import re import pandas as pd import time from multiprocessing import Pool import difflib from utils import Ontology import os def filter(x_list): new_go = [] # x_list = [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')] for i in x_list: if i in filter_go: new_go.append(i) return '; '.join(new_go) def fuzzy_match(texts): text_dict = {} for context in texts: if context in choices: text_dict[context] = context elif context not in choices: # txt_dict[txt] = process.extractOne(txt, choices)[0] sim_list = difflib.get_close_matches(context.lower(), choices, n=1, cutoff=0.9) if len(sim_list) > 0: text_dict[context] = sim_list[0] else: # text_dict[context] = '' pass return text_dict def txt_map(x, txt_dict): if type(x) == str: x = eval(x) x_ = [] for i in x: if i == '': continue if i in txt_dict: x_.append(txt_dict[i]) else: # x_.append(i) pass return x_ def go_map_prob(x, GO_dict): res = [] for t in x: if t[0] in GO_dict: res.append((GO_dict[t[0]], t[1])) else: pass # print("{} not in GO_dict".format(t[0])) return res def txt_map_prob(x, txt_dict): if type(x) == str: x = eval(x) x_ = [] temp = set() for i in x: if i[0] == '': continue elif i[0] in txt_dict and txt_dict[i[0]] not in temp: x_.append((txt_dict[i[0]].lower(), i[1])) temp.add(txt_dict[i[0]]) # elif i[0] not in txt_dict: # x_.append((i[0].lower(), i[1])) # temp.add(i[0]) else: continue return x_ def go_map(x, GO_dict): res = [] for t in x: if t in GO_dict: res.append(GO_dict[t]) else: # pass print("{} not in GO_dict".format(t)) return res def prop(df): prop_annotations = [] for i, row in df.iterrows(): # Propagate annotations annot_set = set() annots = row['GO_label'] for go_id in annots: annot_set |= godb.get_anchestors(go_id) annots = list(annot_set) prop_annotations.append(annots) df['prop_annotations'] = prop_annotations return df def pred_text_to_go(df, with_prob=False): # df['pred'] = df['pred'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('', '', x)) if with_prob: df['pred_list_prob'] = df['pred'].apply(lambda x: [eval(i.strip()) for i in x.split(';')]) df['pred_list'] = df['pred_list_prob'].apply(lambda x: [i[0] for i in x]) else: df['pred_list'] = df['pred'].apply(lambda x: list(set([i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]))) ### 预测的文本如果不在GO标签词中,则算作最相似的GO标签 t0 = time.time() txt_dict = {} all_txt = [] for txt in df['pred_list']: if type(txt) == str: all_txt.extend(eval(txt)) else: all_txt.extend(txt) all_txt = list(set(all_txt)) if '' in all_txt: all_txt.remove('') n = len(all_txt) thread = 10 size = int(n / thread) inds = list(range(0, n, size)) inds.append(n) all_txt_sep = [all_txt[i: min(i + size, n)] for i in inds[:-1]] with Pool(processes=thread) as pool: result =, all_txt_sep) pool.close() pool.join() for d in result: txt_dict.update(d) # print(txt_dict) # for txt in all_txt[:10]: # fuzzy_match(txt) if with_prob: df['pred_list_prob'] = df['pred_list_prob'].apply(lambda x: txt_map_prob(x, txt_dict)) print("fuzzy matching time: {}".format(time.time() - t0)) df['pred_list_go_prob'] = df['pred_list_prob'].apply(lambda x: go_map_prob(x, GO_dict)) n0 = df.shape[0] df['len'] = df['pred_list_go_prob'].apply(lambda x: len(x)) df = df[df['len'] > 0] df = df.drop('len', axis=1) df = df.dropna() print('{}条数据,不为空的预测有{}条'.format(n0, df.shape[0])) else: df['pred_list'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: txt_map(x, txt_dict)) df['pred_list'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: [i.lower() for i in list(set(x))]) print("fuzzy matching time: {}".format(time.time() - t0)) df['pred_list_go'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: go_map(x, GO_dict)) n0 = df.shape[0] df['len'] = df['pred_list_go'].apply(lambda x: len(x)) df = df[df['len'] > 0] df = df.drop('len', axis=1) df = df.dropna() print('{}条数据,不为空的预测有{}条'.format(n0, df.shape[0])) return df def cal_f1(df): df['label_list_go'] = df['label'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) df['pred_list_go'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) labels = [] pred_labels = [] for l in df['label_list_go']: labels.extend(l) label_count = {} for x in labels: if x not in label_count: label_count[x] = 1 else: label_count[x] += 1 labels = list(set(labels)) total = len(labels) tp_dict, fp_dict, fn_dict = dict(zip(labels, [0] * len(labels))), dict(zip(labels, [0] * len(labels))), dict( zip(labels, [0] * len(labels))) for preds, label in zip(df['pred_list_go'], df['label_list_go']): for t in label: # supgo = godb.get_anchestors(t) # if supgo.intersection(set(preds)): if t in preds: tp_dict[t] += 1 else: fn_dict[t] += 1 for p in preds: # supgo = godb.get_anchestors(p) # if not supgo.intersection(set(label)): if p not in label: if p in fp_dict: fp_dict[p] += 1 else: fp_dict[p] = 1 pred_labels.extend(preds) p_total = len(set(pred_labels)) recall, pr = 0., 0. for x in labels: recall += tp_dict[x] / (1.0 * (tp_dict[x] + fn_dict[x] + 1e-8)) pr += tp_dict[x] / (1.0 * (tp_dict[x] + fp_dict[x] + 1e-8)) r = recall / total p = pr / p_total f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) print("preds not in labels: {}".format(len(list(fp_dict.keys())) - total)) print("recall:{}; percision:{}; f1 score: {}".format(r, p, f1)) def cat_go(x): try: cat = godb.get_namespace(x) except: print("{} not found".format(x)) return if cat == NAMESPACES['mf']: return 'mf' elif cat == NAMESPACES['bp']: return 'bp' elif cat == NAMESPACES['cc']: return 'cc' return def remove_root(x): if 'molecular_function' in x: x.remove('molecular_function') if 'biological_process' in x: x.remove('biological_process') if 'cellular_component' in x: x.remove('cellular_component') return x if __name__ == "__main__": NAMESPACES = { 'cc': 'cellular_component', 'mf': 'molecular_function', 'bp': 'biological_process' } #if not os.path.exists('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/mf_bp_cc/terms.pkl'): if 1==1: data = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/swissprot_domain_and_train_exp_prompt_new.csv', sep='|') print('数据规模:{}'.format(data.shape[0])) # data['function'] = data['function'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('[FPC]:', '', x)) # data.to_csv('swissprot_domain_and_train_exp.csv', sep='|', index=False) godb = Ontology(f'/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/go1.4-basic.obo', with_rels=True) go_des = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/go_descriptions1.4.txt', sep='|', header=None) go_des.columns = ['id', 'text'] go_des = go_des.dropna() go_des['id'] = go_des['id'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('_', ':', x)) go_des['ont'] = go_des['id'].apply(lambda x: cat_go(x)) go_des = go_des.dropna() go_obo_set = set(go_des['id'].tolist()) go_des['text'] = go_des['text'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) data['GO_label'] = data['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) data = prop(data) # 加入父节点,得到完整的terms,映射表等等 go_dict = {} for x_list in data['prop_annotations']: for goid in x_list: if goid in go_dict: go_dict[goid] += 1 else: go_dict[goid] = 1 df_stat = pd.DataFrame({'id': list(go_dict.keys()), 'count': list(go_dict.values())}) data_gos = set(df_stat['id'].tolist()) go_des = go_des[go_des['id'].isin(data_gos)] filter_go = data_gos.intersection(go_obo_set) print(f"包括父节点的GO有{len(data_gos)}个,其中在go1.4.obo中出现的GO有{len(filter_go)}个") go_des.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/mf_bp_cc/go_des.pkl') id2text_dict = dict(zip(go_des['id'], go_des['text'])) GO_dict = dict(zip(go_des['text'], go_des['id'])) choices_mf = list(set(go_des[go_des['ont'] == 'mf']['text'])) choices_bp = list(set(go_des[go_des['ont'] == 'bp']['text'])) choices_cc = list(set(go_des[go_des['ont'] == 'cc']['text'])) choices_mf = {x.lower(): x for x in choices_mf} choices_bp = {x.lower(): x for x in choices_bp} choices_cc = {x.lower(): x for x in choices_cc} data['GO_label'] = data['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: filter(x)) data = data[data['GO_label'] != ''] data['function'] = data['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [id2text_dict[i.strip()] for i in x.split(';')]) data['function'] = data['function'].apply(lambda x: '; '.join(x)) terms = pd.DataFrame({'gos': list(filter_go)}) terms.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/mf_bp_cc/terms.pkl') terms.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/terms.pkl') terms_mf = pd.DataFrame({'gos': list(set(go_des[go_des['ont'] == 'mf']['id']))}) terms_mf.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/mf/terms.pkl') terms_mf.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/mf/terms.pkl') terms_bp = pd.DataFrame({'gos': list(set(go_des[go_des['ont'] == 'bp']['id']))}) terms_bp.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/bp/terms.pkl') terms_bp.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/bp/terms.pkl') terms_cc = pd.DataFrame({'gos': list(set(go_des[go_des['ont'] == 'cc']['id']))}) terms_cc.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/cc/terms.pkl') terms_cc.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/cc/terms.pkl') else: godb = Ontology(f'/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/go1.4-basic.obo', with_rels=True) terms = pd.read_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/mf_bp_cc/terms.pkl') filter_go = set(terms['gos'].tolist()) terms_mf = pd.read_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/mf/terms.pkl') terms_bp = pd.read_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/bp/terms.pkl') terms_cc = pd.read_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/cc/terms.pkl') choices_mf = {x.lower(): x for x in terms_mf['gos'].tolist()} choices_bp = {x.lower(): x for x in terms_bp['gos'].tolist()} choices_cc = {x.lower(): x for x in terms_cc['gos'].tolist()} go_des = pd.read_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/mf_bp_cc/go_des.pkl') id2text_dict = dict(zip(go_des['id'], go_des['text'])) GO_dict = dict(zip(go_des['text'], go_des['id'])) # 对于预测文件,进行GO筛选,并用相似度算法匹配到filter_go;对于train test val 文件,进行GO筛选、加入祖先、加入interPro特征 # 加入interpro特征 df_interpro = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/uniprot_sprot_blip2_func_data.txt', sep='|', nrows=546389, header=None) df_interpro.columns = ['name', 'seq', 'go', 'text', 'evi', 'ipr'] df_interpro = df_interpro[df_interpro['ipr'].notnull()] df_interpro['ipr'] = df_interpro['ipr'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) iprs = [] for x in df_interpro['ipr'].tolist(): if len(x) > 0: iprs.extend(x) iprs = list(set(iprs)) print("ipr个数:{}".format(len(iprs))) df_ipr = pd.DataFrame({'interpros': iprs}) df_ipr.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/interpros.pkl') df_ipr.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/interpros.pkl') ''' # test cases df_real = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/test_2000.csv', sep='|') df_real[col] = df_real[col].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) #df_real[col] = df_real[col].apply(lambda x: filter(x)) df_real = df_real[df_real[col] != ''] print(df_real.shape) #df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [id2text_dict[i] for i in x]) #df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [GO_dict[i] for i in x]) df_real = prop(df_real) #df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: [id2text_dict[i] for i in x]) #df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: remove_root(x)) #df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: list(set([GO_dict[i] for i in x]))) for ont in ['mf', 'bp', 'cc']: file_name = 'output_{}_test_2000'.format(ont) if ont == 'mf': choices = choices_mf elif ont == 'bp': choices = choices_bp elif ont == 'cc': choices = choices_cc print("对{}预测文本进行标准化...".format(file_name)) df_pred = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/{}.txt'.format(file_name), sep='|', header=None, on_bad_lines='skip') df_pred.columns = ['name', 'pred', 'label'] n0 = df_pred.shape[0] df_pred = pred_text_to_go(df_pred, with_prob=True) print("{}中有{}条数据未能找到相似度高的GO描述".format(file_name, n0-df_pred.shape[0])) #df_pred['pred_list'] = df_pred['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: '; '.join(x)) #cal_f1(df_pred) df_pred[['name', 'pred_list_prob', 'label']].to_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/{}_standard.csv'.format(file_name), sep='|', index=False) df_pred = pd.merge(df_pred[['name', 'pred_list_go_prob']], df_interpro[['name', 'ipr']], on='name', how='left') df_pred['ipr'] = df_pred['ipr'].fillna("").apply(list) ipr_and_pred = [] for x, y in zip(df_pred['ipr'], df_pred['pred_list_go_prob']): try: ipr_and_pred.append(x + y) except: ipr_and_pred.append(y) df_pred['ipr_and_pred'] = ipr_and_pred print(df_real.isnull().sum()) df_pred = pd.merge(df_pred, df_real[['name', 'protein', 'prop_annotations']], on='name', how='left') #df_pred = df_pred.dropna() print(df_pred.shape) df_pred[['name', 'protein', 'ipr', 'pred_list_go_prob', 'ipr_and_pred', 'prop_annotations']].to_pickle( '/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/{}/test_2000_data.pkl'.format(ont)) ''' ''' df_real = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/nextprot_mf.csv', sep='|') df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [id2text_dict[i] for i in x]) df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [GO_dict[i] for i in x]) df_real = prop(df_real) df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: [id2text_dict[i] for i in x]) df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: remove_root(x)) df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: list(set([GO_dict[i] for i in x]))) file = 'output_nextprot' choices = choices_mf df_pred = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/{}.txt'.format(file), sep='|', header=None, on_bad_lines='skip') df_pred.columns = ['name', 'pred', 'label'] df_pred = pred_text_to_go(df_pred, with_prob=True) df_pred[['name', 'pred_list_prob', 'label']].to_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/{}_standard.csv'.format(file), sep='|', index=False) df_pred = pd.merge(df_pred, df_real[['name', 'protein', 'prop_annotations']], on='name', how='left') df_pred['ipr'] = [[] for _ in range(df_pred.shape[0])] df_pred['ipr_and_pred'] = df_pred['pred_list_go_prob'] df_pred[['name', 'protein', 'ipr', 'pred_list_go_prob', 'ipr_and_pred', 'prop_annotations']].to_pickle( '/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/mf/nextprot_data.pkl') ''' # ''' cat_id = {'mf': '445772', 'bp': '496359', 'cc': '505955'} col = 'GO_label' for ont in ['mf', 'bp', 'cc']: #for ont in ['mf']: if ont == 'mf': choices = choices_mf elif ont == 'bp': choices = choices_bp elif ont == 'cc': choices = choices_cc for split in ['train', 'val', 'test']: #for split in ['test']: df_real = pd.read_csv(f'/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/mf_bp_cc/{split}_exp_{ont}_new.csv', sep='|') df_real[col] = df_real[col].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) df_real[col] = df_real[col].apply(lambda x: filter(x)) df_real = df_real[df_real[col] != ''] print(df_real.shape) df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [id2text_dict[i] for i in x]) df_real['GO_label'] = df_real['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [GO_dict[i] for i in x]) df_real = prop(df_real) df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: [id2text_dict[i] for i in x]) df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: remove_root(x)) df_real['prop_annotations'] = df_real['prop_annotations'].apply(lambda x: list(set([GO_dict[i] for i in x]))) # 预测text转为go df_pred = pd.read_csv( f'/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/mf_bp_cc/output_{split}_{ont}_exp_{cat_id[ont]}.txt', sep='|', header=None, on_bad_lines='skip') df_pred.columns = ['name', 'pred', 'label'] n0 = df_pred.shape[0] df_pred = pred_text_to_go(df_pred, with_prob=True) print("{}中有{}条数据未能找到相似度高的GO描述".format(ont, n0 - df_pred.shape[0])) df_pred[['name', 'pred_list_prob', 'label']].to_csv( f'/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/mf_bp_cc/output_{split}_{ont}_{cat_id[ont]}_standard.csv', sep='|', index=False) df_pred = pd.merge(df_pred[['name', 'pred_list_go_prob']], df_interpro[['name', 'ipr']], on='name', how='left') df_pred['ipr'] = df_pred['ipr'].fillna("").apply(list) ipr_and_pred = [] for x, y in zip(df_pred['ipr'], df_pred['pred_list_go_prob']): try: ipr_and_pred.append(x + y) except: ipr_and_pred.append(y) df_pred['ipr_and_pred'] = ipr_and_pred df_pred = pd.merge(df_pred, df_real[['name', 'protein', 'prop_annotations']], on='name', how='left') df_pred = df_pred.dropna() df_pred[['name', 'protein', 'ipr', 'pred_list_go_prob', 'ipr_and_pred', 'prop_annotations']].to_pickle( f'/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/{ont}/{split}_data_{cat_id[ont]}.pkl') df_pred[['name', 'protein', 'ipr', 'pred_list_go_prob', 'ipr_and_pred', 'prop_annotations']].to_pickle( f'/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/{ont}/{split}_data_{cat_id[ont]}.pkl') if split == 'val': df_pred[['name', 'protein', 'ipr', 'pred_list_go_prob', 'ipr_and_pred', 'prop_annotations']].to_pickle( f'/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/pretrain/{ont}/valid_data_{cat_id[ont]}.pkl') df_pred[['name', 'protein', 'ipr', 'pred_list_go_prob', 'ipr_and_pred', 'prop_annotations']].to_pickle( f'/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgo2/data/{ont}/valid_data_{cat_id[ont]}.pkl') print(f"{ont} {split} deepgozero propagation data completed") # '''