from collections import deque, Counter import warnings import pandas as pd import numpy as np from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import math BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS = 'GO:0008150' MOLECULAR_FUNCTION = 'GO:0003674' CELLULAR_COMPONENT = 'GO:0005575' FUNC_DICT = { 'cc': CELLULAR_COMPONENT, 'mf': MOLECULAR_FUNCTION, 'bp': BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS} NAMESPACES = { 'cc': 'cellular_component', 'mf': 'molecular_function', 'bp': 'biological_process' } EXP_CODES = set([ 'EXP', 'IDA', 'IPI', 'IMP', 'IGI', 'IEP', 'TAS', 'IC', 'HTP', 'HDA', 'HMP', 'HGI', 'HEP']) # CAFA4 Targets CAFA_TARGETS = set([ '287', '3702', '4577', '6239', '7227', '7955', '9606', '9823', '10090', '10116', '44689', '83333', '99287', '226900', '243273', '284812', '559292']) def is_cafa_target(org): return org in CAFA_TARGETS def is_exp_code(code): return code in EXP_CODES def get_goplus_defs(filename='data/definitions.txt'): plus_defs = {} with open(filename) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() go_id, definition = line.split(': ') go_id = go_id.replace('_', ':') definition = definition.replace('_', ':') plus_defs[go_id] = set(definition.split(' and ')) return plus_defs class Ontology(object): def __init__(self, filename='data/go.obo', with_rels=False): self.ont = self.load(filename, with_rels) self.ic = None self.ic_norm = 0.0 def has_term(self, term_id): return term_id in self.ont def get_term(self, term_id): if self.has_term(term_id): return self.ont[term_id] return None def calculate_ic(self, annots): cnt = Counter() for x in annots: cnt.update(x) self.ic = {} for go_id, n in cnt.items(): parents = self.get_parents(go_id) if len(parents) == 0: min_n = n else: min_n = min([cnt[x] for x in parents]) self.ic[go_id] = math.log(min_n / n, 2) self.ic_norm = max(self.ic_norm, self.ic[go_id]) def get_ic(self, go_id): if self.ic is None: raise Exception('Not yet calculated') if go_id not in self.ic: return 0.0 return self.ic[go_id] def get_norm_ic(self, go_id): return self.get_ic(go_id) / self.ic_norm def load(self, filename, with_rels): ont = dict() obj = None with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line == '[Term]': if obj is not None: ont[obj['id']] = obj obj = dict() obj['is_a'] = list() obj['part_of'] = list() obj['regulates'] = list() obj['alt_ids'] = list() obj['is_obsolete'] = False continue elif line == '[Typedef]': if obj is not None: ont[obj['id']] = obj obj = None else: if obj is None: continue l = line.split(": ") if l[0] == 'id': obj['id'] = l[1] elif l[0] == 'alt_id': obj['alt_ids'].append(l[1]) elif l[0] == 'namespace': obj['namespace'] = l[1] elif l[0] == 'is_a': obj['is_a'].append(l[1].split(' ! ')[0]) elif with_rels and l[0] == 'relationship': it = l[1].split() # add all types of relationships obj['is_a'].append(it[1]) elif l[0] == 'name': obj['name'] = l[1] elif l[0] == 'is_obsolete' and l[1] == 'true': obj['is_obsolete'] = True if obj is not None: ont[obj['id']] = obj for term_id in list(ont.keys()): for t_id in ont[term_id]['alt_ids']: ont[t_id] = ont[term_id] if ont[term_id]['is_obsolete']: del ont[term_id] for term_id, val in ont.items(): if 'children' not in val: val['children'] = set() for p_id in val['is_a']: if p_id in ont: if 'children' not in ont[p_id]: ont[p_id]['children'] = set() ont[p_id]['children'].add(term_id) return ont def get_anchestors(self, term_id): if term_id not in self.ont: return set() term_set = set() q = deque() q.append(term_id) while (len(q) > 0): t_id = q.popleft() if t_id not in term_set: term_set.add(t_id) for parent_id in self.ont[t_id]['is_a']: if parent_id in self.ont: q.append(parent_id) return term_set def get_prop_terms(self, terms): prop_terms = set() for term_id in terms: prop_terms |= self.get_anchestors(term_id) return prop_terms def get_parents(self, term_id): if term_id not in self.ont: return set() term_set = set() for parent_id in self.ont[term_id]['is_a']: if parent_id in self.ont: term_set.add(parent_id) return term_set def get_namespace_terms(self, namespace): terms = set() for go_id, obj in self.ont.items(): if obj['namespace'] == namespace: terms.add(go_id) return terms def get_namespace(self, term_id): return self.ont[term_id]['namespace'] def get_term_set(self, term_id): if term_id not in self.ont: return set() term_set = set() q = deque() q.append(term_id) while len(q) > 0: t_id = q.popleft() if t_id not in term_set: term_set.add(t_id) for ch_id in self.ont[t_id]['children']: q.append(ch_id) return term_set def read_fasta(filename): seqs = list() info = list() seq = '' inf = '' with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('>'): if seq != '': seqs.append(seq) info.append(inf) seq = '' inf = line[1:].split()[0] else: seq += line seqs.append(seq) info.append(inf) return info, seqs class DataGenerator(object): def __init__(self, batch_size, is_sparse=False): self.batch_size = batch_size self.is_sparse = is_sparse def fit(self, inputs, targets=None): self.start = 0 self.inputs = inputs self.targets = targets if isinstance(self.inputs, tuple) or isinstance(self.inputs, list): self.size = self.inputs[0].shape[0] else: self.size = self.inputs.shape[0] self.has_targets = targets is not None def __next__(self): return def reset(self): self.start = 0 def next(self): if self.start < self.size: batch_index = np.arange( self.start, min(self.size, self.start + self.batch_size)) if isinstance(self.inputs, tuple) or isinstance(self.inputs, list): res_inputs = [] for inp in self.inputs: if self.is_sparse: res_inputs.append( inp[batch_index, :].toarray()) else: res_inputs.append(inp[batch_index, :]) else: if self.is_sparse: res_inputs = self.inputs[batch_index, :].toarray() else: res_inputs = self.inputs[batch_index, :] self.start += self.batch_size if self.has_targets: if self.is_sparse: labels = self.targets[batch_index, :].toarray() else: labels = self.targets[batch_index, :] return (res_inputs, labels) return res_inputs else: self.reset() return