# s.py from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys # Create a new instance of the Chrome driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Navigate to Google driver.get("https://www.google.com") # Find the search box using its name attribute value search_box = driver.find_element("name", "q") # Type a search query search_box.send_keys("Hello, Docker!") # Submit the search form search_box.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) # Wait for a few seconds to observe the result input("Press Enter to exit...") # Close the browser window driver.quit() # import time # from g4f.Provider.bing import CreateImagesBing # class ImageTextGenerator: # def __init__(self, prompt, max_attempts=5): # self.prompt = prompt # self.max_attempts = max_attempts # self.results = [] # def generate_images_text(self): # attempts = 0 # while attempts < self.max_attempts: # try: # bing_images_provider = CreateImagesBing() # result_generator = bing_images_provider.create_completion(prompt=self.prompt) # # Collect results in a list # self.results.extend(result_generator) # # Successful execution, break the loop # break # except (RuntimeError, Exception) as e: # print(f"Error: {e}") # print(f"Error during image creation (Attempt {attempts + 1}/{self.max_attempts})") # attempts += 1 # # For the first attempt, add a delay # if attempts == 1: # time.sleep(1) # Add a delay between attempts if needed # return self.results # print("sssssssssssssssssss1111") # s = ImageTextGenerator("red Cow").generate_images_text() # print("sssssssssssssssssss", s)