import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import re from PIL import Image import webbrowser from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import AllChem from rdkit.Chem import Draw from rdkit.Chem import rdChemReactions as Reactions import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from keras.preprocessing import sequence from keras.utils import pad_sequences import keras from keras import backend as K from keras.models import load_model import argparse import h5py import pdb seq_rdic = ['A', 'I', 'L', 'V', 'F', 'W', 'Y', 'N', 'C', 'Q', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'D', 'E', 'R', 'H', 'K', 'G', 'P', 'O', 'U', 'X', 'B', 'Z'] seq_dic = {w: i+1 for i, w in enumerate(seq_rdic)} @st.cache_data def encodeSeq(seq, seq_dic): if pd.isnull(seq): return [0] else: return [seq_dic[aa] for aa in seq] @st.cache_resource def load_modelfile(model_string): loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_string) return loaded_model @st.cache_data def prot_feature_gen_from_str_input(prot_input_str, prot_len=2500): Prot_ID = prot_input_str.split(':')[0] Prot_seq = prot_input_str.split(':')[1] Prot_seq = Prot_seq.replace(" ", "") prot_dataframe = pd.DataFrame( {'Protein_ID': Prot_ID, 'Sequence': Prot_seq}, index=[0]) prot_dataframe.set_index('Protein_ID') prot_dataframe["encoded_sequence"] = lambda a: encodeSeq(a, seq_dic)) prot_feature = pad_sequences( prot_dataframe["encoded_sequence"].values, prot_len) return prot_feature, Prot_ID @st.cache_data def mol_feature_gen_from_str_input(mol_str, kegg_id_flag, kegg_df): if kegg_id_flag == 1: KEGG_ID = mol_str kegg_id_loc = kegg_df.index[kegg_df.Compound_ID == KEGG_ID][0] KEGG_ID_info = kegg_df.loc[kegg_id_loc] KEGG_ID_info_df = KEGG_ID_info.to_frame().T.set_index('Compound_ID') final_return = KEGG_ID_info_df final_id = KEGG_ID else: try: mol_ID = mol_str.split(':')[0] mol_smiles = mol_str.split(':')[1] mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(mol_smiles) fp1 = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect( mol, useChirality=True, radius=2, nBits=2048) fp_list = list(np.array(fp1).astype(float)) fp_str = list(map(str, fp_list)) mol_fp = '\t'.join(fp_str) mol_dict = {} mol_dict['Compound_ID'] = mol_ID mol_dict['Smiles'] = mol_smiles mol_dict['morgan_fp_r2'] = mol_fp mol_info_df = pd.DataFrame(mol_dict, index=[0]) mol_info_df = mol_info_df.set_index('Compound_ID') final_return = mol_info_df final_id = mol_ID except Exception as error: print('Something wrong with molecule input string...' + repr(error)) return final_return, final_id @st.cache_data def act_df_gen_mol_feature(mol_id, prot_id): act_df = pd.DataFrame( {'Protein_ID': prot_id, 'Compound_ID': mol_id}, index=[0]) return act_df @st.cache_data def compound_feature_gen_df_input(act_df, comp_df, comp_len=2048, comp_vec='morgan_fp_r2'): act_df = pd.merge(act_df, comp_df, left_on='Compound_ID', right_index=True) comp_feature = np.stack(act_df[comp_vec].map(lambda fp: fp.split("\t"))) comp_feature = comp_feature.astype('float') return comp_feature @st.cache_data def model_prediction(compound_feature, enz_feature, model): prediction_vals = model.predict([compound_feature, enz_feature]) return prediction_vals[0][0] def main(): graph = tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph() ld_model = tf.keras.models.load_model('./CNN_model_final/Final_model.model') KEGG_compound_read = pd.read_csv('./CNN_data_kegg/kegg_compound.csv', index_col = 'Compound_ID') kegg_df = KEGG_compound_read.reset_index() st.image('./Streamlit/header.png', use_column_width=True) st.subheader('Enzyme-Substrate Activity Predictor ') st.subheader('Enzyme sequence') st.caption('Please follow the input format show in the text box--> id:Sequence') enz_str = st.text_input('', value="A0A4P8WFA8:MTKRVLVTGGAGFLGSHLCERLLSEGHEVICLDNFGSGRRKNIKEFEDHPSFKVNDRDVRISESLPSVDRIYHLASRASPADFTQFPVNIALANTQGTRRLLDQARACDARMVFASTSEVYGDPKVHPQPETYTGNVNIRGARGCYDESKRFGETLTVAYQRKYDVDARTVRIFNTYGPRMRPDDGRVVPTFVTQALRGDDLTIYGDGEQTRSFCYVDDLIEGLISLMRVDNPEHNVYNIGKENERTIKELAYEVLGLTDTESDIVYEPLPEDDPGQRRPDITRAKTELDWEPKISLREGLEDTITYFDN") # url = '' # if st.button('KEformat example'): # webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) st.subheader('Substrate ') st.caption('Please follow the input format show in the text box--> KEGG id or click the checkbox') comp_str = st.text_input('', value="C00149") if st.checkbox('If you are entering smiles string click here'): add_info = st.text_area('Additional information (id: Smiles):', "C00149:O[C@@H](CC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O") else: add_info = '' if st.button("Predict"): # if session_state.button_search: # st.subheader('Enzyme-Substrate activity score') with st.spinner('Calculating...'): try: # st.write('I am inside') prot_feature, prot_id = prot_feature_gen_from_str_input(enz_str) if len(add_info) == 0: kegg_id_flag = 1 comp_feature, comp_id = mol_feature_gen_from_str_input(comp_str, kegg_id_flag, kegg_df) else: kegg_id_flag = 0 comp_feature, comp_id = mol_feature_gen_from_str_input(add_info, kegg_id_flag, kegg_df) act_dataframe = act_df_gen_mol_feature(comp_id, prot_id) # st.write(act_dataframe) compound_feature = compound_feature_gen_df_input(act_dataframe, comp_feature) # st.write(compound_feature) except Exception as e: st.write('Error somewhere...' + repr(e)) # st.write(compound_feature) # st.write(prot_feature) # keras.backend.clear_session() y = ld_model.predict([compound_feature, prot_feature]) subheaderstring = 'EnzRank Score for '+ prot_id + '-' + comp_id + ' pair:' st.subheader(subheaderstring) st.write(str(y[0][0])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()