'\" t .\" Title: git-check-mailmap .\" Author: [FIXME: author] [see http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/author] .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets vsnapshot .\" Date: 04/24/2023 .\" Manual: Git Manual .\" Source: Git 2.40.1 .\" Language: English .\" .TH "GIT\-CHECK\-MAILMAP" "1" "04/24/2023" "Git 2\&.40\&.1" "Git Manual" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "NAME" git-check-mailmap \- Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp .nf \fIgit check\-mailmap\fR [] \&... .fi .sp .SH "DESCRIPTION" .sp For each \(lqName \(rq or \(lq\(rq from the command\-line or standard input (when using \fB\-\-stdin\fR), look up the person\(cqs canonical name and email address (see "Mapping Authors" below)\&. If found, print them; otherwise print the input as\-is\&. .SH "OPTIONS" .PP \-\-stdin .RS 4 Read contacts, one per line, from the standard input after exhausting contacts provided on the command\-line\&. .RE .SH "OUTPUT" .sp For each contact, a single line is output, terminated by a newline\&. If the name is provided or known to the \fImailmap\fR, \(lqName \(rq is printed; otherwise only \(lq\(rq is printed\&. .SH "CONFIGURATION" .sp See \fBmailmap\&.file\fR and \fBmailmap\&.blob\fR in \fBgit-config\fR(1) for how to specify a custom \fB\&.mailmap\fR target file or object\&. .SH "MAPPING AUTHORS" .sp See \fBgitmailmap\fR(5)\&. .SH "GIT" .sp Part of the \fBgit\fR(1) suite