"""Module to download a complete playlist from a youtube channel.""" import json import logging from collections.abc import Sequence from datetime import date, datetime from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from pytube import extract, request, YouTube from pytube.helpers import cache, DeferredGeneratorList, install_proxy, uniqueify logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Playlist(Sequence): """Load a YouTube playlist with URL""" def __init__(self, url: str, proxies: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): if proxies: install_proxy(proxies) self._input_url = url # These need to be initialized as None for the properties. self._html = None self._ytcfg = None self._initial_data = None self._sidebar_info = None self._playlist_id = None @property def playlist_id(self): """Get the playlist id. :rtype: str """ if self._playlist_id: return self._playlist_id self._playlist_id = extract.playlist_id(self._input_url) return self._playlist_id @property def playlist_url(self): """Get the base playlist url. :rtype: str """ return f"https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list={self.playlist_id}" @property def html(self): """Get the playlist page html. :rtype: str """ if self._html: return self._html self._html = request.get(self.playlist_url) return self._html @property def ytcfg(self): """Extract the ytcfg from the playlist page html. :rtype: dict """ if self._ytcfg: return self._ytcfg self._ytcfg = extract.get_ytcfg(self.html) return self._ytcfg @property def initial_data(self): """Extract the initial data from the playlist page html. :rtype: dict """ if self._initial_data: return self._initial_data else: self._initial_data = extract.initial_data(self.html) return self._initial_data @property def sidebar_info(self): """Extract the sidebar info from the playlist page html. :rtype: dict """ if self._sidebar_info: return self._sidebar_info else: self._sidebar_info = self.initial_data['sidebar'][ 'playlistSidebarRenderer']['items'] return self._sidebar_info @property def yt_api_key(self): """Extract the INNERTUBE_API_KEY from the playlist ytcfg. :rtype: str """ return self.ytcfg['INNERTUBE_API_KEY'] def _paginate( self, until_watch_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterable[List[str]]: """Parse the video links from the page source, yields the /watch?v= part from video link :param until_watch_id Optional[str]: YouTube Video watch id until which the playlist should be read. :rtype: Iterable[List[str]] :returns: Iterable of lists of YouTube watch ids """ videos_urls, continuation = self._extract_videos( json.dumps(extract.initial_data(self.html)) ) if until_watch_id: try: trim_index = videos_urls.index(f"/watch?v={until_watch_id}") yield videos_urls[:trim_index] return except ValueError: pass yield videos_urls # Extraction from a playlist only returns 100 videos at a time # if self._extract_videos returns a continuation there are more # than 100 songs inside a playlist, so we need to add further requests # to gather all of them if continuation: load_more_url, headers, data = self._build_continuation_url(continuation) else: load_more_url, headers, data = None, None, None while load_more_url and headers and data: # there is an url found logger.debug("load more url: %s", load_more_url) # requesting the next page of videos with the url generated from the # previous page, needs to be a post req = request.post(load_more_url, extra_headers=headers, data=data) # extract up to 100 songs from the page loaded # returns another continuation if more videos are available videos_urls, continuation = self._extract_videos(req) if until_watch_id: try: trim_index = videos_urls.index(f"/watch?v={until_watch_id}") yield videos_urls[:trim_index] return except ValueError: pass yield videos_urls if continuation: load_more_url, headers, data = self._build_continuation_url( continuation ) else: load_more_url, headers, data = None, None, None def _build_continuation_url(self, continuation: str) -> Tuple[str, dict, dict]: """Helper method to build the url and headers required to request the next page of videos :param str continuation: Continuation extracted from the json response of the last page :rtype: Tuple[str, dict, dict] :returns: Tuple of an url and required headers for the next http request """ return ( ( # was changed to this format (and post requests) # between 2021.03.02 and 2021.03.03 "https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/browse?key=" f"{self.yt_api_key}" ), { "X-YouTube-Client-Name": "1", "X-YouTube-Client-Version": "2.20200720.00.02", }, # extra data required for post request { "continuation": continuation, "context": { "client": { "clientName": "WEB", "clientVersion": "2.20200720.00.02" } } } ) @staticmethod def _extract_videos(raw_json: str) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[str]]: """Extracts videos from a raw json page :param str raw_json: Input json extracted from the page or the last server response :rtype: Tuple[List[str], Optional[str]] :returns: Tuple containing a list of up to 100 video watch ids and a continuation token, if more videos are available """ initial_data = json.loads(raw_json) try: # this is the json tree structure, if the json was extracted from # html section_contents = initial_data["contents"][ "twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer"][ "tabs"][0]["tabRenderer"]["content"][ "sectionListRenderer"]["contents"] try: # Playlist without submenus important_content = section_contents[ 0]["itemSectionRenderer"][ "contents"][0]["playlistVideoListRenderer"] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): # Playlist with submenus important_content = section_contents[ 1]["itemSectionRenderer"][ "contents"][0]["playlistVideoListRenderer"] videos = important_content["contents"] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): try: # this is the json tree structure, if the json was directly sent # by the server in a continuation response # no longer a list and no longer has the "response" key important_content = initial_data['onResponseReceivedActions'][0][ 'appendContinuationItemsAction']['continuationItems'] videos = important_content except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError) as p: logger.info(p) return [], None try: continuation = videos[-1]['continuationItemRenderer'][ 'continuationEndpoint' ]['continuationCommand']['token'] videos = videos[:-1] except (KeyError, IndexError): # if there is an error, no continuation is available continuation = None # remove duplicates return ( uniqueify( list( # only extract the video ids from the video data map( lambda x: ( f"/watch?v=" f"{x['playlistVideoRenderer']['videoId']}" ), videos ) ), ), continuation, ) def trimmed(self, video_id: str) -> Iterable[str]: """Retrieve a list of YouTube video URLs trimmed at the given video ID i.e. if the playlist has video IDs 1,2,3,4 calling trimmed(3) returns [1,2] :type video_id: str video ID to trim the returned list of playlist URLs at :rtype: List[str] :returns: List of video URLs from the playlist trimmed at the given ID """ for page in self._paginate(until_watch_id=video_id): yield from (self._video_url(watch_path) for watch_path in page) def url_generator(self): """Generator that yields video URLs. :Yields: Video URLs """ for page in self._paginate(): for video in page: yield self._video_url(video) @property # type: ignore @cache def video_urls(self) -> DeferredGeneratorList: """Complete links of all the videos in playlist :rtype: List[str] :returns: List of video URLs """ return DeferredGeneratorList(self.url_generator()) def videos_generator(self): for url in self.video_urls: yield YouTube(url) @property def videos(self) -> Iterable[YouTube]: """Yields YouTube objects of videos in this playlist :rtype: List[YouTube] :returns: List of YouTube """ return DeferredGeneratorList(self.videos_generator()) def __getitem__(self, i: Union[slice, int]) -> Union[str, List[str]]: return self.video_urls[i] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.video_urls) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{repr(self.video_urls)}" @property @cache def last_updated(self) -> Optional[date]: """Extract the date that the playlist was last updated. For some playlists, this will be a specific date, which is returned as a datetime object. For other playlists, this is an estimate such as "1 week ago". Due to the fact that this value is returned as a string, pytube does a best-effort parsing where possible, and returns the raw string where it is not possible. :return: Date of last playlist update where possible, else the string provided :rtype: datetime.date """ last_updated_text = self.sidebar_info[0]['playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer'][ 'stats'][2]['runs'][1]['text'] try: date_components = last_updated_text.split() month = date_components[0] day = date_components[1].strip(',') year = date_components[2] return datetime.strptime( f"{month} {day:0>2} {year}", "%b %d %Y" ).date() except (IndexError, KeyError): return last_updated_text @property @cache def title(self) -> Optional[str]: """Extract playlist title :return: playlist title (name) :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self.sidebar_info[0]['playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer'][ 'title']['runs'][0]['text'] @property def description(self) -> str: return self.sidebar_info[0]['playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer'][ 'description']['simpleText'] @property def length(self): """Extract the number of videos in the playlist. :return: Playlist video count :rtype: int """ count_text = self.sidebar_info[0]['playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer'][ 'stats'][0]['runs'][0]['text'] count_text = count_text.replace(',','') return int(count_text) @property def views(self): """Extract view count for playlist. :return: Playlist view count :rtype: int """ # "1,234,567 views" views_text = self.sidebar_info[0]['playlistSidebarPrimaryInfoRenderer'][ 'stats'][1]['simpleText'] # "1,234,567" count_text = views_text.split()[0] # "1234567" count_text = count_text.replace(',', '') return int(count_text) @property def owner(self): """Extract the owner of the playlist. :return: Playlist owner name. :rtype: str """ return self.sidebar_info[1]['playlistSidebarSecondaryInfoRenderer'][ 'videoOwner']['videoOwnerRenderer']['title']['runs'][0]['text'] @property def owner_id(self): """Extract the channel_id of the owner of the playlist. :return: Playlist owner's channel ID. :rtype: str """ return self.sidebar_info[1]['playlistSidebarSecondaryInfoRenderer'][ 'videoOwner']['videoOwnerRenderer']['title']['runs'][0][ 'navigationEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['browseId'] @property def owner_url(self): """Create the channel url of the owner of the playlist. :return: Playlist owner's channel url. :rtype: str """ return f'https://www.youtube.com/channel/{self.owner_id}' @staticmethod def _video_url(watch_path: str): return f"https://www.youtube.com{watch_path}"