""" A simple wrapper for the official ChatGPT API """ import json import os import threading import time import requests import tiktoken from typing import Generator from queue import PriorityQueue as PQ import json import os import time ENCODER = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2") class chatPaper: """ Official ChatGPT API """ def __init__( self, api_keys: list, proxy = None, api_proxy = None, max_tokens: int = 4000, temperature: float = 0.5, top_p: float = 1.0, model_name: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo", reply_count: int = 1, system_prompt = "You are ChatPaper, A paper reading bot", lastAPICallTime = time.time()-100, apiTimeInterval = 20, ) -> None: self.model_name = model_name self.system_prompt = system_prompt self.apiTimeInterval = apiTimeInterval self.session = requests.Session() self.api_keys = PQ() for key in api_keys: self.api_keys.put((lastAPICallTime,key)) self.proxy = proxy if self.proxy: proxies = { "http": self.proxy, "https": self.proxy, } self.session.proxies = proxies self.max_tokens = max_tokens self.temperature = temperature self.top_p = top_p self.reply_count = reply_count self.decrease_step = 250 self.conversation = {} if self.token_str(self.system_prompt) > self.max_tokens: raise Exception("System prompt is too long") self.lock = threading.Lock() def get_api_key(self): with self.lock: apiKey = self.api_keys.get() delay = self._calculate_delay(apiKey) time.sleep(delay) self.api_keys.put((time.time(), apiKey[1])) return apiKey[1] def _calculate_delay(self, apiKey): elapsed_time = time.time() - apiKey[0] if elapsed_time < self.apiTimeInterval: return self.apiTimeInterval - elapsed_time else: return 0 def add_to_conversation(self, message: str, role: str, convo_id: str = "default"): if(convo_id not in self.conversation): self.reset(convo_id) self.conversation[convo_id].append({"role": role, "content": message}) def __truncate_conversation(self, convo_id: str = "default"): """ Truncate the conversation """ last_dialog = self.conversation[convo_id][-1] query = str(last_dialog['content']) if(len(ENCODER.encode(str(query)))>self.max_tokens): query = query[:int(1.5*self.max_tokens)] while(len(ENCODER.encode(str(query)))>self.max_tokens): query = query[:self.decrease_step] self.conversation[convo_id] = self.conversation[convo_id][:-1] full_conversation = "\n".join([str(x["content"]) for x in self.conversation[convo_id]],) if len(ENCODER.encode(full_conversation)) > self.max_tokens: self.conversation_summary(convo_id=convo_id) while True: full_conversation = "" for x in self.conversation[convo_id]: full_conversation = str(x["content"]) + "\n" + full_conversation if (len(ENCODER.encode(full_conversation+query)) > self.max_tokens): query = query[:self.decrease_step] else: break last_dialog['content'] = str(query) self.conversation[convo_id].append(last_dialog) def ask_stream( self, prompt: str, role: str = "user", convo_id: str = "default", **kwargs, ) -> Generator: if convo_id not in self.conversation: self.reset(convo_id=convo_id) self.add_to_conversation(prompt, "user", convo_id=convo_id) self.__truncate_conversation(convo_id=convo_id) apiKey = self.get_api_key() response = self.session.post( "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {kwargs.get('api_key', apiKey)}"}, json={ "model": self.model_name, "messages": self.conversation[convo_id], "stream": True, # kwargs "temperature": kwargs.get("temperature", self.temperature), "top_p": kwargs.get("top_p", self.top_p), "n": kwargs.get("n", self.reply_count), "user": role, }, stream=True, ) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception( f"Error: {response.status_code} {response.reason} {response.text}", ) for line in response.iter_lines(): if not line: continue # Remove "data: " line = line.decode("utf-8")[6:] if line == "[DONE]": break resp: dict = json.loads(line) choices = resp.get("choices") if not choices: continue delta = choices[0].get("delta") if not delta: continue if "content" in delta: content = delta["content"] yield content def ask(self, prompt: str, role: str = "user", convo_id: str = "default", **kwargs): """ Non-streaming ask """ response = self.ask_stream( prompt=prompt, role=role, convo_id=convo_id, **kwargs, ) full_response: str = "".join(response) self.add_to_conversation(full_response, role, convo_id=convo_id) usage_token = self.token_str(prompt) com_token = self.token_str(full_response) total_token = self.token_cost(convo_id=convo_id) return full_response, usage_token, com_token, total_token def check_api_available(self): response = self.session.post( "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.get_api_key()}"}, json={ "model": self.engine, "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},{"role": "user", "content": "print A"}], "stream": True, # kwargs "temperature": self.temperature, "top_p": self.top_p, "n": self.reply_count, "user": "user", }, stream=True, ) if response.status_code == 200: return True else: return False def reset(self, convo_id: str = "default", system_prompt = None): """ Reset the conversation """ self.conversation[convo_id] = [ {"role": "system", "content": str(system_prompt or self.system_prompt)}, ] def conversation_summary(self, convo_id: str = "default"): input = "" role = "" for conv in self.conversation[convo_id]: if (conv["role"]=='user'): role = 'User' else: role = 'ChatGpt' input+=role+' : '+conv['content']+'\n' prompt = "Your goal is to summarize the provided conversation in English. Your summary should be concise and focus on the key information to facilitate better dialogue for the large language model.Ensure that you include all necessary details and relevant information while still reducing the length of the conversation as much as possible. Your summary should be clear and easily understandable for the ChatGpt model providing a comprehensive and concise summary of the conversation." if(self.token_str(str(input)+prompt)>self.max_tokens): input = input[self.token_str(str(input))-self.max_tokens:] while self.token_str(str(input)+prompt)>self.max_tokens: input = input[self.decrease_step:] prompt = prompt.replace("{conversation}", input) self.reset(convo_id='conversationSummary') response = self.ask(prompt,convo_id='conversationSummary') while self.token_str(str(response))>self.max_tokens: response = response[:-self.decrease_step] self.reset(convo_id='conversationSummary',system_prompt='Summariaze our diaglog') self.conversation[convo_id] = [ {"role": "system", "content": self.system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": "Summariaze our diaglog"}, {"role": 'assistant', "content": response}, ] return self.conversation[convo_id] def token_cost(self,convo_id: str = "default"): return len(ENCODER.encode("\n".join([x["content"] for x in self.conversation[convo_id]]))) def token_str(self,content:str): return len(ENCODER.encode(content)) def main(): return