import json import time from os.path import exists, normpath from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Dict import yaml class User: """ Class stored individual tg user info (history, message sequence, etc...) and provide some actions """ def __init__( self, char_file="", user_id=0, name1="You", name2="Bot", context="", example="", language="en", silero_speaker="None", silero_model_id="None", turn_template="", greeting="Hello.", ): """Init User class with default attribute Args: name1: username name2: current character name context: context of conversation, example: "Conversation between Bot and You" greeting: just greeting message from bot """ self.char_file: str = char_file self.user_id: int = user_id self.name1: str = name1 self.name2: str = name2 self.context: str = context self.example: str = example self.language: str = language self.silero_speaker: str = silero_speaker self.silero_model_id: str = silero_model_id self.turn_template: str = turn_template self.text_in: List[str] = [] # "user input history": ["Hi!","Who are you?"], need for regenerate option self.name_in: List[str] = [] # user_name history need to correct regenerate option self.history: List[Dict[str]] = [] # "history": [["in": "query1", "out": "answer1"],["in": "query2",... self.previous_history: Dict[str : List[str]] = {} # "previous_history": self.msg_id: List[int] = [] # "msg_id": [143, 144, 145, 146], self.greeting: str = greeting # "hello" or something self.last_msg_timestamp: int = 0 # last message timestamp to avoid message flood. def __or__(self, arg): return arg @property def history_last_out(self) -> str: return self.history[-1]["out"] @property def history_last_in(self) -> str: return self.history[-1]["in"] def truncate_last_message(self): """Truncate user history (minus one answer and user input) Returns: user_in: truncated user input string msg_id: truncated answer message id (to be deleted in chat) """ msg_id = self.msg_id.pop() user_in = self.text_in.pop() self.name_in.pop() self.history.pop() return user_in, msg_id def history_append(self, message="", answer=""): self.history.append({"in": message, "out": answer}) def history_as_str(self) -> str: history = "" if len(self.history) == 0: return history for s in self.history: if len(s["in"]) > 0: history += s["in"] if len(s["out"]) > 0: history += s["out"] return history def history_as_list(self) -> list: history_list = [] if len(self.history) == 0: return history_list for s in self.history: if len(s["in"]) > 0: history_list.append(s["in"]) if len(s["out"]) > 0: history_list.append(s["out"]) return history_list def change_last_message(self, text_in=None, name_in=None, history_in=None, history_out=None, msg_id=None): if text_in: self.text_in[-1] = text_in if name_in: self.name_in[-1] = name_in if history_in: self.history[-1]["in"] = history_in if history_out: self.history[-1]["out"] = history_out if msg_id: self.msg_id[-1] = msg_id def back_to_previous_out(self, msg_id): if str(msg_id) in self.previous_history: last_out = self.history_last_out new_out = self.previous_history[str(msg_id)].pop(-1) self.history[-1]["out"] = new_out self.previous_history[str(msg_id)].insert(0, last_out) return self.history_last_out else: return None def reset(self): """Clear bot history and reset to default everything but language, silero and chat_file.""" self.name1 = "You" self.name2 = "Bot" self.context = "" self.example = "" self.turn_template = "" self.text_in = [] self.name_in = [] self.history = [] self.previous_history = {} self.msg_id = [] self.greeting = "Hello." def to_json(self): """Convert user data to json string. Returns: user data as json string """ return json.dumps( { "char_file": self.char_file, "user_id": self.user_id, "name1": self.name1, "name2": self.name2, "context": self.context, "example": self.example, "language": self.language, "silero_speaker": self.silero_speaker, "silero_model_id": self.silero_model_id, "turn_template": self.turn_template, "text_in": self.text_in, "name_in": self.name_in, "history": self.history, "previous_history": self.previous_history, "msg_id": self.msg_id, "greeting": self.greeting, } ) def from_json(self, json_data: str): """Convert json string data to internal variables of User class Args: json_data: user json data string Returns: True if success, otherwise False """ data = json.loads(json_data) try: self.char_file = data["char_file"] if "char_file" in data else "" self.user_id = data["user_id"] if "user_id" in data else 0 self.name1 = data["name1"] if "name1" in data else "You" self.name2 = data["name2"] if "name2" in data else "Bot" self.context = data["context"] if "context" in data else "" self.example = data["example"] if "example" in data else "" self.language = data["language"] if "language" in data else "en" self.silero_speaker = data["silero_speaker"] if "silero_speaker" in data else "None" self.silero_model_id = data["silero_model_id"] if "silero_model_id" in data else "None" self.turn_template = data["turn_template"] if "turn_template" in data else "" self.text_in = data["text_in"] if "text_in" in data else [] self.name_in = data["name_in"] if "name_in" in data else [] self.history = data["history"] if "history" in data else [] self.previous_history = data["previous_history"] if "previous_history" in data else {} self.msg_id = data["msg_id"] if "msg_id" in data else [] self.greeting = data["greeting"] if "greeting" in data else "Hello." return True except Exception as exception: print("from_json", exception) return False def load_character_file(self, characters_dir_path: str, char_file: str): """Load character_file file. First, reset all internal user data to default Second, read character_file file as yaml or json and converts to internal User data Args: characters_dir_path: path to character dir char_file: name of character_file file Returns: True if success, otherwise False """ self.reset() # Copy default user data. If reading will fail - return default user data try: # Try to read character_file file. char_file_path = Path(f"{characters_dir_path}/{char_file}") with open(normpath(char_file_path), "r", encoding="utf-8") as user_file: if char_file.split(".")[-1] == "json": data = json.loads( else: data = yaml.safe_load( # load persona and scenario self.char_file = char_file if "user" in data: self.name1 = data["user"] if "bot" in data: self.name2 = data["bot"] if "you_name" in data: self.name1 = data["you_name"] if "char_name" in data: self.name2 = data["char_name"] if "name" in data: self.name2 = data["name"] if "turn_template" in data: self.turn_template = data["turn_template"] self.context = "" if "char_persona" in data: self.context += f"{self.name2}'s persona: {data['char_persona'].strip()}\n" if "context" in data: if data["context"].strip() not in self.context: self.context += f"{data['context'].strip()}\n" if "world_scenario" in data: if data["world_scenario"].strip() not in self.context: self.context += f"Scenario: {data['world_scenario'].strip()}\n" if "scenario" in data: if data["scenario"].strip() not in self.context: self.context += f"Scenario: {data['scenario'].strip()}\n" if "personality" in data: if data["personality"].strip() not in self.context: self.context += f"Personality: {data['personality'].strip()}\n" if "description" in data: if data["description"].strip() not in self.context: self.context += f"Description: {data['description'].strip()}\n" # add dialogue examples if "example_dialogue" in data: self.example = f"\n{data['example_dialogue'].strip()}\n" # add character_file greeting if "char_greeting" in data: self.greeting = data["char_greeting"].strip() if "first_mes" in data: self.greeting = data["first_mes"].strip() if "greeting" in data: self.greeting = data["greeting"].strip() self.context = self._replace_context_templates(self.context) self.greeting = self._replace_context_templates(self.greeting) self.example = self._replace_context_templates(self.example) self.msg_id = [] self.text_in = [] self.name_in = [] self.history = [] except Exception as exception: print("load_char_json_file", exception) finally: return self def _replace_context_templates(self, s: str) -> str: s = s.replace("{{char}}", self.name2) s = s.replace("{{user}}", self.name1) s = s.replace("{{Char}}", self.name2) s = s.replace("{{User}}", self.name1) s = s.replace("", self.name2) s = s.replace("", self.name1) return s def find_and_load_user_char_history(self, chat_id, history_dir_path: str): """Find and load user chat history. History files searched by file name template: chat_id + char_file + .json (new template versions) chat_id + name2 + .json (old template versions) Args: chat_id: user id history_dir_path: path to history dir Returns: True user history found and loaded, otherwise False """ chat_id = str(chat_id) user_char_history_path = f"{history_dir_path}/{str(chat_id)}{self.char_file}.json" user_char_history_old_path = f"{history_dir_path}/{str(chat_id)}{self.name2}.json" if exists(user_char_history_path): return self.load_user_history(user_char_history_path) elif exists(user_char_history_old_path): return self.load_user_history(user_char_history_old_path) return False def load_user_history(self, file_path): """load history file data to User data Args: file_path: path to history file Returns: True user history loaded, otherwise False """ try: if exists(file_path): with open(normpath(file_path), "r", encoding="utf-8") as user_file: data = self.from_json(data) if self.char_file == "": self.char_file = self.name2 return True except Exception as exception: print(f"load_user_history: {exception}") return False def save_user_history(self, chat_id, history_dir_path="history"): """Save two history file "user + character_file + .json" and default user history files and return their path Args: chat_id: user chat_id history_dir_path: history dir path Returns: user_char_file_path, default_user_file_path """ if self.char_file == "": self.char_file = self.name2 user_data = self.to_json() user_char_file_path = Path(f"{history_dir_path}/{chat_id}{self.char_file}.json") with"w", encoding="utf-8") as user_file: user_file.write(user_data) default_user_file_path = Path(f"{history_dir_path}/{chat_id}.json") with"w", encoding="utf-8") as user_file: user_file.write(user_data) return str(user_char_file_path), str(default_user_file_path) def check_flooding(self, flood_avoid_delay=5.0): """just check if passed flood_avoid_delay between last timestamp and now and renew new timestamp if True Args: flood_avoid_delay: Returns: True or False """ if time.time() - flood_avoid_delay > self.last_msg_timestamp: self.last_msg_timestamp = time.time() return True else: return False