from typing import Optional, Union import torch from diffusers.schedulers import DDIMScheduler, DDPMScheduler, PNDMScheduler from diffusers.schedulers.scheduling_lms_discrete import LMSDiscreteScheduler from diffusers import ModelMixin from pytorch3d.implicitron.dataset.data_loader_map_provider import FrameData from pytorch3d.renderer import PointsRasterizationSettings, PointsRasterizer from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import CamerasBase from pytorch3d.structures import Pointclouds from torch import Tensor from .feature_model import FeatureModel from .model_utils import compute_distance_transform SchedulerClass = Union[DDPMScheduler, DDIMScheduler, PNDMScheduler, LMSDiscreteScheduler] class PointCloudProjectionModel(ModelMixin): def __init__( self, image_size: int, image_feature_model: str, use_local_colors: bool = True, use_local_features: bool = True, use_global_features: bool = False, use_mask: bool = True, use_distance_transform: bool = True, predict_shape: bool = True, predict_color: bool = False, process_color: bool = False, image_color_channels: int = 3, # for the input image, not the points color_channels: int = 3, # for the points, not the input image colors_mean: float = 0.5, colors_std: float = 0.5, scale_factor: float = 1.0, # Rasterization settings raster_point_radius: float = 0.0075, # point size raster_points_per_pixel: int = 1, # a single point per pixel, for now bin_size: int = 0, model_name=None, # additional arguments added by XH load_sample_init=False, sample_init_scale=1.0, test_init_with_gtpc=False, consistent_center=False, # from voxel_resolution_multiplier: int=1, predict_binary: bool=False, # predict a binary class label lw_binary: float=1.0, binary_training_noise_std: float=0.1, dm_pred_type: str='epsilon', # diffusion prediction type self_conditioning=False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.image_size = image_size self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.use_local_colors = use_local_colors self.use_local_features = use_local_features self.use_global_features = use_global_features self.use_mask = use_mask self.use_distance_transform = use_distance_transform self.predict_shape = predict_shape # default False self.predict_color = predict_color # default True self.process_color = process_color self.image_color_channels = image_color_channels self.color_channels = color_channels self.colors_mean = colors_mean self.colors_std = colors_std self.model_name = model_name print("PointCloud Model scale factor:", self.scale_factor, 'Model name:', self.model_name) self.predict_binary = predict_binary self.lw_binary = lw_binary self.self_conditioning = self_conditioning # Types of conditioning that are used self.use_local_conditioning = self.use_local_colors or self.use_local_features or self.use_mask self.use_global_conditioning = self.use_global_features self.kwargs = kwargs # Create feature model self.feature_model = FeatureModel(image_size, image_feature_model) # Input size self.in_channels = 3 # 3 for 3D point positions if self.use_local_colors: # whether color should be an input self.in_channels += self.image_color_channels if self.use_local_features: self.in_channels += self.feature_model.feature_dim if self.use_global_features: self.in_channels += self.feature_model.feature_dim if self.use_mask: self.in_channels += 2 if self.use_distance_transform else 1 if self.process_color: self.in_channels += self.color_channels # point color added to input or not, default False if self.self_conditioning: self.in_channels += 3 # add self conditioning self.in_channels = self.add_extra_input_chennels(self.in_channels) if self.model_name in ['pc2-diff-ho-sepsegm', 'diff-ho-attn']: self.in_channels += 2 if self.use_distance_transform else 1 # Output size self.out_channels = 0 if self.predict_shape: self.out_channels += 3 if self.predict_color: self.out_channels += self.color_channels if self.predict_binary: print("Output binary classification score!") self.out_channels += 1 # Save rasterization settings self.raster_settings = PointsRasterizationSettings( image_size=(image_size, image_size), radius=raster_point_radius, points_per_pixel=raster_points_per_pixel, bin_size=bin_size, ) def add_extra_input_chennels(self, input_channels): return input_channels def denormalize(self, x: Tensor, /, clamp: bool = True): x = x * self.colors_std + self.colors_mean return torch.clamp(x, 0, 1) if clamp else x def normalize(self, x: Tensor, /): x = (x - self.colors_mean) / self.colors_std return x def get_global_conditioning(self, image_rgb: Tensor): global_conditioning = [] if self.use_global_features: global_conditioning.append(self.feature_model(image_rgb, return_cls_token_only=True)) # (B, D) global_conditioning =, dim=1) # (B, D_cond) return global_conditioning def get_local_conditioning(self, image_rgb: Tensor, mask: Tensor): """ compute per-point conditioning Parameters ---------- image_rgb: (B, 3, 224, 224), values normalized to 0-1, background is masked by the given mask mask: (B, 1, 224, 224), or (B, 2, 224, 224) for h+o """ local_conditioning = [] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if self.use_local_colors: # XH: default True local_conditioning.append(self.normalize(image_rgb)) if self.use_local_features: # XH: default True local_conditioning.append(self.feature_model(image_rgb)) # I guess no mask here? feature model: 'vit_small_patch16_224_mae' if self.use_mask: # default True local_conditioning.append(mask.float()) if self.use_distance_transform: # default True if not self.use_mask: raise ValueError('No mask for distance transform?') if mask.is_floating_point(): mask = mask > 0.5 local_conditioning.append(compute_distance_transform(mask)) local_conditioning =, dim=1) # (B, D_cond, H, W) return local_conditioning @torch.autocast('cuda', dtype=torch.float32) def surface_projection( self, points: Tensor, camera: CamerasBase, local_features: Tensor, ): B, C, H, W, device = *local_features.shape, local_features.device R = self.raster_settings.points_per_pixel N = points.shape[1] # Scale camera by scaling T. ASSUMES CAMERA IS LOOKING AT ORIGIN! camera = camera.clone() camera.T = camera.T * self.scale_factor # Create rasterizer rasterizer = PointsRasterizer(cameras=camera, raster_settings=self.raster_settings) # Associate points with features via rasterization fragments = rasterizer(Pointclouds(points)) # (B, H, W, R) fragments_idx: Tensor = fragments.idx.long() visible_pixels = (fragments_idx > -1) # (B, H, W, R) points_to_visible_pixels = fragments_idx[visible_pixels] # Reshape local features to (B, H, W, R, C) local_features = local_features.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1, -1, -1, R, -1) # (B, H, W, R, C) # Get local features corresponding to visible points local_features_proj = torch.zeros(B * N, C, device=device) # local feature includes: raw RGB color, image features, mask, distance transform local_features_proj[points_to_visible_pixels] = local_features[visible_pixels] local_features_proj = local_features_proj.reshape(B, N, C) return local_features_proj def point_cloud_to_tensor(self, pc: Pointclouds, /, normalize: bool = False, scale: bool = False): """Converts a point cloud to a tensor, with color if and only if self.predict_color""" points = pc.points_padded() * (self.scale_factor if scale else 1) if self.predict_color and pc.features_padded() is not None: # normalize color, not point locations colors = self.normalize(pc.features_padded()) if normalize else pc.features_padded() return, colors), dim=2) else: return points def tensor_to_point_cloud(self, x: Tensor, /, denormalize: bool = False, unscale: bool = False): points = x[:, :, :3] / (self.scale_factor if unscale else 1) if self.predict_color: colors = self.denormalize(x[:, :, 3:]) if denormalize else x[:, :, 3:] return Pointclouds(points=points, features=colors) else: assert x.shape[2] == 3 return Pointclouds(points=points) def get_input_with_conditioning( self, x_t: Tensor, camera: Optional[CamerasBase], image_rgb: Optional[Tensor], mask: Optional[Tensor], t: Optional[Tensor], ): """ Extracts local features from the input image and projects them onto the points in the point cloud to obtain the input to the model. Then extracts global features, replicates them across points, and concats them to the input. image_rgb: masked background XH: why there is no positional encoding as described by the supp?? """ B, N = x_t.shape[:2] # Initial input is the point locations (and colors if and only if predicting color) x_t_input = self.get_coord_feature(x_t) # Local conditioning if self.use_local_conditioning: # Get local features and check that they are the same size as the input image local_features = self.get_local_conditioning(image_rgb=image_rgb, mask=mask) # concatenate RGB + mask + RGB feature + distance transform if local_features.shape[-2:] != image_rgb.shape[-2:]: raise ValueError(f'{local_features.shape=} and {image_rgb.shape=}') # Project local features. Here that we only need the point locations, not colors local_features_proj = self.surface_projection(points=x_t[:, :, :3], camera=camera, local_features=local_features) # (B, N, D_local) x_t_input.append(local_features_proj) # Global conditioning if self.use_global_conditioning: # False # Get and repeat global features global_features = self.get_global_conditioning(image_rgb=image_rgb) # (B, D_global) global_features = global_features.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, N, -1) # (B, D_global, N) x_t_input.append(global_features) # Concatenate together all the pointwise features x_t_input =, dim=2) # (B, N, D) return x_t_input def get_coord_feature(self, x_t): """get coordinate feature, for model that uses separate model to predict binary, we use first 3 channels only""" x_t_input = [x_t] return x_t_input def forward(self, batch: FrameData, mode: str = 'train', **kwargs): """ The forward method may be defined differently for different models. """ raise NotImplementedError()