import numpy as np from ipywidgets import embed import pythreejs as p3s import uuid from .color_util import get_colors, gen_circle, gen_checkers EMBED_URL = "" class PyThreeJSViewer(object): def __init__(self, settings, render_mode="WEBSITE"): self.render_mode = render_mode self.__update_settings(settings) self._light = p3s.DirectionalLight(color='white', position=[0, 0, 1], intensity=0.6) self._light2 = p3s.AmbientLight(intensity=0.5) self._cam = p3s.PerspectiveCamera(position=[0, 0, 1], lookAt=[0, 0, 0], fov=self.__s["fov"], aspect=self.__s["width"] / self.__s["height"], children=[self._light]) self._orbit = p3s.OrbitControls(controlling=self._cam) self._scene = p3s.Scene(children=[self._cam, self._light2], background=self.__s["background"]) # "#4c4c80" self._renderer = p3s.Renderer(camera=self._cam, scene=self._scene, controls=[self._orbit], width=self.__s["width"], height=self.__s["height"], antialias=self.__s["antialias"]) self.__objects = {} self.__cnt = 0 def jupyter_mode(self): self.render_mode = "JUPYTER" def offline(self): self.render_mode = "OFFLINE" def website(self): self.render_mode = "WEBSITE" def __get_shading(self, shading): shad = {"flat": True, "wireframe": False, "wire_width": 0.03, "wire_color": "black", "side": 'DoubleSide', "colormap": "viridis", "normalize": [None, None], "bbox": False, "roughness": 0.5, "metalness": 0.25, "reflectivity": 1.0, "line_width": 1.0, "line_color": "black", "point_color": "red", "point_size": 0.01, "point_shape": "circle", "text_color": "red" } for k in shading: shad[k] = shading[k] return shad def __update_settings(self, settings={}): sett = {"width": 600, "height": 600, "antialias": True, "scale": 1.5, "background": "#ffffff", "fov": 30} for k in settings: sett[k] = settings[k] self.__s = sett def __add_object(self, obj, parent=None): if not parent: # Object is added to global scene and objects dict self.__objects[self.__cnt] = obj self.__cnt += 1 self._scene.add(obj["mesh"]) else: # Object is added to parent object and NOT to objects dict parent.add(obj["mesh"]) self.__update_view() if self.render_mode == "JUPYTER": return self.__cnt - 1 elif self.render_mode == "WEBSITE": return self def __add_line_geometry(self, lines, shading, obj=None): lines = lines.astype("float32", copy=False) mi = np.min(lines, axis=0) ma = np.max(lines, axis=0) geometry = p3s.LineSegmentsGeometry(positions=lines.reshape((-1, 2, 3))) material = p3s.LineMaterial(linewidth=shading["line_width"], color=shading["line_color"]) # , vertexColors='VertexColors'), lines = p3s.LineSegments2(geometry=geometry, material=material) # type='LinePieces') line_obj = {"geometry": geometry, "mesh": lines, "material": material, "max": ma, "min": mi, "type": "Lines", "wireframe": None} if obj: return self.__add_object(line_obj, obj), line_obj else: return self.__add_object(line_obj) def __update_view(self): if len(self.__objects) == 0: return ma = np.zeros((len(self.__objects), 3)) mi = np.zeros((len(self.__objects), 3)) for r, obj in enumerate(self.__objects): ma[r] = self.__objects[obj]["max"] mi[r] = self.__objects[obj]["min"] ma = np.max(ma, axis=0) mi = np.min(mi, axis=0) diag = np.linalg.norm(ma - mi) mean = ((ma - mi) / 2 + mi).tolist() scale = self.__s["scale"] * (diag) = mean self._cam.lookAt(mean) self._cam.position = [mean[0], mean[1], mean[2] + scale] self._light.position = [mean[0], mean[1], mean[2] + scale] self._orbit.exec_three_obj_method('update') self._cam.exec_three_obj_method('updateProjectionMatrix') def __get_bbox(self, v): m = np.min(v, axis=0) M = np.max(v, axis=0) # Corners of the bounding box v_box = np.array([[m[0], m[1], m[2]], [M[0], m[1], m[2]], [M[0], M[1], m[2]], [m[0], M[1], m[2]], [m[0], m[1], M[2]], [M[0], m[1], M[2]], [M[0], M[1], M[2]], [m[0], M[1], M[2]]]) f_box = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 4], [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [7, 3]], dtype=np.uint32) return v_box, f_box def __get_colors(self, v, f, c, sh): coloring = "VertexColors" if type(c) == np.ndarray and c.size == 3: # Single color colors = np.ones_like(v) colors[:, 0] = c[0] colors[:, 1] = c[1] colors[:, 2] = c[2] # print("Single colors") elif type(c) == np.ndarray and len(c.shape) == 2 and c.shape[1] == 3: # Color values for if c.shape[0] == f.shape[0]: # faces colors = np.hstack([c, c, c]).reshape((-1, 3)) coloring = "FaceColors" # print("Face color values") elif c.shape[0] == v.shape[0]: # vertices colors = c # print("Vertex color values") else: # Wrong size, fallback print("Invalid color array given! Supported are numpy arrays.", type(c)) colors = np.ones_like(v) colors[:, 0] = 1.0 colors[:, 1] = 0.874 colors[:, 2] = 0.0 elif type(c) == np.ndarray and c.size == f.shape[0]: # Function values for faces normalize = sh["normalize"][0] != None and sh["normalize"][1] != None cc = get_colors(c, sh["colormap"], normalize=normalize, vmin=sh["normalize"][0], vmax=sh["normalize"][1]) # print(cc.shape) colors = np.hstack([cc, cc, cc]).reshape((-1, 3)) coloring = "FaceColors" # print("Face function values") elif type(c) == np.ndarray and c.size == v.shape[0]: # Function values for vertices normalize = sh["normalize"][0] != None and sh["normalize"][1] != None colors = get_colors(c, sh["colormap"], normalize=normalize, vmin=sh["normalize"][0], vmax=sh["normalize"][1]) # print("Vertex function values") else: colors = np.ones_like(v) # colors[:, 0] = 1.0 # colors[:, 1] = 0.874 # colors[:, 2] = 0.0 colors[:, 0] = 1 colors[:, 1] = 1 colors[:, 2] = 1 # No color if c is not None: print("Invalid color array given! Supported are numpy arrays.", type(c)) return colors, coloring def __get_point_colors(self, v, c, sh): v_color = True if c is None: # No color given, use global color # conv = mpl.colors.ColorConverter() colors = sh["point_color"] # np.array(conv.to_rgb(sh["point_color"])) v_color = False elif isinstance(c, str): # No color given, use global color # conv = mpl.colors.ColorConverter() colors = c # np.array(conv.to_rgb(c)) v_color = False elif type(c) == np.ndarray and len(c.shape) == 2 and c.shape[0] == v.shape[0] and c.shape[1] == 3: # Point color colors = c.astype("float32", copy=False) elif isinstance(c, np.ndarray) and len(c.shape) == 2 and c.shape[0] == v.shape[0] and c.shape[1] != 3: # Function values for vertices, but the colors are features c_norm = np.linalg.norm(c, ord=2, axis=-1) normalize = sh["normalize"][0] != None and sh["normalize"][1] != None colors = get_colors(c_norm, sh["colormap"], normalize=normalize, vmin=sh["normalize"][0], vmax=sh["normalize"][1]) colors = colors.astype("float32", copy=False) elif type(c) == np.ndarray and c.size == v.shape[0]: # Function color normalize = sh["normalize"][0] != None and sh["normalize"][1] != None colors = get_colors(c, sh["colormap"], normalize=normalize, vmin=sh["normalize"][0], vmax=sh["normalize"][1]) colors = colors.astype("float32", copy=False) # print("Vertex function values") else: print("Invalid color array given! Supported are numpy arrays.", type(c)) colors = sh["point_color"] v_color = False return colors, v_color def add_mesh(self, v, f, c=None, uv=None, n=None, shading={}, texture_data=None, **kwargs): shading.update(kwargs) sh = self.__get_shading(shading) mesh_obj = {} # it is a tet if v.shape[1] == 3 and f.shape[1] == 4: f_tmp = np.ndarray([f.shape[0] * 4, 3], dtype=f.dtype) for i in range(f.shape[0]): f_tmp[i * 4 + 0] = np.array([f[i][1], f[i][0], f[i][2]]) f_tmp[i * 4 + 1] = np.array([f[i][0], f[i][1], f[i][3]]) f_tmp[i * 4 + 2] = np.array([f[i][1], f[i][2], f[i][3]]) f_tmp[i * 4 + 3] = np.array([f[i][2], f[i][0], f[i][3]]) f = f_tmp if v.shape[1] == 2: v = np.append(v, np.zeros([v.shape[0], 1]), 1) # Type adjustment vertices v = v.astype("float32", copy=False) # Color setup colors, coloring = self.__get_colors(v, f, c, sh) # Type adjustment faces and colors c = colors.astype("float32", copy=False) # Material and geometry setup ba_dict = {"color": p3s.BufferAttribute(c)} if coloring == "FaceColors": verts = np.zeros((f.shape[0] * 3, 3), dtype="float32") for ii in range(f.shape[0]): # print(ii*3, f[ii]) verts[ii * 3] = v[f[ii, 0]] verts[ii * 3 + 1] = v[f[ii, 1]] verts[ii * 3 + 2] = v[f[ii, 2]] v = verts else: f = f.astype("uint32", copy=False).ravel() ba_dict["index"] = p3s.BufferAttribute(f, normalized=False) ba_dict["position"] = p3s.BufferAttribute(v, normalized=False) if uv is not None: uv = (uv - np.min(uv)) / (np.max(uv) - np.min(uv)) if texture_data is None: texture_data = gen_checkers(20, 20) tex = p3s.DataTexture(data=texture_data, format="RGBFormat", type="FloatType") material = p3s.MeshStandardMaterial(map=tex, reflectivity=sh["reflectivity"], side=sh["side"], roughness=sh["roughness"], metalness=sh["metalness"], flatShading=sh["flat"], polygonOffset=True, polygonOffsetFactor=1, polygonOffsetUnits=5) ba_dict["uv"] = p3s.BufferAttribute(uv.astype("float32", copy=False)) else: material = p3s.MeshStandardMaterial(vertexColors=coloring, reflectivity=sh["reflectivity"], side=sh["side"], roughness=sh["roughness"], metalness=sh["metalness"], flatShading=sh["flat"], polygonOffset=True, polygonOffsetFactor=1, polygonOffsetUnits=5) if type(n) != type(None) and coloring == "VertexColors": # TODO: properly handle normals for FaceColors as well ba_dict["normal"] = p3s.BufferAttribute(n.astype("float32", copy=False), normalized=True) geometry = p3s.BufferGeometry(attributes=ba_dict) if coloring == "VertexColors" and type(n) == type(None): geometry.exec_three_obj_method('computeVertexNormals') elif coloring == "FaceColors" and type(n) == type(None): geometry.exec_three_obj_method('computeFaceNormals') # Mesh setup mesh = p3s.Mesh(geometry=geometry, material=material) # Wireframe setup mesh_obj["wireframe"] = None if sh["wireframe"]: wf_geometry = p3s.WireframeGeometry(mesh.geometry) # WireframeGeometry wf_material = p3s.LineBasicMaterial(color=sh["wire_color"], linewidth=sh["wire_width"]) wireframe = p3s.LineSegments(wf_geometry, wf_material) mesh.add(wireframe) mesh_obj["wireframe"] = wireframe # Bounding box setup if sh["bbox"]: v_box, f_box = self.__get_bbox(v) _, bbox = self.add_edges(v_box, f_box, sh, mesh) mesh_obj["bbox"] = [bbox, v_box, f_box] # Object setup mesh_obj["max"] = np.max(v, axis=0) mesh_obj["min"] = np.min(v, axis=0) mesh_obj["geometry"] = geometry mesh_obj["mesh"] = mesh mesh_obj["material"] = material mesh_obj["type"] = "Mesh" mesh_obj["shading"] = sh mesh_obj["coloring"] = coloring mesh_obj["arrays"] = [v, f, c] # TODO replays with proper storage or remove if not needed return self.__add_object(mesh_obj) def add_lines(self, beginning, ending, shading={}, obj=None, **kwargs): shading.update(kwargs) if len(beginning.shape) == 1: if len(beginning) == 2: beginning = np.array([[beginning[0], beginning[1], 0]]) else: if beginning.shape[1] == 2: beginning = np.append( beginning, np.zeros([beginning.shape[0], 1]), 1) if len(ending.shape) == 1: if len(ending) == 2: ending = np.array([[ending[0], ending[1], 0]]) else: if ending.shape[1] == 2: ending = np.append( ending, np.zeros([ending.shape[0], 1]), 1) sh = self.__get_shading(shading) lines = np.hstack([beginning, ending]) lines = lines.reshape((-1, 3)) return self.__add_line_geometry(lines, sh, obj) def add_edges(self, vertices, edges, shading={}, obj=None, **kwargs): shading.update(kwargs) if vertices.shape[1] == 2: vertices = np.append( vertices, np.zeros([vertices.shape[0], 1]), 1) sh = self.__get_shading(shading) lines = np.zeros((edges.size, 3)) cnt = 0 for e in edges: lines[cnt, :] = vertices[e[0]] lines[cnt + 1, :] = vertices[e[1]] cnt += 2 return self.__add_line_geometry(lines, sh, obj) def add_points(self, points, c=None, shading={}, obj=None, **kwargs): shading.update(kwargs) if len(points.shape) == 1: if len(points) == 2: points = np.array([[points[0], points[1], 0]]) else: if points.shape[1] == 2: points = np.append( points, np.zeros([points.shape[0], 1]), 1) sh = self.__get_shading(shading) points = points.astype("float32", copy=False) mi = np.min(points, axis=0) ma = np.max(points, axis=0) g_attributes = {"position": p3s.BufferAttribute(points, normalized=False)} m_attributes = {"size": sh["point_size"]} if sh["point_shape"] == "circle": # Plot circles tex = p3s.DataTexture(data=gen_circle(16, 16), format="RGBAFormat", type="FloatType") m_attributes["map"] = tex m_attributes["alphaTest"] = 0.5 m_attributes["transparency"] = True else: # Plot squares pass colors, v_colors = self.__get_point_colors(points, c, sh) if v_colors: # Colors per point m_attributes["vertexColors"] = 'VertexColors' g_attributes["color"] = p3s.BufferAttribute(colors, normalized=False) else: # Colors for all points m_attributes["color"] = colors material = p3s.PointsMaterial(**m_attributes) geometry = p3s.BufferGeometry(attributes=g_attributes) points = p3s.Points(geometry=geometry, material=material) point_obj = {"geometry": geometry, "mesh": points, "material": material, "max": ma, "min": mi, "type": "Points", "wireframe": None} if obj: return self.__add_object(point_obj, obj), point_obj else: return self.__add_object(point_obj) def remove_object(self, obj_id): if obj_id not in self.__objects: print("Invalid object id. Valid ids are: ", list(self.__objects.keys())) return self._scene.remove(self.__objects[obj_id]["mesh"]) del self.__objects[obj_id] self.__update_view() def reset(self): for obj_id in list(self.__objects.keys()).copy(): self._scene.remove(self.__objects[obj_id]["mesh"]) del self.__objects[obj_id] self.__update_view() def update_object(self, oid=0, vertices=None, colors=None, faces=None): obj = self.__objects[oid] if type(vertices) != type(None): if obj["coloring"] == "FaceColors": f = obj["arrays"][1] verts = np.zeros((f.shape[0] * 3, 3), dtype="float32") for ii in range(f.shape[0]): # print(ii*3, f[ii]) verts[ii * 3] = vertices[f[ii, 0]] verts[ii * 3 + 1] = vertices[f[ii, 1]] verts[ii * 3 + 2] = vertices[f[ii, 2]] v = verts else: v = vertices.astype("float32", copy=False) obj["geometry"].attributes["position"].array = v # self.wireframe.attributes["position"].array = v # Wireframe updates? obj["geometry"].attributes["position"].needsUpdate = True # obj["geometry"].exec_three_obj_method('computeVertexNormals') if type(colors) != type(None): colors, coloring = self.__get_colors(obj["arrays"][0], obj["arrays"][1], colors, obj["shading"]) colors = colors.astype("float32", copy=False) obj["geometry"].attributes["color"].array = colors obj["geometry"].attributes["color"].needsUpdate = True if type(faces) != type(None): if obj["coloring"] == "FaceColors": print("Face updates are currently only possible in vertex color mode.") return f = faces.astype("uint32", copy=False).ravel() print(obj["geometry"].attributes) obj["geometry"].attributes["index"].array = f # self.wireframe.attributes["position"].array = v # Wireframe updates? obj["geometry"].attributes["index"].needsUpdate = True # obj["geometry"].exec_three_obj_method('computeVertexNormals') # self.mesh.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = True # self.mesh.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = True # self.update() if self.render_mode == "WEBSITE": return self # def update(self): # self.mesh.exec_three_obj_method('update') # self.orbit.exec_three_obj_method('update') #'updateProjectionMatrix') # self.scene.exec_three_obj_method('update') def add_text(self, text, shading={}, **kwargs): shading.update(kwargs) sh = self.__get_shading(shading) tt = p3s.TextTexture(string=text, color=sh["text_color"]) sm = p3s.SpriteMaterial(map=tt) text = p3s.Sprite(material=sm, scaleToTexture=True) self._scene.add(text) # def add_widget(self, widget, callback): # self.widgets.append(widget) # widget.observe(callback, names='value') # def add_dropdown(self, options, default, desc, cb): # widget = widgets.Dropdown(options=options, value=default, description=desc) # self.__widgets.append(widget) # widget.observe(cb, names="value") # display(widget) # def add_button(self, text, cb): # button = widgets.Button(description=text) # self.__widgets.append(button) # button.on_click(cb) # display(button) def to_html(self, imports=True, html_frame=True): # Bake positions (fixes centering bug in offline rendering) if len(self.__objects) == 0: return ma = np.zeros((len(self.__objects), 3)) mi = np.zeros((len(self.__objects), 3)) for r, obj in enumerate(self.__objects): ma[r] = self.__objects[obj]["max"] mi[r] = self.__objects[obj]["min"] ma = np.max(ma, axis=0) mi = np.min(mi, axis=0) diag = np.linalg.norm(ma - mi) mean = (ma - mi) / 2 + mi for r, obj in enumerate(self.__objects): v = self.__objects[obj]["geometry"].attributes["position"].array v -= mean v += np.array([0.0, .9, 0.0]) #! to move the obj to the center of window scale = self.__s["scale"] * (diag) = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self._cam.lookAt([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # self._cam.position = [0.0, 0.0, scale] self._cam.position = [0.0, 0.5, scale * 1.3] #! show four complete meshes in the window self._light.position = [0.0, 0.0, scale] state = embed.dependency_state(self._renderer) # Somehow these entries are missing when the state is exported in python. # Exporting from the GUI works, so we are inserting the missing entries. for k in state: if state[k]["model_name"] == "OrbitControlsModel": state[k]["state"]["maxAzimuthAngle"] = "inf" state[k]["state"]["maxDistance"] = "inf" state[k]["state"]["maxZoom"] = "inf" state[k]["state"]["minAzimuthAngle"] = "-inf" tpl = embed.load_requirejs_template if not imports: embed.load_requirejs_template = "" s = embed.embed_snippet(self._renderer, state=state, embed_url=EMBED_URL) # s = embed.embed_snippet(self.__w, state=state) embed.load_requirejs_template = tpl if html_frame: s = "\n\n" + s + "\n\n" # Revert changes for r, obj in enumerate(self.__objects): v = self.__objects[obj]["geometry"].attributes["position"].array v += mean self.__update_view() return s def save(self, filename=""): if filename == "": uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".html" else: filename = filename.replace(".html", "") uid = filename + '.html' with open(uid, "w") as f: f.write(self.to_html()) print("Plot saved to file %s." % uid)