import gradio as gr import os import cv2 import shutil import sys from subprocess import call import torch import numpy as np from skimage import color import torchvision.transforms as transforms from PIL import Image import torch import dlib import uuid uid=uuid.uuid4() #os.system("pip install dlib") os.system('bash') def lab2rgb(L, AB): """Convert an Lab tensor image to a RGB numpy output Parameters: L (1-channel tensor array): L channel images (range: [-1, 1], torch tensor array) AB (2-channel tensor array): ab channel images (range: [-1, 1], torch tensor array) Returns: rgb (RGB numpy image): rgb output images (range: [0, 255], numpy array) """ AB2 = AB * 110.0 L2 = (L + 1.0) * 50.0 Lab =[L2, AB2], dim=1) Lab = Lab[0].data.cpu().float().numpy() Lab = np.transpose(Lab.astype(np.float64), (1, 2, 0)) rgb = color.lab2rgb(Lab) * 255 return rgb def get_transform(model_name,params=None, grayscale=False, method=Image.BICUBIC): #params preprocess = 'resize' load_size = 256 crop_size = 256 transform_list = [] if grayscale: transform_list.append(transforms.Grayscale(1)) if model_name == "Pix2Pix Unet 256": osize = [load_size, load_size] transform_list.append(transforms.Resize(osize, method)) # if 'crop' in preprocess: # if params is None: # transform_list.append(transforms.RandomCrop(crop_size)) return transforms.Compose(transform_list) def inferRestoration(img, model_name): #if model_name == "Pix2Pix": model = torch.hub.load('manhkhanhad/ImageRestorationInfer', 'pix2pixRestoration_unet256') transform_list = [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize([256,256], Image.BICUBIC), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ] transform = transforms.Compose(transform_list) img = transform(img) img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0) result = model(img) result = result[0].detach() result = (result +1)/2.0 result = transforms.ToPILImage()(result) return result def inferColorization(img,model_name): #print(model_name) if model_name == "Pix2Pix Resnet 9block": model = torch.hub.load('manhkhanhad/ImageRestorationInfer', 'pix2pixColorization_resnet9b') elif model_name == "Pix2Pix Unet 256": model = torch.hub.load('manhkhanhad/ImageRestorationInfer', 'pix2pixColorization_unet256') elif model_name == "Deoldify": model = torch.hub.load('manhkhanhad/ImageRestorationInfer', 'DeOldifyColorization') transform_list = [ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,)) ] transform = transforms.Compose(transform_list) #a = transforms.ToTensor()(a) img = img.convert('L') img = transform(img) img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0) result = model(img) result = result[0].detach() result = (result +1)/2.0 #img = transforms.Grayscale(3)(img) #img = transforms.ToTensor()(img) #img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0) #result = model(img) #result = torch.clip(result, min=0, max=1) image_pil = transforms.ToPILImage()(result) return image_pil transform_seq = get_transform(model_name) img = transform_seq(img) # if model_name == "Pix2Pix Unet 256": # img.resize((256,256)) img = np.array(img) lab = color.rgb2lab(img).astype(np.float32) lab_t = transforms.ToTensor()(lab) A = lab_t[[0], ...] / 50.0 - 1.0 B = lab_t[[1, 2], ...] / 110.0 #data = {'A': A, 'B': B, 'A_paths': "", 'B_paths': ""} L = torch.unsqueeze(A, 0) #print(L.shape) ab = model(L) Lab = lab2rgb(L, ab).astype(np.uint8) image_pil = Image.fromarray(Lab)'test.png') #print(Lab.shape) return image_pil def colorizaition(image,model_name): image = Image.fromarray(image) result = inferColorization(image,model_name) return result def run_cmd(command): try: call(command, shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Process interrupted") sys.exit(1) def run(image,Restoration_mode, Colorizaition_mode): if Restoration_mode == "BOPBTL": if os.path.isdir(f"Temp{uid}"): shutil.rmtree(f"Temp{uid}") os.makedirs(f"Temp{uid}") os.makedirs(f"Temp{uid}/input") print(type(image)) h,w,c=image.shape max = 600 if h>w and h > max: r = max / float(h) dim = (int(w * r), max) elif w>h and w > max: r = max / float(w) dim = (max, int(h * r)) else: dim = (w,h) pass image=cv2.resize(image, dsize=(dim), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) cv2.imwrite(f"Temp{uid}/input/input_img.png", image) command = ("python --input_folder " + f"Temp{uid}/input" + " --output_folder " + f"Temp{uid}" + " --GPU " + "-1" + " --with_scratch") run_cmd(command) result_restoration ="Temp{uid}/final_output/input_img.png") shutil.rmtree("Temp") elif Restoration_mode == "Pix2Pix": result_restoration = inferRestoration(image, Restoration_mode) print("Restoration_mode",Restoration_mode) result_colorization = inferColorization(result_restoration,Colorizaition_mode) return result_colorization with gr.Blocks() as app: with gr.Row(): gr.Column() with gr.Column(): im = gr.Image(label="Input Image") rad1 = gr.Radio(["BOPBTL", "Pix2Pix"], value="BOPBTL") rad2 = gr.Radio(["Deoldify", "Pix2Pix Resnet 9block","Pix2Pix Unet 256"],value="Deoldify") im_btn=gr.Button(label="Restore") out_im = gr.Image(label="Restored Image") gr.Column(),[im,rad1,rad2],out_im) app.queue(concurrency_count=100).launch(show_api=False)