -100 but O -100 hands B-ASP -100 very O -100 tight O -100 and O -100 neck B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 round O -100 shape O -100 in O -100 while O -100 wearing O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive , O -100 fast O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 reasonably O -100 priced B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 cotton B-ASP -100 , O -100 fast O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 reasonably O -100 priced B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 cotton B-ASP -100 , O -100 fast O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 reasonably O -100 priced B-ASP Positive . O -100 made O -100 with O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive nice O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP -100 lived O -100 it O -100 . O -100 made O -100 with O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 nice O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP Positive lived O -100 it O -100 . O -100 fit B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 ( O -100 smaller O -100 ) O -100 quality O -100 also O -100 not O -100 too O -100 good O -100 . O -100 3 O -100 > O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive color B-ASP -100 4 O -100 > O -100 first O -100 product O -100 bought O -100 from O -100 Flipkart O -100 & O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 a O -100 worthwhile O -100 product O -100 . O -100 3 O -100 > O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 color B-ASP Neutral 4 O -100 > O -100 first O -100 product O -100 bought O -100 from O -100 Flipkart O -100 & O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 a O -100 worthwhile O -100 product O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 great O -100 product O -100 at O -100 less O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 size B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative shirts I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 but O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 , O -100 tight O -100 in O -100 neck B-ASP -100 and I-ASP -100 sleeve I-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 but O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 , O -100 tight O -100 in O -100 neck B-ASP Negative and I-ASP Negative sleeve I-ASP Negative is O -100 also O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 cloths B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 cloths B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 s B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative but O -100 that O -100 was O -100 smaller O -100 than O -100 normal O -100 s O -100 size O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative got O -100 fade O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 also O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 was O -100 awesome O -100 and O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive . O -100 great O -100 quality B-ASP -100 with O -100 comfort O -100 , O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 fit O -100 as O -100 per O -100 expectations O -100 . O -100 great O -100 quality B-ASP Positive with O -100 comfort O -100 , O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 fit O -100 as O -100 per O -100 expectations O -100 . O -100 don O -100 " O -100 t O -100 prefer O -100 this O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 , O -100 worst O -100 product O -100 , O -100 retuned O -100 immediately O -100 after O -100 receiving O -100 it O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 more O -100 bigger O -100 that O -100 i O -100 expect O -100 but O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 enough O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive with O -100 low O -100 budget O -100 compare O -100 with O -100 market O -100 price O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 amazing O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 ; O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered B-ASP -100 it O -100 on O -100 time O -100 and O -100 the O -100 price O -100 was O -100 too O -100 good O -100 ; O -100 size B-ASP -100 chart I-ASP -100 was O -100 totally O -100 right O -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 me O -100 easily O -100 ! O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 amazing O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 ; O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered B-ASP Positive it O -100 on O -100 time O -100 and O -100 the O -100 price O -100 was O -100 too O -100 good O -100 ; O -100 size B-ASP -100 chart I-ASP -100 was O -100 totally O -100 right O -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 me O -100 easily O -100 ! O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 amazing O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 ; O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered B-ASP -100 it O -100 on O -100 time O -100 and O -100 the O -100 price O -100 was O -100 too O -100 good O -100 ; O -100 size B-ASP Positive chart I-ASP Positive was O -100 totally O -100 right O -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 me O -100 easily O -100 ! O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 really O -100 amazing O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 ; O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivered B-ASP -100 it O -100 on O -100 time O -100 and O -100 the O -100 price O -100 was O -100 too O -100 good O -100 ; O -100 size B-ASP -100 chart I-ASP -100 was O -100 totally O -100 right O -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive me O -100 easily O -100 ! O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 value O -100 for O -100 money O -100 . O -100 great O -100 offer O -100 and O -100 great O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 great O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 colors B-ASP Positive display O -100 to O -100 same O -100 . O -100 t B-ASP Positive shirt I-ASP Positive print I-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Positive won O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fade O -100 easily O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative & O -100 logo B-ASP -100 printed I-ASP -100 on O -100 the O -100 stuff O -100 is O -100 too O -100 small O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 image O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 & O -100 logo B-ASP Negative printed I-ASP Negative on O -100 the O -100 stuff O -100 is O -100 too O -100 small O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 image O -100 . O -100 fantastic O -100 colour B-ASP Positive complexion I-ASP Positive , O -100 value O -100 for O -100 money O -100 . O -100 it O -100 is O -100 defective O -100 n O -100 the O -100 delivery B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 late O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 foot O -100 path O -100 quality B-ASP Negative and O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 foot O -100 path O -100 quality B-ASP -100 and O -100 design B-ASP Negative . O -100 product B-ASP Negative packing I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 quality O -100 but O -100 neck B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative is O -100 big O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 average O -100 . O -100 tshirt B-ASP Negative materials I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 pure O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 overall O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 are O -100 pretty O -100 much O -100 satisfied O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 on O -100 sunny O -100 days O -100 . O -100 not O -100 genuine O -100 material B-ASP Negative as O -100 described O -100 . O -100 in O -100 the O -100 arms O -100 paint B-ASP Negative is O -100 getting O -100 removed O -100 . O -100 its O -100 look O -100 wise O -100 good O -100 but O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 stichings B-ASP Negative are O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 and O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 light O -100 colours O -100 . O -100 clr O -100 and O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 but O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 well O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative was O -100 having O -100 a O -100 whitish O -100 fade O -100 effect O -100 . O -100 m O -100 6 O -100 feet O -100 and O -100 ordered O -100 xxl O -100 . O -100 fits B-ASP Positive perfectly O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 but O -100 there O -100 are O -100 gaps O -100 in O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative . O -100 although O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 it O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Negative faded O -100 just O -100 after O -100 few O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP Negative , O -100 bad O -100 texture B-ASP -100 , O -100 worst O -100 tshirt O -100 ever O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 bad O -100 texture B-ASP Negative , O -100 worst O -100 tshirt O -100 ever O -100 . O -100 length B-ASP Negative is O -100 short O -100 & O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 sticker B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 of O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 with O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 effective O -100 price B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 with O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 effective O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 proper O -100 though O -100 . O -100 the O -100 bucket O -100 full O -100 of O -100 water O -100 turned O -100 to O -100 same O -100 color B-ASP Neutral of O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive was O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 was O -100 good O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 a O -100 tight O -100 fit B-ASP Negative shirt O -100 not O -100 suitable O -100 for O -100 slim O -100 body O -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP Negative and O -100 tshirt O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 from O -100 image O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 tshirt O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 from O -100 image O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 got O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 in O -100 effective O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 its O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 and O -100 clothe B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 soothing O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 . O -100 its O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 and O -100 clothe B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 soothing O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 it O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative u O -100 may O -100 get O -100 skin O -100 problem O -100 mostly O -100 at O -100 gym O -100 due O -100 to O -100 sweat O -100 and O -100 bad O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 material I-ASP -100 . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 it O -100 bad O -100 material B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 u O -100 may O -100 get O -100 skin O -100 problem O -100 mostly O -100 at O -100 gym O -100 due O -100 to O -100 sweat O -100 and O -100 bad O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative . O -100 great O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 sweat O -100 gets O -100 wick O -100 off O -100 easily O -100 . O -100 design B-ASP Positive looks O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 not O -100 worthy O -100 . O -100 fiber B-ASP Negative used O -100 is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 ? O -100 . O -100 exact O -100 color B-ASP Positive n O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 exact O -100 color B-ASP -100 n O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative and O -100 elasticity B-ASP -100 not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 elasticity B-ASP Negative not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 thanks O -100 for O -100 Flipkart O -100 for O -100 wonderful O -100 service B-ASP Positive . O -100 best O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Positive looking O -100 cool O -100 m O -100 happy O -100 . O -100 the O -100 tee O -100 shirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 pretty O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 pricing B-ASP Positive was O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 on O -100 the O -100 steeper O -100 side O -100 . O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 xxl O -100 then O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Positive - O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 - O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 - O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 - O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive - O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 - O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 - O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 - O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive - O -100 good O -100 . O -100 otherwise O -100 all O -100 put O -100 together O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 for O -100 the O -100 price B-ASP Neutral . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 smooth O -100 and O -100 soft O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative fade O -100 away O -100 very O -100 easily O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 one O -100 in O -100 tshirt O -100 collection O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 also O -100 good O -100 combination B-ASP -100 of O -100 white O -100 and O -100 black O -100 nice O -100 one O -100 in O -100 tshirt O -100 collection O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 also O -100 good O -100 combination B-ASP Positive of O -100 white O -100 and O -100 black O -100 worst O -100 quality O -100 ever O -100 and O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 ' O -100 size B-ASP Neutral fits O -100 like O -100 ' O -100 xxl O -100 ' O -100 . O -100 coming O -100 to O -100 the O -100 product O -100 , O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 amazing O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfectly O -100 fitted O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive super O -100 bbb O -100 . O -100 look O -100 and O -100 feels O -100 are O -100 fine O -100 , O -100 the O -100 only O -100 thing O -100 you O -100 may O -100 stick O -100 with O -100 is O -100 colour B-ASP Positive quality O -100 . O -100 very O -100 big O -100 size B-ASP Negative not O -100 a O -100 compatible O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Neutral is O -100 synthetic O -100 not O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 and O -100 print B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 stuff O -100 and O -100 fine O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 a O -100 good O -100 product O -100 according O -100 to O -100 price B-ASP -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 . O -100 a O -100 good O -100 product O -100 according O -100 to O -100 price B-ASP -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 a O -100 good O -100 product O -100 according O -100 to O -100 price B-ASP Positive , O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 fade O -100 after O -100 2 O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 too O -100 god O -100 , O -100 , O -100 worth O -100 buying O -100 thanks O -100 to O -100 Flipkart O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 fabric O -100 as O -100 well O -100 as O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 thanks O -100 to O -100 Flipkart O -100 nice O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive fabric I-ASP Positive as O -100 well O -100 as O -100 nice O -100 fitting O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 good O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 colour B-ASP Negative faded O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 good O -100 . O -100 product O -100 was O -100 damaged O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 the O -100 one O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fade O -100 of O -100 two O -100 colors B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 and O -100 it O -100 comes O -100 as O -100 i O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 cool O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive but O -100 worst O -100 return B-ASP -100 n O -100 exchange B-ASP -100 service I-ASP -100 . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 cool O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 but O -100 worst O -100 return B-ASP Negative n O -100 exchange B-ASP -100 service I-ASP -100 . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 cool O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 but O -100 worst O -100 return B-ASP -100 n O -100 exchange B-ASP Negative service I-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 printed B-ASP Negative part I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 as O -100 time O -100 passes O -100 it O -100 stretches O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 super O -100 but O -100 stretching O -100 is O -100 the O -100 broblem O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 in O -100 best O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 this O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 awesome O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 , O -100 colour O -100 same O -100 as O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive & O -100 good O -100 fabric O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size O -100 & O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 fine O -100 . O -100 great O -100 fit B-ASP Positive recommended O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 dull O -100 and O -100 used O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 suppled O -100 to O -100 me O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 dull O -100 and O -100 used O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 suppled O -100 to O -100 me O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 also O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 the O -100 service B-ASP -100 of O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 also O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 also O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 the O -100 service B-ASP Positive of O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 also O -100 . O -100 same O -100 color O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 much O -100 good O -100 . O -100 looking O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 slim O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 perfect O -100 in O -100 size B-ASP -100 . O -100 looking O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 slim O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 in O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 which O -100 i O -100 purchased O -100 from O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 : O -100 ) O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 which O -100 i O -100 purchased O -100 from O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 : O -100 ) O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 colors B-ASP Positive remain O -100 good O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative fitting O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 do O -100 not O -100 buy O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 fade O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 a O -100 awesome O -100 print B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 , O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive . O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 very O -100 bright O -100 orange O -100 color O -100 is O -100 received O -100 . O -100 clothe B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 smooth O -100 , O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 original O -100 & O -100 fast O -100 dielavar O -100 best O -100 prise B-ASP -100 thanks O -100 flip O -100 cart O -100 . O -100 clothe B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 smooth O -100 , O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 original O -100 & O -100 fast O -100 dielavar O -100 best O -100 prise B-ASP -100 thanks O -100 flip O -100 cart O -100 . O -100 clothe B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 smooth O -100 , O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 original O -100 & O -100 fast O -100 dielavar O -100 best O -100 prise B-ASP Positive thanks O -100 flip O -100 cart O -100 . O -100 try O -100 everybody O -100 once O -100 at O -100 least O -100 , O -100 fine O -100 material B-ASP Positive comfort O -100 also O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 of O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 perfect O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 image O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 so O -100 stretchable O -100 item O -100 is O -100 super O -100 and O -100 affordable O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 proper O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive looking O -100 at O -100 its O -100 price O -100 . O -100 good O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 large O -100 but O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 great O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 ? O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 no O -100 purchase O -100 by O -100 product O -100 size B-ASP Negative issue O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 issue O -100 bakvas O -100 totally O -100 . O -100 no O -100 purchase O -100 by O -100 product O -100 size B-ASP -100 issue O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative issue O -100 bakvas O -100 totally O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive , O -100 comforatable O -100 as O -100 well O -100 color B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP -100 , O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 comes O -100 in O -100 a O -100 small O -100 jute O -100 bag O -100 packing B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 comforatable O -100 as O -100 well O -100 color B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP -100 , O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 comes O -100 in O -100 a O -100 small O -100 jute O -100 bag O -100 packing B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 comforatable O -100 as O -100 well O -100 color B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP Positive , O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 comes O -100 in O -100 a O -100 small O -100 jute O -100 bag O -100 packing B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 comforatable O -100 as O -100 well O -100 color B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP -100 , O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 comes O -100 in O -100 a O -100 small O -100 jute O -100 bag O -100 packing B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 , O -100 comforatable O -100 as O -100 well O -100 color B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP -100 , O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 comes O -100 in O -100 a O -100 small O -100 jute O -100 bag O -100 packing B-ASP Positive . O -100 same O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive the O -100 only O -100 issue O -100 is O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 different O -100 from O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 the O -100 only O -100 issue O -100 is O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 different O -100 from O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 freakin O -100 awesome O -100 , O -100 stiching B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP -100 as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 it O -100 didn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 get O -100 faded O -100 after O -100 4th O -100 wash O -100 , O -100 i O -100 think O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 the O -100 most O -100 believing O -100 site O -100 for O -100 me O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 freakin O -100 awesome O -100 , O -100 stiching B-ASP -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP Positive as O -100 expected O -100 , O -100 it O -100 didn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 get O -100 faded O -100 after O -100 4th O -100 wash O -100 , O -100 i O -100 think O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 the O -100 most O -100 believing O -100 site O -100 for O -100 me O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative fade O -100 away O -100 with O -100 only O -100 two O -100 washes O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative seems O -100 worn O -100 out O -100 . O -100 cotton B-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative is O -100 hard O -100 and O -100 very O -100 uncomfortable O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP -100 . O -100 cotton B-ASP -100 fabric I-ASP -100 is O -100 hard O -100 and O -100 very O -100 uncomfortable O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Negative . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 & O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 much O -100 great O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 good O -100 but O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative low O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 great O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 even O -100 the O -100 big O -100 brands O -100 do O -100 not O -100 give O -100 such O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP Positive depth I-ASP Positive . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 good O -100 product O -100 and O -100 clothes B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 are O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive are O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 light O -100 and O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 the I-ASP -100 fabric I-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 light O -100 and O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive with O -100 me O -100 & O -100 superb O -100 stylish O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 with O -100 unique O -100 colour O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 short O -100 . O -100 i O -100 expected O -100 material B-ASP Negative to O -100 be O -100 normal O -100 , O -100 but O -100 it O -100 is O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 fantastic O -100 material B-ASP Positive loved O -100 it O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 but O -100 about O -100 his O -100 rate B-ASP Negative is O -100 so O -100 high O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive but O -100 a O -100 size B-ASP -100 less O -100 than O -100 actually O -100 specified O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 material I-ASP -100 but O -100 a O -100 size B-ASP Negative less O -100 than O -100 actually O -100 specified O -100 . O -100 chepa O -100 quality B-ASP Negative lost O -100 all O -100 color B-ASP -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 itself O -100 . O -100 chepa O -100 quality B-ASP -100 lost O -100 all O -100 color B-ASP Negative after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 itself O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 color B-ASP Positive combination I-ASP Positive is O -100 just O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 product O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 got O -100 it O -100 for O -100 a O -100 deal O -100 price B-ASP Positive and O -100 worth O -100 it O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive with O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 with O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Neutral quality I-ASP Neutral is O -100 very O -100 rigid O -100 , O -100 not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 stretchable O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 products O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 we O -100 can O -100 buy O -100 it O -100 in O -100 local O -100 market O -100 by O -100 200 O -100 rs O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 having O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Negative , O -100 it O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 cheap O -100 100 O -100 / O -100 - O -100 rs O -100 item O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive according O -100 to O -100 its O -100 price O -100 range O -100 . O -100 i O -100 never O -100 can O -100 see O -100 that O -100 type O -100 of O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 worst O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative , O -100 never O -100 suggest O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 himgiri O -100 product O -100 . O -100 but O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 send O -100 wrong O -100 color B-ASP Negative again O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 same O -100 as O -100 ordered O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 is O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative dull O -100 not O -100 look O -100 like O -100 that O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 fabrik B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 to O -100 low O -100 . O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 worst O -100 holes O -100 on O -100 shoulders O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 only O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 and O -100 good O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 and O -100 good O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 i O -100 am O -100 happy O -100 with O -100 Flipkart O -100 thanks O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive shirts I-ASP Positive love O -100 u O -100 thanks O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 best O -100 quality B-ASP Positive as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 pretty O -100 good O -100 for O -100 the O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Negative doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 match O -100 too O -100 . O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Negative on O -100 it O -100 is O -100 washed O -100 away O -100 in O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 fast O -100 service B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 , O -100 fits B-ASP Positive well O -100 . O -100 it O -100 was O -100 same O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 and O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Positive was O -100 also O -100 bright O -100 . O -100 good O -100 color B-ASP Positive everything O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 nice O -100 about O -100 it O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative & O -100 tshirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 good O -100 n O -100 stylish O -100 look B-ASP Positive . O -100 this O -100 product B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 what O -100 fantastic O -100 finish B-ASP Positive and O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 what O -100 fantastic O -100 finish B-ASP -100 and O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP Positive combination I-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 colo O -100 u B-ASP Positive r O -100 combination O -100 and O -100 q O -100 u O -100 ality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 shirt O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 nice O -100 graphics B-ASP Positive worthy O -100 of O -100 the O -100 money O -100 spent O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Positive nice O -100 graphics B-ASP -100 worthy O -100 of O -100 the O -100 money O -100 spent O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative is O -100 just O -100 like O -100 the O -100 cloth O -100 of O -100 baniyain O -100 . O -100 t B-ASP Negative shirt I-ASP Negative cloth I-ASP Negative no O -100 satisfy O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive at O -100 cheap O -100 rate B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 at O -100 cheap O -100 rate B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 nice O -100 woolen B-ASP Positive fabric I-ASP Positive & O -100 thanks O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Positive along O -100 with O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP -100 along O -100 with O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 but O -100 delivery B-ASP Negative time I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 longest O -100 i O -100 am O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 for O -100 your O -100 service B-ASP -100 . O -100 but O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 time I-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 longest O -100 i O -100 am O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 for O -100 your O -100 service B-ASP Negative . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 the O -100 worst O -100 i O -100 , O -100 ve O -100 ever O -100 seen O -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 the O -100 price B-ASP Positive good O -100 for O -100 normal O -100 use O -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 the O -100 price O -100 good O -100 for O -100 normal B-ASP Positive use I-ASP Positive . O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 all O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 i O -100 loved O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive and O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 me O -100 . O -100 i O -100 loved O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 me O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative started O -100 fading O -100 away O -100 in O -100 less O -100 than O -100 one O -100 month O -100 . O -100 this O -100 time O -100 UCB O -100 has O -100 selected O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 its O -100 really O -100 looks O -100 great O -100 . O -100 cool O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 loved O -100 lottttt O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative vanish O -100 like O -100 the O -100 dirt O -100 on O -100 it O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirts O -100 and O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 good O -100 at O -100 cheapest O -100 price B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirts O -100 and O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 good O -100 at O -100 cheapest O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 cheap O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive : O -100 good O -100 color O -100 : O -100 perfect O -100 for O -100 black O -100 , O -100 grey O -100 slightly O -100 different O -100 than O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 image O -100 . O -100 lokk O -100 wise O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 but O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 all O -100 great O -100 . O -100 i O -100 like O -100 it O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 perfect O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 such O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 range O -100 love O -100 u O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive such O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 range O -100 love O -100 u O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 item B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 at O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Neutral . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 product O -100 meets O -100 the O -100 expectations O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 but O -100 leave O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 colour B-ASP Negative after O -100 first O -100 waah O -100 . O -100 its O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 its O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 its O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 its O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 good O -100 look O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 thin O -100 , O -100 yet O -100 good O -100 product O -100 . O -100 - O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 length B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 short O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 superb O -100 too O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 too O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive both O -100 are O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 color B-ASP Negative problem O -100 . O -100 best O -100 part O -100 is O -100 print B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive one O -100 of O -100 best O -100 kind O -100 & O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 feel O -100 typical O -100 wrangler O -100 . O -100 best O -100 part O -100 is O -100 print B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 one O -100 of O -100 best O -100 kind O -100 & O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 feel O -100 typical O -100 wrangler O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 pure O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 its O -100 good O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 looking O -100 and O -100 also O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 soft O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 just O -100 amazing O -100 , O -100 fits B-ASP Positive well O -100 , O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 just O -100 delivered O -100 what O -100 they O -100 showed O -100 here O -100 . O -100 i O -100 think O -100 it O -100 is O -100 very O -100 tough O -100 to O -100 find O -100 this O -100 color B-ASP Positive in O -100 local O -100 market O -100 . O -100 the O -100 t O -100 - O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP Positive , O -100 fits O -100 my O -100 size B-ASP -100 appropriately O -100 and O -100 the O -100 stuff O -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 t O -100 - O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 fits O -100 my O -100 size B-ASP Positive appropriately O -100 and O -100 the O -100 stuff O -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 at O -100 its O -100 level O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 quite O -100 big O -100 from O -100 regular O -100 fittings O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 the O -100 neck B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative is O -100 worst O -100 . O -100 its O -100 a O -100 very O -100 smart O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative issue O -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Positive combination I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 fabric I-ASP -100 is O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 it O -100 shrinks O -100 after O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP -100 combination I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative is O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 it O -100 shrinks O -100 after O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 used O -100 quality O -100 material O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit O -100 , O -100 used O -100 quality B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 & O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive this O -100 rang O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 comfortable O -100 wear B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 wear B-ASP Positive . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 product O -100 in O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Negative color I-ASP Negative gone O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 , O -100 but O -100 it O -100 got O -100 ripped O -100 in O -100 , O -100 but O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 in O -100 this O -100 range O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 in O -100 this O -100 range O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 color B-ASP -100 is O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 but O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 it O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 pure O -100 cotton O -100 n O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive was O -100 good O -100 print O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 fabric O -100 was O -100 good O -100 print B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 but O -100 color B-ASP Negative issue O -100 . O -100 thin O -100 in O -100 material B-ASP Negative but O -100 perfect O -100 body B-ASP -100 fit I-ASP -100 and O -100 well O -100 gel O -100 up O -100 with O -100 jackets O -100 . O -100 thin O -100 in O -100 material B-ASP -100 but O -100 perfect O -100 body B-ASP Positive fit I-ASP Positive and O -100 well O -100 gel O -100 up O -100 with O -100 jackets O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP -100 , O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 ! O -100 ' O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP Positive , O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 ! O -100 ' O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 but O -100 big O -100 size B-ASP Negative . O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 color B-ASP Negative fade O -100 away O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 , O -100 loved O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP Positive & O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 both O -100 size B-ASP Negative and O -100 clours B-ASP -100 are O -100 not O -100 same O -100 . O -100 both O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 clours B-ASP Negative are O -100 not O -100 same O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 little O -100 good O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP Negative also O -100 faded O -100 after O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 little O -100 good O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP -100 also O -100 faded O -100 after O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 design B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 love O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 cloth O -100 material O -100 . O -100 i O -100 love O -100 the O -100 fitting O -100 and O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 quality O -100 what O -100 it O -100 is O -100 showing O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative of O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 much O -100 lighter O -100 than O -100 the O -100 pictures O -100 showing O -100 . O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP Positive good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 all O -100 is O -100 good O -100 thank O -100 you O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive all O -100 is O -100 good O -100 thank O -100 you O -100 its O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 having O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 but O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative seem O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 got O -100 it O -100 as O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 , O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 , O -100 overall O -100 good O -100 , O -100 product O -100 is O -100 as O -100 described O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 got O -100 it O -100 as O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 , O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive , O -100 overall O -100 good O -100 , O -100 product O -100 is O -100 as O -100 described O -100 . O -100 best O -100 product O -100 with O -100 best O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 tshirt O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 in O -100 the O -100 photo O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 but O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative was O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 the O -100 t B-ASP Positive shirt I-ASP Positive ' I-ASP Positive s I-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 as O -100 compared O -100 to O -100 the O -100 price O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 quality O -100 size B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative fades O -100 in O -100 such O -100 a O -100 way O -100 that O -100 the O -100 whole O -100 bucket O -100 was O -100 blood O -100 in O -100 colour O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 m B-ASP -100 size I-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 large O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 m B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 large O -100 . O -100 good O -100 but O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 in O -100 size B-ASP Negative . O -100 for O -100 this O -100 prize O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 costly O -100 and O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 quality O -100 is O -100 ok O -100 , O -100 but O -100 proper O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 available O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Neutral quality O -100 is O -100 ok O -100 , O -100 but O -100 proper O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 available O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 worst O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 terribly O -100 worst O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 correct O -100 as O -100 per O -100 given O -100 . O -100 price B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 reasonable O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 damn O -100 good O -100 . O -100 price B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 reasonable O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 damn O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Positive fits O -100 well O -100 too O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 n O -100 colour B-ASP Positive at O -100 this O -100 price O -100 . O -100 look O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 there O -100 is O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 issue O -100 , O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 know O -100 why O -100 after O -100 wearing O -100 its O -100 not O -100 so O -100 comfortable O -100 even O -100 you O -100 go O -100 one O -100 size O -100 bigger O -100 . O -100 look O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 there O -100 is O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 issue O -100 , O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 know O -100 why O -100 after O -100 wearing O -100 its O -100 not O -100 so O -100 comfortable O -100 even O -100 you O -100 go O -100 one O -100 size O -100 bigger O -100 . O -100 look O -100 , O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 there O -100 is O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative issue O -100 , O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 know O -100 why O -100 after O -100 wearing O -100 its O -100 not O -100 so O -100 comfortable O -100 even O -100 you O -100 go O -100 one O -100 size O -100 bigger O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 but O -100 the O -100 length B-ASP -100 is O -100 high O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 but O -100 the O -100 length B-ASP Negative is O -100 high O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 green B-ASP Positive tshirt I-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 gray B-ASP -100 tshirt I-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 green B-ASP -100 tshirt I-ASP -100 is O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 gray B-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative both O -100 are O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP Positive good O -100 product O -100 thumbs O -100 up O -100 dna O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 the O -100 notable O -100 thing O -100 is O -100 that O -100 u O -100 will O -100 get O -100 exactly O -100 what O -100 , O -100 Flipkart O -100 has O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 . O -100 fitted B-ASP Positive perfectly O -100 for O -100 mine O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative , O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP -100 , O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 anything O -100 from O -100 this O -100 brand O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Negative , O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 anything O -100 from O -100 this O -100 brand O -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive awesome O -100 fit B-ASP -100 suits O -100 very O -100 well O -100 on O -100 me O -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 awesome O -100 fit B-ASP Positive suits O -100 very O -100 well O -100 on O -100 me O -100 . O -100 the O -100 hoodies O -100 look B-ASP -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 the O -100 hoodies O -100 look B-ASP Positive good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 a O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quatily O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 somewhat O -100 fade O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive also O -100 very O -100 good O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 fits B-ASP Positive really O -100 well O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 cool O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 bright O -100 and O -100 trendy O -100 . O -100 this O -100 is O -100 worth O -100 price B-ASP Positive n O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 in O -100 this O -100 range O -100 . O -100 just O -100 want O -100 to O -100 say O -100 awasome O -100 ( O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 color B-ASP -100 ) O -100 just O -100 want O -100 to O -100 say O -100 awasome O -100 ( O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 color B-ASP -100 ) O -100 just O -100 want O -100 to O -100 say O -100 awasome O -100 ( O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 color B-ASP Positive ) O -100 colour B-ASP Negative are O -100 not O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 by O -100 even O -100 one O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 was O -100 torn O -100 under O -100 coulee O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP -100 are O -100 not O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 by O -100 even O -100 one O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 was O -100 torn O -100 under O -100 coulee O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 , O -100 fine O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 i O -100 bought O -100 it O -100 for O -100 600 O -100 rs O -100 , O -100 worth O -100 money B-ASP Positive . O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative issue O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 please O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 product O -100 poor O -100 quatilty O -100 with O -100 high O -100 price B-ASP Negative , O -100 , O -100 . O -100 its O -100 better O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 on O -100 fothpath O -100 or O -100 vendors O -100 . O -100 although O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive of O -100 tshirt O -100 was O -100 good O -100 but O -100 disappointed O -100 with O -100 the O -100 product O -100 as O -100 it O -100 was O -100 not O -100 same O -100 as O -100 displayed O -100 on O -100 website O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 hand O -100 sleeves O -100 are O -100 very O -100 loose O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Positive will O -100 go O -100 away O -100 in O -100 few O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 good O -100 looking O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 fits B-ASP Positive exactly O -100 looks O -100 same O -100 as O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 best O -100 quality B-ASP Positive product I-ASP Positive by O -100 Flipkart O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP -100 also O -100 same O -100 as O -100 in O -100 app O -100 this O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 and O -100 thanks O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 best O -100 quality B-ASP -100 product I-ASP -100 by O -100 Flipkart O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive also O -100 same O -100 as O -100 in O -100 app O -100 this O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 and O -100 thanks O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 hoody B-ASP Positive , O -100 stylish O -100 , O -100 and O -100 unique O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 hoody B-ASP -100 , O -100 stylish O -100 , O -100 and O -100 unique O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 fast O -100 deliver B-ASP Positive and O -100 so O -100 amazing O -100 services B-ASP -100 . O -100 fast O -100 deliver B-ASP -100 and O -100 so O -100 amazing O -100 services B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative clothe I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive with O -100 good O -100 print O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 fabric O -100 with O -100 good O -100 print B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 good O -100 overall B-ASP -100 product I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 good O -100 overall B-ASP Positive product I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative was O -100 fade O -100 as O -100 compared O -100 from O -100 the O -100 shown O -100 model O -100 . O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 worth O -100 it O -100 but O -100 please O -100 improve O -100 on O -100 the O -100 packing B-ASP Negative and I-ASP Negative handling I-ASP Negative . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 look O -100 like O -100 a O -100 roadside O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 only O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative faded O -100 , O -100 got O -100 shrunk O -100 and O -100 got O -100 loose O -100 unevenly O -100 ! O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 in O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 very O -100 nice O -100 perfect O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive very O -100 nice O -100 perfect O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive very O -100 nice O -100 perfect O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 terms O -100 of O -100 product O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 on O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 itself O -100 the O -100 black B-ASP Negative stripe I-ASP Negative in O -100 the O -100 white O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 left O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 colour O -100 ruining O -100 the O -100 white O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative of O -100 thus O -100 particular O -100 brand O -100 differs O -100 from O -100 that O -100 of O -100 other O -100 brand O -100 t O -100 shirts O -100 . O -100 i O -100 am O -100 not O -100 happy O -100 with O -100 your O -100 product O -100 , O -100 clothe B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 soon O -100 poor O -100 ant O -100 zip B-ASP -100 is O -100 damaged O -100 . O -100 i O -100 am O -100 not O -100 happy O -100 with O -100 your O -100 product O -100 , O -100 clothe B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 soon O -100 poor O -100 ant O -100 zip B-ASP Negative is O -100 damaged O -100 . O -100 original O -100 wrangler O -100 with O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive . O -100 there O -100 return B-ASP Negative policy I-ASP Negative is O -100 pathetic O -100 and O -100 not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 there O -100 service B-ASP -100 . O -100 there O -100 return B-ASP -100 policy I-ASP -100 is O -100 pathetic O -100 and O -100 not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 there O -100 service B-ASP Negative . O -100 printed B-ASP Negative colour I-ASP Negative faded O -100 in O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 simple O -100 and O -100 subtle O -100 tee O -100 , O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 materials B-ASP -100 is O -100 so O -100 softy O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 materials B-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 softy O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 pictures O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 amazing O -100 stuff O -100 . O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 really O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 print B-ASP -100 . O -100 really O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 print B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 color B-ASP -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 after O -100 2 O -100 washes O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative was O -100 faded O -100 and O -100 stitches B-ASP -100 were O -100 torn O -100 . O -100 after O -100 2 O -100 washes O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP -100 was O -100 faded O -100 and O -100 stitches B-ASP Negative were O -100 torn O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 great O -100 product O -100 with O -100 amazing O -100 price B-ASP Positive but O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 impressive O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 low O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 in O -100 a O -100 cheap O -100 price B-ASP Negative . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 arm B-ASP Negative hole I-ASP Negative is O -100 small O -100 , O -100 so O -100 small O -100 that O -100 it O -100 will O -100 make O -100 you O -100 feel O -100 uncomfortable O -100 when O -100 you O -100 wear O -100 it O -100 for O -100 long O -100 hours O -100 . O -100 but O -100 problem O -100 is O -100 tshirt B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thinner O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colours B-ASP Positive and O -100 unique O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colours B-ASP -100 and O -100 unique O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 blue O -100 colour B-ASP Negative has O -100 spread O -100 to O -100 the O -100 collar O -100 . O -100 it O -100 is O -100 a O -100 really O -100 good O -100 looking O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 tshirt O -100 and O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 pretty O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 but O -100 i O -100 think O -100 price B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 high O -100 according O -100 to O -100 the O -100 product O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 great O -100 too O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 fits B-ASP -100 perfectly O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 is O -100 nice O -100 fits B-ASP Positive perfectly O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 best O -100 item O -100 nice O -100 colloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 print B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 marital B-ASP -100 is O -100 thin O -100 like O -100 net O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 marital B-ASP Negative is O -100 thin O -100 like O -100 net O -100 . O -100 cons O -100 : O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 and O -100 finishing B-ASP -100 is O -100 shabby O -100 . O -100 cons O -100 : O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative and O -100 finishing B-ASP -100 is O -100 shabby O -100 . O -100 cons O -100 : O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 and O -100 finishing B-ASP Negative is O -100 shabby O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 red B-ASP Positive color I-ASP Positive quite O -100 nice O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 looks O -100 all O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 red B-ASP -100 color I-ASP -100 quite O -100 nice O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 looks O -100 all O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 red B-ASP -100 color I-ASP -100 quite O -100 nice O -100 comfortable O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 looks O -100 all O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 product B-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 fitting O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 product O -100 fabric O -100 not O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 at O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirts O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive , O -100 but O -100 short O -100 in O -100 length B-ASP -100 . O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 black O -100 in O -100 colour O -100 . O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP -100 , O -100 but O -100 short O -100 in O -100 length B-ASP Negative . O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 black O -100 in O -100 colour O -100 . O -100 product O -100 ok O -100 . O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Positive high O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 smaller O -100 then O -100 expected O -100 even O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 is O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 smaller O -100 then O -100 expected O -100 even O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 of O -100 a O -100 great O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 slightly O -100 delinered O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative at O -100 front O -100 , O -100 hence O -100 4 O -100 stars O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive and O -100 fit O -100 size B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit O -100 size B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 arms B-ASP Negative are O -100 not O -100 fitting O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 smooth O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 terrible O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative printing I-ASP Negative on O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 stitches B-ASP Negative are O -100 getting O -100 out O -100 after O -100 an O -100 hour O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative was O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 waste O -100 of O -100 money O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 . O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 . O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 . O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 . O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 vibrant O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 stitching B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 fab B-ASP Positive , O -100 great O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 fab B-ASP -100 , O -100 great O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 for O -100 indoor O -100 because O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 regal O -100 and O -100 the O -100 dress O -100 is O -100 color O -100 - O -100 guarded O -100 . O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 fitted B-ASP Positive i O -100 have O -100 5 O -100 star O -100 is O -100 rating O -100 this O -100 product O -100 thanks O -100 best O -100 fit B-ASP Positive looks O -100 great O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 best O -100 fit B-ASP -100 looks O -100 great O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 amazing O -100 color B-ASP Positive with O -100 a O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Negative is O -100 high O -100 . O -100 it O -100 is O -100 not O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 price B-ASP Negative . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 color B-ASP Negative shaded O -100 . O -100 nothing O -100 to O -100 say O -100 its O -100 marvelous O -100 quality B-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive and O -100 charming O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 nothing O -100 to O -100 say O -100 its O -100 marvelous O -100 quality B-ASP -100 cloth I-ASP -100 and O -100 charming O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 was O -100 so O -100 good O -100 and O -100 price B-ASP Positive so O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 frabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 frabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Negative , O -100 make O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 as O -100 bad O -100 as O -100 it O -100 can O -100 be O -100 . O -100 tshirts O -100 are O -100 good O -100 but O -100 sleeve B-ASP Negative are O -100 bit O -100 short O -100 . O -100 the O -100 length B-ASP Negative and O -100 full B-ASP -100 sleeves I-ASP -100 a O -100 bit O -100 too O -100 long O -100 in O -100 length O -100 . O -100 the O -100 length B-ASP -100 and O -100 full B-ASP Negative sleeves I-ASP Negative a O -100 bit O -100 too O -100 long O -100 in O -100 length O -100 . O -100 i O -100 never O -100 expected O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of O -100 this O -100 product O -100 would O -100 be O -100 so O -100 superior O -100 and O -100 that O -100 too O -100 in O -100 so O -100 cheaper O -100 rate O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 material B-ASP Positive ! O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 pretty O -100 flimsy O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 great O -100 in O -100 looking O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 do O -100 not O -100 drain O -100 any O -100 color B-ASP -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 great O -100 in O -100 looking O -100 , O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 do O -100 not O -100 drain O -100 any O -100 color B-ASP Neutral . O -100 its O -100 a O -100 good O -100 tee O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive & O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP -100 , O -100 if O -100 u O -100 want O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 then O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 its O -100 a O -100 good O -100 tee O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP -100 , O -100 if O -100 u O -100 want O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 then O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 its O -100 a O -100 good O -100 tee O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Positive , O -100 if O -100 u O -100 want O -100 to O -100 buy O -100 then O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 will O -100 fade O -100 if O -100 you O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative will O -100 fade O -100 if O -100 you O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive nice O -100 color O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 good O -100 fabric O -100 nice O -100 color B-ASP Positive awesome O -100 product O -100 good O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive good O -100 packing B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 good O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 good O -100 packing B-ASP Positive . O -100 amazing O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 excellent O -100 service O -100 , O -100 delivered O -100 in O -100 one O -100 day O -100 . O -100 pattern B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 sleeves B-ASP -100 are O -100 little O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 pattern B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative are O -100 little O -100 tight O -100 . O -100 hypernation O -100 is O -100 providing O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive than O -100 gritstones O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 same O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 same O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive but O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 much O -100 comfortable O -100 table O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 but O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 much O -100 comfortable O -100 table O -100 . O -100 reasonably O -100 priced B-ASP Positive and O -100 quick O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 . O -100 reasonably O -100 priced B-ASP -100 and O -100 quick O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 average O -100 material B-ASP Neutral but O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 no O -100 colour O -100 fading O -100 issue O -100 . O -100 not O -100 fair O -100 with O -100 this O -100 price B-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative already O -100 got O -100 dim O -100 after O -100 2 O -100 - O -100 3 O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 with O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 purchase O -100 this O -100 product O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative this I-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative was O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 n O -100 attractive O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 best O -100 . O -100 graphics B-ASP Negative are O -100 bad O -100 it O -100 fades O -100 away O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 . O -100 pure O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive good O -100 fr O -100 summers B-ASP -100 . O -100 pure O -100 cotton B-ASP -100 good O -100 fr O -100 summers B-ASP Positive . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive clothe I-ASP Positive is O -100 amazing O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Positive and O -100 print B-ASP -100 lasts O -100 long O -100 even O -100 after O -100 profuse O -100 use O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 and O -100 print B-ASP Positive lasts O -100 long O -100 even O -100 after O -100 profuse O -100 use O -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 product O -100 color B-ASP Negative fad O -100 longer O -100 & O -100 luser O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Positive was O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 on O -100 time O -100 delivery O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 design B-ASP -100 in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 design B-ASP Positive in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 good O -100 cloth O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Negative high O -100 h O -100 . O -100 , O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 colour B-ASP Negative does O -100 not O -100 fade O -100 quickly O -100 . O -100 this O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 with O -100 perfect O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive thank O -100 you O -100 so O -100 much O -100 Flipkart O -100 team O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 thin O -100 and O -100 therefore O -100 perfect O -100 for O -100 summers O -100 . O -100 fit B-ASP Positive is O -100 great O -100 and O -100 the O -100 tee O -100 is O -100 very O -100 light O -100 . O -100 the O -100 product O -100 is O -100 not O -100 great O -100 , O -100 and O -100 is O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 of O -100 a O -100 tight O -100 fit B-ASP Negative . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive size B-ASP -100 color B-ASP -100 design B-ASP -100 all O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP -100 size B-ASP Positive color B-ASP -100 design B-ASP -100 all O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP -100 size B-ASP -100 color B-ASP Positive design B-ASP -100 all O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP -100 size B-ASP -100 color B-ASP -100 design B-ASP Positive all O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative of O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 not O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 it O -100 is O -100 smelling O -100 badly O -100 . O -100 very O -100 low O -100 quality B-ASP Negative , O -100 , O -100 and O -100 got O -100 damage O -100 product O -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 size B-ASP Negative and O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative . O -100 good O -100 finishing B-ASP Positive , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 finishing B-ASP -100 , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive was O -100 really O -100 good O -100 , O -100 but O -100 for O -100 size B-ASP -100 problem O -100 i O -100 return O -100 it O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 was O -100 really O -100 good O -100 , O -100 but O -100 for O -100 size B-ASP Negative problem O -100 i O -100 return O -100 it O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative wore O -100 off O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 and O -100 also O -100 got O -100 torn O -100 couple O -100 of O -100 days O -100 after O -100 receiving O -100 this O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 is O -100 of O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 stitching B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 lighter O -100 than O -100 image O -100 , O -100 any O -100 way O -100 good O -100 product O -100 in O -100 360 O -100 rupees O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 lighter O -100 than O -100 image O -100 , O -100 any O -100 way O -100 good O -100 product O -100 in O -100 360 O -100 rupees O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 good O -100 one O -100 but O -100 small O -100 size B-ASP Negative . O -100 pretty O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive : O -100 ) O -100 looks O -100 good O -100 on O -100 any O -100 occasion O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative type I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 all O -100 printed B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive gone O -100 , O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 wash O -100 it O -100 carefully O -100 , O -100 the O -100 cotton B-ASP -100 material I-ASP Neutral is O -100 also O -100 not O -100 that O -100 great O -100 - O -100 mediocre O -100 cotton O -100 material O -100 which O -100 wear O -100 off O -100 its O -100 quality O -100 easily O -100 within O -100 3 O -100 or O -100 4 O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 wash O -100 it O -100 carefully O -100 , O -100 the O -100 cotton B-ASP Neutral material I-ASP Neutral is O -100 also O -100 not O -100 that O -100 great O -100 - O -100 mediocre O -100 cotton O -100 material O -100 which O -100 wear O -100 off O -100 its O -100 quality O -100 easily O -100 within O -100 3 O -100 or O -100 4 O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Neutral in O -100 different O -100 from O -100 display O -100 . O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 colour B-ASP Negative was O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 i O -100 totally O -100 loved O -100 the O -100 product O -100 , O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive was O -100 on O -100 time O -100 . O -100 the O -100 neck B-ASP Negative is O -100 more O -100 wide O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 ladies O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 its O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 that O -100 strong O -100 to O -100 hold O -100 it O -100 even O -100 for O -100 2 O -100 days O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 perfect O -100 re O -100 size O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative and O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 fast O -100 delivery O -100 as O -100 well O -100 as O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 with O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 and O -100 quality B-ASP -100 isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 good O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 and O -100 quality B-ASP Negative isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshairt O -100 but O -100 high O -100 cost B-ASP Negative . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 with O -100 lowest O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Positive good O -100 but O -100 2 O -100 times O -100 received O -100 different O -100 color O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative was O -100 low O -100 . O -100 lovely O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 fits B-ASP Positive well O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 not O -100 dark O -100 red O -100 , O -100 it O -100 is O -100 a O -100 kind O -100 of O -100 pink O -100 color B-ASP Neutral . O -100 clith B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative and O -100 packing B-ASP -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 expected O -100 colour B-ASP -100 different O -100 . O -100 clith B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 and O -100 packing B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 expected O -100 colour B-ASP -100 different O -100 . O -100 clith B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 and O -100 packing B-ASP -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 expected O -100 colour B-ASP Negative different O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 very O -100 low O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 , O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 price O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 , O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 price O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 soft O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 tshirt B-ASP Positive great O -100 pr O -100 int O -100 n O -100 stuff O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 convert O -100 in O -100 to O -100 nylon O -100 . O -100 he O -100 really O -100 liked O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive of O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 - O -100 delivered B-ASP Positive before O -100 time O -100 - O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 too O -100 big O -100 for O -100 mentioned O -100 size O -100 in O -100 website O -100 , O -100 my O -100 size O -100 is O -100 l O -100 - O -100 delivered B-ASP -100 before O -100 time O -100 - O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 too O -100 big O -100 for O -100 mentioned O -100 size O -100 in O -100 website O -100 , O -100 my O -100 size O -100 is O -100 l O -100 - O -100 delivered B-ASP -100 before O -100 time O -100 - O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 big O -100 for O -100 mentioned O -100 size O -100 in O -100 website O -100 , O -100 my O -100 size O -100 is O -100 l O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 like O -100 the O -100 product O -100 , O -100 print B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 good O -100 and O -100 lookds B-ASP -100 different O -100 from O -100 each O -100 other O -100 . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 like O -100 the O -100 product O -100 , O -100 print B-ASP -100 was O -100 not O -100 good O -100 and O -100 lookds B-ASP Negative different O -100 from O -100 each O -100 other O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 great O -100 clothe B-ASP -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 great O -100 clothe B-ASP Positive . O -100 average O -100 product O -100 , O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 different O -100 but O -100 all O -100 over O -100 a O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 Flipkart O -100 packaging B-ASP Positive and O -100 delivery O -100 was O -100 once O -100 again O -100 , O -100 great O -100 : O -100 ) O -100 . O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 but O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 clear O -100 . O -100 16 O -100 . O -100 17 O -100 . O -100 18 O -100 the O -100 product O -100 was O -100 really O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive of O -100 the O -100 black O -100 tshirt O -100 was O -100 so O -100 awesome O -100 but O -100 the O -100 grey O -100 colour O -100 tshirt O -100 was O -100 not O -100 good O -100 and O -100 i O -100 ' O -100 m O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 by O -100 that O -100 . O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive n O -100 good O -100 services B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 n O -100 good O -100 services B-ASP Positive . O -100 love O -100 this O -100 tee O -100 , O -100 only O -100 thing O -100 after O -100 buying O -100 cat O -100 i O -100 have O -100 realised O -100 , O -100 that O -100 one O -100 needs O -100 to O -100 order O -100 a O -100 size B-ASP Negative lesser O -100 than O -100 the O -100 uk O -100 size O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 awesome O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 medium O -100 quality O -100 but O -100 over B-ASP Positive all I-ASP Positive product I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive worth O -100 for O -100 money O -100 . O -100 disappointing O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative cloth I-ASP Negative . O -100 excellent O -100 product O -100 nicely O -100 fitted B-ASP Positive , O -100 well O -100 designed B-ASP -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 with O -100 out O -100 doubt O -100 i O -100 would O -100 have O -100 given O -100 10 O -100 / O -100 5 O -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 product O -100 nicely O -100 fitted B-ASP -100 , O -100 well O -100 designed B-ASP Positive go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 with O -100 out O -100 doubt O -100 i O -100 would O -100 have O -100 given O -100 10 O -100 / O -100 5 O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 size O -100 are O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative which O -100 i O -100 received O -100 is O -100 not O -100 red O -100 . O -100 length B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 exactly O -100 correct O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 but O -100 its O -100 colours B-ASP Negative fall O -100 dowm O -100 . O -100 good O -100 service B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 varieties B-ASP -100 only O -100 please O -100 check O -100 the O -100 sizes O -100 and O -100 give O -100 more O -100 details O -100 as O -100 per O -100 the O -100 offer O -100 product O -100 . O -100 good O -100 service B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 varieties B-ASP Positive only O -100 please O -100 check O -100 the O -100 sizes O -100 and O -100 give O -100 more O -100 details O -100 as O -100 per O -100 the O -100 offer O -100 product O -100 . O -100 good O -100 size B-ASP Positive n O -100 colour B-ASP -100 n O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 also O -100 . O -100 good O -100 size B-ASP -100 n O -100 colour B-ASP Positive n O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 also O -100 . O -100 good O -100 size B-ASP -100 n O -100 colour B-ASP -100 n O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive also O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive good O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality B-ASP Negative , O -100 with O -100 in O -100 a O -100 week O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 shading O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 with O -100 in O -100 a O -100 week O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 also O -100 shading O -100 . O -100 shirt B-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive are O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 timing I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 shirt B-ASP -100 cloth I-ASP -100 are O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive timing I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive as O -100 shown O -100 as O -100 in O -100 figure O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 only O -100 thing O -100 is O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 one O -100 smaller O -100 . O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative get O -100 loose O -100 after O -100 use O -100 . O -100 product O -100 is O -100 very O -100 very O -100 unick O -100 and O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 is O -100 rubber O -100 print O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 clean O -100 . O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive boy O -100 is O -100 very O -100 much O -100 supportive O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 pretty O -100 fine O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive stands O -100 out O -100 in O -100 the O -100 crowd O -100 . O -100 price B-ASP Negative too O -100 high O -100 for O -100 this O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 but O -100 neck B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative of O -100 tshirts O -100 are O -100 very O -100 wide O -100 . O -100 fine O -100 & O -100 rich O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive . O -100 delivered O -100 within O -100 the O -100 date O -100 . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative longer O -100 . O -100 tshirts O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative wrong O -100 order O -100 l O -100 size O -100 ki O -100 thi O -100 or O -100 aayi O -100 xl O -100 size O -100 aayi O -100 h O -100 . O -100 super O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 . O -100 tshirt B-ASP Positive color I-ASP Positive and O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 was O -100 in O -100 time O -100 especially O -100 local O -100 delivery O -100 support O -100 . O -100 tshirt B-ASP -100 color I-ASP -100 and O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 was O -100 in O -100 time O -100 especially O -100 local O -100 delivery O -100 support O -100 . O -100 tshirt B-ASP -100 color I-ASP -100 and O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive was O -100 in O -100 time O -100 especially O -100 local O -100 delivery O -100 support O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive fabric I-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive service I-ASP Positive too O -100 . O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Positive was O -100 quite O -100 good O -100 there O -100 was O -100 no O -100 issue O -100 with O -100 the O -100 print O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive designs B-ASP -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 designs B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 its O -100 amazing O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive less O -100 prize B-ASP -100 and O -100 amazing O -100 fabric O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 were O -100 its O -100 amazing O -100 . O -100 its O -100 amazing O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 less O -100 prize B-ASP Positive and O -100 amazing O -100 fabric O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 were O -100 its O -100 amazing O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 good O -100 for O -100 summers O -100 , O -100 just O -100 buy O -100 it O -100 . O -100 good O -100 clothes O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 superb O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 looking O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive feelings O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 printing B-ASP -100 image I-ASP -100 concept O -100 is O -100 mind O -100 blowing O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 feelings O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 the O -100 printing B-ASP Positive image I-ASP Positive concept O -100 is O -100 mind O -100 blowing O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 in O -100 best O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative is O -100 dull O -100 compared O -100 to O -100 advertised O -100 images O -100 . O -100 but O -100 buy O -100 a O -100 size O -100 less O -100 for O -100 best O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 cool O -100 graphics B-ASP Positive on O -100 the O -100 tee O -100 ! O -100 the O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 ordered O -100 for O -100 this O -100 and O -100 was O -100 provided O -100 with O -100 a O -100 different O -100 tshirt O -100 of O -100 much O -100 lower O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 faded O -100 vintage O -100 color B-ASP Positive best O -100 , O -100 highly O -100 recommended O -100 . O -100 colour O -100 on O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative will O -100 fade O -100 out O -100 after O -100 few O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 , O -100 worst O -100 product O -100 . O -100 good O -100 and O -100 best O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP Positive . O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative could O -100 have O -100 been O -100 little O -100 more O -100 slimmer O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 ok O -100 as O -100 seen O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 but O -100 color B-ASP Negative gone O -100 on O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 i O -100 ' O -100 m O -100 very O -100 happy O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 . O -100 i O -100 ' O -100 m O -100 very O -100 happy O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 of O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 in O -100 two O -100 washes O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 fades O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 of O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 in O -100 two O -100 washes O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative fades O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 in O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 the O -100 product O -100 in O -100 original O -100 is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 though O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive js O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Neutral in O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 the O -100 product O -100 in O -100 original O -100 is O -100 totally O -100 different O -100 though O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 js O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive & O -100 so O -100 stylishit O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 ? O -100 . O -100 the O -100 grey O -100 tshirt O -100 was O -100 full O -100 sleeve O -100 exactly O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 image O -100 but O -100 the O -100 black B-ASP -100 tshirt I-ASP -100 was O -100 half O -100 sleeve O -100 it O -100 was O -100 completely O -100 different O -100 and O -100 both O -100 of O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 had O -100 a O -100 size B-ASP Negative issue O -100 . O -100 the O -100 grey O -100 tshirt O -100 was O -100 full O -100 sleeve O -100 exactly O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 image O -100 but O -100 the O -100 black B-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative was O -100 half O -100 sleeve O -100 it O -100 was O -100 completely O -100 different O -100 and O -100 both O -100 of O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 had O -100 a O -100 size B-ASP -100 issue O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 stuff O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 black O -100 shirt B-ASP Negative print I-ASP Negative is O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 its O -100 a O -100 good O -100 for O -100 money O -100 , O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 looks O -100 good O -100 . O -100 its O -100 good O -100 looking O -100 t O -100 - O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 style B-ASP -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 its O -100 good O -100 looking O -100 t O -100 - O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 style B-ASP Positive and O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 its O -100 good O -100 looking O -100 t O -100 - O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 style B-ASP -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 puma O -100 have O -100 different O -100 size B-ASP Negative measures I-ASP Negative than O -100 other O -100 clothing O -100 brands O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive fabric I-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 prints B-ASP -100 are O -100 very O -100 untidy O -100 and O -100 unprofessional O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 the O -100 prints B-ASP Negative are O -100 very O -100 untidy O -100 and O -100 unprofessional O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 product O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 as O -100 usual O -100 after O -100 your O -100 purchase O -100 the O -100 same O -100 product O -100 you O -100 can O -100 see O -100 on O -100 lower O -100 rate O -100 like O -100 30 O -100 % O -100 off O -100 so O -100 that O -100 is O -100 somewhat O -100 disturbing O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Neutral is O -100 quite O -100 different O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative t I-ASP Negative shirt I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 otherwise O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive tshirt I-ASP Positive is O -100 pretty O -100 decent O -100 and O -100 fabric O -100 is O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 otherwise O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 pretty O -100 decent O -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 best O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 range O -100 . O -100 best O -100 t O -100 - O -100 shirt O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 segment O -100 i O -100 got O -100 this O -100 product O -100 for O -100 191rs O -100 go O -100 for O -100 it O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 cool O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 great O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 cool O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 somewhat O -100 loose O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative for O -100 exact O -100 size O -100 . O -100 over O -100 all O -100 good O -100 product O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 high O -100 . O -100 car B-ASP Negative cover I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 product O -100 . O -100 just O -100 putting O -100 it O -100 in O -100 water O -100 removed O -100 its O -100 80 O -100 % O -100 color B-ASP Negative . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 with O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 value O -100 for O -100 the O -100 price O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 value O -100 for O -100 the O -100 price O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative are O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 otherwise O -100 protected O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 shirt B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 smooth O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative don O -100 , O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 . O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 & O -100 nice O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 this O -100 is O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 but O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 different O -100 size B-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 but O -100 the O -100 collar B-ASP Negative is O -100 different O -100 from O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 the O -100 product O -100 quality O -100 not O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 product O -100 quality O -100 not O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 fantastic O -100 tshirt O -100 & O -100 materials B-ASP Positive , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 also O -100 fabulous O -100 . O -100 fantastic O -100 tshirt O -100 & O -100 materials B-ASP -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP Positive also O -100 fabulous O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 fits B-ASP -100 very O -100 fantastic O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 fits B-ASP Positive very O -100 fantastic O -100 . O -100 doubt O -100 the O -100 authenticity B-ASP Negative of O -100 d O -100 brand O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 actually O -100 its O -100 a O -100 Adidas O -100 climate O -100 fabric O -100 and O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 pretty O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 actually O -100 its O -100 a O -100 Adidas O -100 climate O -100 fabric O -100 and O -100 print B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 pretty O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive is O -100 smooth O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 as O -100 i O -100 wanted O -100 but O -100 the O -100 clothe B-ASP -100 material I-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 much O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 as O -100 i O -100 wanted O -100 but O -100 the O -100 clothe B-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 much O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 thing O -100 is O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive feel O -100 is O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 super O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive cool O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 . O -100 super O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 cool O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Positive and O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 above O -100 average O -100 and O -100 the O -100 tender O -100 feel O -100 is O -100 good O -100 for O -100 summers O -100 in O -100 kolkata O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 above O -100 average O -100 and O -100 the O -100 tender O -100 feel O -100 is O -100 good O -100 for O -100 summers O -100 in O -100 kolkata O -100 . O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP Positive is O -100 eye O -100 catchy O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 but O -100 the O -100 wolverine B-ASP Negative print I-ASP Negative seems O -100 to O -100 be O -100 temporary O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 its O -100 original B-ASP Negative price I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 high O -100 . O -100 I O -100 am O -100 not O -100 happy O -100 with O -100 the O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 finish O -100 of O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 da O -100 color B-ASP Negative looks O -100 faded O -100 n O -100 da O -100 necks B-ASP -100 too O -100 wide O -100 4 O -100 me O -100 . O -100 da O -100 color B-ASP -100 looks O -100 faded O -100 n O -100 da O -100 necks B-ASP Negative too O -100 wide O -100 4 O -100 me O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative waste O -100 of O -100 money B-ASP -100 . O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 waste O -100 of O -100 money B-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 cheap O -100 and O -100 overall O -100 its O -100 not O -100 a O -100 good O -100 product O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP -100 is O -100 poor O -100 , O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 cheap O -100 and O -100 overall O -100 its O -100 not O -100 a O -100 good O -100 product O -100 i O -100 am O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 the O -100 Flipkart O -100 return B-ASP Positive service I-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive within O -100 this O -100 range O -100 . O -100 guys O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 product O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 cheap O -100 this O -100 is O -100 not O -100 qualify O -100 even O -100 single O -100 star O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Negative and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 at O -100 all O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative bleeding O -100 is O -100 main O -100 broblem O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 print B-ASP Negative colour I-ASP Negative is O -100 damage O -100 and O -100 its O -100 sleeves B-ASP -100 are O -100 too O -100 small O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 print B-ASP -100 colour I-ASP -100 is O -100 damage O -100 and O -100 its O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative are O -100 too O -100 small O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t B-ASP -100 shirt I-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 t B-ASP Positive shirt I-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP -100 , O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 light O -100 weight B-ASP Positive , O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive cool O -100 graphics B-ASP -100 in O -100 a O -100 word O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 cool O -100 graphics B-ASP Positive in O -100 a O -100 word O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 i O -100 ' O -100 ve O -100 ordered O -100 2 O -100 ruggers O -100 tshirt O -100 of O -100 ' O -100 small O -100 ' O -100 size B-ASP Neutral . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 we O -100 never O -100 get O -100 these O -100 pieces O -100 at O -100 the O -100 market O -100 , O -100 except O -100 online O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 but O -100 colour O -100 is O -100 very O -100 rough O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 make B-ASP -100 , O -100 top O -100 notch O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 official O -100 fifa O -100 branding O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 make B-ASP Positive , O -100 top O -100 notch O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 official O -100 fifa O -100 branding O -100 . O -100 n O -100 this O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 not O -100 bad O -100 but O -100 quality B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 ok O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 feel B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive is O -100 excellent O -100 , O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 true O -100 to O -100 what O -100 was O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 pictures O -100 . O -100 the O -100 feel B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 the I-ASP -100 material I-ASP -100 is O -100 excellent O -100 , O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 true O -100 to O -100 what O -100 was O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 the O -100 pictures O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 look O -100 is O -100 not O -100 like O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 with O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Neutral . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 and O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Positive looking O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 fit B-ASP Positive perfectly O -100 . O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative of O -100 neck O -100 alignment O -100 is O -100 not O -100 correct O -100 . O -100 very O -100 well O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 awesome O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 ! O -100 very O -100 well O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 awesome O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive ! O -100 tshirt B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 like O -100 what O -100 i O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 neck B-ASP Negative got O -100 loose O -100 just O -100 in O -100 1 O -100 month O -100 . O -100 so O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 my O -100 fvrt O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 so O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 my O -100 fvrt O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 poor O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative quality B-ASP -100 making O -100 foool O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 quality B-ASP Negative making O -100 foool O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative looks O -100 poor O -100 and O -100 dull O -100 . O -100 hopeless O -100 packing B-ASP Negative and O -100 no O -100 option O -100 to O -100 exchange O -100 products O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 really O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 worth O -100 for O -100 money O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 cotton O -100 blend O -100 , O -100 stylish O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 , O -100 threads O -100 are O -100 coming O -100 out O -100 from O -100 many O -100 places O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 images O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 as O -100 shown O -100 in O -100 images O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 best O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP -100 not O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 best O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative not O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative cotton I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 at O -100 all O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 good O -100 colour B-ASP Positive good O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 actually O -100 it O -100 is O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 i O -100 love O -100 it O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 and O -100 i O -100 bought O -100 for O -100 a O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 and O -100 i O -100 bought O -100 for O -100 a O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 priting B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative black I-ASP Negative t O -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 sleeve B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 same O -100 as O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 cool O -100 product O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive faster O -100 service O -100 thank O -100 you O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Positive good O -100 but O -100 baby O -100 colour O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative faded O -100 in O -100 wash O -100 bad O -100 not O -100 original O -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 this I-ASP -100 t I-ASP -100 shirt I-ASP -100 is O -100 realistically O -100 red O -100 and O -100 the O -100 graphic B-ASP Positive print I-ASP Positive is O -100 just O -100 awesome O -100 in O -100 its O -100 own O -100 which O -100 is O -100 the O -100 main O -100 reason O -100 i O -100 opt O -100 for O -100 this O -100 one O -100 . O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Neutral of I-ASP Neutral this I-ASP Neutral t I-ASP Neutral shirt I-ASP Neutral is O -100 realistically O -100 red O -100 and O -100 the O -100 graphic B-ASP -100 print I-ASP -100 is O -100 just O -100 awesome O -100 in O -100 its O -100 own O -100 which O -100 is O -100 the O -100 main O -100 reason O -100 i O -100 opt O -100 for O -100 this O -100 one O -100 . O -100 even O -100 after O -100 discount O -100 on O -100 the O -100 product O -100 , O -100 the O -100 price B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative product I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 acceptable O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 worth O -100 700 O -100 bucks O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 great O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 too O -100 good O -100 according O -100 to O -100 the O -100 price O -100 of O -100 the O -100 product O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive but O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 but O -100 print B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality B-ASP -100 tshirt I-ASP -100 dull O -100 colour B-ASP Negative and O -100 within O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 tshirt O -100 become O -100 floppy O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality B-ASP Negative tshirt I-ASP Negative dull O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 within O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 tshirt O -100 become O -100 floppy O -100 . O -100 waste O -100 quality B-ASP Negative product I-ASP Negative please O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 product O -100 . O -100 fine O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive very O -100 good O -100 & O -100 speedy O -100 delivery O -100 . O -100 if O -100 your O -100 looking O -100 for O -100 high O -100 quality B-ASP Positive product I-ASP Positive that O -100 can O -100 last O -100 longer O -100 . O -100 very O -100 heat O -100 dress O -100 and O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Positive is O -100 same O -100 , O -100 packaging B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 is O -100 same O -100 , O -100 packaging B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 print B-ASP Positive and O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 ? O -100 nice O -100 print B-ASP -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 ? O -100 the O -100 best O -100 quality B-ASP Positive in O -100 this O -100 price O -100 i O -100 have O -100 recieved O -100 . O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 after O -100 2 O -100 washes O -100 also O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 shading O -100 . O -100 but O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 bit O -100 thin O -100 cloth O -100 . O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 very O -100 low O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 the O -100 shade O -100 of O -100 colour B-ASP Neutral as O -100 shown O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 size B-ASP Positive fits O -100 perfectly O -100 and O -100 overall O -100 a O -100 very O -100 good O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 , O -100 size B-ASP -100 fits O -100 perfectly O -100 and O -100 overall O -100 a O -100 very O -100 good O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 not O -100 good O -100 tshirt B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 product O -100 colour B-ASP Negative goes O -100 while O -100 washing O -100 . O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 . O -100 received O -100 smaller O -100 size B-ASP Negative than O -100 what O -100 was O -100 written O -100 under O -100 specification O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative fed O -100 after O -100 firs O -100 wash O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 purchase O -100 this O -100 product O -100 . O -100 average O -100 tshirt O -100 from O -100 puma O -100 with O -100 nice O -100 logo B-ASP Positive but O -100 prbm O -100 was O -100 with O -100 neck B-ASP -100 it O -100 was O -100 already O -100 very O -100 stretchy O -100 and O -100 seems O -100 quite O -100 big O -100 around O -100 neck O -100 . O -100 average O -100 tshirt O -100 from O -100 puma O -100 with O -100 nice O -100 logo B-ASP -100 but O -100 prbm O -100 was O -100 with O -100 neck B-ASP Negative it O -100 was O -100 already O -100 very O -100 stretchy O -100 and O -100 seems O -100 quite O -100 big O -100 around O -100 neck O -100 . O -100 impressed O -100 with O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Positive designs I-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 same O -100 as O -100 like O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 the O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive guy O -100 was O -100 polite O -100 and O -100 very O -100 helpful O -100 . O -100 great O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 lovely O -100 design B-ASP Positive n O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 only O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 , O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 hugs O -100 your O -100 body O -100 as O -100 needed O -100 , O -100 huetrap O -100 needs O -100 to O -100 look O -100 over O -100 to O -100 their O -100 fitting O -100 issue O -100 , O -100 rest O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 great O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 lovely O -100 design B-ASP -100 n O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 only O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 , O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 hugs O -100 your O -100 body O -100 as O -100 needed O -100 , O -100 huetrap O -100 needs O -100 to O -100 look O -100 over O -100 to O -100 their O -100 fitting O -100 issue O -100 , O -100 rest O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 great O -100 tshirt O -100 with O -100 lovely O -100 design B-ASP -100 n O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 only O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 proper O -100 , O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 hugs O -100 your O -100 body O -100 as O -100 needed O -100 , O -100 huetrap O -100 needs O -100 to O -100 look O -100 over O -100 to O -100 their O -100 fitting O -100 issue O -100 , O -100 rest O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive the I-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 as O -100 i O -100 am O -100 already O -100 using O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 from O -100 past O -100 6 O -100 months O -100 even O -100 after O -100 multiple O -100 washes O -100 its O -100 color B-ASP -100 still O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fade O -100 away O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 new O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 of I-ASP -100 the I-ASP -100 cloth I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 as O -100 i O -100 am O -100 already O -100 using O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 from O -100 past O -100 6 O -100 months O -100 even O -100 after O -100 multiple O -100 washes O -100 its O -100 color B-ASP Negative still O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fade O -100 away O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 new O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 and O -100 soft O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative not O -100 as O -100 per O -100 lotto O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 brand O -100 name O -100 . O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 wrong O -100 design B-ASP Negative and O -100 wrong O -100 size B-ASP -100 sent O -100 to O -100 me O -100 . O -100 wrong O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 wrong O -100 size B-ASP Negative sent O -100 to O -100 me O -100 . O -100 good O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive , O -100 but O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 avg O -100 . O -100 product B-ASP Positive material B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 product B-ASP -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 bad O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative , O -100 too O -100 loose O -100 . O -100 slim O -100 fit B-ASP Positive perfect O -100 good O -100 condition O -100 cotton O -100 . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 cheap O -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 worth O -100 of O -100 money B-ASP Positive . O -100 just O -100 buy O -100 with O -100 proper O -100 size B-ASP Neutral that O -100 fits O -100 you O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP -100 is O -100 higher O -100 than O -100 market O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Negative is O -100 higher O -100 than O -100 market O -100 . O -100 but O -100 on O -100 first O -100 wash O -100 , O -100 the O -100 red O -100 colour B-ASP Negative faded O -100 and O -100 spoiled O -100 the O -100 white O -100 areas O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 easy O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 coloured B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 fit B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 coloured B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 its O -100 a O -100 common O -100 hawkers O -100 selling O -100 material O -100 , O -100 couldn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 understand O -100 why O -100 company O -100 like O -100 you O -100 people O -100 do O -100 this O -100 , O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 very O -100 heartening O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive , O -100 thick O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 comfort O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 thick O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 comfort O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 thick O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 comfort O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 , O -100 thick O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 comfort O -100 fit B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive , O -100 worth O -100 the O -100 money O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive wise O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 impressive O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 wise O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 that O -100 impressive O -100 . O -100 product B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 it O -100 is O -100 not O -100 like O -100 original O -100 wrangler O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 . O -100 neither O -100 color B-ASP Negative nor O -100 quality O -100 acceptable O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 , O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 best O -100 buy O -100 at O -100 this O -100 price B-ASP -100 260 O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 best O -100 buy O -100 at O -100 this O -100 price B-ASP Positive 260 O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 although O -100 it O -100 is O -100 size B-ASP Negative bigger O -100 than O -100 standard O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 in O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 sleeve B-ASP Neutral is O -100 very O -100 tight O -100 fitting O -100 . O -100 i O -100 bought O -100 it O -100 for O -100 my O -100 husband O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 its O -100 a O -100 superb O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP -100 . O -100 its O -100 a O -100 superb O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 easy O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Positive . O -100 HRX O -100 is O -100 al O -100 the O -100 time O -100 awesome O -100 with O -100 superior O -100 quality O -100 n O -100 designs B-ASP Positive n O -100 everything O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 beautiful O -100 colour B-ASP Positive perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 beautiful O -100 colour B-ASP -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 beautiful O -100 colour B-ASP -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 but O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 bigger O -100 compare O -100 to O -100 other O -100 brands O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality B-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive as O -100 well O -100 as O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 amazing O -100 but O -100 their O -100 is O -100 a O -100 draws O -100 in O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP -100 as O -100 if O -100 you O -100 ware O -100 m O -100 size O -100 so O -100 you O -100 should O -100 order O -100 s O -100 size O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality B-ASP -100 material I-ASP -100 as O -100 well O -100 as O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Positive is O -100 amazing O -100 but O -100 their O -100 is O -100 a O -100 draws O -100 in O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP -100 as O -100 if O -100 you O -100 ware O -100 m O -100 size O -100 so O -100 you O -100 should O -100 order O -100 s O -100 size O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 quality B-ASP -100 material I-ASP -100 as O -100 well O -100 as O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 amazing O -100 but O -100 their O -100 is O -100 a O -100 draws O -100 in O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative as O -100 if O -100 you O -100 ware O -100 m O -100 size O -100 so O -100 you O -100 should O -100 order O -100 s O -100 size O -100 . O -100 only O -100 problem O -100 was O -100 the O -100 sleeve B-ASP Negative is O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 long O -100 ; O -100 shorter O -100 sleeve O -100 would O -100 have O -100 made O -100 it O -100 more O -100 good O -100 . O -100 a O -100 very O -100 dull O -100 faded O -100 colour B-ASP Negative tshirt O -100 can O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 use O -100 it O -100 for O -100 other O -100 than O -100 as O -100 a O -100 night O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive very O -100 much O -100 comfortable O -100 with O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 got O -100 delivered B-ASP Positive 2 O -100 days O -100 before O -100 the O -100 given O -100 date O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 quite O -100 small O -100 compared O -100 to O -100 other O -100 brands O -100 medium O -100 size O -100 tshirt O -100 s O -100 . O -100 but O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 in O -100 a O -100 washing O -100 machine O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative started O -100 to O -100 fade O -100 away O -100 . O -100 however O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 , O -100 i O -100 doubt O -100 its O -100 durability O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 shown O -100 as O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive perfect O -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP -100 nice O -100 and O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 perfect O -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP Positive nice O -100 and O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 perfect O -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP -100 nice O -100 and O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 was O -100 also O -100 very O -100 & O -100 his O -100 material B-ASP Positive & O -100 its O -100 confor O -100 table O -100 . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 bye O -100 ever O -100 this O -100 tshirt O -100 it O -100 is O -100 so O -100 lose O -100 and O -100 small O -100 totally O -100 waste O -100 of O -100 money B-ASP Negative . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive matches O -100 with O -100 high O -100 quality O -100 material O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative not O -100 faded O -100 after O -100 10 O -100 wash O -100 also O -100 . O -100 good O -100 product O -100 fits B-ASP Positive perfectly O -100 and O -100 decent O -100 fabric O -100 thank O -100 you O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size O -100 is O -100 little O -100 small O -100 . O -100 as O -100 per O -100 cost B-ASP Positive the O -100 quality O -100 depends O -100 but O -100 here O -100 the O -100 cost O -100 is O -100 high O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 half O -100 of O -100 the O -100 price O -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 material B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive , O -100 with O -100 good O -100 print B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 durability B-ASP -100 of O -100 cloth O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP -100 combination I-ASP -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 material B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 , O -100 with O -100 good O -100 print B-ASP Positive and O -100 good O -100 durability B-ASP -100 of O -100 cloth O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP -100 combination I-ASP -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 material B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 , O -100 with O -100 good O -100 print B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 durability B-ASP Positive of O -100 cloth O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP -100 combination I-ASP -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 material B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 , O -100 with O -100 good O -100 print B-ASP -100 and O -100 good O -100 durability B-ASP -100 of O -100 cloth O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive combination I-ASP Positive . O -100 length B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 less O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 with O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive n O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 paisa O -100 vasool O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 with O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 n O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 paisa O -100 vasool O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Positive is O -100 as O -100 displayed O -100 in O -100 images O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 light O -100 . O -100 but O -100 a O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 colour B-ASP Negative was O -100 fade O -100 . O -100 the O -100 sleeve B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 tight O -100 even O -100 for O -100 slim O -100 arm O -100 . O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 size O -100 is O -100 very O -100 short O -100 good O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 short O -100 good O -100 cloth O -100 . O -100 good O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 in O -100 very O -100 good O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 sleeve B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 long O -100 . O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 better O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 in O -100 this O -100 price B-ASP Neutral . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive according O -100 to O -100 given O -100 size O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 and O -100 fast O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 fiber B-ASP Negative is O -100 also O -100 no O -100 good O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 but O -100 i O -100 goted O -100 colour O -100 is O -100 deferent O -100 . O -100 bought O -100 this O -100 on O -100 big O -100 billion O -100 day O -100 , O -100 had O -100 some O -100 size B-ASP Negative issue O -100 and O -100 Flipkart O -100 changed O -100 it O -100 within O -100 4 O -100 days O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 as O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 best O -100 colour B-ASP Positive with O -100 stylish O -100 pattern B-ASP -100 army O -100 checks O -100 rupees O -100 391 O -100 my O -100 purchasing O -100 . O -100 best O -100 colour B-ASP -100 with O -100 stylish O -100 pattern B-ASP Positive army O -100 checks O -100 rupees O -100 391 O -100 my O -100 purchasing O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 printing B-ASP Positive with O -100 very O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 printing B-ASP -100 with O -100 very O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 and O -100 it O -100 will O -100 look O -100 good O -100 on O -100 you O -100 with O -100 a O -100 nice O -100 denim O -100 jeans O -100 . O -100 every B-ASP Positive thing I-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 l B-ASP -100 size I-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 large O -100 . O -100 every B-ASP -100 thing I-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 l B-ASP Negative size I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 large O -100 . O -100 its O -100 good O -100 but O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 cheap O -100 . O -100 that O -100 it O -100 when O -100 i O -100 wash O -100 the O -100 shirt O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Neutral fades O -100 way O -100 but O -100 still O -100 at O -100 this O -100 rate O -100 we O -100 can O -100 do O -100 compromise O -100 . O -100 awesonne O -100 fittiblng B-ASP Positive with O -100 standard O -100 measurements O -100 . O -100 the O -100 printing B-ASP Negative was O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 thin O -100 though O -100 but O -100 if O -100 the O -100 fit O -100 is O -100 nice O -100 , O -100 like O -100 it O -100 fitted O -100 me O -100 very O -100 good O -100 , O -100 it O -100 looks O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 in O -100 very O -100 affordable O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 color B-ASP Negative get O -100 faded O -100 in O -100 weeks O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative of O -100 tshirt O -100 which O -100 seen O -100 in O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 not O -100 same O -100 after O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 cloths B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 of O -100 low O -100 standard O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 of O -100 tshirt O -100 which O -100 seen O -100 in O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 not O -100 same O -100 after O -100 delivery B-ASP Negative and O -100 the O -100 cloths B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 of O -100 low O -100 standard O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 of O -100 tshirt O -100 which O -100 seen O -100 in O -100 Flipkart O -100 is O -100 not O -100 same O -100 after O -100 delivery B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 cloths B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 also O -100 of O -100 low O -100 standard O -100 . O -100 the O -100 tshirts O -100 is O -100 not O -100 correct O -100 size B-ASP Negative what O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 and O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP -100 also O -100 very O -100 low O -100 the O -100 color O -100 is O -100 looking O -100 like O -100 a O -100 hello O -100 . O -100 the O -100 tshirts O -100 is O -100 not O -100 correct O -100 size B-ASP -100 what O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 and O -100 the O -100 color B-ASP Negative also O -100 very O -100 low O -100 the O -100 color O -100 is O -100 looking O -100 like O -100 a O -100 hello O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 awesome O -100 colour B-ASP Positive perfect O -100 fit O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 awesome O -100 colour O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive colour B-ASP Negative its O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 fade O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP -100 and O -100 also O -100 it O -100 is O -100 fitted B-ASP Positive well O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Neutral and O -100 also O -100 it O -100 is O -100 fitted B-ASP -100 well O -100 . O -100 poor O -100 quality O -100 high O -100 price B-ASP Negative , O -100 after O -100 wearing O -100 some O -100 time O -100 loose O -100 his O -100 shape O -100 . O -100 looks O -100 good O -100 and O -100 is O -100 made O -100 up O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 fade O -100 after O -100 1 O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 found O -100 it O -100 a O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 but O -100 i O -100 was O -100 amazed O -100 , O -100 first O -100 - O -100 fast O -100 delivery O -100 and O -100 second O -100 - O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 , O -100 material B-ASP Positive also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive but O -100 , O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 very O -100 much O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive is O -100 natural O -100 . O -100 tight O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 also O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 not O -100 as O -100 good O -100 as O -100 provide O -100 in O -100 specifications O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive super O -100 fast O -100 delivery O -100 . O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive , O -100 color B-ASP -100 was O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fittings B-ASP -100 , O -100 color B-ASP Positive was O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Negative could O -100 have O -100 been O -100 better O -100 . O -100 amazing O -100 product O -100 i O -100 love O -100 it O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 amazing O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive & O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 & O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 but O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 product B-ASP Negative color I-ASP Negative is O -100 completely O -100 different O -100 from O -100 the O -100 pics O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 and O -100 the O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 and O -100 all O -100 is O -100 of O -100 high O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 and O -100 the O -100 stitching B-ASP Positive and O -100 all O -100 is O -100 of O -100 high O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 green B-ASP -100 color I-ASP -100 is O -100 rare O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 really O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 green B-ASP Positive color I-ASP Positive is O -100 rare O -100 and O -100 looks O -100 really O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive can O -100 be O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 you O -100 ll O -100 look O -100 smart O -100 if O -100 proper O -100 size O -100 is O -100 selected O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive cloth I-ASP Positive and O -100 color O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 cloth O -100 and O -100 color B-ASP Positive . O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 from O -100 lp O -100 jeans O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive and O -100 looks B-ASP -100 good O -100 too O -100 and O -100 the O -100 best O -100 part O -100 is O -100 i O -100 got O -100 it O -100 only O -100 for O -100 99 O -100 bucks O -100 ! O -100 awesome O -100 product O -100 from O -100 lp O -100 jeans O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 and O -100 looks B-ASP Positive good O -100 too O -100 and O -100 the O -100 best O -100 part O -100 is O -100 i O -100 got O -100 it O -100 only O -100 for O -100 99 O -100 bucks O -100 ! O -100 good O -100 product O -100 and O -100 soft O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 print O -100 material O -100 ok O -100 . O -100 no O -100 color B-ASP Positive fading O -100 even O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive - O -100 better O -100 in O -100 quality O -100 - O -100 best O -100 in O -100 price B-ASP -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 - O -100 better O -100 in O -100 quality O -100 - O -100 best O -100 in O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 with O -100 decent O -100 look O -100 and O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 like O -100 the O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative and O -100 product O -100 . O -100 looking O -100 great O -100 and O -100 superb O -100 t B-ASP Positive shirt I-ASP Positive . I-ASP Positive you O -100 can O -100 wash O -100 it O -100 by O -100 any O -100 way O -100 it O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 lose O -100 color B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 quality B-ASP Negative fabric I-ASP Negative . O -100 cool O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 comfortable O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 cool O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 color B-ASP Negative wont O -100 fade O -100 up O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 best O -100 deal O -100 for O -100 best O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 fade O -100 color B-ASP Negative , O -100 bad O -100 clothe O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 fade O -100 color O -100 , O -100 bad O -100 clothe B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative . O -100 ok O -100 good O -100 , O -100 very O -100 quicker O -100 delivery O -100 , O -100 clothe O -100 quality O -100 should O -100 wants O -100 to O -100 be O -100 improve O -100 , O -100 and O -100 good O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 size B-ASP Negative in I-ASP Negative length I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 otherwise O -100 its O -100 a O -100 fair O -100 deal O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative rubber I-ASP Negative print I-ASP Negative was O -100 very O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 very O -100 low O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Negative not O -100 fit O -100 . O -100 best O -100 for O -100 daily O -100 use O -100 in O -100 such O -100 a O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 excellent O -100 quality O -100 shirt O -100 and O -100 best O -100 products O -100 because O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 , O -100 worst O -100 product O -100 , O -100 retuned O -100 immediately O -100 after O -100 receiving O -100 it O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive with O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 with O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 i O -100 would O -100 suggest O -100 do O -100 not O -100 buy O -100 this O -100 local O -100 cheap O -100 made O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 looks O -100 good O -100 , O -100 but O -100 material B-ASP Neutral is O -100 ordinary O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive ( O -100 m O -100 ) O -100 , O -100 delivery O -100 was O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive of O -100 product O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 this O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 has O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton O -100 go O -100 for O -100 this O -100 product O -100 . O -100 damaged O -100 dress B-ASP Negative i O -100 received O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 3 O -100 times O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 fadding O -100 up O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 quality O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 larger O -100 than O -100 expected O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 ok O -100 , O -100 but O -100 when O -100 i O -100 washed O -100 it O -100 , O -100 then O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative was O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 material B-ASP Neutral is O -100 ok O -100 , O -100 but O -100 when O -100 i O -100 washed O -100 it O -100 , O -100 then O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 was O -100 faded O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 good O -100 pattern B-ASP -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 good O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 good O -100 pattern B-ASP -100 very O -100 comfortable O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 , O -100 good O -100 brand O -100 , O -100 good O -100 pattern B-ASP Positive very O -100 comfortable O -100 excellent O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 . O -100 excellent O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 overall O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 for O -100 a O -100 reasonable O -100 price B-ASP Neutral . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 at O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Negative . O -100 a O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 product O -100 and O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative cloth I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 great O -100 deal O -100 at O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 product O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive of I-ASP Positive material I-ASP Positive good O -100 color O -100 . O -100 product O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 of O -100 material O -100 good O -100 color B-ASP Positive . O -100 zipper B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 this O -100 product O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 both O -100 in O -100 looks O -100 and O -100 quality B-ASP Positive as O -100 well O -100 . O -100 soft O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 must O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 very O -100 cheap O -100 quality B-ASP Negative but O -100 look O -100 is O -100 awesome O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 the O -100 elastic B-ASP Positive at O -100 the O -100 start O -100 of O -100 the O -100 sleeve O -100 gives O -100 extra O -100 comfort O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative differ O -100 little O -100 bid O -100 . O -100 classy O -100 tshirt O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive seller O -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 looking B-ASP Positive wise O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 looking B-ASP -100 wise O -100 is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 awsone O -100 material B-ASP -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP -100 and O -100 awsone O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 superb O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 but O -100 printing O -100 seems O -100 to O -100 be O -100 if O -100 low O -100 grade O -100 . O -100 ooosm O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive , O -100 looks O -100 , O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fade O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 . O -100 after O -100 first O -100 wash B-ASP Negative tshirt O -100 is O -100 shrinking O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 looks O -100 better O -100 in O -100 real O -100 . O -100 the O -100 clothing B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 low O -100 i O -100 request O -100 you O -100 to O -100 change O -100 it O -100 . O -100 the O -100 stitches B-ASP Negative are O -100 too O -100 poorly O -100 designed O -100 . O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 comfortable O -100 . O -100 t O -100 shirt O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 very O -100 fine O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative garment I-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 also O -100 of O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 size B-ASP Positive was O -100 perfect O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 , O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 nice O -100 product O -100 but O -100 colors B-ASP Negative are O -100 little O -100 different O -100 . O -100 these O -100 two O -100 items O -100 are O -100 good O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP Positive as O -100 well O -100 as B-ASP -100 price O -100 . O -100 these O -100 two O -100 items O -100 are O -100 good O -100 in O -100 quality B-ASP -100 as O -100 well O -100 as B-ASP Positive price O -100 . O -100 and O -100 i O -100 loved O -100 the O -100 hd O -100 graphics B-ASP Positive printed I-ASP Positive on O -100 the O -100 same O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Positive is O -100 superb O -100 and O -100 no O -100 fading O -100 after O -100 couple O -100 of O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 colour B-ASP Negative bad O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative dim O -100 after O -100 wash O -100 sont O -100 buy O -100 blue O -100 in O -100 UCB O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 material B-ASP -100 of O -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 material B-ASP Positive of O -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 tshirt O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 high O -100 . O -100 this O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 show O -100 tshirt O -100 colour O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP -100 is O -100 light O -100 trust O -100 me O -100 but O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Positive is O -100 too O -100 good O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 but O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative is O -100 light O -100 trust O -100 me O -100 but O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP -100 is O -100 too O -100 good O -100 ! O -100 ! O -100 but O -100 nice O -100 tshirt O -100 . O -100 different O -100 desigb B-ASP Positive with O -100 good O -100 looks O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 and O -100 Flipkart O -100 delivery O -100 as O -100 usual O -100 ( O -100 super O -100 excellent O -100 ) O -100 . O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive is O -100 really O -100 good O -100 . O -100 though O -100 it O -100 is O -100 a O -100 full O -100 tshirt O -100 it O -100 is O -100 so O -100 thin O -100 otherwise O -100 , O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 good O -100 in O -100 a O -100 low O -100 price B-ASP Positive . O -100 i O -100 like O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP Positive but O -100 the O -100 sides B-ASP -100 are O -100 larger O -100 . O -100 i O -100 like O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quality B-ASP -100 but O -100 the O -100 sides B-ASP Negative are O -100 larger O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 and O -100 very O -100 cooperative O -100 delivery O -100 partners O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 , O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 not O -100 that O -100 bad O -100 for O -100 the O -100 price O -100 paid O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 perfect O -100 , O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP Positive is O -100 perfect O -100 not O -100 that O -100 bad O -100 for O -100 the O -100 price O -100 paid O -100 . O -100 west O -100 of O -100 money O -100 west O -100 cloth O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 frmds O -100 color B-ASP Negative also O -100 going O -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative and O -100 thin O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fits O -100 at O -100 all O -100 . O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 thin O -100 material B-ASP Negative and O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 fits O -100 at O -100 all O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 warm O -100 . O -100 great O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive service I-ASP Positive , O -100 got O -100 the O -100 product O -100 delivered O -100 on O -100 time O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 of O -100 course O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 of O -100 cloth O -100 . O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 of O -100 course O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive of O -100 cloth O -100 . O -100 it O -100 is O -100 one O -100 nice O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive . O -100 very O -100 tight O -100 fit B-ASP Negative for O -100 the O -100 size O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive and O -100 decent O -100 look O -100 . O -100 looks O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 low O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 a O -100 very O -100 soft O -100 and O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 superb O -100 quality B-ASP Positive & O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 quality B-ASP -100 & O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 much O -100 bad O -100 i O -100 am O -100 disappointed O -100 by O -100 this O -100 . O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 at O -100 a O -100 fair O -100 price B-ASP Neutral . O -100 please O -100 deliver O -100 with O -100 care O -100 cos O -100 i O -100 received O -100 it O -100 but O -100 two O -100 black O -100 dust O -100 spot O -100 is O -100 there O -100 on O -100 white O -100 colour O -100 logo B-ASP Negative in O -100 front O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive colour B-ASP -100 n O -100 product O -100 , O -100 thanks O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 colour B-ASP Positive n O -100 product O -100 , O -100 thanks O -100 Flipkart O -100 . O -100 soft O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP -100 , O -100 . O -100 soft O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 design B-ASP Positive , O -100 . O -100 paint B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 at O -100 all O -100 good O -100 . O -100 appreciate O -100 Flipkart O -100 and O -100 the O -100 seller O -100 for O -100 timely O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 worst O -100 product O -100 of O -100 my O -100 life O -100 please O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 poor O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP Negative is O -100 little O -100 big O -100 then O -100 normal O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP -100 wise O -100 good O -100 . O -100 color B-ASP -100 is O -100 little O -100 big O -100 then O -100 normal O -100 but O -100 price B-ASP Positive wise O -100 good O -100 . O -100 quick O -100 dry B-ASP Positive and O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 . O -100 quick O -100 dry B-ASP -100 and O -100 perfect O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP Positive & O -100 best O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 design B-ASP -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 & O -100 best O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive design B-ASP -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 & O -100 best O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 design B-ASP Positive colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 perfect O -100 size B-ASP -100 & O -100 best O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 design B-ASP -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 first O -100 of O -100 all O -100 thanks O -100 to O -100 Flipkart O -100 for O -100 such O -100 the O -100 fastest O -100 delivery B-ASP Positive . O -100 but O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 so O -100 thick O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 won O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 recomm O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Neutral so O -100 thick O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 not O -100 good O -100 won O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 recomm O -100 . O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 soft O -100 too O -100 . O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 accurate O -100 as O -100 i O -100 think O -100 off O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive is O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 sleeves B-ASP -100 are O -100 short O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 is O -100 comfortable O -100 and O -100 sleeves B-ASP Negative are O -100 short O -100 . O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Neutral of I-ASP Neutral cloth I-ASP Neutral is O -100 fine O -100 but O -100 it O -100 doesn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 look O -100 so O -100 attractive O -100 . O -100 quality B-ASP Negative of I-ASP Negative the I-ASP Negative material I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 bad O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative is O -100 very O -100 very O -100 cheap O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 but O -100 color B-ASP Negative will O -100 be O -100 fade O -100 . O -100 this O -100 color B-ASP Neutral goes O -100 better O -100 with O -100 dark O -100 skin O -100 tones O -100 . O -100 print B-ASP Negative fades O -100 after O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 . O -100 the O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP Positive , O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP -100 and O -100 small O -100 is O -100 fitted O -100 me O -100 perfectly O -100 . O -100 good O -100 material B-ASP -100 , O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive and O -100 small O -100 is O -100 fitted O -100 me O -100 perfectly O -100 . O -100 average O -100 quality O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 fit O -100 and O -100 two O -100 different O -100 size O -100 of O -100 two O -100 piece O -100 . O -100 superb O -100 product O -100 at O -100 very O -100 low O -100 cost B-ASP Negative . O -100 tshirt O -100 quality O -100 and O -100 fitness B-ASP Positive is O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive n O -100 good O -100 worth O -100 buying O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 quality O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 so O -100 thin O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 is O -100 not O -100 so O -100 good O -100 average O -100 material B-ASP Neutral . O -100 the O -100 printing B-ASP Positive looks O -100 just O -100 awesome O -100 . O -100 not O -100 satisfied O -100 with O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Negative . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 quality O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 with O -100 100 O -100 % O -100 cotton B-ASP Positive , O -100 very O -100 good O -100 packaging O -100 from O -100 Flipkart O -100 , O -100 thanks O -100 Flipkart O -100 for O -100 the O -100 great O -100 deal O -100 and O -100 faster O -100 delivery O -100 service O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive n O -100 awesome O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 n O -100 awesome O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive . O -100 fabric B-ASP Negative is O -100 too O -100 bad O -100 yarr O -100 really O -100 . O -100 clothi B-ASP Positive is O -100 very O -100 high O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 quality O -100 n O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive is O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative needs O -100 to O -100 improve O -100 . O -100 ver O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 . O -100 ver O -100 nice O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP Positive and O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 used O -100 is O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive used O -100 is O -100 very O -100 nice O -100 . O -100 everything B-ASP Positive is O -100 fine O -100 but O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 more O -100 lengthy O -100 . O -100 but O -100 it O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 too O -100 small O -100 size B-ASP Negative for O -100 me O -100 . O -100 loved O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive and O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP -100 . O -100 loved O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 the O -100 design B-ASP Positive . O -100 after O -100 washing O -100 the O -100 colour B-ASP Negative was O -100 gone O -100 . O -100 tshirts O -100 r O -100 good O -100 but O -100 size B-ASP Negative is O -100 different O -100 please O -100 don O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 colour B-ASP Positive combinations I-ASP Positive must O -100 buy O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 bed O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 also O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP -100 is O -100 bed O -100 and O -100 fitting B-ASP Negative also O -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP Positive and O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 fitting B-ASP -100 and O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 also O -100 good O -100 . O -100 item O -100 is O -100 good O -100 and O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 second O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Negative and O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 . O -100 second O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP -100 and O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative . O -100 there O -100 is O -100 small O -100 difference O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 n O -100 too O -100 the O -100 reality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 product O -100 but O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 n O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 there O -100 is O -100 small O -100 difference O -100 in O -100 the O -100 picture O -100 n O -100 too O -100 the O -100 reality O -100 of O -100 the O -100 product O -100 but O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP -100 is O -100 good O -100 n O -100 the O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 good O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 fit B-ASP Positive with O -100 sheer O -100 class O -100 and O -100 reasonable O -100 and O -100 affordable O -100 price O -100 ; O -100 - O -100 ) O -100 . O -100 seen O -100 of O -100 creamy O -100 color B-ASP Negative got O -100 full O -100 white O -100 color O -100 . O -100 awesome O -100 coton B-ASP Positive tshirt I-ASP Positive from O -100 roadster O -100 . O -100 very O -100 good O -100 product O -100 and O -100 percect O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 if O -100 it O -100 is O -100 slim O -100 fit B-ASP Positive , O -100 it O -100 will O -100 be O -100 excellent O -100 . O -100 good O -100 fittings B-ASP Positive and O -100 great O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 colour B-ASP Negative are O -100 not O -100 same O -100 as O -100 show O -100 in O -100 picture O -100 . O -100 the O -100 print B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP Negative not O -100 that O -100 good O -100 on O -100 the O -100 tshirt O -100 for O -100 the O -100 price O -100 it O -100 is O -100 for O -100 . O -100 fitting B-ASP Neutral is O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP Negative goes O -100 soon O -100 by O -100 one O -100 wash O -100 only O -100 . O -100 love O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive and O -100 fit B-ASP -100 . O -100 love O -100 the O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive . O -100 good O -100 but O -100 colour B-ASP Negative goes O -100 earlierly O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 service B-ASP Negative that O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 why O -100 it O -100 is O -100 running O -100 loss O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP -100 which O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 has O -100 not O -100 arrived O -100 . O -100 worst O -100 service B-ASP -100 that O -100 ' O -100 s O -100 why O -100 it O -100 is O -100 running O -100 loss O -100 and O -100 colour B-ASP Negative which O -100 i O -100 ordered O -100 has O -100 not O -100 arrived O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP Positive , O -100 not O -100 good O -100 folds O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP -100 not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 nice O -100 shirt O -100 , O -100 good O -100 fabric B-ASP -100 , O -100 not O -100 good O -100 folds O -100 , O -100 stitching B-ASP Negative not O -100 good O -100 . O -100 i O -100 loved O -100 it O -100 , O -100 looking O -100 so O -100 cool O -100 , O -100 material B-ASP Positive is O -100 so O -100 good O -100 . O -100 awosmm O -100 color B-ASP Positive like O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 favric B-ASP -100 was O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 awosmm O -100 color B-ASP -100 like O -100 picture O -100 and O -100 favric B-ASP Positive was O -100 very O -100 good O -100 . O -100 this O -100 cloth B-ASP Positive quality I-ASP Positive is O -100 too O -100 good O -100 but O -100 it O -100 is O -100 advisable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 it O -100 in O -100 winter O -100 as O -100 this O -100 cloth O -100 is O -100 a O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 hot O -100 . O -100 this O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative quality I-ASP -100 is O -100 too O -100 good O -100 but O -100 it O -100 is O -100 advisable O -100 to O -100 wear O -100 it O -100 in O -100 winter O -100 as O -100 this O -100 cloth O -100 is O -100 a O -100 little O -100 bit O -100 hot O -100 . O -100 need O -100 to O -100 check O -100 the O -100 quality B-ASP Neutral of I-ASP Neutral print I-ASP Neutral after O -100 few O -100 washes O -100 . O -100 fabric B-ASP Neutral isn O -100 ' O -100 t O -100 stretchable O -100 and O -100 look O -100 quite O -100 monotonously O -100 blue O -100 . O -100 cloth B-ASP Negative is O -100 of O -100 worst O -100 quality O -100 . O -100 tshirt O -100 is O -100 very O -100 good O -100 and O -100 fit B-ASP Positive to O -100 my O -100 body O -100 . O -100 one O -100 star O -100 less O -100 for O -100 a O -100 bit O -100 high O -100 price O -100 otherwise O -100 great O -100 product O -100 , O -100 high O -100 quality O -100 material B-ASP Positive . O -100 the O -100 fit B-ASP Negative is O -100 not O -100 up O -100 to O -100 the O -100 mark O -100 . O -100 quality O -100 not O -100 that O -100 much O -100 good O -100 , O -100 colour B-ASP Negative also O -100 looks O -100 like O -100 faded O -100 . O -100