from PIL import Image import numpy as np import os import torch from tqdm import tqdm from dkm.utils import * class HpatchesDenseBenchmark: """WARNING: HPATCHES grid goes from [0,n-1] instead of [0.5,n-0.5]""" def __init__(self, dataset_path) -> None: seqs_dir = "hpatches-sequences-release" self.seqs_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, seqs_dir) self.seq_names = sorted(os.listdir(self.seqs_path)) def convert_coordinates(self, query_coords, query_to_support, wq, hq, wsup, hsup): # Get matches in output format on the grid [0, n] where the center of the top-left coordinate is [0.5, 0.5] offset = ( 0.5 # Hpatches assumes that the center of the top-left pixel is at [0,0] ) query_coords = ( torch.stack( ( wq * (query_coords[..., 0] + 1) / 2, hq * (query_coords[..., 1] + 1) / 2, ), axis=-1, ) - offset ) query_to_support = ( torch.stack( ( wsup * (query_to_support[..., 0] + 1) / 2, hsup * (query_to_support[..., 1] + 1) / 2, ), axis=-1, ) - offset ) return query_coords, query_to_support def inside_image(self, x, w, h): return torch.logical_and( x[:, 0] < (w - 1), torch.logical_and(x[:, 1] < (h - 1), (x > 0).prod(dim=-1)), ) def benchmark(self, model): use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu") aepes = [] pcks = [] for seq_idx, seq_name in tqdm( enumerate(self.seq_names), total=len(self.seq_names) ): if seq_name[0] == "i": continue im1_path = os.path.join(self.seqs_path, seq_name, "1.ppm") im1 = w1, h1 = im1.size for im_idx in range(2, 7): im2_path = os.path.join(self.seqs_path, seq_name, f"{im_idx}.ppm") im2 = w2, h2 = im2.size matches, certainty = model.match(im2, im1, do_pred_in_og_res=True) matches, certainty = matches.reshape(-1, 4), certainty.reshape(-1) inv_homography = torch.from_numpy( np.loadtxt( os.path.join(self.seqs_path, seq_name, "H_1_" + str(im_idx)) ) ).to(device) homography = torch.linalg.inv(inv_homography) pos_a, pos_b = self.convert_coordinates( matches[:, :2], matches[:, 2:], w2, h2, w1, h1 ) pos_a, pos_b = pos_a.double(), pos_b.double() pos_a_h = [pos_a, torch.ones([pos_a.shape[0], 1], device=device)], dim=1 ) pos_b_proj_h = (homography @ pos_a_h.t()).t() pos_b_proj = pos_b_proj_h[:, :2] / pos_b_proj_h[:, 2:] mask = self.inside_image(pos_b_proj, w1, h1) residual = pos_b - pos_b_proj dist = (residual**2).sum(dim=1).sqrt()[mask] aepes.append(torch.mean(dist).item()) pck1 = (dist < 1.0).float().mean().item() pck3 = (dist < 3.0).float().mean().item() pck5 = (dist < 5.0).float().mean().item() pcks.append([pck1, pck3, pck5]) m_pcks = np.mean(np.array(pcks), axis=0) return { "hp_pck1": m_pcks[0], "hp_pck3": m_pcks[1], "hp_pck5": m_pcks[2], }