import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.figure_factory as ff import plotly.graph_objects as go import streamlit as st from plotly.subplots import make_subplots from exp_utils import MODELS from visualize_utils import viridis_rgb # st.set_page_config( page_title="Results Viewer", page_icon="📊", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", layout="wide", ) MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING = {k: v["model_size"] for k, v in MODELS.items()} MODELS_FAMILY_MAPPING = {k: v["model_family"] for k, v in MODELS.items()} MODEL_FAMILES = set([model["model_family"] for model in MODELS.values()]) MODEL_NAMES = list(MODELS.keys()) MODEL_NAMES_SORTED_BY_NAME_AND_SIZE = sorted( MODEL_NAMES, key=lambda x: (MODELS[x]["model_family"], MODELS[x]["model_size"]) ) MODEL_NAMES_SORTED_BY_SIZE = sorted( MODEL_NAMES, key=lambda x: (MODELS[x]["model_size"], MODELS[x]["model_family"]) ) # sort MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING by value then by key MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING = { k: v for k, v in sorted(MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING.items(), key=lambda item: (item[1], item[0])) } MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING_LIST = list(MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING.keys()) CHAT_MODELS = [x for x in MODEL_NAMES_SORTED_BY_NAME_AND_SIZE if MODELS[x]["is_chat"]] def clean_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # remove all columns that have "_loss" and "_runtime" in them words_to_remove = [ "epoch", "loss", "runtime", "samples_per_second", "steps_per_second", "samples", "results_dir", ] df = df.loc[ :, ~df.columns.str.contains("|".join(words_to_remove), case=False, regex=True), ] # rename the rest of the columns by replacing "_roc_auc" with "" df.columns = df.columns.str.replace("_roc_auc", "") df.columns = df.columns.str.replace("eval_", "") df["model_family"] = df["model_name"].map(MODELS_FAMILY_MAPPING) # create a dict with the model_name and the model_family model_family_dict = { k: v for k, v in zip( df["model_name"].values.tolist(), df["model_family"].values.tolist() ) } # average the results over the 5 seeds for each model (seed column is exp_seed) df_avg = df.groupby(["model_name"]).mean() df_std = df.groupby(["model_name"]).std() # remove the exp_seed column df_avg = df_avg.drop(columns=["exp_seed"]) df_std = df_std.drop(columns=["exp_seed"]) df_avg["model_family"] = df_std["model_family"] = df_avg["model_size"] = df_std["model_size"] = # sort rows by model family then model size df_avg = df_avg.sort_values( by=["model_family", "model_size"], ascending=[True, True] ) df_std = df_std.sort_values( by=["model_family", "model_size"], ascending=[True, True] ) availables_rows = [x for x in df_avg.columns if x in df_avg.index] df_avg = df_avg.reindex(availables_rows) availables_rows = [x for x in df_std.columns if x in df_std.index] df_std = df_std.reindex(availables_rows) return df_avg, df_std def get_data(path): df, df_std = clean_dataframe(pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)) return df, df_std def filter_df( df: pd.DataFrame, model_family_train: list, model_family_test: list, model_size_train: tuple, model_size_test: tuple, is_chat_train: bool, is_chat_test: bool, sort_by_size: bool, split_chat_models: bool, is_debug: bool, ) -> pd.DataFrame: # remove all columns and rows that have "pythia-70m" in the name # filter rows if is_debug: st.write("No filters") st.write(df) df = df.loc[ (df["model_size"] >= model_size_train[0] * 1e9) & (df["model_size"] <= model_size_train[1] * 1e9) ] if is_debug: st.write("Filter model size train") st.write(df) df = df.loc[df["model_family"].isin(model_family_train)] if is_debug: st.write("Filter model family train") st.write(df) if is_chat_train != "Both": df = df.loc[df["is_chat"] == is_chat_train] if is_debug: st.write("Filter is chat train") st.write(df) # filter columns if is_debug: st.write("No filters") st.write(df) columns_to_keep = [] for column in df.columns: if column in MODELS.keys(): model_size = MODELS[column]["model_size"] if ( model_size >= model_size_test[0] * 1e9 and model_size <= model_size_test[1] * 1e9 ): columns_to_keep.append(column) df = df[list(sorted(list(set(columns_to_keep))))] if is_debug: st.write("Filter model size test") st.write(df) # filter columns columns_to_keep = [] for column in df.columns: for model_family in model_family_test: if model_family == MODELS[column]["model_family"]: columns_to_keep.append(column) df = df[list(sorted(list(set(columns_to_keep))))] if is_debug: st.write("Filter model family test") st.write(df) if is_chat_test != "Both": # filter columns columns_to_keep = [] for column in df.columns: if MODELS[column]["is_chat"] == is_chat_test: columns_to_keep.append(column) df = df[list(sorted(list(set(columns_to_keep))))] if is_debug: st.write("Filter is chat test") st.write(df) df = df.select_dtypes(include="number") if is_debug: st.write("Select dtypes to be only numbers") st.write(df) if sort_by_size: columns_in = [x for x in MODEL_NAMES_SORTED_BY_SIZE if x in df.columns] else: columns_in = [x for x in MODEL_NAMES_SORTED_BY_NAME_AND_SIZE if x in df.columns] df = df[columns_in] if is_debug: st.write("Sort columns") st.write(df) # sort rows by size according the MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING_LIST if sort_by_size: availables_rows = [x for x in MODEL_NAMES_SORTED_BY_SIZE if x in df.index] df = df.reindex(availables_rows) else: availables_rows = [ x for x in MODEL_NAMES_SORTED_BY_NAME_AND_SIZE if x in df.index ] df = df.reindex(availables_rows) if is_debug: st.write("Sort rows") st.write(df) if split_chat_models: # put chat models at the end of the columns chat_models = [x for x in CHAT_MODELS if x in df.columns] # sort chat models by size chat_models = sorted(chat_models, key=lambda x: MODELS[x]["model_size"]) df = df[[x for x in df.columns if x not in chat_models] + chat_models] # put chat models at the end of the rows chat_models = [x for x in CHAT_MODELS if x in df.index] # sort chat models by size chat_models = sorted(chat_models, key=lambda x: MODELS[x]["model_size"]) df = df.reindex([x for x in df.index if x not in chat_models] + chat_models) if is_debug: st.write("Split chat models") st.write(df) return df df, df_std = get_data("./deberta_results.csv") with open("./ood_results.json", "r") as f: ood_results = json.load(f) ood_results = pd.DataFrame(ood_results) ood_results = ood_results.set_index("model_name") ood_results = ood_results.drop( columns=["exp_name", "accuracy", "f1", "precision", "recall"] ) ood_results.columns = ["seed", "Adversarial"] ood_results_avg = ood_results.groupby(["model_name"]).mean() ood_results_std = ood_results.groupby(["model_name"]).std() # filters show_diff = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Diff", value=False) sort_by_size = st.sidebar.checkbox("Sort by size", value=False) split_chat_models = st.sidebar.checkbox("Split chat models", value=False) add_mean = st.sidebar.checkbox("Add mean", value=False) show_std = st.sidebar.checkbox("Show std", value=False) model_size_train = st.sidebar.slider( "Train Model Size in Billion", min_value=0, max_value=100, value=(0, 100), step=1 ) model_size_test = st.sidebar.slider( "Test Model Size in Billion", min_value=0, max_value=100, value=(0, 100), step=1 ) is_chat_train = st.sidebar.selectbox("(Train) Is Chat?", [True, False, "Both"], index=2) is_chat_test = st.sidebar.selectbox("(Test) Is Chat?", [True, False, "Both"], index=2) model_family_train = st.sidebar.multiselect( "Model Family Train", MODEL_FAMILES, default=MODEL_FAMILES, ) model_family_test = st.sidebar.multiselect( "Model Family Test", list(MODEL_FAMILES) + ["Adversarial"], default=MODEL_FAMILES, ) add_adversarial = False if "Adversarial" in model_family_test: model_family_test.remove("Adversarial") add_adversarial = True sort_by_adversarial = False if add_adversarial: sort_by_adversarial = st.sidebar.checkbox("Sort by adversarial", value=False) if st.sidebar.checkbox("Use default color scale", value=False): color_scale = "Viridis_r" else: color_scale = viridis_rgb is_debug = st.sidebar.checkbox("Debug", value=False) if show_std: selected_df = df_std.copy() else: selected_df = df.copy() if show_diff: # get those 3 columns {'model_size', 'model_family', 'is_chat'} columns_to_keep = ["model_size", "model_family", "is_chat"] to_be_added = selected_df[columns_to_keep] selected_df = selected_df.drop(columns=columns_to_keep) selected_df = selected_df.sub(selected_df.values.diagonal(), axis=1) selected_df = selected_df.join(to_be_added) filtered_df = filter_df( selected_df, model_family_train, model_family_test, model_size_train, model_size_test, is_chat_train, is_chat_test, sort_by_size, split_chat_models, is_debug, ) # subtract each row by the diagonal # if show_diff: # filtered_df = filtered_df.sub(filtered_df.values.diagonal(), axis=1) if add_adversarial: filtered_df = filtered_df.join(ood_results_avg) if add_mean: col_mean = filtered_df.mean(axis=1) row_mean = filtered_df.mean(axis=0) diag = filtered_df.values.diagonal() filtered_df["mean"] = col_mean filtered_df.loc["mean"] = row_mean filtered_df = filtered_df * 100 filtered_df = filtered_df.round(0) # sort by the column called Adversarial if sort_by_adversarial: filtered_df = filtered_df.sort_values(by=["Adversarial"], ascending=False) # check if the df has columns and rows if filtered_df.shape[0] == 0: st.write("No results found") st.stop() if filtered_df.shape[1] == 0: st.write("No results found") st.stop() fig = px.imshow( filtered_df.values, x=list(filtered_df.columns), y=list(filtered_df.index), color_continuous_scale=color_scale, contrast_rescaling=None, text_auto=True, aspect="auto", ) width = st.sidebar.text_input("Width", "1920") height = st.sidebar.text_input("Height", "1080") scale = st.sidebar.text_input("Scale", "1.0") margin = st.sidebar.text_input("Margin[l,r,b,t]", "200,100,100,100") fig.update_traces(textfont_size=9) fig.update_layout( xaxis={"side": "top"}, yaxis={"side": "left"}, margin=dict( l=int(margin.split(",")[0]), r=int(margin.split(",")[1]), b=int(margin.split(",")[2]), t=int(margin.split(",")[3]), ), font=dict(size=10), ) fig.update_xaxes(tickangle=45) fig.update_xaxes(tickmode="linear") fig.update_yaxes(tickmode="linear") # change the font in the heatmap st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if st.sidebar.button("save", key="save"): fig.write_image( "fig1.pdf", width=int(width), height=int(height), validate=True, scale=float(scale), ) # plot the col mean vs model size if add_mean and not show_diff: # check if any of the chat models are in the filtered df columns and index if len([x for x in CHAT_MODELS if x in filtered_df.columns]) > 0 or len( [x for x in CHAT_MODELS if x in filtered_df.index] ): st.warning( "Chat models are in the filtered df columns or index." "This will cause the mean graph to be skewed." ) fig3 = px.scatter( y=row_mean, x=[MODELS[x]["model_size"] for x in filtered_df.columns if x not in ["mean"]], # hover_data=[x for x in filtered_df.index if x not in ["mean"]], color=[ MODELS[x]["model_family"] for x in filtered_df.columns if x not in ["mean"] ], color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Plotly, title="", # x axis title labels={ "x": "Target Model Size", "y": "Average ROC AUC", "color": "Model Family", }, log_x=True, trendline="ols", ) fig4 = px.scatter( y=diag, x=[MODELS[x]["model_size"] for x in filtered_df.columns if x not in ["mean"]], # hover_data=[x for x in filtered_df.index if x not in ["mean"]], color=[ MODELS[x]["model_family"] for x in filtered_df.columns if x not in ["mean"] ], color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Plotly, title="", # x axis title labels={ "x": "Target Model Size", "y": "Self ROC AUC", "color": "Model Family", }, log_x=True, trendline="ols", ) # put the two plots side by side fig_subplot = make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, shared_yaxes=False, subplot_titles=("Self Detection ROC AUC", "Average Target ROC AUC"), ) for i, figure in enumerate([fig4, fig3]): for trace in range(len(figure["data"])): trace_data = figure["data"][trace] if i == 1: trace_data["showlegend"] = False fig_subplot.append_trace(trace_data, row=1, col=i + 1) fig_subplot.update_xaxes(type="log") # y axis range fig_subplot.update_yaxes(range=[0.90, 1]) fig_subplot.update_layout( height=500, width=1200, ) # put the legend on the bottom fig_subplot.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=-0.2, x=0.09) ) st.plotly_chart(fig_subplot, use_container_width=True) fig2 = px.scatter( y=col_mean, x=[MODELS_SIZE_MAPPING[x] for x in filtered_df.index if x not in ["mean"]], # hover_data=[x for x in filtered_df.index if x not in ["mean"]], color=[ MODELS_FAMILY_MAPPING[x] for x in filtered_df.index if x not in ["mean"] ], color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Plotly, title="Mean vs Train Model Size", log_x=True, trendline="ols", ) fig2.update_layout( height=600, width=900, ) st.plotly_chart(fig2, use_container_width=False)