import os import logging logging.basicConfig( level=os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"), format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", ) from modules.devices import devices import argparse import uvicorn import torch from modules import config from modules.utils import env from modules import generate_audio as generate from modules.api.Api import APIManager from modules.api.impl import ( style_api, tts_api, ssml_api, google_api, openai_api, refiner_api, speaker_api, ping_api, models_api, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) torch._dynamo.config.cache_size_limit = 64 torch._dynamo.config.suppress_errors = True torch.set_float32_matmul_precision("high") def create_api(app, no_docs=False, exclude=[]): app_mgr = APIManager(app=app, no_docs=no_docs, exclude_patterns=exclude) ping_api.setup(app_mgr) models_api.setup(app_mgr) style_api.setup(app_mgr) speaker_api.setup(app_mgr) tts_api.setup(app_mgr) ssml_api.setup(app_mgr) google_api.setup(app_mgr) openai_api.setup(app_mgr) refiner_api.setup(app_mgr) return app_mgr def get_and_update_env(*args): val = env.get_env_or_arg(*args) key = args[1] config.runtime_env_vars[key] = val return val def setup_model_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): parser.add_argument("--compile", action="store_true", help="Enable model compile") parser.add_argument( "--half", action="store_true", help="Enable half precision for model inference", ) parser.add_argument( "--off_tqdm", action="store_true", help="Disable tqdm progress bar", ) parser.add_argument( "--device_id", type=str, help="Select the default CUDA device to use (export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,etc might be needed before)", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--use_cpu", nargs="+", help="use CPU as torch device for specified modules", default=[], type=str.lower, ) parser.add_argument( "--lru_size", type=int, default=64, help="Set the size of the request cache pool, set it to 0 will disable lru_cache", ) def setup_api_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): parser.add_argument("--api_host", type=str, help="Host to run the server on") parser.add_argument("--api_port", type=int, help="Port to run the server on") parser.add_argument( "--reload", action="store_true", help="Enable auto-reload for development" ) parser.add_argument( "--cors_origin", type=str, help="Allowed CORS origins. Use '*' to allow all origins.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no_playground", action="store_true", help="Disable the playground entry", ) parser.add_argument( "--no_docs", action="store_true", help="Disable the documentation entry", ) # 配置哪些api要跳过 比如 exclude="/v1/speakers/*,/v1/tts/*" parser.add_argument( "--exclude", type=str, help="Exclude the specified API from the server", ) def process_model_args(args): lru_size = get_and_update_env(args, "lru_size", 64, int) compile = get_and_update_env(args, "compile", False, bool) device_id = get_and_update_env(args, "device_id", None, str) use_cpu = get_and_update_env(args, "use_cpu", [], list) half = get_and_update_env(args, "half", False, bool) off_tqdm = get_and_update_env(args, "off_tqdm", False, bool) generate.setup_lru_cache() devices.reset_device() devices.first_time_calculation() def process_api_args(args, app): cors_origin = get_and_update_env(args, "cors_origin", "*", str) no_playground = get_and_update_env(args, "no_playground", False, bool) no_docs = get_and_update_env(args, "no_docs", False, bool) exclude = get_and_update_env(args, "exclude", "", str) api = create_api(app=app, no_docs=no_docs, exclude=exclude.split(",")) config.api = api if cors_origin: api.set_cors(allow_origins=[cors_origin]) if not no_playground: api.setup_playground() if compile:"Model compile is enabled") app_description = """ ChatTTS-Forge 是一个功能强大的文本转语音生成工具,支持通过类 SSML 语法生成丰富的音频长文本,并提供全面的 API 服务,适用于各种场景。
ChatTTS-Forge is a powerful text-to-speech generation tool that supports generating rich audio long texts through class SSML syntax 项目地址: []( > 所有生成音频的 POST api都无法在此页面调试,调试建议使用 playground
> All audio generation POST APIs cannot be debugged on this page, it is recommended to use playground for debugging > 如果你不熟悉本系统,建议从这个一键脚本开始,在colab中尝试一下:
> []( """ app_title = "ChatTTS Forge API" app_version = "0.1.0" if __name__ == "__main__": import dotenv from fastapi import FastAPI dotenv.load_dotenv( dotenv_path=os.getenv("ENV_FILE", ".env.api"), ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Start the FastAPI server with command line arguments" ) setup_api_args(parser) setup_model_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() app = FastAPI( title=app_title, description=app_description, version=app_version, redoc_url=None if config.runtime_env_vars.no_docs else "/redoc", docs_url=None if config.runtime_env_vars.no_docs else "/docs", ) process_model_args(args) process_api_args(args, app) host = get_and_update_env(args, "api_host", "", str) port = get_and_update_env(args, "api_port", 7870, int) reload = get_and_update_env(args, "reload", False, bool), host=host, port=port, reload=reload)