import gradio as gr import bittensor as bt import typing from bittensor.extrinsics.serving import get_metadata from dataclasses import dataclass import requests import wandb import math import os import statistics from dotenv import load_dotenv from huggingface_hub import HfApi from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler load_dotenv() TITLE = """

Subnet 6 Leaderboard

""" IMAGE = """nousgirl""" HEADER = """

Subnet 6 is a Bittensor subnet that incentivizes the creation of the best open models by evaluating submissions on a constant stream of newly generated syntheic GPT-4 data. The models with the best head-to-head loss on the evaluation data receive a steady emission of TAO.

""" DETAILS = """Name is the 🤗 Hugging Face model name (click to go to the model card). Rewards / Day are the expected rewards per day for each model. Last Average Loss is the last loss value on the evaluation data for the model as calculated by a validator (lower is better). UID is the Bittensor user id of the submitter. Block is the Bittensor block that the model was submitted in. More stats on taostats.""" VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT = os.environ["VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT"] H4_TOKEN = os.environ.get("H4_TOKEN", None) API = HfApi(token=H4_TOKEN) REPO_ID = "NousResearch/finetuning_subnet_leaderboard" MAX_AVG_LOSS_POINTS = 5 subtensor = bt.subtensor("finney") metagraph: bt.metagraph = subtensor.metagraph(6, lite=False) @dataclass class ModelData: uid: int hotkey: str namespace: str name: str commit: str hash: str block: int incentive: float emission: float @classmethod def from_compressed_str(cls, uid: int, hotkey: str, cs: str, block: int, incentive: float, emission: float): """Returns an instance of this class from a compressed string representation""" tokens = cs.split(":") return ModelData( uid=uid, hotkey=hotkey, namespace=tokens[0], name=tokens[1], commit=tokens[2] if tokens[2] != "None" else None, hash=tokens[3] if tokens[3] != "None" else None, block=block, incentive=incentive, emission=emission ) def get_tao_price(): return float(requests.get("").json()["data"]["last"]) def print_validator_weights(metagraph: bt.metagraph): for uid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): if metagraph.validator_trust[uid].item() > 0: print(f"uid: {uid}") for ouid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): if ouid == uid: continue weight = round(metagraph.weights[uid][ouid].item(), 4) if weight > 0: print(f" {ouid} = {weight}") def get_subnet_data(metagraph: bt.metagraph) -> typing.List[ModelData]: result = [] for uid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): hotkey = metagraph.hotkeys[uid] metadata = get_metadata(subtensor, metagraph.netuid, hotkey) if not metadata: continue commitment = metadata["info"]["fields"][0] hex_data = commitment[list(commitment.keys())[0]][2:] chain_str = bytes.fromhex(hex_data).decode() block = metadata["block"] incentive = metagraph.incentive[uid].nan_to_num().item() emission = metagraph.emission[uid].nan_to_num().item() * 20 # convert to daily TAO model_data = None try: model_data = ModelData.from_compressed_str(uid, hotkey, chain_str, block, incentive, emission) except: continue result.append(model_data) return result def get_avg_loss(uids: typing.List[int]) -> typing.Dict[int, float]: api = wandb.Api() runs = list(api.runs(VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT)) runs.reverse() result = {} for run in runs: history = run.history() for uid in uids: if uid in result.keys(): continue key = f"uid_data.{uid}" if key in history: data = [x for x in list(history[key]) if not math.isnan(x)][-MAX_AVG_LOSS_POINTS:] if len(data) > 0: result[uid] = statistics.fmean(data) if len(result.keys()) == len(uids): break return result tao_price = get_tao_price() leaderboard_df = get_subnet_data(metagraph) leaderboard_df.sort(key=lambda x: x.incentive, reverse=True) losses = get_avg_loss([x.uid for x in leaderboard_df]) demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: gr.HTML(TITLE) gr.HTML(IMAGE) gr.HTML(HEADER) gr.HTML(DETAILS) value = [ [ f'[{c.namespace}/{}]({c.namespace}/{})', f'${round(c.emission * tao_price, 2):,} (τ{round(c.emission, 2):,})', f'{round(losses[c.uid], 4) if c.uid in losses.keys() else ""}', c.uid, c.block ] for c in leaderboard_df ] leaderboard_table = gr.components.Dataframe( value=value, headers=["Name", "Rewards / Day", "Last Average Loss", "UID", "Block"], datatype=["markdown", "str", "number", "number", "number"], elem_id="leaderboard-table", interactive=False, visible=True, ) def restart_space(): API.restart_space(repo_id=REPO_ID, token=H4_TOKEN) scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(restart_space, "interval", seconds=60 * 15) # restart every 15 minutes scheduler.start() demo.launch()