import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from model.pvcnn.modules import Attention from model.pvcnn.pvcnn_utils import create_mlp_components, create_pointnet2_sa_components, create_pointnet2_fp_modules from model.pvcnn.pvcnn_utils import get_timestep_embedding class PVCNN2Base(nn.Module): def __init__( self, num_classes: int, embed_dim: int, use_att: bool = True, dropout: float = 0.1, extra_feature_channels: int = 3, width_multiplier: int = 1, voxel_resolution_multiplier: int = 1 ): super().__init__() assert extra_feature_channels >= 0 self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.dropout = dropout self.width_multiplier = width_multiplier self.in_channels = extra_feature_channels + 3 # Create PointNet-2 model sa_layers, sa_in_channels, channels_sa_features, _ = create_pointnet2_sa_components( sa_blocks_config=self.sa_blocks, extra_feature_channels=extra_feature_channels, with_se=True, embed_dim=embed_dim, use_att=use_att, dropout=dropout, width_multiplier=width_multiplier, voxel_resolution_multiplier=voxel_resolution_multiplier ) self.sa_layers = nn.ModuleList(sa_layers) # Additional global attention module, default true self.global_att = None if not use_att else Attention(channels_sa_features, 8, D=1) # Only use extra features in the last fp module sa_in_channels[0] = extra_feature_channels fp_layers, channels_fp_features = create_pointnet2_fp_modules( fp_blocks=self.fp_blocks, in_channels=channels_sa_features, sa_in_channels=sa_in_channels, with_se=True, embed_dim=embed_dim, use_att=use_att, dropout=dropout, width_multiplier=width_multiplier, voxel_resolution_multiplier=voxel_resolution_multiplier ) self.fp_layers = nn.ModuleList(fp_layers) # Create MLP layers self.channels_fp_features = channels_fp_features layers, _ = create_mlp_components( in_channels=channels_fp_features, out_channels=[128, dropout, num_classes], # was 0.5 classifier=True, dim=2, width_multiplier=width_multiplier ) self.classifier = nn.Sequential(*layers) # applied to point features directly # Time embedding function self.embedf = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim), nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace=True), nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim), ) def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor, t: torch.Tensor, ret_feats=False): """ The inputs have size (B, 3 + S, N), where S is the number of additional feature channels and N is the number of points. The timesteps t can be either continuous or discrete. This model has a sort of U-Net-like structure I think, which is why it first goes down and then up in terms of resolution (?) torch.Size([16, 394, 16384]) Downscaling step 0 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 64, 1024]) Downscaling step 1 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 128, 256]) Downscaling step 2 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 256, 64]) Downscaling step 3 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 512, 16]) Upscaling step 0 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 256, 64]) Upscaling step 1 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 256, 256]) Upscaling step 2 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 128, 1024]) Upscaling step 3 feature shape: torch.Size([16, 64, 16384]) """ # Embed timesteps, sinusoidal encoding t_emb = get_timestep_embedding(self.embed_dim, t, inputs.device).float() t_emb = self.embedf(t_emb)[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, inputs.shape[-1]) # Separate input coordinates and features coords = inputs[:, :3, :].contiguous() # (B, 3, N) range (-3.5, 3.5) features = inputs # (B, 3 + S, N) # Downscaling layers coords_list = [] in_features_list = [] for i, sa_blocks in enumerate(self.sa_layers): in_features_list.append(features) coords_list.append(coords) if i == 0: features, coords, t_emb = sa_blocks((features, coords, t_emb)) else: features, coords, t_emb = sa_blocks(([features, t_emb], dim=1), coords, t_emb)) # Replace the input features in_features_list[0] = inputs[:, 3:, :].contiguous() # Apply global attention layer if self.global_att is not None: features = self.global_att(features) # Upscaling layers feats_list = [] # save intermediate features from the decoder layers for fp_idx, fp_blocks in enumerate(self.fp_layers): features, coords, t_emb = fp_blocks( ( # this is a tuple because of nn.Sequential coords_list[-1 - fp_idx], # reverse coords list from above coords, # original point coordinates[features, t_emb], dim=1), # keep concatenating upsampled features with timesteps in_features_list[-1 - fp_idx], # reverse features list from above t_emb # original timestep embedding ) # this is where point voxel convolution is carried out, the point feature network preserves the order. ) feats_list.append((features, coords)) # t_emb is always the same # exit(0) # Output MLP layers output = self.classifier(features) if ret_feats: return output, feats_list # return intermediate features return output class PVCNN2(PVCNN2Base): # exact same configuration from PVD: # conv_configs, sa_configs # conv_configs: (out_ch, num_blocks, voxel_reso), sa_configs: (num_centers, radius, num_neighbors, out_channels) sa_blocks = [ ((32, 2, 32), (1024, 0.1, 32, (32, 64))), # the first is out_channels, num_blocks, voxel_resolution ((64, 3, 16), (256, 0.2, 32, (64, 128))), ((128, 3, 8), (64, 0.4, 32, (128, 256))), (None, (16, 0.8, 32, (256, 256, 512))), ] fp_blocks = [ ((256, 256), (256, 3, 8)), ((256, 256), (256, 3, 8)), ((256, 128), (128, 2, 16)), ((128, 128, 64), (64, 2, 32)), ] def __init__(self, num_classes, embed_dim, use_att=True, dropout=0.1, extra_feature_channels=3, width_multiplier=1, voxel_resolution_multiplier=1): super().__init__( num_classes=num_classes, embed_dim=embed_dim, use_att=use_att, dropout=dropout, extra_feature_channels=extra_feature_channels, width_multiplier=width_multiplier, voxel_resolution_multiplier=voxel_resolution_multiplier )