from torch.autograd import Function from .backend import _backend __all__ = ['avg_voxelize'] class AvgVoxelization(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, features, coords, resolution): """ :param ctx: :param features: Features of the point cloud, FloatTensor[B, C, N] :param coords: Voxelized Coordinates of each point, IntTensor[B, 3, N] :param resolution: Voxel resolution :return: Voxelized Features, FloatTensor[B, C, R, R, R] """ features = features.contiguous() coords = b, c, _ = features.shape out, indices, counts = _backend.avg_voxelize_forward(features, coords, resolution) ctx.save_for_backward(indices, counts) return out.view(b, c, resolution, resolution, resolution) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): """ :param ctx: :param grad_output: gradient of output, FloatTensor[B, C, R, R, R] :return: gradient of inputs, FloatTensor[B, C, N] """ b, c = grad_output.shape[:2] indices, counts = ctx.saved_tensors grad_features = _backend.avg_voxelize_backward(grad_output.contiguous().view(b, c, -1), indices, counts) return grad_features, None, None avg_voxelize = AvgVoxelization.apply