""" Interaction model classes. """ import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.functional as F class LogisticActivation(nn.Module): """ Implementation of Generalized Sigmoid Applies the element-wise function: :math:`\\sigma(x) = \\frac{1}{1 + \\exp(-k(x-x_0))}` :param x0: The value of the sigmoid midpoint :type x0: float :param k: The slope of the sigmoid - trainable - :math:`k \\geq 0` :type k: float :param train: Whether :math:`k` is a trainable parameter :type train: bool """ def __init__(self, x0=0, k=1, train=False): super(LogisticActivation, self).__init__() self.x0 = x0 self.k = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([float(k)])) self.k.requiresGrad = train def forward(self, x): """ Applies the function to the input elementwise :param x: :math:`(N \\times *)` where :math:`*` means, any number of additional dimensions :type x: torch.Tensor :return: :math:`(N \\times *)`, same shape as the input :rtype: torch.Tensor """ out = torch.clamp(1 / (1 + torch.exp(-self.k * (x - self.x0))), min=0, max=1).squeeze() return out def clip(self): """ Restricts sigmoid slope :math:`k` to be greater than or equal to 0, if :math:`k` is trained. :meta private: """ self.k.data.clamp_(min=0) class ModelInteraction(nn.Module): """ Main D-SCRIPT model. Contains an embedding and contact model and offers access to those models. Computes pooling operations on contact map to generate interaction probability. :param embedding: Embedding model :type embedding: dscript.models.embedding.FullyConnectedEmbed :param contact: Contact model :type contact: dscript.models.contact.ContactCNN :param use_cuda: Whether the model should be run on GPU :type use_cuda: bool :param pool_size: width of max-pool [default 9] :type pool_size: bool :param theta_init: initialization value of :math:`\\theta` for weight matrix [default: 1] :type theta_init: float :param lambda_init: initialization value of :math:`\\lambda` for weight matrix [default: 0] :type lambda_init: float :param gamma_init: initialization value of :math:`\\gamma` for global pooling [default: 0] :type gamma_init: float :param use_W: whether to use the weighting matrix [default: True] :type use_W: bool """ def __init__( self, embedding, contact, pool_size=9, theta_init=1, lambda_init=0, gamma_init=0, use_W=True, ): super(ModelInteraction, self).__init__() self.use_W = use_W self.activation = LogisticActivation(x0=0.5, k=20) self.embedding = embedding self.contact = contact if self.use_W: self.theta = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([theta_init])) self.lambda_ = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([lambda_init])) self.maxPool = nn.MaxPool2d(pool_size, padding=pool_size // 2) self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor([gamma_init])) self.clip() def clip(self): """ Clamp model values :meta private: """ self.contact.clip() if self.use_W: self.theta.data.clamp_(min=0, max=1) self.lambda_.data.clamp_(min=0) self.gamma.data.clamp_(min=0) def embed(self, z): """ Project down input language model embeddings into low dimension using projection module :param z: Language model embedding :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0)` :type z: torch.Tensor :return: D-SCRIPT projection :math:`(b \\times N \\times d)` :rtype: torch.Tensor """ if self.embedding is None: return z else: return self.embedding(z) def cpred(self, z0, z1): """ Project down input language model embeddings into low dimension using projection module :param z0: Language model embedding :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0)` :type z0: torch.Tensor :param z1: Language model embedding :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0)` :type z1: torch.Tensor :return: Predicted contact map :math:`(b \\times N \\times M)` :rtype: torch.Tensor """ e0 = self.embed(z0) e1 = self.embed(z1) B = self.contact.broadcast(e0, e1) C = self.contact.predict(B) return C def map_predict(self, z0, z1): """ Project down input language model embeddings into low dimension using projection module :param z0: Language model embedding :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0)` :type z0: torch.Tensor :param z1: Language model embedding :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0)` :type z1: torch.Tensor :return: Predicted contact map, predicted probability of interaction :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0), (1)` :rtype: torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor """ C = self.cpred(z0, z1) if self.use_W: # Create contact weighting matrix N, M = C.shape[2:] x1 = torch.from_numpy(-1 * ((np.arange(N) + 1 - ((N + 1) / 2)) / (-1 * ((N + 1) / 2))) ** 2).float() if self.gamma.device.type == 'cuda': x1 = x1.cuda() x1 = torch.exp(self.lambda_ * x1) x2 = torch.from_numpy(-1 * ((np.arange(M) + 1 - ((M + 1) / 2)) / (-1 * ((M + 1) / 2))) ** 2).float() if self.gamma.device.type == 'cuda': x2 = x2.cuda() x2 = torch.exp(self.lambda_ * x2) W = x1.unsqueeze(1) * x2 W = (1 - self.theta) * W + self.theta yhat = C * W else: yhat = C yhat = self.maxPool(yhat) # Mean of contact predictions where p_ij > mu + gamma*sigma mu = torch.mean(yhat) sigma = torch.var(yhat) Q = torch.relu(yhat - mu - (self.gamma * sigma)) phat = torch.sum(Q) / (torch.sum(torch.sign(Q)) + 1) phat = self.activation(phat) return C, phat def predict(self, z0, z1): """ Project down input language model embeddings into low dimension using projection module :param z0: Language model embedding :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0)` :type z0: torch.Tensor :param z1: Language model embedding :math:`(b \\times N \\times d_0)` :type z1: torch.Tensor :return: Predicted probability of interaction :rtype: torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor """ _, phat = self.map_predict(z0, z1) return phat def forward(self, z0, z1): """ :meta private: """ return self.predict(z0, z1)