import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import craftsman from craftsman.utils.typing import * def dot(x, y): return torch.sum(x * y, -1, keepdim=True) class Mesh: def __init__( self, v_pos: Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"], t_pos_idx: Integer[Tensor, "Nf 3"], **kwargs ) -> None: self.v_pos: Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"] = v_pos self.t_pos_idx: Integer[Tensor, "Nf 3"] = t_pos_idx self._v_nrm: Optional[Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"]] = None self._v_tng: Optional[Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"]] = None self._v_tex: Optional[Float[Tensor, "Nt 3"]] = None self._t_tex_idx: Optional[Float[Tensor, "Nf 3"]] = None self._v_rgb: Optional[Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"]] = None self._edges: Optional[Integer[Tensor, "Ne 2"]] = None self.extras: Dict[str, Any] = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.add_extra(k, v) def add_extra(self, k, v): self.extras[k] = v def remove_outlier(self, outlier_n_faces_threshold: Union[int, float]): if self.requires_grad: craftsman.debug("Mesh is differentiable, not removing outliers") return self # use trimesh to first split the mesh into connected components # then remove the components with less than n_face_threshold faces import trimesh # construct a trimesh object mesh = trimesh.Trimesh( vertices=self.v_pos.detach().cpu().numpy(), faces=self.t_pos_idx.detach().cpu().numpy(), ) # split the mesh into connected components components = mesh.split(only_watertight=False) # log the number of faces in each component craftsman.debug( "Mesh has {} components, with faces: {}".format( len(components), [c.faces.shape[0] for c in components] ) ) n_faces_threshold: int if isinstance(outlier_n_faces_threshold, float): # set the threshold to the number of faces in the largest component multiplied by outlier_n_faces_threshold n_faces_threshold = int( max([c.faces.shape[0] for c in components]) * outlier_n_faces_threshold ) else: # set the threshold directly to outlier_n_faces_threshold n_faces_threshold = outlier_n_faces_threshold # log the threshold craftsman.debug( "Removing components with less than {} faces".format(n_faces_threshold) ) # remove the components with less than n_face_threshold faces components = [c for c in components if c.faces.shape[0] >= n_faces_threshold] # log the number of faces in each component after removing outliers craftsman.debug( "Mesh has {} components after removing outliers, with faces: {}".format( len(components), [c.faces.shape[0] for c in components] ) ) # merge the components mesh = trimesh.util.concatenate(components) # convert back to our mesh format v_pos = torch.from_numpy(mesh.vertices).to(self.v_pos) t_pos_idx = torch.from_numpy(mesh.faces).to(self.t_pos_idx) clean_mesh = Mesh(v_pos, t_pos_idx) # keep the extras unchanged if len(self.extras) > 0: clean_mesh.extras = self.extras craftsman.debug( f"The following extra attributes are inherited from the original mesh unchanged: {list(self.extras.keys())}" ) return clean_mesh @property def requires_grad(self): return self.v_pos.requires_grad @property def v_nrm(self): if self._v_nrm is None: self._v_nrm = self._compute_vertex_normal() return self._v_nrm @property def v_tng(self): if self._v_tng is None: self._v_tng = self._compute_vertex_tangent() return self._v_tng @property def v_tex(self): if self._v_tex is None: self._v_tex, self._t_tex_idx = self._unwrap_uv() return self._v_tex @property def t_tex_idx(self): if self._t_tex_idx is None: self._v_tex, self._t_tex_idx = self._unwrap_uv() return self._t_tex_idx @property def v_rgb(self): return self._v_rgb @property def edges(self): if self._edges is None: self._edges = self._compute_edges() return self._edges def _compute_vertex_normal(self): i0 = self.t_pos_idx[:, 0] i1 = self.t_pos_idx[:, 1] i2 = self.t_pos_idx[:, 2] v0 = self.v_pos[i0, :] v1 = self.v_pos[i1, :] v2 = self.v_pos[i2, :] face_normals = torch.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0) # Splat face normals to vertices v_nrm = torch.zeros_like(self.v_pos) v_nrm.scatter_add_(0, i0[:, None].repeat(1, 3), face_normals) v_nrm.scatter_add_(0, i1[:, None].repeat(1, 3), face_normals) v_nrm.scatter_add_(0, i2[:, None].repeat(1, 3), face_normals) # Normalize, replace zero (degenerated) normals with some default value v_nrm = torch.where( dot(v_nrm, v_nrm) > 1e-20, v_nrm, torch.as_tensor([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]).to(v_nrm) ) v_nrm = F.normalize(v_nrm, dim=1) if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(v_nrm)) return v_nrm def _compute_vertex_tangent(self): vn_idx = [None] * 3 pos = [None] * 3 tex = [None] * 3 for i in range(0, 3): pos[i] = self.v_pos[self.t_pos_idx[:, i]] tex[i] = self.v_tex[self.t_tex_idx[:, i]] # t_nrm_idx is always the same as t_pos_idx vn_idx[i] = self.t_pos_idx[:, i] tangents = torch.zeros_like(self.v_nrm) tansum = torch.zeros_like(self.v_nrm) # Compute tangent space for each triangle uve1 = tex[1] - tex[0] uve2 = tex[2] - tex[0] pe1 = pos[1] - pos[0] pe2 = pos[2] - pos[0] nom = pe1 * uve2[..., 1:2] - pe2 * uve1[..., 1:2] denom = uve1[..., 0:1] * uve2[..., 1:2] - uve1[..., 1:2] * uve2[..., 0:1] # Avoid division by zero for degenerated texture coordinates tang = nom / torch.where( denom > 0.0, torch.clamp(denom, min=1e-6), torch.clamp(denom, max=-1e-6) ) # Update all 3 vertices for i in range(0, 3): idx = vn_idx[i][:, None].repeat(1, 3) tangents.scatter_add_(0, idx, tang) # tangents[n_i] = tangents[n_i] + tang tansum.scatter_add_( 0, idx, torch.ones_like(tang) ) # tansum[n_i] = tansum[n_i] + 1 tangents = tangents / tansum # Normalize and make sure tangent is perpendicular to normal tangents = F.normalize(tangents, dim=1) tangents = F.normalize(tangents - dot(tangents, self.v_nrm) * self.v_nrm) if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(tangents)) return tangents def _unwrap_uv( self, xatlas_chart_options: dict = {}, xatlas_pack_options: dict = {} ):"Using xatlas to perform UV unwrapping, may take a while ...") import xatlas atlas = xatlas.Atlas() atlas.add_mesh( self.v_pos.detach().cpu().numpy(), self.t_pos_idx.cpu().numpy(), ) co = xatlas.ChartOptions() po = xatlas.PackOptions() for k, v in xatlas_chart_options.items(): setattr(co, k, v) for k, v in xatlas_pack_options.items(): setattr(po, k, v) setattr(co, 'max_cost', 2.0) setattr(po, 'resolution', 4096) atlas.generate(co, po, verbose=True) vmapping, indices, uvs = atlas.get_mesh(0) vmapping = ( torch.from_numpy( vmapping.astype(np.uint64, casting="same_kind").view(np.int64) ) .to(self.v_pos.device) .long() ) uvs = torch.from_numpy(uvs).to(self.v_pos.device).float() indices = ( torch.from_numpy( indices.astype(np.uint64, casting="same_kind").view(np.int64) ) .to(self.v_pos.device) .long() ) return uvs, indices def unwrap_uv( self, xatlas_chart_options: dict = {}, xatlas_pack_options: dict = {} ): self._v_tex, self._t_tex_idx = self._unwrap_uv( xatlas_chart_options, xatlas_pack_options ) def set_vertex_color(self, v_rgb): assert v_rgb.shape[0] == self.v_pos.shape[0] self._v_rgb = v_rgb def _compute_edges(self): # Compute edges edges = [ self.t_pos_idx[:, [0, 1]], self.t_pos_idx[:, [1, 2]], self.t_pos_idx[:, [2, 0]], ], dim=0, ) edges = edges.sort()[0] edges = torch.unique(edges, dim=0) return edges def normal_consistency(self) -> Float[Tensor, ""]: edge_nrm: Float[Tensor, "Ne 2 3"] = self.v_nrm[self.edges] nc = ( 1.0 - torch.cosine_similarity(edge_nrm[:, 0], edge_nrm[:, 1], dim=-1) ).mean() return nc def _laplacian_uniform(self): # from stable-dreamfusion # verts, faces = self.v_pos, self.t_pos_idx V = verts.shape[0] F = faces.shape[0] # Neighbor indices ii = faces[:, [1, 2, 0]].flatten() jj = faces[:, [2, 0, 1]].flatten() adj = torch.stack([[ii, jj]),[jj, ii])], dim=0).unique( dim=1 ) adj_values = torch.ones(adj.shape[1]).to(verts) # Diagonal indices diag_idx = adj[0] # Build the sparse matrix idx =, torch.stack((diag_idx, diag_idx), dim=0)), dim=1) values =, adj_values)) # The coalesce operation sums the duplicate indices, resulting in the # correct diagonal return torch.sparse_coo_tensor(idx, values, (V, V)).coalesce() def laplacian(self) -> Float[Tensor, ""]: with torch.no_grad(): L = self._laplacian_uniform() loss = loss = loss.norm(dim=1) loss = loss.mean() return loss class IsosurfaceHelper(nn.Module): points_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 1) @property def grid_vertices(self) -> Float[Tensor, "N 3"]: raise NotImplementedError class MarchingCubeCPUHelper(IsosurfaceHelper): def __init__(self, resolution: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.resolution = resolution import mcubes self.mc_func: Callable = mcubes.marching_cubes self._grid_vertices: Optional[Float[Tensor, "N3 3"]] = None self._dummy: Float[Tensor, "..."] self.register_buffer( "_dummy", torch.zeros(0, dtype=torch.float32), persistent=False ) @property def grid_vertices(self) -> Float[Tensor, "N3 3"]: if self._grid_vertices is None: # keep the vertices on CPU so that we can support very large resolution x, y, z = ( torch.linspace(*self.points_range, self.resolution), torch.linspace(*self.points_range, self.resolution), torch.linspace(*self.points_range, self.resolution), ) x, y, z = torch.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij") verts = [x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1), z.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1 ).reshape(-1, 3) self._grid_vertices = verts return self._grid_vertices def forward( self, level: Float[Tensor, "N3 1"], deformation: Optional[Float[Tensor, "N3 3"]] = None, ) -> Mesh: if deformation is not None: craftsman.warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not support deformation. Ignoring." ) level = -level.view(self.resolution, self.resolution, self.resolution) v_pos, t_pos_idx = self.mc_func( level.detach().cpu().numpy(), 0.0 ) # transform to numpy v_pos, t_pos_idx = ( torch.from_numpy(v_pos).float().to(self._dummy.device), torch.from_numpy(t_pos_idx.astype(np.int64)).long().to(self._dummy.device), ) # transform back to torch tensor on CUDA v_pos = v_pos / (self.resolution - 1.0) return Mesh(v_pos=v_pos, t_pos_idx=t_pos_idx) class MarchingTetrahedraHelper(IsosurfaceHelper): def __init__(self, resolution: int, tets_path: str): super().__init__() self.resolution = resolution self.tets_path = tets_path self.triangle_table: Float[Tensor, "..."] self.register_buffer( "triangle_table", torch.as_tensor( [ [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], [1, 0, 2, -1, -1, -1], [4, 0, 3, -1, -1, -1], [1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4], [3, 1, 5, -1, -1, -1], [2, 3, 0, 2, 5, 3], [1, 4, 0, 1, 5, 4], [4, 2, 5, -1, -1, -1], [4, 5, 2, -1, -1, -1], [4, 1, 0, 4, 5, 1], [3, 2, 0, 3, 5, 2], [1, 3, 5, -1, -1, -1], [4, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1], [3, 0, 4, -1, -1, -1], [2, 0, 1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], ], dtype=torch.long, ), persistent=False, ) self.num_triangles_table: Integer[Tensor, "..."] self.register_buffer( "num_triangles_table", torch.as_tensor( [0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0], dtype=torch.long ), persistent=False, ) self.base_tet_edges: Integer[Tensor, "..."] self.register_buffer( "base_tet_edges", torch.as_tensor([0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3], dtype=torch.long), persistent=False, ) tets = np.load(self.tets_path) self._grid_vertices: Float[Tensor, "..."] self.register_buffer( "_grid_vertices", torch.from_numpy(tets["vertices"]).float(), persistent=False, ) self.indices: Integer[Tensor, "..."] self.register_buffer( "indices", torch.from_numpy(tets["indices"]).long(), persistent=False ) self._all_edges: Optional[Integer[Tensor, "Ne 2"]] = None def normalize_grid_deformation( self, grid_vertex_offsets: Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"] ) -> Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"]: return ( (self.points_range[1] - self.points_range[0]) / (self.resolution) # half tet size is approximately 1 / self.resolution * torch.tanh(grid_vertex_offsets) ) # FIXME: hard-coded activation @property def grid_vertices(self) -> Float[Tensor, "Nv 3"]: return self._grid_vertices @property def all_edges(self) -> Integer[Tensor, "Ne 2"]: if self._all_edges is None: # compute edges on GPU, or it would be VERY SLOW (basically due to the unique operation) edges = torch.tensor( [0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3], dtype=torch.long, device=self.indices.device, ) _all_edges = self.indices[:, edges].reshape(-1, 2) _all_edges_sorted = torch.sort(_all_edges, dim=1)[0] _all_edges = torch.unique(_all_edges_sorted, dim=0) self._all_edges = _all_edges return self._all_edges def sort_edges(self, edges_ex2): with torch.no_grad(): order = (edges_ex2[:, 0] > edges_ex2[:, 1]).long() order = order.unsqueeze(dim=1) a = torch.gather(input=edges_ex2, index=order, dim=1) b = torch.gather(input=edges_ex2, index=1 - order, dim=1) return torch.stack([a, b], -1) def _forward(self, pos_nx3, sdf_n, tet_fx4): with torch.no_grad(): occ_n = sdf_n > 0 occ_fx4 = occ_n[tet_fx4.reshape(-1)].reshape(-1, 4) occ_sum = torch.sum(occ_fx4, -1) valid_tets = (occ_sum > 0) & (occ_sum < 4) occ_sum = occ_sum[valid_tets] # find all vertices all_edges = tet_fx4[valid_tets][:, self.base_tet_edges].reshape(-1, 2) all_edges = self.sort_edges(all_edges) unique_edges, idx_map = torch.unique(all_edges, dim=0, return_inverse=True) unique_edges = unique_edges.long() mask_edges = occ_n[unique_edges.reshape(-1)].reshape(-1, 2).sum(-1) == 1 mapping = ( torch.ones( (unique_edges.shape[0]), dtype=torch.long, device=pos_nx3.device ) * -1 ) mapping[mask_edges] = torch.arange( mask_edges.sum(), dtype=torch.long, device=pos_nx3.device ) idx_map = mapping[idx_map] # map edges to verts interp_v = unique_edges[mask_edges] edges_to_interp = pos_nx3[interp_v.reshape(-1)].reshape(-1, 2, 3) edges_to_interp_sdf = sdf_n[interp_v.reshape(-1)].reshape(-1, 2, 1) edges_to_interp_sdf[:, -1] *= -1 denominator = edges_to_interp_sdf.sum(1, keepdim=True) edges_to_interp_sdf = torch.flip(edges_to_interp_sdf, [1]) / denominator verts = (edges_to_interp * edges_to_interp_sdf).sum(1) idx_map = idx_map.reshape(-1, 6) v_id = torch.pow(2, torch.arange(4, dtype=torch.long, device=pos_nx3.device)) tetindex = (occ_fx4[valid_tets] * v_id.unsqueeze(0)).sum(-1) num_triangles = self.num_triangles_table[tetindex] # Generate triangle indices faces = ( torch.gather( input=idx_map[num_triangles == 1], dim=1, index=self.triangle_table[tetindex[num_triangles == 1]][:, :3], ).reshape(-1, 3), torch.gather( input=idx_map[num_triangles == 2], dim=1, index=self.triangle_table[tetindex[num_triangles == 2]][:, :6], ).reshape(-1, 3), ), dim=0, ) return verts, faces def forward( self, level: Float[Tensor, "N3 1"], deformation: Optional[Float[Tensor, "N3 3"]] = None, ) -> Mesh: if deformation is not None: grid_vertices = self.grid_vertices + self.normalize_grid_deformation( deformation ) else: grid_vertices = self.grid_vertices v_pos, t_pos_idx = self._forward(grid_vertices, level, self.indices) mesh = Mesh( v_pos=v_pos, t_pos_idx=t_pos_idx, # extras grid_vertices=grid_vertices, tet_edges=self.all_edges, grid_level=level, grid_deformation=deformation, ) return mesh