import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from .simple_model_utils import FeedForward, BasePointModel class SimplePointModel(BasePointModel): """ A simple model that processes a point cloud by applying a series of MLPs to each point individually, along with some pooled global features. """ def get_layers(self): return nn.ModuleList([FeedForward( d_in=(3 * self.dim), d_hidden=(4 * self.dim), d_out=self.dim, activation=nn.SiLU(), is_gated=True, bias1=False, bias2=False, bias_gate=False, use_layernorm=True ) for _ in range(self.num_layers)]) def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, t: torch.Tensor): # Prepare inputs x, coords = self.prepare_inputs(inputs, t) # Model for layer in self.layers: x_pool_max, x_pool_std = self.get_global_tensors(x) x_input =, x_pool_max, x_pool_std), dim=-1) # (B, N, 3 * D) x = x + layer(x_input) # (B, N, D_model) # Project x = self.output_projection(x) # (B, N, D_out) x = torch.transpose(x, -2, -1) # -> (B, D_out, N) return x class SimpleNearestNeighborsPointModel(BasePointModel): """ A simple model that processes a point cloud by applying a series of MLPs to each point individually, along with some pooled global features, and the features of its nearest neighbors. """ def __init__(self, num_neighbors: int = 4, **kwargs): self.num_neighbors = num_neighbors super().__init__(**kwargs) from pytorch3d.ops import knn_points self.knn_points = knn_points def get_layers(self): return nn.ModuleList([FeedForward( d_in=((3 + self.num_neighbors) * self.dim), d_hidden=(4 * self.dim), d_out=self.dim, activation=nn.SiLU(), is_gated=True, bias1=False, bias2=False, bias_gate=False, use_layernorm=True ) for _ in range(self.num_layers)]) def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, t: torch.Tensor): # Prepare inputs x, coords = self.prepare_inputs(inputs, t) # (B, N, D), (B, N, 3) # Get nearest neighbors. Note that the first neighbor is the identity, which is convenient _dists, indices, _neighbors = self.knn_points( p1=coords, p2=coords, K=(self.num_neighbors + 1), return_nn=False) # (B, N, K), (B, N, K) (B, N, D), (_B, _N, K) = x.shape, indices.shape # Model for layer in self.layers: x_neighbor = torch.stack([x_i[idx] for x_i, idx in zip(x, indices.reshape(B, N * K))]).reshape(B, N, K * D) x_pool_max, x_pool_std = self.get_global_tensors(x) x_input =, x_pool_max, x_pool_std), dim=-1) # (B, N, (3+K)*D) x = x + layer(x_input) # (B, N, D_model) # Project x = self.output_projection(x) # (B, N, D_out) x = torch.transpose(x, -2, -1) # -> (B, D_out, N) return x