import streamlit as st from pymongo import MongoClient from gradio_client import Client import time import os # Connect to MongoDB password = os.getenv("password") uri = f"mongodb+srv://E:{password}" client = MongoClient(uri) db = client["instantqa"] collection = db["instantqa"] client_endpoint = "" def ask_question(question): # Check if the question exists in the database query = {"question": question} result = collection.find_one(query) if result: return result["answer"] else: client = Client(client_endpoint) result = client.predict( question, 0.9, # Temperature 2000, # Max new tokens 0.9, # Top-p (nucleus sampling) 1.2, # Repetition penalty api_name="/chat" ) answer = result answer = answer[:-4] # Store the question-answer pair in MongoDB data = {"question": question, "answer": answer} collection.insert_one(data) return answer def typewriter(text: str, speed: int): tokens = text.split() container = st.empty() for index in range(len(tokens) + 1): curr_full_text = " ".join(tokens[:index]) container.markdown(curr_full_text) time.sleep(1 / speed) # JavaScript to scroll to the bottom of the page while typing st.write(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) def main(): st.title("Near Instant Question Answering") st.write("Limitations: May generate unhelpful or outdated content, no chat history.") st.write("Warning: Do not share any personal/public information.") question = st.text_input("Ask your question:") if st.button("Ask"): if question: answer_placeholder = st.empty() answer_placeholder.write("Thinking...") answer = ask_question(question) answer_placeholder.empty() typewriter("Answer: " + answer, speed=300) else: st.write("Please enter a question.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()