from import * from fastcore.all import * import gradio as gr data_path = Path("./data") models_path = Path("./models") examples_path = Path("./nbs/examples") # code required for serving predictions def is_marvel(img): return 1.0 if"marvel") else 0.0 inf_learn = load_learner(models_path / "export.pkl") def predict(img): pred, _, _ = inf_learn.predict(img) return f"{pred[0]*100:.2f}%" # define our Gradio Interface instance and launch it with open("") as f: article = interface_config = { "title": "Is it a Marvel Character?", "description": "For those wanting to make sure they are rooting on the right heroes. Based on Jeremy Howards ['Is it a bird? Creating a model from your own data'](", "article": article, "examples": [f"{examples_path}/{}" for f in examples_path.iterdir()], "interpretation": None, "layout": "horizontal", "allow_flagging": "never", } demo = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=gr.inputs.Image(shape=(512, 512)), outputs=gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Marvel character probability"), **interface_config, ) demo.launch()