import argparse import gradio as gr from common.utils import ( matcher_zoo, ransac_zoo, change_estimate_geom, run_matching, gen_examples, DEFAULT_RANSAC_METHOD, DEFAULT_SETTING_GEOMETRY, DEFAULT_RANSAC_REPROJ_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_RANSAC_CONFIDENCE, DEFAULT_RANSAC_MAX_ITER, DEFAULT_MATCHING_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_SETTING_MAX_FEATURES, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYPOINT_THRESHOLD, ) model = "xuelunshen/gim" DESCRIPTION = """
GIM: Learning Generalizable Image Matcher From Internet Videos
LICENSE: This repository is under the MIT License. This content/model is provided here for research purposes only. Any use beyond this is your sole responsibility and subject to your securing the necessary rights for your purpose.
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Overview Video


You can click on the example images below or upload a pair of images. Running a match takes about 3.5 minutes (because the code is deployed on free CPU). Please wait patiently and keep the window in the foreground during operation
Thanks to for providing the UI framework.

运行一次匹配需要 3.5 分钟左右的时间 (因为代码部署在免费cpu上)
请你耐心等待, 运行期间保持窗口在最前面
感谢 提供的交互界面.

""" def ui_change_imagebox(choice): """ Updates the image box with the given choice. Args: choice (list): The list of image sources to be displayed in the image box. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the updated value, sources, and type for the image box. """ return { "value": None, # The updated value of the image box "sources": choice, # The list of image sources to be displayed "__type__": "update", # The type of update for the image box } def ui_reset_state(*args): """ Reset the state of the UI. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the initial values for the UI state. """ key = list(matcher_zoo.keys())[0] # Get the first key from matcher_zoo return ( None, # image0 None, # image1 DEFAULT_MATCHING_THRESHOLD, # matching_threshold DEFAULT_SETTING_MAX_FEATURES, # max_features DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYPOINT_THRESHOLD, # keypoint_threshold key, # matcher ui_change_imagebox("upload"), # input image0 ui_change_imagebox("upload"), # input image1 "upload", # match_image_src None, # keypoints None, # raw matches None, # ransac matches {}, # matches result info {}, # matcher config None, # warped image {}, # geometry result DEFAULT_RANSAC_METHOD, # ransac_method DEFAULT_RANSAC_REPROJ_THRESHOLD, # ransac_reproj_threshold DEFAULT_RANSAC_CONFIDENCE, # ransac_confidence DEFAULT_RANSAC_MAX_ITER, # ransac_max_iter DEFAULT_SETTING_GEOMETRY, # geometry ) # "footer {visibility: hidden}" def run(config): """ Runs the application. Args: config (dict): A dictionary containing configuration parameters for the application. Returns: None """ with gr.Blocks(css="style.css") as app: gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Row(equal_height=False): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): matcher_list = gr.Dropdown( choices=list(matcher_zoo.keys()), value="gim", label="Matching Model", interactive=True, ) match_image_src = gr.Radio( ["upload", "webcam"], label="Image Source", value="upload", ) with gr.Row(): input_image0 = gr.Image( label="Image 0", type="numpy", image_mode="RGB", height=300, interactive=True, ) input_image1 = gr.Image( label="Image 1", type="numpy", image_mode="RGB", height=300, interactive=True, ) with gr.Row(): button_reset = gr.Button(value="Reset") button_run = gr.Button(value="Run Match", variant="primary") with gr.Accordion("Advanced Setting", open=False): with gr.Accordion("Matching Setting", open=True): with gr.Row(): match_setting_threshold = gr.Slider( minimum=0.0, maximum=1, step=0.001, label="Match thres.", value=0.1, ) match_setting_max_features = gr.Slider( minimum=10, maximum=10000, step=10, label="Max features", value=4096, ) # TODO: add line settings with gr.Row(): detect_keypoints_threshold = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.001, label="Keypoint thres.", value=0.01, ) detect_line_threshold = gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=1, step=0.01, label="Line thres.", value=0.2, ) # matcher_lists = gr.Radio( # ["NN-mutual", "Dual-Softmax"], # label="Matcher mode", # value="NN-mutual", # ) with gr.Accordion("RANSAC Setting", open=True): with gr.Row(equal_height=False): # enable_ransac = gr.Checkbox(label="Enable RANSAC") ransac_method = gr.Dropdown( choices=ransac_zoo.keys(), value=DEFAULT_RANSAC_METHOD, label="RANSAC Method", interactive=True, ) ransac_reproj_threshold = gr.Slider( minimum=0.0, maximum=12, step=0.01, label="Ransac Reproj threshold", value=8.0, ) ransac_confidence = gr.Slider( minimum=0.0, maximum=1, step=0.00001, label="Ransac Confidence", value=0.99999, ) ransac_max_iter = gr.Slider( minimum=0.0, maximum=100000, step=100, label="Ransac Iterations", value=10000, ) with gr.Accordion("Geometry Setting", open=False): with gr.Row(equal_height=False): # show_geom = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Geometry") choice_estimate_geom = gr.Radio( ["Fundamental", "Homography"], label="Reconstruct Geometry", value=DEFAULT_SETTING_GEOMETRY, ) # with gr.Column(): # collect inputs inputs = [ input_image0, input_image1, match_setting_threshold, match_setting_max_features, detect_keypoints_threshold, matcher_list, ransac_method, ransac_reproj_threshold, ransac_confidence, ransac_max_iter, choice_estimate_geom, ] # Add some examples with gr.Row(): # Example inputs gr.Examples( examples=gen_examples(), inputs=inputs, outputs=[], fn=run_matching, cache_examples=False, label=( "Examples (click one of the images below to Run" " Match)" ), ) with gr.Accordion("Open for More!", open=False): gr.Markdown( f"""

Supported Algorithms

{", ".join(matcher_zoo.keys())} """ ) with gr.Column(): output_keypoints = gr.Image(label="Keypoints", type="numpy") output_matches_raw = gr.Image(label="Raw Matches", type="numpy") output_matches_ransac = gr.Image( label="Ransac Matches", type="numpy" ) output_wrapped = gr.Image( label="Wrapped Pair", type="numpy" ) with gr.Accordion( "Open for More: Matches Statistics", open=False ): matches_result_info = gr.JSON(label="Matches Statistics") matcher_info = gr.JSON(label="Match info") with gr.Accordion( "Open for More: Geometry info", open=False ): geometry_result = gr.JSON( label="Reconstructed Geometry" ) # callbacks match_image_src.change( fn=ui_change_imagebox, inputs=match_image_src, outputs=input_image0, ) match_image_src.change( fn=ui_change_imagebox, inputs=match_image_src, outputs=input_image1, ) # collect outputs outputs = [ output_keypoints, output_matches_raw, output_matches_ransac, matches_result_info, matcher_info, geometry_result, output_wrapped, ] # button callbacks, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) # Reset images reset_outputs = [ input_image0, input_image1, match_setting_threshold, match_setting_max_features, detect_keypoints_threshold, matcher_list, input_image0, input_image1, match_image_src, output_keypoints, output_matches_raw, output_matches_ransac, matches_result_info, matcher_info, output_wrapped, geometry_result, ransac_method, ransac_reproj_threshold, ransac_confidence, ransac_max_iter, choice_estimate_geom, ] fn=ui_reset_state, inputs=inputs, outputs=reset_outputs ) # estimate geo choice_estimate_geom.change( fn=change_estimate_geom, inputs=[ input_image0, input_image1, geometry_result, choice_estimate_geom, ], outputs=[output_wrapped, geometry_result], ) import datetime print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'app.queue().launch start') app.queue().launch(share=False) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--config_path", type=str, default="config.yaml", help="configuration file path", ) args = parser.parse_args() config = None run(config)