import datetime import hashlib import uuid from import Generator from typing import Union from flask import current_app from flask_login import current_user from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound from core.file.upload_file_parser import UploadFileParser from core.rag.extractor.extract_processor import ExtractProcessor from extensions.ext_database import db from extensions.ext_storage import storage from models.account import Account from models.model import EndUser, UploadFile from services.errors.file import FileTooLargeError, UnsupportedFileTypeError IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif', 'svg'] IMAGE_EXTENSIONS.extend([ext.upper() for ext in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS]) ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['txt', 'markdown', 'md', 'pdf', 'html', 'htm', 'xlsx', 'xls', 'docx', 'csv'] UNSTRUSTURED_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['txt', 'markdown', 'md', 'pdf', 'html', 'htm', 'xlsx', 'xls', 'docx', 'csv', 'eml', 'msg', 'pptx', 'ppt', 'xml', 'epub'] PREVIEW_WORDS_LIMIT = 3000 class FileService: @staticmethod def upload_file(file: FileStorage, user: Union[Account, EndUser], only_image: bool = False) -> UploadFile: extension = file.filename.split('.')[-1] etl_type = current_app.config['ETL_TYPE'] allowed_extensions = UNSTRUSTURED_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS + IMAGE_EXTENSIONS if etl_type == 'Unstructured' \ else ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS + IMAGE_EXTENSIONS if extension.lower() not in allowed_extensions: raise UnsupportedFileTypeError() elif only_image and extension.lower() not in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: raise UnsupportedFileTypeError() # read file content file_content = # get file size file_size = len(file_content) if extension.lower() in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: file_size_limit = current_app.config.get("UPLOAD_IMAGE_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT") * 1024 * 1024 else: file_size_limit = current_app.config.get("UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT") * 1024 * 1024 if file_size > file_size_limit: message = f'File size exceeded. {file_size} > {file_size_limit}' raise FileTooLargeError(message) # user uuid as file name file_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if isinstance(user, Account): current_tenant_id = user.current_tenant_id else: # end_user current_tenant_id = user.tenant_id file_key = 'upload_files/' + current_tenant_id + '/' + file_uuid + '.' + extension # save file to storage, file_content) # save file to db config = current_app.config upload_file = UploadFile( tenant_id=current_tenant_id, storage_type=config['STORAGE_TYPE'], key=file_key, name=file.filename, size=file_size, extension=extension, mime_type=file.mimetype, created_by_role=('account' if isinstance(user, Account) else 'end_user'),,, used=False, hash=hashlib.sha3_256(file_content).hexdigest() ) db.session.add(upload_file) db.session.commit() return upload_file @staticmethod def upload_text(text: str, text_name: str) -> UploadFile: # user uuid as file name file_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) file_key = 'upload_files/' + current_user.current_tenant_id + '/' + file_uuid + '.txt' # save file to storage, text.encode('utf-8')) # save file to db config = current_app.config upload_file = UploadFile( tenant_id=current_user.current_tenant_id, storage_type=config['STORAGE_TYPE'], key=file_key, name=text_name + '.txt', size=len(text), extension='txt', mime_type='text/plain',,, used=True,, ) db.session.add(upload_file) db.session.commit() return upload_file @staticmethod def get_file_preview(file_id: str) -> str: upload_file = db.session.query(UploadFile) \ .filter( == file_id) \ .first() if not upload_file: raise NotFound("File not found") # extract text from file extension = upload_file.extension etl_type = current_app.config['ETL_TYPE'] allowed_extensions = UNSTRUSTURED_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS if etl_type == 'Unstructured' else ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS if extension.lower() not in allowed_extensions: raise UnsupportedFileTypeError() text = ExtractProcessor.load_from_upload_file(upload_file, return_text=True) text = text[0:PREVIEW_WORDS_LIMIT] if text else '' return text @staticmethod def get_image_preview(file_id: str, timestamp: str, nonce: str, sign: str) -> tuple[Generator, str]: result = UploadFileParser.verify_image_file_signature(file_id, timestamp, nonce, sign) if not result: raise NotFound("File not found or signature is invalid") upload_file = db.session.query(UploadFile) \ .filter( == file_id) \ .first() if not upload_file: raise NotFound("File not found or signature is invalid") # extract text from file extension = upload_file.extension if extension.lower() not in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: raise UnsupportedFileTypeError() generator = storage.load(upload_file.key, stream=True) return generator, upload_file.mime_type @staticmethod def get_public_image_preview(file_id: str) -> tuple[Generator, str]: upload_file = db.session.query(UploadFile) \ .filter( == file_id) \ .first() if not upload_file: raise NotFound("File not found or signature is invalid") # extract text from file extension = upload_file.extension if extension.lower() not in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: raise UnsupportedFileTypeError() generator = storage.load(upload_file.key) return generator, upload_file.mime_type