import numpy as np import trimesh import os # try: # import mesh2sdf # except: # pass import mesh2sdf import time from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R def extract_obj_meshes(sv_dict_fn): # sv_fn = "/data2/datasets/sim/arctic_processed_data/processed_sv_dicts/s01/box_grab_01_extracted_dict.npy" # if not os.path.exists(sv_fn): # sv_fn = "/data/xueyi/arctic/processed_sv_dicts/box_grab_01_extracted_dict.npy" active_passive_sv_dict = np.load(sv_dict_fn, allow_pickle=True).item() # obj_verts = active_passive_sv_dict['obj_verts'] # object orientation # obj_faces = active_passive_sv_dict['obj_faces'] obj_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(obj_verts[0], obj_faces) obj_mesh_sv_fn = os.path.join( "/home/xueyi/diffsim/NeuS/utils", "init_box.obj" ) obj_mesh.export(obj_mesh_sv_fn) obj_verts_reversed = obj_verts[:, :, [1, 0, 2]] obj_verts_reversed[:, :, 1] = -obj_verts_reversed[:, :, 1] obj_mesh_reversed = trimesh.Trimesh(obj_verts_reversed[0], obj_faces) obj_mesh_sv_fn_reversed = os.path.join( "/home/xueyi/diffsim/NeuS/utils", "init_box_reversed.obj" ) obj_mesh_reversed.export(obj_mesh_sv_fn_reversed) def extract_obj_meshes_boundingbox(sv_dict_fn): # sv_fn = "/data2/datasets/sim/arctic_processed_data/processed_sv_dicts/s01/box_grab_01_extracted_dict.npy" # if not os.path.exists(sv_fn): # sv_fn = "/data/xueyi/arctic/processed_sv_dicts/box_grab_01_extracted_dict.npy" active_passive_sv_dict = np.load(sv_dict_fn, allow_pickle=True).item() # obj_verts = active_passive_sv_dict['obj_verts'] # object orientation # obj_faces = active_passive_sv_dict['obj_faces'] init_obj_verts = obj_verts[0] minn_box = np.min(init_obj_verts, axis=0, keepdims=True) maxx_box = np.max(init_obj_verts, axis=0, keepdims=True) # get the minn box and maxx box # box_triangle_mesh_faces = np.array([ [1, 2, 3], # Left face (triangle 1) [2, 3, 4], # Left face (triangle 2) [5, 6, 7], # Right face (triangle 1) [6, 7, 8], # Right face (triangle 2) [1, 3, 5], # Bottom face (triangle 1) [3, 5, 7], # Bottom face (triangle 2) [2, 4, 6], # Top face (triangle 1) [4, 6, 8], # Top face (triangle 2) [1, 2, 5], # Front face (triangle 1) [2, 5, 6], # Front face (triangle 2) [3, 4, 7], # Back face (triangle 1) [4, 7, 8] # Back face (triangle 2) ], dtype=np.int32) - 1 box_vertices = np.array([ [-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, 1], [1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1] ], dtype=np.float32) box_vertices = (box_vertices - (-1)) / 2 box_vertices = box_vertices * (maxx_box - minn_box) + minn_box box_mesh= trimesh.Trimesh(box_vertices, box_triangle_mesh_faces) # # obj_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(obj_verts[0], obj_faces) obj_mesh_sv_fn = os.path.join( "/home/xueyi/diffsim/NeuS/utils", "init_bounding_box.obj" ) box_mesh.export(obj_mesh_sv_fn) # obj_verts_reversed = obj_verts[:, :, [1, 0, 2]] # obj_verts_reversed[:, :, 1] = -obj_verts_reversed[:, :, 1] # obj_mesh_reversed = trimesh.Trimesh(obj_verts_reversed[0], obj_faces) # obj_mesh_sv_fn_reversed = os.path.join( # "/home/xueyi/diffsim/NeuS/utils", "init_box_reversed.obj" # ) # obj_mesh_reversed.export(obj_mesh_sv_fn_reversed) def extract_obj_meshes_taco(pkl_fn): import pickle as pkl sv_dict = pkl.load(open(pkl_fn, "rb")) print(f"sv_dict: {sv_dict.keys()}") # maxx_ws = min(maxx_ws, len(sv_dict['obj_verts']) - start_idx) obj_pcs = sv_dict['obj_verts'] # [start_idx: start_idx + maxx_ws] # obj_pcs = torch.from_numpy(obj_pcs).float().cuda() # self.obj_pcs = obj_pcs # # obj_vertex_normals = sv_dict['obj_vertex_normals'] # # obj_vertex_normals = torch.from_numpy(obj_vertex_normals).float().cuda() # self.obj_normals = torch.zeros_like(obj_pcs[0]) ### get the obj naormal vectors ## object_pose = sv_dict['obj_pose'] # [start_idx: start_idx + maxx_ws] # object_pose = torch.from_numpy(object_pose).float().cuda() ### nn_frames x 4 x 4 ### object_global_orient_mtx = object_pose[:, :3, :3 ] ## nn_frames x 3 x 3 ## object_transl = object_pose[:, :3, 3] ## nn_frmaes x 3 ## obj_faces = sv_dict['obj_faces'] # obj_faces = torch.from_numpy(obj_faces).long().cuda() # self.obj_faces = obj_faces # [0] ### obj faces ## # obj_verts = sv_dict['obj_verts'] # minn_verts = np.min(obj_verts, axis=0) # maxx_verts = np.max(obj_verts, axis=0) # extent = maxx_verts - minn_verts # center_ori = (maxx_verts + minn_verts) / 2 # scale_ori = np.sqrt(np.sum(extent ** 2)) # obj_verts = torch.from_numpy(obj_verts).float().cuda() init_obj_verts = obj_pcs[0] init_obj_ornt_mtx = object_global_orient_mtx[0] init_obj_transl = object_transl[0] canon_obj_verts = np.matmul( init_obj_ornt_mtx.T, (init_obj_verts - init_obj_transl[None]).T ).T # self.obj_verts = canon_obj_verts.clone() # obj_verts = canon_obj_verts.clone() canon_obj_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=canon_obj_verts, faces=obj_faces) canon_obj_mesh_export_dir = "/".join(pkl_fn.split("/")[:-1]) pkl_name = pkl_fn.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] canon_obj_mesh_sv_fn = f"{pkl_name}.obj" canon_obj_mesh.export(os.path.join(canon_obj_mesh_export_dir, canon_obj_mesh_sv_fn)) print(f"canon_obj_mesh_sv_fn: {canon_obj_mesh_sv_fn}") def compute_sdf(obj_file_name): filename = obj_file_name # init_mesh_scale = 1.0 init_mesh_scale = 0.8 mesh_scale = 0.8 size = 128 level = 2 / size mesh = trimesh.load(filename, force='mesh') # normalize mesh vertices = mesh.vertices vertices = vertices * init_mesh_scale bbmin = vertices.min(0) # bbmax = vertices.max(0) # center = (bbmin + bbmax) * 0.5 scale = 2.0 * mesh_scale / (bbmax - bbmin).max() # bounding box's max # # bbmax - bbmin # vertices = (vertices - center) * scale # (vertices - center) * scale # scaled_bbmin = vertices.min(0) scaled_bbmax = vertices.max(0) print(f"scaled_bbmin: {scaled_bbmin}, scaled_bbmax: {scaled_bbmax}") t0 = time.time() sdf, mesh = mesh2sdf.compute( ## sdf and mesh ## vertices, mesh.faces, size, fix=True, level=level, return_mesh=True) t1 = time.time() print(f"sdf: {sdf.shape}, mesh: {mesh.vertices.shape}") mesh.vertices = mesh.vertices / scale + center mesh.export(filename[:-4] + '.fixed.obj') ## .fixed.obj ##[:-4] + '.npy', sdf) ## .npy ## print('It takes %.4f seconds to process %s' % (t1-t0, filename)) def get_grab_data_dict(data_fn): grab_data_dict = np.load(data_fn, allow_pickle=True).item() print(f"grab_data_keys: { grab_data_dict.keys()}") if __name__=='__main__': ## data_fn ## ### that we can use in the GRAB data_fn = "/data1/xueyi/GRAB_extracted_test/train/363_sv_dict.npy" get_grab_data_dict(data_fn) exit(0) # compute_sdf('/data/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917/right_20230917_032.obj') # exit(0) pkl_fn = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917/right_20230917_004.pkl" pkl_fn = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917/right_20230917_030.pkl" pkl_fn = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917/right_20230917_037.pkl" pkl_fn = "/data/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917/right_20230917_037.pkl" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231010" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230919" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231104" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231105" pkl_root_folder = "/data/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917" ## pkl folder pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231102" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230923" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230926" pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230927" pkl_root_folder = "/data/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230930" pkl_root_folder = "/data2/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231031" # pkl_root_folder = "/data2/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230929" # pkl_root_folder = "/data2/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230930" tot_pkl_fns = os.listdir(pkl_root_folder) tot_pkl_fns = [fn for fn in tot_pkl_fns if fn.endswith(".pkl")] # tot_pkl_fns = ['right_20230930_001.pkl'] # tot_pkl_fns = ['/data/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917/right_20230917_032.obj'] for i_fn, cur_pkl_fn in enumerate(tot_pkl_fns): cur_full_pkl_fn = os.path.join(pkl_root_folder, cur_pkl_fn) extract_obj_meshes_taco(cur_full_pkl_fn) # compute_sdf(cur_full_fn) # exit(0) # pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231104" # pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231105" # pkl_root_folder = "/data/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20230917" # pkl_root_folder = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231102" tot_fns = os.listdir(pkl_root_folder) tot_fns = [fn for fn in tot_fns if fn.endswith(".obj")] for cur_fn in tot_fns: cur_full_fn = os.path.join(pkl_root_folder, cur_fn) compute_sdf(cur_full_fn) # obj_mesh_fn = "/data3/datasets/xueyi/taco/processed_data/20231104/right_20231104_017.obj" # compute_sdf(obj_mesh_fn) exit(0) extract_obj_meshes_taco(pkl_fn) exit(0) sv_dict_fn = "/data2/datasets/sim/arctic_processed_data/processed_sv_dicts/s01/box_grab_01_extracted_dict.npy" # extract_obj_meshes(sv_dict_fn=sv_dict_fn) extract_obj_meshes_boundingbox(sv_dict_fn)