import os import json import numpy as np import music21 as m21 import streamlit as st import tensorflow.keras as keras MAPPING_PATH = "mapping.json" SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 64 class MelodyGenerator: def __init__( self, model_path = "model.keras" ): self.model_path = model_path self.model = keras.models.load_model(model_path) with open(MAPPING_PATH , "r") as fp: self._mappings = json.load(fp) self._start_symbol = ["/"] * SEQUENCE_LENGTH def generate_melody(self, seed, num_steps, max_sequence_length, temperature): # create seed with start symbols seed = seed.split() melody = seed seed = self._start_symbol + seed # map seed to int seed = [self._mappings[symbol] for symbol in seed] for _ in range( num_steps ): # limit the seed to max_sequence_length seed = seed[-max_sequence_length :] #one-hot encode the seed onehot_seed = keras.utils.to_categorical( seed, num_classes=len(self._mappings)+1) # currently the onehot_seed is a 2d array having shape : ( max_sequence_length , num of symbol in the vocabulary ) # but generaly model.predict accepts a 3d array beacause it calculates probability for bunch of data not for 1 so . we are adding a extra dimention onehot_seed = onehot_seed[np.newaxis , ...] # make a prediction probabilities = self.model.predict( onehot_seed )[0] # [0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.6] -> 1 output_int = self._sample_with_temperature(probabilities , temperature) #update the seed seed.append(output_int) # map int to our encodeing output_symbol = [ k for k,v in self._mappings.items() if v == output_int ][0] # check whether we'r at the end of a melody if output_symbol == "/": break # update the melody else : melody.append(output_symbol) return melody def _sample_with_temperature( self, probabilities , temperature ): # temperature -> infinity # temperature -> 0 # temperature = 1 predictions = np.log(probabilities) / temperature probabilities = np.exp( predictions ) / np.sum(np.exp(predictions)) choices = range(len(probabilities)) index = np.random.choice(choices , p = probabilities) return index def save_melody( self, melody ,step_duration = 0.25, format = "midi" , file_name = "mel.mid") : #create a music21 stream stream = #parse all the symbol in the melody and create note/rest objects # 60 _ _ _ r _ 62 _ start_symbol = None step_counter = 1 for i, symbol in enumerate(melody) : #handle case in which we have a note/rest if symbol != "_" or i + 1 == len(melody): #ensure we're dealing with note/rest beyond the first one if start_symbol is not None: quarter_length_duration = step_duration * step_counter # 0.25 * 4 = 1 # handle rest if start_symbol == "r": m21_event = m21.note.Rest( quarterLength = quarter_length_duration) #hadle notes else : m21_event = m21.note.Note( int(start_symbol) , quaterLegth = quarter_length_duration ) stream.append(m21_event) # reset the step counter step_counter = 1 start_symbol = symbol # handle case in which we have a prolongation sign "_" else : step_counter = step_counter + 1 # write the m21 strem to a midi file stream.write( format , file_name ) # app initiallize # st.title('Melody Craft 1.0') st.markdown( """ """ , unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.markdown('

Tune Genie

', unsafe_allow_html=True) seeds ={ 'seed1' : "60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 62",'seed2' : "69 _ _ _ _ _ _ _",'seed3' : "69 _ _ _ 69 _ _ _ 69 _ _ _ 72 _ _ _ 72 _ _ _ 69",'seed4' : "76 _ _ _ 76 _ _ _ _ _ 76 _ 76 _ _ _ 79 _ _ _ 74 ",'seed5': "71 _ _ _ 69 _" } seed = st.selectbox( 'choose seed ' , ('seed1','seed2','seed3','seed4','seed5','Try your own seed' )) if seed == "Try your own seed": seed = st.text_input("Enter your custom seed:") else: seed = seeds[seed] if st.button('GENERATE'): mg = MelodyGenerator() melody = mg.generate_melody( seed , 200, SEQUENCE_LENGTH , 0.4) print(melody) mg.save_melody(melody) st.download_button( label="Download Midi File", data=open("mel.mid", "rb").read(), file_name="example.midi", mime="audio/midi" )