import logging from re import split, sub from threading import Lock from time import sleep from typing import Tuple, Dict try: from extensions.telegram_bot.source.generators.abstract_generator import AbstractGenerator except ImportError: from source.generators.abstract_generator import AbstractGenerator try: import extensions.telegram_bot.source.const as const import extensions.telegram_bot.source.utils as utils import extensions.telegram_bot.source.generator as generator from extensions.telegram_bot.source.user import User as User from extensions.telegram_bot.source.conf import cfg from extensions.telegram_bot.source.conf import cfg except ImportError: import source.const as const import source.utils as utils import source.generator as generator from source.user import User as User from source.conf import cfg # Define generator lock to prevent GPU overloading generator_lock = Lock() # Generator obj debug_flag = True # ==================================================================================== # TEXT LOGIC async def aget_answer(text_in: str, user: User, bot_mode: str, generation_params: Dict, name_in="") -> Tuple[str, str]: return await get_answer(text_in, user, bot_mode, generation_params, name_in) @utils.async_wrap def get_answer(text_in: str, user: User, bot_mode: str, generation_params: Dict, name_in=""): # additional delay option if cfg.answer_delay > 0: sleep(cfg.answer_delay) # if generation will fail, return "fail" answer answer = const.GENERATOR_FAIL # default result action - message return_msg_action = const.MSG_SEND # if user is default equal to user1 name_in = user.name1 if name_in == "" else name_in # for regeneration result checking previous_result = "" # acquire generator lock if we can generator_lock.acquire(timeout=cfg.generation_timeout) # user_input preprocessing try: # Preprocessing: actions which return result immediately: if text_in.startswith(tuple(cfg.permanent_change_name2_prefixes)): # If user_in starts with perm_prefix - just replace name2 user.name2 = text_in[2:] return_msg_action = const.MSG_SYSTEM generator_lock.release() return "New bot name: " + user.name2, return_msg_action if text_in.startswith(tuple(cfg.permanent_change_name1_prefixes)): # If user_in starts with perm_prefix - just replace name2 user.name1 = text_in[2:] return_msg_action = const.MSG_SYSTEM generator_lock.release() return "New user name: " + user.name1, return_msg_action if text_in.startswith(tuple(cfg.permanent_add_context_prefixes)): # If user_in starts with perm_prefix - just replace name2 user.context += "\n" + text_in[2:] return_msg_action = const.MSG_SYSTEM generator_lock.release() return "Added to context: " + text_in[2:], return_msg_action if text_in.startswith(tuple(cfg.replace_prefixes)): # If user_in starts with replace_prefix - fully replace last message user.change_last_message(history_out=text_in[1:]) return_msg_action = const.MSG_DEL_LAST generator_lock.release() return user.history_last_out, return_msg_action if text_in == const.GENERATOR_MODE_DEL_WORD: # If user_in starts with replace_prefix - fully replace last message # get and change last message last_message = user.history_last_out last_word = split(r"\n|\.+ +|: +|! +|\? +|\' +|\" +|; +|\) +|\* +", last_message)[-1] if len(last_word) == 0 and len(last_message) > 1: last_word = " " new_last_message = last_message[: -(len(last_word))] new_last_message = new_last_message.strip() if len(new_last_message) == 0: return_msg_action = const.MSG_NOTHING_TO_DO else: user.change_last_message(history_out=new_last_message) generator_lock.release() return user.history_last_out, return_msg_action # Preprocessing: actions which not depends on user input: if bot_mode in [const.MODE_QUERY]: user.history = [] # if regenerate - msg_id the same, text and name the same. But history clearing: if text_in == const.GENERATOR_MODE_REGENERATE: if str(user.msg_id[-1]) not in user.previous_history: user.previous_history.update({str(user.msg_id[-1]): []}) user.previous_history[str(user.msg_id[-1])].append(user.history_last_out) text_in = user.text_in[-1] name_in = user.name_in[-1] last_msg_id = user.msg_id[-1] user.truncate_last_message() user.msg_id.append(last_msg_id) # Preprocessing: add user_in/names/whitespaces to history in right order depends on mode: if bot_mode in [const.MODE_NOTEBOOK]: # If notebook mode - append to history only user_in, no additional preparing; user.text_in.append(text_in) user.history_append("", text_in) elif text_in == const.GENERATOR_MODE_IMPERSONATE: # if impersonate - append to history only "name1:", no adding "" history # line to prevent bug in history sequence, add "name1:" prefix for generation user.text_in.append(text_in) user.name_in.append(name_in) user.history_append("", name_in + ":") elif text_in == const.GENERATOR_MODE_NEXT: # if user_in is "" - no user text, it is like continue generation adding "" history line # to prevent bug in history sequence, add "name2:" prefix for generation user.text_in.append(text_in) user.name_in.append(name_in) user.history_append("", user.name2 + ":") elif text_in == const.GENERATOR_MODE_CONTINUE: # if user_in is "" - no user text, it is like continue generation # adding "" history line to prevent bug in history sequence, add "name2:" prefix for generation pass elif text_in.startswith(tuple(cfg.sd_api_prefixes)): # If user_in starts with prefix - impersonate-like (if you try to get "impersonate view") # adding "" line to prevent bug in history sequence, user_in is prefix for bot answer user.msg_id.append(0) user.text_in.append(text_in) user.name_in.append(name_in) if len(text_in) == 1: user.history_append("", cfg.sd_api_prompt_self) else: user.history_append("", cfg.sd_api_prompt_of.replace("OBJECT", text_in[1:].strip())) return_msg_action = const.MSG_SD_API elif text_in.startswith(tuple(cfg.impersonate_prefixes)): # If user_in starts with prefix - impersonate-like (if you try to get "impersonate view") # adding "" line to prevent bug in history sequence, user_in is prefix for bot answer user.text_in.append(text_in) user.name_in.append(text_in[1:]) user.history_append("", text_in[1:] + ":") else: # If not notebook/impersonate/continue mode then ordinary chat preparing # add "name1&2:" to user and bot message (generation from name2 point of view); user.text_in.append(text_in) user.name_in.append(name_in) user.history_append(name_in + ": " + text_in, user.name2 + ":") except Exception as exception: generator_lock.release() logging.error("get_answer (prepare text part) " + str(exception) + str(exception.args)) # Text processing with LLM try: # Set eos_token and stopping_strings. stopping_strings = generation_params["stopping_strings"].copy() eos_token = generation_params["eos_token"] if bot_mode in [const.MODE_CHAT, const.MODE_CHAT_R, const.MODE_ADMIN]: stopping_strings += [ name_in + ":", user.name1 + ":", user.name2 + ":", ] if cfg.bot_prompt_end != "": stopping_strings.append(cfg.bot_prompt_end) # adjust context/greeting/example if user.context.strip().endswith("\n"): context = f"{user.context.strip()}" else: context = f"{user.context.strip()}\n" context = cfg.context_prompt_begin + context + cfg.context_prompt_end if len(user.example) > 0: example = user.example else: example = "" if len(user.greeting) > 0: greeting = "\n" + user.name2 + ": " + user.greeting else: greeting = "" # Make prompt: context + example + conversation history available_len = generation_params["truncation_length"] context_len = generator.get_tokens_count(context) available_len -= context_len if available_len < 0: available_len = 0"telegram_bot - CONTEXT IS TOO LONG!!!") conversation = [example, greeting] for i in user.history: if len(i["in"]) > 0: conversation.append("".join([cfg.user_prompt_begin, i["in"], cfg.user_prompt_end])) if len(i["out"]) > 0: conversation.append("".join([cfg.bot_prompt_begin, i["out"], cfg.bot_prompt_end])) if len(cfg.bot_prompt_end): conversation[-1] = conversation[-1][: -len(cfg.bot_prompt_end)] prompt = "" for s in reversed(conversation): s = "\n" + s if len(s) > 0 else s s_len = generator.get_tokens_count(s) if available_len >= s_len: prompt = s + prompt available_len -= s_len else: break prompt = context + prompt prompt = sub( r": +", ": ", prompt, ) # Generate! if debug_flag: print(prompt) answer = generator.generate_answer( prompt=prompt, generation_params=generation_params, eos_token=eos_token, stopping_strings=stopping_strings, default_answer=answer, turn_template=user.turn_template, ) if debug_flag: print(answer) # Truncate prompt prefix/postfix if len(cfg.bot_prompt_end) > 0 and answer.endswith(cfg.bot_prompt_end): answer = answer[: -len(cfg.bot_prompt_end)] if len(cfg.bot_prompt_end) > 2 and answer.endswith(cfg.bot_prompt_end[:-1]): answer = answer[: -len(cfg.bot_prompt_end[:-1])] if len(cfg.bot_prompt_begin) > 0 and answer.startswith(cfg.bot_prompt_begin): answer = answer[: -len(cfg.bot_prompt_begin)] # If generation result zero length - return "Empty answer." if len(answer) < 1: answer = const.GENERATOR_EMPTY_ANSWER # Final return if answer not in [const.GENERATOR_EMPTY_ANSWER, const.GENERATOR_FAIL]: # if everything ok - add generated answer in history and return # last for end in stopping_strings: if answer.endswith(end): answer = answer[: -len(end)] user.change_last_message(history_out=user.history_last_out + " " + answer) generator_lock.release() if len(user.msg_id) > 0: if str(user.msg_id[-1]) in user.previous_history: if user.previous_history[str(user.msg_id[-1])][-1] == user.history_last_out: return_msg_action = const.MSG_NOTHING_TO_DO return user.history_last_out, return_msg_action except Exception as exception: logging.error("get_answer (generator part) " + str(exception) + str(exception.args)) # anyway, release generator lock. Then return generator_lock.release() return_msg_action = const.MSG_SYSTEM return user.history_last_out, return_msg_action