DEFAULT_Z_NEAR = 0.05 # Near clipping plane, in meters DEFAULT_Z_FAR = 100.0 # Far clipping plane, in meters DEFAULT_SCENE_SCALE = 2.0 # Default scene scale MAX_N_LIGHTS = 4 # Maximum number of lights of each type allowed TARGET_OPEN_GL_MAJOR = 4 # Target OpenGL Major Version TARGET_OPEN_GL_MINOR = 1 # Target OpenGL Minor Version MIN_OPEN_GL_MAJOR = 3 # Minimum OpenGL Major Version MIN_OPEN_GL_MINOR = 3 # Minimum OpenGL Minor Version FLOAT_SZ = 4 # Byte size of GL float32 UINT_SZ = 4 # Byte size of GL uint32 SHADOW_TEX_SZ = 2048 # Width and Height of Shadow Textures TEXT_PADDING = 20 # Width of padding for rendering text (px) # Flags for render type class RenderFlags(object): """Flags for rendering in the scene. Combine them with the bitwise or. For example, >>> flags = OFFSCREEN | SHADOWS_DIRECTIONAL | VERTEX_NORMALS would result in an offscreen render with directional shadows and vertex normals enabled. """ NONE = 0 """Normal PBR Render.""" DEPTH_ONLY = 1 """Only render the depth buffer.""" OFFSCREEN = 2 """Render offscreen and return the depth and (optionally) color buffers.""" FLIP_WIREFRAME = 4 """Invert the status of wireframe rendering for each mesh.""" ALL_WIREFRAME = 8 """Render all meshes as wireframes.""" ALL_SOLID = 16 """Render all meshes as solids.""" SHADOWS_DIRECTIONAL = 32 """Render shadows for directional lights.""" SHADOWS_POINT = 64 """Render shadows for point lights.""" SHADOWS_SPOT = 128 """Render shadows for spot lights.""" SHADOWS_ALL = 32 | 64 | 128 """Render shadows for all lights.""" VERTEX_NORMALS = 256 """Render vertex normals.""" FACE_NORMALS = 512 """Render face normals.""" SKIP_CULL_FACES = 1024 """Do not cull back faces.""" RGBA = 2048 """Render the color buffer with the alpha channel enabled.""" FLAT = 4096 """Render the color buffer flat, with no lighting computations.""" SEG = 8192 class TextAlign: """Text alignment options for captions. Only use one at a time. """ CENTER = 0 """Center the text by width and height.""" CENTER_LEFT = 1 """Center the text by height and left-align it.""" CENTER_RIGHT = 2 """Center the text by height and right-align it.""" BOTTOM_LEFT = 3 """Put the text in the bottom-left corner.""" BOTTOM_RIGHT = 4 """Put the text in the bottom-right corner.""" BOTTOM_CENTER = 5 """Center the text by width and fix it to the bottom.""" TOP_LEFT = 6 """Put the text in the top-left corner.""" TOP_RIGHT = 7 """Put the text in the top-right corner.""" TOP_CENTER = 8 """Center the text by width and fix it to the top.""" class GLTF(object): """Options for GL objects.""" NEAREST = 9728 """Nearest neighbor interpolation.""" LINEAR = 9729 """Linear interpolation.""" NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 9984 """Nearest mipmapping.""" LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 9985 """Linear mipmapping.""" NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 9986 """Nearest mipmapping.""" LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 9987 """Linear mipmapping.""" CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 33071 """Clamp to the edge of the texture.""" MIRRORED_REPEAT = 33648 """Mirror the texture.""" REPEAT = 10497 """Repeat the texture.""" POINTS = 0 """Render as points.""" LINES = 1 """Render as lines.""" LINE_LOOP = 2 """Render as a line loop.""" LINE_STRIP = 3 """Render as a line strip.""" TRIANGLES = 4 """Render as triangles.""" TRIANGLE_STRIP = 5 """Render as a triangle strip.""" TRIANGLE_FAN = 6 """Render as a triangle fan.""" class BufFlags(object): POSITION = 0 NORMAL = 1 TANGENT = 2 TEXCOORD_0 = 4 TEXCOORD_1 = 8 COLOR_0 = 16 JOINTS_0 = 32 WEIGHTS_0 = 64 class TexFlags(object): NONE = 0 NORMAL = 1 OCCLUSION = 2 EMISSIVE = 4 BASE_COLOR = 8 METALLIC_ROUGHNESS = 16 DIFFUSE = 32 SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS = 64 class ProgramFlags: NONE = 0 USE_MATERIAL = 1 VERTEX_NORMALS = 2 FACE_NORMALS = 4 __all__ = ['RenderFlags', 'TextAlign', 'GLTF']