import gradio as gr import json import asyncio import os import EdgeGPT from EdgeGPT import Chatbot, ConversationStyle import re """ 参考资料: python3 -m pip install EdgeGPT --upgrade """ # read cookie from local file # with open('./cookies.json', 'r') as f: # cookies = json.load(f) async def get_model_reply(prompt,style,cookies,context=[]): # combines the new question with a previous context context = [prompt] cookies = json.loads(cookies) # given the most recent context (4096 characters) # continue the text up to 2048 tokens ~ 8192 charaters try: try: bot = Chatbot(cookies=cookies) raw_data = await bot.ask(prompt, conversation_style=style) await bot.close() print(raw_data) except Exception as e: print(f">>>>>> 报错信息:\t -----> 【{e}】") if "throttled" in str(e): response = "> **错误: 我们很抱歉,但你已经达到了你在24小时内可以向Bing发送消息的最大数量。请稍后再查看!**" print(response) context += ["1"] responses = [(u, b) for u, b in zip(context[::2], context[1::2])] return responses, context try: response = raw_data["item"]["messages"][1]["text"] except: response = raw_data["item"]["messages"][1]["adaptiveCards"][0]["body"][0]["text"] response = re.sub(r'\^', '', response) response = response.rstrip() context += [response] responses = [(u, b) for u, b in zip(context[::2], context[1::2])] return responses, context except EdgeGPT.NotAllowedToAccess: response = " >>>> 账号需要重新激活。" print(response) context += ["-1"] responses = [(u, b) for u, b in zip(context[::2], context[1::2])] return responses, context except: try: if raw_data["item"]["throttling"]["numUserMessagesInConversation"] > raw_data["item"]["throttling"][ "maxNumUserMessagesInConversation"]: response = ">>>请重新开启新的对话。" print(response) context += ["0"] responses = [(u, b) for u, b in zip(context[::2], context[1::2])] return responses, context except: if raw_data["item"]["result"]["value"] == "Throttled": response = "> **错误: 我们很抱歉,但你已经达到了你在24小时内可以向Bing发送消息的最大数量。请稍后再查看!**" print(response) context += ["1"] responses = [(u, b) for u, b in zip(context[::2], context[1::2])] return responses, context if raw_data["item"]["result"]["value"] == "CaptchaChallenge": response = "> **错误: 账号需要验证码验证登录。**" print(response) context += ["-2"] responses = [(u, b) for u, b in zip(context[::2], context[1::2])] return responses, context # inputs= "你好" # cookies = list_wo = r"E:\pythonProjectWork\xiaolv\mew-bing\zzceshi的.json" # a,b = get_model_reply(prompt=inputs,style="precise",cookies = cookies) with gr.Blocks() as dialog_app: with gr.Tab("Cookies"): cookies = gr.Textbox(lines=2, label="输入bing.com中的cookies(JSON格式)",) with gr.Tab("New Bing Chat GPT4"): gr.Markdown(""" # 连接 new-bing 接口,用的是GPT4接口 如果回复为 "1" ,说明目前服务比较火爆,建议过段时间再来用; 如果回复为 "0" , 请刷新网页重来。 如果回复为 "-1" , 需要重新利用梯子去激活一下聊天功能。 如果回复为 "-2" , 说明该账号需要登录bing聊天页面进行人机验证。 ### 由于源码的更新,此时传入 [ choices = None ] 才能返回要求的格式。即不选择特定的choices模式 """) chatbot = gr.Chatbot() state = gr.State([]) markdown = gr.Markdown(label="Output") with gr.Row(): inputs = gr.Textbox( label="输入问题", placeholder="请输入你的文本,确保已经正确填入bing.com中的cookies" ) style = gr.Dropdown(label="回答倾向模式选择", choices=["creative", "balanced", "precise"], multiselect=False, value="precise", type="value") inputs.submit(get_model_reply, [inputs, style, cookies,state ], [chatbot, state]) send = gr.Button("发送请求....."), [inputs, style, cookies, state], [chatbot, state],api_name="xiaolvgpt") gr.Markdown(""" 如果输入后没有返回结果,大概率是你的 cookies 账号未申请new-bing的聊天功能; 步骤: 1. 在 Edge 浏览器; 2. 登录 个人账号 // 申请新账号; 3. 打开“动力”; 4. 网页 或者 看是否有聊天功能; 5. 新版的 Edge 浏览器右上角有个bing的图标,点击后就可以进行聊天; 6. 说明可以了,再关掉“动力”,使用国内的网络再次复制cookies。 """) # launches the app in a new local port dialog_app.launch(show_error=True) # 为网站设置密码防止滥用 # dialog_app.launch(auth=("admin", "pass1234"))