Build error
Build error
File size: 13,451 Bytes
f07f089 |
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from __future__ import absolute_import
import hashlib
import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
from distutils.core import Distribution, Extension
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
import Cython
from ..Compiler.Main import Context, default_options
from ..Compiler.Visitor import CythonTransform, EnvTransform
from ..Compiler.ParseTreeTransforms import SkipDeclarations
from ..Compiler.TreeFragment import parse_from_strings
from ..Compiler.StringEncoding import _unicode
from .Dependencies import strip_string_literals, cythonize, cached_function
from ..Compiler import Pipeline
from ..Utils import get_cython_cache_dir
import cython as cython_module
IS_PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3,)
# A utility function to convert user-supplied ASCII strings to unicode.
if not IS_PY3:
def to_unicode(s):
if isinstance(s, bytes):
return s.decode('ascii')
return s
to_unicode = lambda x: x
if sys.version_info < (3, 5):
import imp
def load_dynamic(name, module_path):
return imp.load_dynamic(name, module_path)
import importlib.util as _importlib_util
def load_dynamic(name, module_path):
spec = _importlib_util.spec_from_file_location(name, module_path)
module = _importlib_util.module_from_spec(spec)
# sys.modules[name] = module
return module
class UnboundSymbols(EnvTransform, SkipDeclarations):
def __init__(self):
CythonTransform.__init__(self, None)
self.unbound = set()
def visit_NameNode(self, node):
if not self.current_env().lookup(
return node
def __call__(self, node):
super(UnboundSymbols, self).__call__(node)
return self.unbound
def unbound_symbols(code, context=None):
code = to_unicode(code)
if context is None:
context = Context([], default_options)
from ..Compiler.ParseTreeTransforms import AnalyseDeclarationsTransform
tree = parse_from_strings('(tree fragment)', code)
for phase in Pipeline.create_pipeline(context, 'pyx'):
if phase is None:
tree = phase(tree)
if isinstance(phase, AnalyseDeclarationsTransform):
import builtins
except ImportError:
import __builtin__ as builtins
return tuple(UnboundSymbols()(tree) - set(dir(builtins)))
def unsafe_type(arg, context=None):
py_type = type(arg)
if py_type is int:
return 'long'
return safe_type(arg, context)
def safe_type(arg, context=None):
py_type = type(arg)
if py_type in (list, tuple, dict, str):
return py_type.__name__
elif py_type is complex:
return 'double complex'
elif py_type is float:
return 'double'
elif py_type is bool:
return 'bint'
elif 'numpy' in sys.modules and isinstance(arg, sys.modules['numpy'].ndarray):
return 'numpy.ndarray[numpy.%s_t, ndim=%s]' % (, arg.ndim)
for base_type in py_type.__mro__:
if base_type.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'):
return 'object'
module = context.find_module(base_type.__module__, need_pxd=False)
if module:
entry = module.lookup(base_type.__name__)
if entry.is_type:
return '%s.%s' % (base_type.__module__, base_type.__name__)
return 'object'
def _get_build_extension():
dist = Distribution()
# Ensure the build respects distutils configuration by parsing
# the configuration files
config_files = dist.find_config_files()
build_extension = build_ext(dist)
return build_extension
def _create_context(cython_include_dirs):
return Context(list(cython_include_dirs), default_options)
_cython_inline_cache = {}
_cython_inline_default_context = _create_context(('.',))
def _populate_unbound(kwds, unbound_symbols, locals=None, globals=None):
for symbol in unbound_symbols:
if symbol not in kwds:
if locals is None or globals is None:
calling_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_back
if locals is None:
locals = calling_frame.f_locals
if globals is None:
globals = calling_frame.f_globals
if symbol in locals:
kwds[symbol] = locals[symbol]
elif symbol in globals:
kwds[symbol] = globals[symbol]
print("Couldn't find %r" % symbol)
def _inline_key(orig_code, arg_sigs, language_level):
key = orig_code, arg_sigs, sys.version_info, sys.executable, language_level, Cython.__version__
return hashlib.sha1(_unicode(key).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def cython_inline(code, get_type=unsafe_type,
lib_dir=os.path.join(get_cython_cache_dir(), 'inline'),
cython_include_dirs=None, cython_compiler_directives=None,
force=False, quiet=False, locals=None, globals=None, language_level=None, **kwds):
if get_type is None:
get_type = lambda x: 'object'
ctx = _create_context(tuple(cython_include_dirs)) if cython_include_dirs else _cython_inline_default_context
cython_compiler_directives = dict(cython_compiler_directives) if cython_compiler_directives else {}
if language_level is None and 'language_level' not in cython_compiler_directives:
language_level = '3str'
if language_level is not None:
cython_compiler_directives['language_level'] = language_level
# Fast path if this has been called in this session.
_unbound_symbols = _cython_inline_cache.get(code)
if _unbound_symbols is not None:
_populate_unbound(kwds, _unbound_symbols, locals, globals)
args = sorted(kwds.items())
arg_sigs = tuple([(get_type(value, ctx), arg) for arg, value in args])
key_hash = _inline_key(code, arg_sigs, language_level)
invoke = _cython_inline_cache.get((code, arg_sigs, key_hash))
if invoke is not None:
arg_list = [arg[1] for arg in args]
return invoke(*arg_list)
orig_code = code
code = to_unicode(code)
code, literals = strip_string_literals(code)
code = strip_common_indent(code)
if locals is None:
locals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_locals
if globals is None:
globals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_globals
_cython_inline_cache[orig_code] = _unbound_symbols = unbound_symbols(code)
_populate_unbound(kwds, _unbound_symbols, locals, globals)
except AssertionError:
if not quiet:
# Parsing from strings not fully supported (e.g. cimports).
print("Could not parse code as a string (to extract unbound symbols).")
cimports = []
for name, arg in list(kwds.items()):
if arg is cython_module:
cimports.append('\ncimport cython as %s' % name)
del kwds[name]
arg_names = sorted(kwds)
arg_sigs = tuple([(get_type(kwds[arg], ctx), arg) for arg in arg_names])
key_hash = _inline_key(orig_code, arg_sigs, language_level)
module_name = "_cython_inline_" + key_hash
if module_name in sys.modules:
module = sys.modules[module_name]
build_extension = None
if cython_inline.so_ext is None:
# Figure out and cache current extension suffix
build_extension = _get_build_extension()
cython_inline.so_ext = build_extension.get_ext_filename('')
module_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, module_name + cython_inline.so_ext)
if not os.path.exists(lib_dir):
if force or not os.path.isfile(module_path):
cflags = []
c_include_dirs = []
qualified = re.compile(r'([.\w]+)[.]')
for type, _ in arg_sigs:
m = qualified.match(type)
if m:
cimports.append('\ncimport %s' % m.groups()[0])
# one special case
if m.groups()[0] == 'numpy':
import numpy
# cflags.append('-Wno-unused')
module_body, func_body = extract_func_code(code)
params = ', '.join(['%s %s' % a for a in arg_sigs])
module_code = """
def __invoke(%(params)s):
return locals()
""" % {'cimports': '\n'.join(cimports),
'module_body': module_body,
'params': params,
'func_body': func_body }
for key, value in literals.items():
module_code = module_code.replace(key, value)
pyx_file = os.path.join(lib_dir, module_name + '.pyx')
fh = open(pyx_file, 'w')
extension = Extension(
name = module_name,
sources = [pyx_file],
include_dirs = c_include_dirs,
extra_compile_args = cflags)
if build_extension is None:
build_extension = _get_build_extension()
build_extension.extensions = cythonize(
include_path=cython_include_dirs or ['.'],
build_extension.build_temp = os.path.dirname(pyx_file)
build_extension.build_lib = lib_dir
module = load_dynamic(module_name, module_path)
_cython_inline_cache[orig_code, arg_sigs, key_hash] = module.__invoke
arg_list = [kwds[arg] for arg in arg_names]
return module.__invoke(*arg_list)
# Cached suffix used by cython_inline above. None should get
# overridden with actual value upon the first cython_inline invocation
cython_inline.so_ext = None
_find_non_space = re.compile('[^ ]').search
def strip_common_indent(code):
min_indent = None
lines = code.splitlines()
for line in lines:
match = _find_non_space(line)
if not match:
continue # blank
indent = match.start()
if line[indent] == '#':
continue # comment
if min_indent is None or min_indent > indent:
min_indent = indent
for ix, line in enumerate(lines):
match = _find_non_space(line)
if not match or not line or line[indent:indent+1] == '#':
lines[ix] = line[min_indent:]
return '\n'.join(lines)
module_statement = re.compile(r'^((cdef +(extern|class))|cimport|(from .+ cimport)|(from .+ import +[*]))')
def extract_func_code(code):
module = []
function = []
current = function
code = code.replace('\t', ' ')
lines = code.split('\n')
for line in lines:
if not line.startswith(' '):
if module_statement.match(line):
current = module
current = function
return '\n'.join(module), ' ' + '\n '.join(function)
from inspect import getcallargs
except ImportError:
def getcallargs(func, *arg_values, **kwd_values):
all = {}
args, varargs, kwds, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
if varargs is not None:
all[varargs] = arg_values[len(args):]
for name, value in zip(args, arg_values):
all[name] = value
for name, value in list(kwd_values.items()):
if name in args:
if name in all:
raise TypeError("Duplicate argument %s" % name)
all[name] = kwd_values.pop(name)
if kwds is not None:
all[kwds] = kwd_values
elif kwd_values:
raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword arguments: %s" % list(kwd_values))
if defaults is None:
defaults = ()
first_default = len(args) - len(defaults)
for ix, name in enumerate(args):
if name not in all:
if ix >= first_default:
all[name] = defaults[ix - first_default]
raise TypeError("Missing argument: %s" % name)
return all
def get_body(source):
ix = source.index(':')
if source[:5] == 'lambda':
return "return %s" % source[ix+1:]
return source[ix+1:]
# Lots to be done here... It would be especially cool if compiled functions
# could invoke each other quickly.
class RuntimeCompiledFunction(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self._f = f
self._body = get_body(inspect.getsource(f))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
all = getcallargs(self._f, *args, **kwds)
if IS_PY3:
return cython_inline(self._body, locals=self._f.__globals__, globals=self._f.__globals__, **all)
return cython_inline(self._body, locals=self._f.func_globals, globals=self._f.func_globals, **all)