import io import types from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from maorganizer.datawrangling import ( CSV_EXTENSIONS, EXCEL_EXTENSIONS, NAMECOLUMN, Attendancelist, ) ACCEPTED_EXTENSIONS = CSV_EXTENSIONS + EXCEL_EXTENSIONS SEPARATORTYPES = {"TAB": "\t", "COMMA": ","} @dataclass class Task: abbreviation: str short_description: str long_description: str run: types.FunctionType @dataclass class Tasks: tasks: list[Task] def __post_init__(self): assert len(self.abbreviations) == len(set(self.abbreviations)) assert len(self.short_descriptions) == len(set(self.abbreviations)) @property def abbreviations(self): return [task.abbreviation for task in self.tasks] @property def short_descriptions(self): return [task.short_description for task in self.tasks] def split_names(meetings: Dict[str, Attendancelist]) -> None: filename = st.selectbox( "Choose a file 📄", options=list(meetings.keys()), key="split_names" ) render_xlsx_download_button( {"Full list of Attendees": meetings[filename]}, filename=f"processed-attendees-{Path(filename).stem}.xlsx", ) def find_attendees(meetings: Dict[str, Attendancelist]) -> None: def _render_findings(to_be_found, people_found): st.subheader(f"**{to_be_found}**") st.markdown( f"{', '.join([ for p in people_found]) if people_found else 'Sorry, none found.'}" ) filename = st.selectbox( "📄 Choose a file", options=list(meetings.keys()), key="find_attendees" ) attendees = meetings[filename] textinput = st.text_input( "🔎 Who are you looking for? If you are looking for more than one, separate them by comma." ) if textinput: searchterms = [(word.strip()) for word in textinput.strip().split(",")] else: searchterms = [] st.markdown( "⚠️ By default, the algorithm will surface any names that contain your search terms" " as substrings (e.g. if you search for Jon, it will surface both Jon and Jonathan)." " Tick the box below in case you want to display only entries where one of the names" " matches your search string exactly." ) st.markdown("⚠️⚠️ Note that either way the search is case-insensitive.") exact_match = st.checkbox("Find Exact Name") if searchterms: st.header("Search Results") for to_be_found, found in attendees.find_by_strings( searchterms, exact=exact_match ).items(): _render_findings(to_be_found, found) def compare_meetings(meetings: Dict[str, Attendancelist]) -> None: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: filename_old = st.selectbox( "Choose your original file", options=list(meetings.keys()) ) with col2: filename_new = st.selectbox( "Choose your updated file", options=set(meetings.keys()) - {filename_old} ) # filename_new gets automatically populated if there is more than one file # so if there is none, it's because there is only a single file available # and no options left for filename_new if filename_new is None:"⬆ Please upload a second file. ⬆") else: listcomparison = { "Original List": meetings[filename_old], "Updated List - Full": meetings[filename_new], "Updated List - Only Updates": meetings[filename_old].update( meetings[filename_new] ), } render_xlsx_download_button( listcomparison, filename=f"{Path(filename_old).stem}-updated.xlsx", ) def create_tasks() -> Tasks: return Tasks( [ Task( abbreviation="SPLIT", short_description=( "✂️ ... split attendees into first" "and last name and download results" ), long_description=( "❔ **Description:** Split a list of names" " into first and surname." ), run=split_names, ), Task( abbreviation="COMPARE", short_description=" 👀 ... compare two meetings with each other and find updates", long_description=( "❔ **Description:** Compare two attendee lists" " with each and find attendees who have recently joined." ), run=compare_meetings, ), Task( abbreviation="FIND", short_description=" 🔎 ... find specific attendees", long_description=( "❔ **Description:** Find attendees in a list" " by either first name or surname or by substrings." ), run=find_attendees, ), ] ) def render_xlsx_download_button( meetings: Dict[str, Attendancelist], filename: str ) -> None: with io.BytesIO() as output: with pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="openpyxl") as writer: for sheetname, attendees in meetings.items(): attendees.to_df().to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetname, index=False) st.download_button( label="💾 Download Results", data=output.getvalue(), file_name=filename, mime="application/", ) def select_task(tasks: Tasks) -> Task: selected_task ="I would like to ...", tasks.short_descriptions) for task in tasks.tasks: if task.short_description == selected_task: st.markdown(task.long_description) break return task def render_file_analysis(meetings: Dict[str, Attendancelist]) -> None: show_processed_list = st.checkbox("Display the processed list of attendees") if show_processed_list: filename = st.selectbox( "Select the file to display", options=list(meetings.keys()) ) attendees = meetings[filename] st.write(attendees.to_df()) def load_data(uploaded_files) -> Dict[str, Attendancelist]: def _files_contain_csv(uploaded_files) -> bool: return bool( sum([Path( in CSV_EXTENSIONS for file in uploaded_files]) ) def _load_df_from_uploaded_data(filename: str, data, sep=None) -> pd.DataFrame: if Path(filename).suffix in EXCEL_EXTENSIONS: try: df = pd.read_excel(data) # If engine does not recognize excel as excel, it is likely to be # a text format "disguised" as xls. # (example: PyData Meeting files have .xls extension, but are in fact text files) except ValueError as e: if str(e) == ( "Excel file format cannot be determined," " you must specify an engine manually." ): f"Your {Path(filename).suffix} file does not seem" " to be an excel file.\\\n\\\n" "\- Trying to parse it as text file." ) df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=sep) else: raise ValueError(e) elif Path(filename).suffix in CSV_EXTENSIONS: df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=sep) else: raise ValueError( f"Please choose one of the following extensions: {', '.join(ACCEPTED_EXTENSIONS)}" ) return df def _make_attendance_data_from_file_uploads( uploaded_files, sep=None, cname=NAMECOLUMN ) -> Dict[str, Attendancelist]: return { Attendancelist.from_df( _load_df_from_uploaded_data(, file, sep), cname=cname ) for file in uploaded_files } try: meetings = _make_attendance_data_from_file_uploads( uploaded_files, sep=None, cname=NAMECOLUMN ) # let user specify file format, then retry loading # Retry parsing after letting user manually specify separator and columnname. # Display error **after** the input fields, so if manually specifying separator and columnname # fixes the load issue, the error message disappears. except KeyError: # Set separator if csv file present if _files_contain_csv(uploaded_files): seperator_key = "We detected text files in your input. What is their separator?", sorted(SEPARATORTYPES.keys()), ) separator = SEPARATORTYPES[seperator_key] else: separator = None # Set columnname columnname = st.text_input( "Column header of your file's name column", NAMECOLUMN ) try: meetings = _make_attendance_data_from_file_uploads( uploaded_files, sep=separator, cname=columnname ) except KeyError: st.error( f'We could not find a column "{columnname}" in your data.\\\n\\\n' " Please use the options above to specify your column separator (if text/csv file)" " and the column name of the column containing your attendees' names." ) meetings = {} if meetings: st.success( "Successfully loaded the following files:\\\n\\\n" + "\\\n".join( [f"{k} - {v.n_attendees} attendees" for k, v in meetings.items()] ) ) return meetings def upload_files() -> Dict[str, Attendancelist]: st.markdown( "Upload the file(s) containing your meeting attendees. The expected format is a single" " column containing the attendees' full names. If you column name is not Name," " you will be able to specify the column name after uploading the data." " Additional columns will be ignored." ) uploaded_files = st.file_uploader( label="📄 Upload your files", accept_multiple_files=True ) meetings = {} if uploaded_files: meetings = load_data(uploaded_files) render_file_analysis(meetings) return meetings def render_intro() -> None: st.title("📅 Meeting Attendance Organizer") st.markdown( "This app fullfills a simple need: Take a list of names of people" " attending a meeting and peform one (or multiple) of the following tasks:" ) st.markdown( "* ✂️ Split their names into first name and surname\n" "* 👀 Compare two lists with each other and see who is new on the second list\n" "* 🔎 Find people in a list by either searching for their complete names or parts" " of their name\n" "* 💾 Write any of the results back out, so you can share it with others" ) def main(): render_intro() st.header("📂 Step 1: Upload your Files") meetings = upload_files() st.header("📝 Step 2: Choose a Task") task = select_task(tasks=create_tasks()) st.header("🔥 Step 3: Let's Go!") st.subheader(f"You are going to ... {task.short_description}") if not meetings:"⬆ You need to upload some data first ⬆") else: if __name__ == "__main__": main()