import os import gradio as gr def correct_spell(inputs): return "res" def process_text_in_chunks(text, process_function, max_chunk_size=256): # Split text into sentences sentences = re.split(r'(?<=[.!?])\s+', text) processed_text = "" for sentence in sentences: # Further split long sentences into smaller chunks chunks = [sentence[i:i + max_chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(sentence), max_chunk_size)] for chunk in chunks: processed_text += process_function(chunk) processed_text += " " # Add space after each processed sentence return processed_text.strip() def greet(img, apply_grammar_correction, apply_spell_check,lang_of_input): if (lang_of_input=="Hindi"): res = pt.image_to_string(img,lang='hin') _output_name = "RESULT_OCR.txt" open(_output_name, 'w').write(res) return res, _output_name if (lang_of_input=="Punjabi"): res = pt.image_to_string(img,lang='pan') _output_name = "RESULT_OCR.txt" open(_output_name, 'w').write(res) return res, _output_name"out.jpg") doc = DocumentFile.from_images("out.jpg") output = OCRpredictor(doc) res = "" for obj in output.pages: for obj1 in obj.blocks: for obj2 in obj1.lines: for obj3 in obj2.words: res += " " + obj3.value res += "\n" res += "\n" # Process in chunks for grammar correction if apply_grammar_correction: res = process_text_in_chunks(res, lambda x: happy_tt.generate_text("grammar: " + x, args=grammar_args).text) # Process in chunks for spell check if apply_spell_check: res = process_text_in_chunks(res, correct_spell) _output_name = "RESULT_OCR.txt" open(_output_name, 'w').write(res) return res, _output_name # Gradio Interface for OCR demo_ocr = gr.Interface( fn=greet, inputs=[ gr.Image(type="pil"), gr.Checkbox(label="Apply Grammar Correction"), gr.Checkbox(label="Apply Spell Check"), gr.Dropdown(["English","Hindi","Punjabi"],label="Select Language") ], outputs=["text", "file"], title="DocTR OCR with Grammar and Spell Check", description="Upload an image to get the OCR results. Optionally, apply grammar and spell check." ) # demo_ocr.launch(debug=True) def split_text_into_batches(text, max_tokens_per_batch): sentences = text # Tokenize text into sentences batches = [] current_batch = "" for sentence in sentences: if len(current_batch) + len(sentence) + 1 <= max_tokens_per_batch: # Add 1 for space current_batch += sentence + " " # Add sentence to current batch else: batches.append(current_batch.strip()) # Add current batch to batches list current_batch = sentence + " " # Start a new batch with the current sentence if current_batch: batches.append(current_batch.strip()) # Add the last batch return batches def run_t2tt(file_uploader , input_text: str, source_language: str, target_language: str) -> (str, bytes): if file_uploader is not None: with open(file_uploader, 'r') as file: source_language_code = [] target_language_code = [] max_tokens_per_batch= 256 batches = split_text_into_batches(input_text, max_tokens_per_batch) translated_text = "" return "hello" with gr.Blocks() as demo_t2tt: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): file_uploader = gr.File(label="Upload a text file (Optional)") input_text = gr.Textbox(label="Input text") with gr.Row(): source_language = gr.Dropdown( label="Source language", choices=[], value="Punjabi", ) target_language = gr.Dropdown( label="Target language", choices=[], value=[], ) btn = gr.Button("Translate") with gr.Column(): output_text = gr.Textbox(label="Translated text") output_file = gr.File(label="Translated text file") gr.on( triggers=[input_text.submit,], fn=run_t2tt, inputs=[file_uploader, input_text, source_language, target_language], outputs=[output_text, output_file], api_name="t2tt", ) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Tabs(): with gr.Tab(label="OCR"): demo_ocr.render() with gr.Tab(label="Translate"): demo_t2tt.render() if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()