import re import torch from PIL import Image from lavis.models import load_model_and_preprocess from lavis.processors import load_processor from lavis.common.registry import registry from torch.nn import functional as F from lavis.models.base_model import all_gather_with_grad, concat_all_gather import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time from fuzzywuzzy import process from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue, Process import difflib import Levenshtein import os # import obonet def fuzzy_match(texts): text_dict = {} for context in texts: if context not in choices: # txt_dict[txt] = process.extractOne(txt, choices)[0] text_dict[context] = difflib.get_close_matches(context, choices, n=1, cutoff=0.)[0] return text_dict def txt_map(x, txt_dict): if type(x) == str: x = eval(x) x_ = [] for i in x: if i in txt_dict: x_.append(txt_dict[i]) else: x_.append(i) return x_ def levenshtein_sim(text, label): all_s = [] for x in label: s = 0 for y in text: temp = Levenshtein.ratio(x, y) if temp > s: s = temp all_s.append(s) all_s = [round(i, 3) for i in all_s] return all_s def func(text, label): all_s = [] for x in label: s = 0 for y in text: temp = Levenshtein.ratio(x, y) if temp > s: s = temp all_s.append(s) all_s = [round(i, 3) for i in all_s] return all_s def stage2_output(df_test): config = {'arch': 'blip2_protein_opt', 'load_finetuned': False, 'pretrained': '/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/lavis/output/BLIP2/Pretrain_stage2/20230924220/checkpoint_5.pth', 'finetuned': '', 'num_query_token': 32, 'opt_model': 'facebook/opt-2.7b', 'prompt': '', 'model_type': 'pretrain_protein_opt2.7b', 'load_pretrained': True, 'freeze_vit': True, 'max_protein_len': 600, 'max_txt_len': 25} model_cls = registry.get_model_class(config['arch']) model = model_cls.from_config(config) model.eval() images = df_test['protein'].tolist() n = len(images) bsz = 12 iter = n // bsz + 1 for i in range(iter): image = images[i*bsz: min(n, (i+1)*bsz)] image = [('protein{}'.format(i), x) for i, x in enumerate(image)] with model.maybe_autocast(): _, _, batch_tokens = model.visual_encoder(image) image_embeds = model.ln_vision(, repr_layers=[model.vis_layers], return_contacts=True)["representations"][model.vis_layers].contiguous() image_atts = torch.ones(image_embeds.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(device) query_tokens = model.query_tokens.expand(image_embeds.shape[0], -1, -1) query_output = model.Qformer.bert( query_embeds=query_tokens, encoder_hidden_states=image_embeds, encoder_attention_mask=image_atts, return_dict=True, ) inputs_opt = model.opt_proj(query_output.last_hidden_state) atts_opt = torch.ones(inputs_opt.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(device) model.opt_tokenizer.padding_side = "right" text = ['' for i in range(len(image))] opt_tokens = model.opt_tokenizer( text, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest", truncation=True, max_length=model.max_txt_len, ).to(device) inputs_embeds = model.opt_model.model.decoder.embed_tokens(opt_tokens.input_ids) inputs_embeds =[inputs_opt, inputs_embeds], dim=1) attention_mask =[atts_opt, opt_tokens.attention_mask], dim=1) num_txt = 10 return_num_txt = 5 with model.maybe_autocast(): outputs = model.opt_model.generate(inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, attention_mask=attention_mask, min_length=3, max_length=30, repetition_penalty=5., num_beams=num_txt, eos_token_id=50118, length_penalty=1., num_return_sequences=return_num_txt, temperature=1.) output_text = model.opt_tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True) output_text = [text.strip() for text in output_text] output_text_ = [] for i in range(len(image)): output_text_.append(';'.join(output_text[i * return_num_txt:(i + 1) * return_num_txt])) with open('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/output{}.txt'.format(fix), 'a+') as f: for i in range(len(image)): f.write(image[i][1] + "|" + output_text_[i] + '\n') cat = 'mf' fix = '_mf' if cat == 'bp': fix = '_bp' if cat == 'cc': fix = '_cc' # model_pth = {'mf': 'uniprot_swissprot_mf_stage1_epo19.pth', 'bp': 'checkpoint17_GO_swissprot_reviewed_bp_stage1.pth', 'cc': ''} # graph = obonet.read_obo("") # setup device to use device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # device = 'cpu' ### Levenshtein similarity test = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/sim_split/test{}.csv'.format(fix), sep='|')[:10000] test['function'] = test['function'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) if os.path.exists('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/output{}.txt'.format(fix)): os.remove('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/output{}.txt'.format(fix)) print("stage 2 predict starting") stage2_output(test) print("stage 2 predict completed") df_pred = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/output{}.txt'.format(fix), sep='|', header=None, on_bad_lines='warn') df_pred.columns = ['protein', 'function'] df_pred = df_pred.drop_duplicates() df_pred['function'] = df_pred['function'].apply(lambda x: str(x).split(';')) df_pred['function'] = df_pred['function'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in list(set(x))]) test.columns test_g = test.groupby(['protein']).agg({'function': lambda x: list(x)}).reset_index() test_g.columns = ['protein', 'label'] data = pd.merge(df_pred, test_g, on='protein', how='left') data = data[data['label'].notnull()] sim = [] for text, label in zip(data['function'].tolist(), data['label'].tolist()): sim.append(func(text, label)) data['sim'] = sim data['avg_score'] = data['sim'].apply(lambda x: round(np.mean(x), 3)) print("average similarity score: {}".format(round(data['avg_score'].mean(), 3))) # data.to_csv('/home/nilin/LAVIS/predict_{}.csv'.format(cat), index=False, sep='|') test = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/sim_split/test{}.csv'.format(fix), sep='|', usecols=['function', 'GO_label']) test['function'] = test['function'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) test = test.drop_duplicates() test_dict = dict(zip(test['function'], test['GO_label'])) val = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/sim_split/val{}.csv'.format(fix), sep='|', usecols=['function', 'GO_label']) val['function'] = val['function'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) val = val.drop_duplicates() val_dict = dict(zip(val['function'], val['GO_label'])) train = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/sim_split/train{}.csv'.format(fix), sep='|', usecols=['function', 'GO_label']) train['function'] = train['function'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) train = train.drop_duplicates() train_dict = dict(zip(train['function'], train['GO_label'])) # go_des = pd.read_csv('/home/nilin/LAVIS/data/go_descriptions_new.txt', sep='|', header=None) # # go_des = pd.read_csv('/home/nilin/LAVIS/data/go_descriptions.txt', sep='|', header=None) # go_des.columns = ['GO', 'function'] # go_des = go_des[go_des['function'].notnull()] # go_des['function'] = go_des['function'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) # GO_dict = dict(zip(go_des['function'], go_des['GO'])) GO_dict = {} GO_dict.update(train_dict) GO_dict.update(val_dict) GO_dict.update(test_dict) choices = list(GO_dict.keys()) # data = pd.read_csv('/home/nilin/LAVIS/predict_{}.csv'.format(cat), sep='|') data = data.sort_values(by='protein') data = data.drop_duplicates('protein') # data = data.sample(1000) ### 预测的文本如果不在GO标签词中,则算作最相似的GO标签 t0 = time.time() txt_dict = {} all_txt = [] for txt in data['function']: if type(txt) == str: all_txt.extend(eval(txt)) else: all_txt.extend(txt) all_txt = list(set(all_txt)) n = len(all_txt) thread = 20 size = int(n/thread) inds = list(range(0, n, size)) inds.append(n) all_txt_sep = [all_txt[i: min(i+size, n)] for i in inds[:-1]] with Pool(processes=thread) as pool: result =, all_txt_sep) pool.close() pool.join() for d in result: txt_dict.update(d) # for txt in all_txt[:10]: # fuzzy_match(txt) data['function'] = data['function'].apply(lambda x: txt_map(x, txt_dict)) data['function'] = data['function'].apply(lambda x: list(set(x))) print("fuzzy matching time: {}".format(time.time() - t0)) ### Find the generated GO text that not included in the ground truth. Then generate pairs between them. # pair_a, pair_b = [], [] # for preds, labels in zip(data['function'], data['label']): # if type(preds) == str: # preds = eval(preds) # if type(labels) == str: # labels = eval(labels) # l = len(labels) # for pred in preds: # if pred not in labels: # pair_a.extend([pred]*l) # pair_b.extend(labels[:]) # pair_a = [re.sub('_', ':', GO_dict[i]) for i in pair_a] # pair_b = [re.sub('_', ':', GO_dict[i]) for i in pair_b] # with open('/home/nilin/LAVIS/examples/GO_pair{}.txt'.format(fix), 'w+') as f: # for i, j in zip(pair_a, pair_b): # f.write(i+' '+j+'\n') # load model model_config = {'arch': 'blip2_protein', 'load_finetuned': False, 'pretrained': '/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/lavis/output/BLIP2/Pretrain_stage1/20230922185/checkpoint_15.pth', 'finetuned': '', 'num_query_token': 32, 'prompt': '', 'model_type': 'pretrain', 'load_pretrained': True, 'freeze_vit': False, 'max_protein_len': 512, 'max_txt_len': 25} model_cls = registry.get_model_class(model_config['arch']) model = model_cls.from_config(model_config) model = model.eval() # evaluate t0 = time.time() proteins = list(data['protein']) txts = list(data['function']) scores = [] for seq, txt in zip(proteins, txts): image = [('protein1', seq)] _, _, batch_tokens = model.visual_encoder(image) image_embeds = model.ln_vision(, repr_layers=[30], return_contacts=True)["representations"][ 30].contiguous() image_atts = torch.ones(image_embeds.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(device) query_tokens = model.query_tokens.expand(image_embeds.shape[0], -1, -1) query_output = model.Qformer.bert( query_embeds=query_tokens, encoder_hidden_states=image_embeds, encoder_attention_mask=image_atts, use_cache=True, return_dict=True, ) image_feats = F.normalize(model.vision_proj(query_output.last_hidden_state), dim=-1) image_feats_all = concat_all_gather(image_feats) if type(txt) == str: txt = eval(txt) length = len(txt) with torch.no_grad(): text_tokens = model.tokenizer( txt, padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=model.max_txt_len, return_tensors="pt", ).to(device) text_output = model.Qformer.bert( text_tokens.input_ids, attention_mask=text_tokens.attention_mask, return_dict=True, ) text_feat = F.normalize( model.text_proj(text_output.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :]), dim=-1 ) text_feat_all = concat_all_gather(text_feat) sim_q2t = torch.matmul(image_feats.unsqueeze(1), text_feat_all.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze() sim_i2t, _ = sim_q2t.max(-1) # print('sim_i2t: {}'.format(sim_i2t)) if length > 1: scores.append(list(sim_i2t.detach().cpu().numpy())) else: scores.append([sim_i2t.item()]) print("model evaluate time: {}".format(time.time() - t0)) data['score'] = scores # precision and recall top-k topk = 2 threshould = 0.1 labels = [] pred_labels = [] for l in data['label']: if type(l) == str: l = eval(l) labels.extend(l) labels = list(set(labels)) total = len(labels) for topk in range(1,7): for threshould in range(1, 25, 1): threshould /= 100 filter_txts = [] recalls = [] precisions = [] f1 = [] tp_dict, fp_dict, fn_dict = dict(zip(labels, [0]*len(labels))), dict(zip(labels, [0]*len(labels))), dict(zip(labels, [0]*len(labels))) for txts, scores, label in zip(data['function'], data['score'], data['label']): if type(label) == str: label = eval(label) txts_ = np.array(txts) scores = np.array(scores) txts = txts_[scores > threshould] if len(txts) < 1: txts = txts_[np.argmax(scores)] scores = scores[scores > threshould] l = len(scores) ll = len(label) if l <= topk: filter_txts.append(list(txts)) else: ind = np.argpartition(scores, -topk)[-topk:] txts = txts[ind] filter_txts.append(list(txts)) l = topk for t in label: if t in txts: tp_dict[t] += 1 else: fn_dict[t] += 1 for p in txts: if p not in label: if p in fp_dict: fp_dict[p] += 1 else: fp_dict[p] = 1 pred_labels.extend(txts) p_total = len(set(pred_labels)) re, pr = 0., 0. for x in labels: re += tp_dict[x] / (1.0 * (tp_dict[x] + fn_dict[x] + 1e-8)) pr += tp_dict[x] / (1.0 * (tp_dict[x] + fp_dict[x]+1e-8)) r = re / total p = pr / total f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) print("Topk: {}, threshould: {}, macro_recall: {}, macro_precision: {}, micro_f1: {}".format(topk, threshould, r, p, f1)) # num_r = 0 # num_p = 0 # for x in label: # if x in txts: # num_r += 1 # for x in txts: # if x in label: # num_p += 1 # recall = num_r/ll # precision = num_p/(l+0.0001) # recalls.append(recall) # precisions.append(precision) # f1.append((2*recall*precision)/(recall+precision+0.0001)) # # data['predict'] = filter_txts # data['precision'] = precisions # data['recall'] = recalls # data['f1'] = f1 # print("Topk: {}, threshould: {}, macro_recall: {}, macro_precision: {}, micro_f1: {}".format(topk, threshould, round(data['recall'].mean(), 4), round(data['precision'].mean(), 4), round(data['f1'].mean(), 4))) # sim = [] # for text, label in zip(data['predict'].tolist(), data['label'].tolist()): # sim.append(levenshtein_sim(text, label)) # # data['sim_filter'] = sim # data['avg_score'] = data['sim_filter'].apply(lambda x: round(np.mean(x), 3)) # data['function'] = data['function'].apply(lambda x: eval(re.sub(';', ',', str(x)))) # data['label'] = data['label'].apply(lambda x: eval(re.sub(';', ',', str(x)))) # data['sim'] = data['sim'].apply(lambda x: eval(re.sub(';', ',', str(x)))) # # data['function'] = data['function'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(',', ';', str(x))) # data['label'] = data['label'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(',', ';', str(x))) # data['sim'] = data['sim'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(',', ';', str(x))) # data['predict'] = data['predict'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(',', ';', str(x))) # data['sim_filter'] = data['sim_filter'].apply(lambda x: re.sub(',', ';', str(x))) data.to_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/predict_sim{}.csv'.format(fix), sep='|', index=False) # data = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/predict_sim{}.csv'.format(fix), sep='|') # # # example # image = ['MIELKHVTFGYNKKQMVLQDINITIPDGENVGILGESGCGKSTLASLVLGLFKPVKGEIYLSDNAVLTIFQHPLTSFNPDWTIETSLKEALYYYRGLTDNTAQDQLLLQHLSTFELNAQLLTKLPSEVSGGQLQRFNVMRSLLAQPRVLICDEITSNLDVIAEQNVINILKAQTITNLNHFIVISHDLSVLQRLVNRIIVLKDGMIVDDFAIEELFNVDRHPYTKELVQTFSY'] # image = [('protein{}'.format(i), x) for i, x in enumerate(image)] # # _, _, batch_tokens = model.visual_encoder(image) # image_embeds = model.ln_vision(, repr_layers=[30], return_contacts=True)["representations"][30].contiguous() # # image_atts = torch.ones(image_embeds.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(device) # # query_tokens = model.query_tokens.expand(image_embeds.shape[0], -1, -1) # # query_output = model.Qformer.bert( # query_embeds=query_tokens, # encoder_hidden_states=image_embeds, # encoder_attention_mask=image_atts, # use_cache=True, # return_dict=True, # ) # # image_feats = F.normalize(model.vision_proj(query_output.last_hidden_state), dim=-1) # # image_feats_all = concat_all_gather(image_feats) # # functions = ['transmembrane transporter activity', 'nickel cation transmembrane transporter activity', 'nickel cation binding', 'atp hydrolysis activity', 'atp hydrolysis', 'cadmium binding', 'abc-type nickel transmembrane transporter activity', 'abc-type nickel transporter activity', 'nickel transmembrane transporter activity', 'atp binding'] # for text in functions: # with torch.no_grad(): # # text = 'flavin adenine dinucleotide binding' # text_tokens = model.tokenizer( # text, # padding="max_length", # truncation=True, # max_length=model.max_txt_len, # return_tensors="pt", # ).to(device) # text_output = model.Qformer.bert( # text_tokens.input_ids, # attention_mask=text_tokens.attention_mask, # return_dict=True, # ) # # text_feat = F.normalize( # model.text_proj(text_output.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :]), dim=-1 # ) # # text_feat_all = concat_all_gather(text_feat) # sim_q2t = torch.matmul(image_feats.unsqueeze(1), text_feat_all.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze() # sim_i2t, _ = sim_q2t.max(-1) # print('sim_i2t: {}'.format(sim_i2t)) # # # # text-query similarity: [batch_size, batch_size*num_gpu, num_query_tokens] # # sim_t2q = torch.matmul( # # text_feat.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1), image_feats_all.permute(0, 2, 1) # # ).squeeze() # # # # # text-image similarity: aggregate across all query tokens # # sim_t2i, _ = sim_t2q.max(-1) # # print('sim_t2i: {}'.format(sim_t2i))