import streamlit as st import requests from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie import pandas as pd st.title('Mark a point on the map, and I will take you there!') # Loads animation of the Earth def load_lottie_url(url: str): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: return None return r.json() def ShowAnimation(name, URL): anim=load_lottie_url(URL) st_lottie(anim, key = name) ShowAnimation("Badge1","") #Loads Background Image def add_bg_from_url(): st.markdown( f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) add_bg_from_url() city_name = st.text_input('Please input your city') lat = st.number_input('Please input your latitude:') long = st.number_input('Please input your longitude') city_list = [] lat_list = [] long_list = [] if city_name != "" and lat != "" and long != "": city_list.append(city_name) lat_list.append(lat) long_list.append(long){'cities' : city_list, 'lat' : lat_list, 'lon' : long_list}))