# tts-arabic-pytorch TTS models (Tacotron2, FastPitch), trained on [Nawar Halabi](https://github.com/nawarhalabi)'s [Arabic Speech Corpus](http://en.arabicspeechcorpus.com/), including the [HiFi-GAN vocoder](https://github.com/jik876/hifi-gan) for direct TTS inference.
Papers: Tacotron2 | Natural TTS Synthesis by Conditioning WaveNet on Mel Spectrogram Predictions ([arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05884)) FastPitch | FastPitch: Parallel Text-to-speech with Pitch Prediction ([arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.06873)) HiFi-GAN | HiFi-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis ([arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.05646)) ## Audio Samples You can listen to some audio samples [here](https://nipponjo.github.io/tts-arabic-samples). ## Multispeaker model (in progress) Multispeaker weights are available for the FastPitch model. Currently, another male voice and two female voices have been added. Audio samples can be found [here](https://nipponjo.github.io/tts-arabic-speakers). Download weights [here](https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=18IYUSRXvLErVjaDORj_TKzUxs90l61Ja&export=download). The multispeaker dataset was created by synthesizing data with [Coqui](https://github.com/coqui-ai)'s [XTTS-v2](https://huggingface.co/coqui/XTTS-v2) model and a mix of voices from the [Tunisian_MSA](https://www.openslr.org/46/) dataset. ## Quick Setup The models were trained with the mse loss as described in the papers. I also trained the models using an additional adversarial loss (adv). The difference is not large, but I think that the (adv) version often sounds a bit clearer. You can compare them yourself. Download the pretrained weights for the Tacotron2 model ([mse](https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1GCu-ZAcfJuT5qfzlKItcNqtuVNa7CNy9&export=download) | [adv](https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1FusCFZIXSVCQ9Q6PLb91GIkEnhn_zWRS&export=download)). Download the pretrained weights for the FastPitch model ([mse](https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1sliRc62wjPTnPWBVQ95NDUgnCSH5E8M0&export=download) | [adv](https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1-vZOhi9To_78-yRslC6sFLJBUjwgJT-D&export=download)). Download the [HiFi-GAN vocoder](https://github.com/jik876/hifi-gan) weights ([link](https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1zSYYnJFS-gQox-IeI71hVY-fdPysxuFK&export=download)). Either put them into `pretrained/hifigan-asc-v1` or edit the following lines in `configs/basic.yaml`. ```yaml # vocoder vocoder_state_path: pretrained/hifigan-asc-v1/hifigan-asc.pth vocoder_config_path: pretrained/hifigan-asc-v1/config.json ``` This repo includes the diacritization models [Shakkala](https://github.com/Barqawiz/Shakkala) and [Shakkelha](https://github.com/AliOsm/shakkelha). The weights can be downloaded [here](https://drive.google.com/u/1/uc?id=1MIZ_t7pqAQP-R3vwWWQTJMER8yPm1uB1&export=download). There also exists a [separate repo](https://github.com/nipponjo/arabic-vocalization) and [package](https://github.com/nipponjo/arabic_vocalizer). -> Alternatively, [download all models](https://drive.google.com/u/1/uc?id=1FD2J-xUk48JPF9TeS8ZKHzDC_ZNBfLd8&export=download) and put the content of the zip file into the `pretrained` folder. ## Required packages: `torch torchaudio pyyaml` ~ for training: `librosa matplotlib tensorboard` ~ for the demo app: `fastapi "uvicorn[standard]"` ## Using the models The `Tacotron2`/`FastPitch` from `models.tacotron2`/`models.fastpitch` are wrappers that simplify text-to-mel inference. The `Tacotron2Wave`/`FastPitch2Wave` models includes the [HiFi-GAN vocoder](https://github.com/jik876/hifi-gan) for direct text-to-speech inference. ## Inferring the Mel spectrogram ```python from models.tacotron2 import Tacotron2 model = Tacotron2('pretrained/tacotron2_ar_adv.pth') model = model.cuda() mel_spec = model.ttmel("اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيكُم يَا صَدِيقِي") ``` ```python from models.fastpitch import FastPitch model = FastPitch('pretrained/fastpitch_ar_adv.pth') model = model.cuda() mel_spec = model.ttmel("اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيكُم يَا صَدِيقِي") ``` ## End-to-end Text-to-Speech ```python from models.tacotron2 import Tacotron2Wave model = Tacotron2Wave('pretrained/tacotron2_ar_adv.pth') model = model.cuda() wave = model.tts("اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيكُم يَا صَدِيقِي") wave_list = model.tts(["صِفر" ,"واحِد" ,"إِثنان", "ثَلاثَة" ,"أَربَعَة" ,"خَمسَة", "سِتَّة" ,"سَبعَة" ,"ثَمانِيَة", "تِسعَة" ,"عَشَرَة"]) ``` ```python from models.fastpitch import FastPitch2Wave model = FastPitch2Wave('pretrained/fastpitch_ar_adv.pth') model = model.cuda() wave = model.tts("اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيكُم يَا صَدِيقِي") wave_list = model.tts(["صِفر" ,"واحِد" ,"إِثنان", "ثَلاثَة" ,"أَربَعَة" ,"خَمسَة", "سِتَّة" ,"سَبعَة" ,"ثَمانِيَة", "تِسعَة" ,"عَشَرَة"]) ``` By default, Arabic letters are converted using the [Buckwalter transliteration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckwalter_transliteration), which can also be used directly. ```python wave = model.tts(">als~alAmu Ealaykum yA Sadiyqiy") wave_list = model.tts(["Sifr", "wAHid", "arbaEap", "xamsap", "sit~ap", "sabEap", "^amAniyap", "tisEap", "Ea$arap"]) ``` ## Unvocalized text ```python text_unvoc = "اللغة العربية هي أكثر اللغات السامية تحدثا، وإحدى أكثر اللغات انتشارا في العالم" wave_shakkala = model.tts(text_unvoc, vowelizer='shakkala') wave_shakkelha = model.tts(text_unvoc, vowelizer='shakkelha') ``` ### Inference from text file ```bash python inference.py # default parameters: python inference.py --list data/infer_text.txt --out_dir samples/results --model fastpitch --checkpoint pretrained/fastpitch_ar_adv.pth --batch_size 2 --denoise 0 ``` ## Testing the model To test the model run: ```bash python test.py # default parameters: python test.py --model fastpitch --checkpoint pretrained/fastpitch_ar_adv.pth --out_dir samples/test ``` ## Processing details This repo uses Nawar Halabi's [Arabic-Phonetiser](https://github.com/nawarhalabi/Arabic-Phonetiser) but simplifies the result such that different contexts are ignored (see `text/symbols.py`). Further, a doubled consonant is represented as consonant + doubling-token. The Tacotron2 model can sometimes struggle to pronounce the last phoneme of a sentence when it ends in an unvocalized consonant. The pronunciation is more reliable if one appends a word-separator token at the end and cuts it off using the alignments weights (details in `models.networks`). This option is implemented as a default postprocessing step that can be disabled by setting `postprocess_mel=False`. ## Training the model Before training, the audio files must be resampled. The model was trained after preprocessing the files using `scripts/preprocess_audio.py`. To train the model with options specified in the config file run: ```bash python train.py # default parameters: python train.py --config configs/nawar.yaml ``` ## Web app The web app uses the FastAPI library. To run the app you need the following packages: fastapi: for the backend api | uvicorn: for serving the app Install with: `pip install fastapi "uvicorn[standard]"` Run with: `python app.py` Preview:
## Acknowledgements I referred to NVIDIA's [Tacotron2 implementation](https://github.com/NVIDIA/tacotron2) for details on model training. The FastPitch files stem from NVIDIA's [DeepLearningExamples](https://github.com/NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples/)