#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail : "${TMP_DIR:=/tmp}" : "${PREVIEW:=false}" function isTrue() { [[ "${1,,}" =~ ^(true|on|1)$ ]] && return 0 return 1 } function lookupVersion() { platform=${1:?Missing required platform indicator} # shellcheck disable=SC2034 for i in {1..3}; do DOWNLOAD_URL=$(restify --user-agent=itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server --headers "accept-language:*" --attribute=data-platform="${platform}" "${downloadPage}" 2> restify.err | jq -r '.[0].href' || echo '') [[ -n "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" ]] && break sleep 1 done if [[ -z ${DOWNLOAD_URL} ]]; then DOWNLOAD_URL=$(curl -s https://mc-bds-helper.vercel.app/api/latest) fi # shellcheck disable=SC2012 if [[ ${DOWNLOAD_URL} =~ http.*/.*-(.*)\.zip ]]; then VERSION=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} elif [[ $(ls -rv bedrock_server-* 2> /dev/null|head -1) =~ bedrock_server-(.*) ]]; then VERSION=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} echo "WARN Minecraft download page failed, so using existing download of $VERSION" cat restify.err else if [[ -f restify.err ]]; then echo "Failed to extract download URL '${DOWNLOAD_URL}' from ${downloadPage}" cat restify.err rm restify.err else echo "Failed to lookup download URL: ${DOWNLOAD_URL}" fi exit 2 fi rm -f restify.err } if [[ ${DEBUG^^} == TRUE ]]; then set -x curlArgs=(-v) echo "DEBUG: running as $(id -a) with $(ls -ld /data)" echo " current directory is $(pwd)" fi export HOME=/data downloadPage=https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/server/bedrock if [[ ${EULA^^} != TRUE ]]; then echo echo "EULA must be set to TRUE to indicate agreement with the Minecraft End User License" echo "See https://minecraft.net/terms" echo echo "Current value is '${EULA}'" echo exit 1 fi case ${VERSION^^} in 1.12) VERSION= ;; 1.13) VERSION= ;; 1.14) VERSION= ;; 1.16) VERSION= ;; 1.17) VERSION= ;; 1.17.41) VERSION= ;; 1.18|PREVIOUS) VERSION= ;; PREVIEW) echo "Looking up latest preview version..." lookupVersion serverBedrockPreviewLinux ;; LATEST) echo "Looking up latest version..." lookupVersion serverBedrockLinux ;; *) # use the given version exactly ;; esac if [[ ! -f "bedrock_server-${VERSION}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" ]]; then binPath=bin-linux isTrue "${PREVIEW}" && binPath+="-preview" DOWNLOAD_URL="https://minecraft.azureedge.net/${binPath}/bedrock-server-${VERSION}.zip" fi [[ $TMP_DIR != /tmp ]] && mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR" TMP_ZIP="$TMP_DIR/$(basename "${DOWNLOAD_URL}")" echo "Downloading Bedrock server version ${VERSION} ..." if ! curl "${curlArgs[@]}" -o "${TMP_ZIP}" -fsSL "${DOWNLOAD_URL}"; then echo "ERROR failed to download from ${DOWNLOAD_URL}" echo " Double check that the given VERSION is valid" exit 2 fi # remove only binaries and some docs, to allow for an upgrade of those rm -rf -- bedrock_server bedrock_server-* *.so release-notes.txt bedrock_server_how_to.html valid_known_packs.json premium_cache 2> /dev/null bkupDir=backup-pre-${VERSION} # fixup any previous interrupted upgrades rm -rf "${bkupDir}" for d in behavior_packs definitions minecraftpe resource_packs structures treatments world_templates; do if [[ -d $d && -n "$(ls $d)" ]]; then mkdir -p "${bkupDir}/$d" echo "Backing up $d into $bkupDir" if [[ "$d" == "resource_packs" ]]; then mv $d/{chemistry,vanilla} "${bkupDir}/" [[ -n "$(ls $d)" ]] && cp -a $d/* "${bkupDir}/" else mv $d/* "${bkupDir}/" fi fi done # remove old package backups, but keep PACKAGE_BACKUP_KEEP if (( ${PACKAGE_BACKUP_KEEP:=2} >= 0 )); then shopt -s nullglob # shellcheck disable=SC2012 for d in $( ls -td1 backup-pre-* | tail +$(( PACKAGE_BACKUP_KEEP + 1 )) ); do echo "Pruning backup directory: $d" rm -rf "$d" done fi # Do not overwrite existing files, which means the cleanup above needs to account for things # that MUST be replaced on upgrade unzip -q -n "${TMP_ZIP}" [[ $TMP_DIR != /tmp ]] && rm -rf "$TMP_DIR" chmod +x bedrock_server mv bedrock_server "bedrock_server-${VERSION}" fi if [[ -n "$OPS" || -n "$MEMBERS" || -n "$VISITORS" ]]; then echo "Updating permissions" jq -n --arg ops "$OPS" --arg members "$MEMBERS" --arg visitors "$VISITORS" '[ [$ops | split(",") | map({permission: "operator", xuid:.})], [$members | split(",") | map({permission: "member", xuid:.})], [$visitors | split(",") | map({permission: "visitor", xuid:.})] ]| flatten' > permissions.json fi if [[ -n "$ALLOW_LIST_USERS" || -n "$WHITE_LIST_USERS" ]]; then allowListUsers=${ALLOW_LIST_USERS:-$WHITE_LIST_USERS} if [[ "$allowListUsers" ]]; then echo "Setting allow list" if [[ "$allowListUsers" != *":"* ]]; then jq -c -n --arg users "$allowListUsers" '$users | split(",") | map({"ignoresPlayerLimit":false,"name": .})' > "allowlist.json" else jq -c -n --arg users "$allowListUsers" '$users | split(",") | map(split(":") | {"ignoresPlayerLimit":false,"name": .[0], "xuid": .[1]})' > "allowlist.json" fi # activate server property to enable list usage ALLOW_LIST=true else ALLOW_LIST=false rm -f allowlist.json fi fi # prevent issue with bind mounted server.properties which can not be moved (sed tries to move the file when '-i' is used) _SERVER_PROPERTIES=$(sed '/^white-list=.*/d' server.properties) #Removes white-list= line from server.properties echo "${_SERVER_PROPERTIES}" > server.properties export ALLOW_LIST # update server.properties with environment settings set-property --file server.properties --bulk /etc/bds-property-definitions.json export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. mcServerRunnerArgs=() if isTrue "${ENABLE_SSH}"; then mcServerRunnerArgs+=(--remote-console) if ! [[ -v RCON_PASSWORD ]]; then RCON_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 12) export RCON_PASSWORD fi # For ssh access by tools, export the current password. # Use rcon's format to align with Java, as Java uses the rcon password for SSH as well. echo "password=${RCON_PASSWORD}" > "$HOME/.remote-console.env" echo "password: \"${RCON_PASSWORD}\"" > "$HOME/.remote-console.yaml" fi echo "Starting Bedrock server..." if [[ -f /usr/local/bin/box64 ]] ; then exec mc-server-runner "${mcServerRunnerArgs[@]}" box64 ./"bedrock_server-${VERSION}" else exec mc-server-runner "${mcServerRunnerArgs[@]}" ./"bedrock_server-${VERSION}" fi