"""Scenes, conforming to the glTF 2.0 standards as specified in https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#reference-scene Author: Matthew Matl """ import numpy as np import networkx as nx import trimesh from .mesh import Mesh from .camera import Camera from .light import Light, PointLight, DirectionalLight, SpotLight from .node import Node from .utils import format_color_vector class Scene(object): """A hierarchical scene graph. Parameters ---------- nodes : list of :class:`Node` The set of all nodes in the scene. bg_color : (4,) float, optional Background color of scene. ambient_light : (3,) float, optional Color of ambient light. Defaults to no ambient light. name : str, optional The user-defined name of this object. """ def __init__(self, nodes=None, bg_color=None, ambient_light=None, name=None): if bg_color is None: bg_color = np.ones(4) else: bg_color = format_color_vector(bg_color, 4) if ambient_light is None: ambient_light = np.zeros(3) if nodes is None: nodes = set() self._nodes = set() # Will be added at the end of this function self.bg_color = bg_color self.ambient_light = ambient_light self.name = name self._name_to_nodes = {} self._obj_to_nodes = {} self._obj_name_to_nodes = {} self._mesh_nodes = set() self._point_light_nodes = set() self._spot_light_nodes = set() self._directional_light_nodes = set() self._camera_nodes = set() self._main_camera_node = None self._bounds = None # Transform tree self._digraph = nx.DiGraph() self._digraph.add_node('world') self._path_cache = {} # Find root nodes and add them if len(nodes) > 0: node_parent_map = {n: None for n in nodes} for node in nodes: for child in node.children: if node_parent_map[child] is not None: raise ValueError('Nodes may not have more than ' 'one parent') node_parent_map[child] = node for node in node_parent_map: if node_parent_map[node] is None: self.add_node(node) @property def name(self): """str : The user-defined name of this object. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): if value is not None: value = str(value) self._name = value @property def nodes(self): """set of :class:`Node` : Set of nodes in the scene. """ return self._nodes @property def bg_color(self): """(3,) float : The scene background color. """ return self._bg_color @bg_color.setter def bg_color(self, value): if value is None: value = np.ones(4) else: value = format_color_vector(value, 4) self._bg_color = value @property def ambient_light(self): """(3,) float : The ambient light in the scene. """ return self._ambient_light @ambient_light.setter def ambient_light(self, value): if value is None: value = np.zeros(3) else: value = format_color_vector(value, 3) self._ambient_light = value @property def meshes(self): """set of :class:`Mesh` : The meshes in the scene. """ return set([n.mesh for n in self.mesh_nodes]) @property def mesh_nodes(self): """set of :class:`Node` : The nodes containing meshes. """ return self._mesh_nodes @property def lights(self): """set of :class:`Light` : The lights in the scene. """ return self.point_lights | self.spot_lights | self.directional_lights @property def light_nodes(self): """set of :class:`Node` : The nodes containing lights. """ return (self.point_light_nodes | self.spot_light_nodes | self.directional_light_nodes) @property def point_lights(self): """set of :class:`PointLight` : The point lights in the scene. """ return set([n.light for n in self.point_light_nodes]) @property def point_light_nodes(self): """set of :class:`Node` : The nodes containing point lights. """ return self._point_light_nodes @property def spot_lights(self): """set of :class:`SpotLight` : The spot lights in the scene. """ return set([n.light for n in self.spot_light_nodes]) @property def spot_light_nodes(self): """set of :class:`Node` : The nodes containing spot lights. """ return self._spot_light_nodes @property def directional_lights(self): """set of :class:`DirectionalLight` : The directional lights in the scene. """ return set([n.light for n in self.directional_light_nodes]) @property def directional_light_nodes(self): """set of :class:`Node` : The nodes containing directional lights. """ return self._directional_light_nodes @property def cameras(self): """set of :class:`Camera` : The cameras in the scene. """ return set([n.camera for n in self.camera_nodes]) @property def camera_nodes(self): """set of :class:`Node` : The nodes containing cameras in the scene. """ return self._camera_nodes @property def main_camera_node(self): """set of :class:`Node` : The node containing the main camera in the scene. """ return self._main_camera_node @main_camera_node.setter def main_camera_node(self, value): if value not in self.nodes: raise ValueError('New main camera node must already be in scene') self._main_camera_node = value @property def bounds(self): """(2,3) float : The axis-aligned bounds of the scene. """ if self._bounds is None: # Compute corners corners = [] for mesh_node in self.mesh_nodes: mesh = mesh_node.mesh pose = self.get_pose(mesh_node) corners_local = trimesh.bounds.corners(mesh.bounds) corners_world = pose[:3,:3].dot(corners_local.T).T + pose[:3,3] corners.append(corners_world) if len(corners) == 0: self._bounds = np.zeros((2,3)) else: corners = np.vstack(corners) self._bounds = np.array([np.min(corners, axis=0), np.max(corners, axis=0)]) return self._bounds @property def centroid(self): """(3,) float : The centroid of the scene's axis-aligned bounding box (AABB). """ return np.mean(self.bounds, axis=0) @property def extents(self): """(3,) float : The lengths of the axes of the scene's AABB. """ return np.diff(self.bounds, axis=0).reshape(-1) @property def scale(self): """(3,) float : The length of the diagonal of the scene's AABB. """ return np.linalg.norm(self.extents) def add(self, obj, name=None, pose=None, parent_node=None, parent_name=None): """Add an object (mesh, light, or camera) to the scene. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`Mesh`, :class:`Light`, or :class:`Camera` The object to add to the scene. name : str A name for the new node to be created. pose : (4,4) float The local pose of this node relative to its parent node. parent_node : :class:`Node` The parent of this Node. If None, the new node is a root node. parent_name : str The name of the parent node, can be specified instead of `parent_node`. Returns ------- node : :class:`Node` The newly-created and inserted node. """ if isinstance(obj, Mesh): node = Node(name=name, matrix=pose, mesh=obj) elif isinstance(obj, Light): node = Node(name=name, matrix=pose, light=obj) elif isinstance(obj, Camera): node = Node(name=name, matrix=pose, camera=obj) else: raise TypeError('Unrecognized object type') if parent_node is None and parent_name is not None: parent_nodes = self.get_nodes(name=parent_name) if len(parent_nodes) == 0: raise ValueError('No parent node with name {} found' .format(parent_name)) elif len(parent_nodes) > 1: raise ValueError('More than one parent node with name {} found' .format(parent_name)) parent_node = list(parent_nodes)[0] self.add_node(node, parent_node=parent_node) return node def get_nodes(self, node=None, name=None, obj=None, obj_name=None): """Search for existing nodes. Only nodes matching all specified parameters is returned, or None if no such node exists. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`Node`, optional If present, returns this node if it is in the scene. name : str A name for the Node. obj : :class:`Mesh`, :class:`Light`, or :class:`Camera` An object that is attached to the node. obj_name : str The name of an object that is attached to the node. Returns ------- nodes : set of :class:`.Node` The nodes that match all query terms. """ if node is not None: if node in self.nodes: return set([node]) else: return set() nodes = set(self.nodes) if name is not None: matches = set() if name in self._name_to_nodes: matches = self._name_to_nodes[name] nodes = nodes & matches if obj is not None: matches = set() if obj in self._obj_to_nodes: matches = self._obj_to_nodes[obj] nodes = nodes & matches if obj_name is not None: matches = set() if obj_name in self._obj_name_to_nodes: matches = self._obj_name_to_nodes[obj_name] nodes = nodes & matches return nodes def add_node(self, node, parent_node=None): """Add a Node to the scene. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`Node` The node to be added. parent_node : :class:`Node` The parent of this Node. If None, the new node is a root node. """ if node in self.nodes: raise ValueError('Node already in scene') self.nodes.add(node) # Add node to sets if node.name is not None: if node.name not in self._name_to_nodes: self._name_to_nodes[node.name] = set() self._name_to_nodes[node.name].add(node) for obj in [node.mesh, node.camera, node.light]: if obj is not None: if obj not in self._obj_to_nodes: self._obj_to_nodes[obj] = set() self._obj_to_nodes[obj].add(node) if obj.name is not None: if obj.name not in self._obj_name_to_nodes: self._obj_name_to_nodes[obj.name] = set() self._obj_name_to_nodes[obj.name].add(node) if node.mesh is not None: self._mesh_nodes.add(node) if node.light is not None: if isinstance(node.light, PointLight): self._point_light_nodes.add(node) if isinstance(node.light, SpotLight): self._spot_light_nodes.add(node) if isinstance(node.light, DirectionalLight): self._directional_light_nodes.add(node) if node.camera is not None: self._camera_nodes.add(node) if self._main_camera_node is None: self._main_camera_node = node if parent_node is None: parent_node = 'world' elif parent_node not in self.nodes: raise ValueError('Parent node must already be in scene') elif node not in parent_node.children: parent_node.children.append(node) # Create node in graph self._digraph.add_node(node) self._digraph.add_edge(node, parent_node) # Iterate over children for child in node.children: self.add_node(child, node) self._path_cache = {} self._bounds = None def has_node(self, node): """Check if a node is already in the scene. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`Node` The node to be checked. Returns ------- has_node : bool True if the node is already in the scene and false otherwise. """ return node in self.nodes def remove_node(self, node): """Remove a node and all its children from the scene. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`Node` The node to be removed. """ # Disconnect self from parent who is staying in the graph parent = list(self._digraph.neighbors(node))[0] self._remove_node(node) if isinstance(parent, Node): parent.children.remove(node) self._path_cache = {} self._bounds = None def get_pose(self, node): """Get the world-frame pose of a node in the scene. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`Node` The node to find the pose of. Returns ------- pose : (4,4) float The transform matrix for this node. """ if node not in self.nodes: raise ValueError('Node must already be in scene') if node in self._path_cache: path = self._path_cache[node] else: # Get path from from_frame to to_frame path = nx.shortest_path(self._digraph, node, 'world') self._path_cache[node] = path # Traverse from from_node to to_node pose = np.eye(4) for n in path[:-1]: pose = np.dot(n.matrix, pose) return pose def set_pose(self, node, pose): """Set the local-frame pose of a node in the scene. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`Node` The node to set the pose of. pose : (4,4) float The pose to set the node to. """ if node not in self.nodes: raise ValueError('Node must already be in scene') node._matrix = pose if node.mesh is not None: self._bounds = None def clear(self): """Clear out all nodes to form an empty scene. """ self._nodes = set() self._name_to_nodes = {} self._obj_to_nodes = {} self._obj_name_to_nodes = {} self._mesh_nodes = set() self._point_light_nodes = set() self._spot_light_nodes = set() self._directional_light_nodes = set() self._camera_nodes = set() self._main_camera_node = None self._bounds = None # Transform tree self._digraph = nx.DiGraph() self._digraph.add_node('world') self._path_cache = {} def _remove_node(self, node): """Remove a node and all its children from the scene. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`Node` The node to be removed. """ # Remove self from nodes self.nodes.remove(node) # Remove children for child in node.children: self._remove_node(child) # Remove self from the graph self._digraph.remove_node(node) # Remove from maps if node.name in self._name_to_nodes: self._name_to_nodes[node.name].remove(node) if len(self._name_to_nodes[node.name]) == 0: self._name_to_nodes.pop(node.name) for obj in [node.mesh, node.camera, node.light]: if obj is None: continue self._obj_to_nodes[obj].remove(node) if len(self._obj_to_nodes[obj]) == 0: self._obj_to_nodes.pop(obj) if obj.name is not None: self._obj_name_to_nodes[obj.name].remove(node) if len(self._obj_name_to_nodes[obj.name]) == 0: self._obj_name_to_nodes.pop(obj.name) if node.mesh is not None: self._mesh_nodes.remove(node) if node.light is not None: if isinstance(node.light, PointLight): self._point_light_nodes.remove(node) if isinstance(node.light, SpotLight): self._spot_light_nodes.remove(node) if isinstance(node.light, DirectionalLight): self._directional_light_nodes.remove(node) if node.camera is not None: self._camera_nodes.remove(node) if self._main_camera_node == node: if len(self._camera_nodes) > 0: self._main_camera_node = next(iter(self._camera_nodes)) else: self._main_camera_node = None @staticmethod def from_trimesh_scene(trimesh_scene, bg_color=None, ambient_light=None): """Create a :class:`.Scene` from a :class:`trimesh.scene.scene.Scene`. Parameters ---------- trimesh_scene : :class:`trimesh.scene.scene.Scene` Scene with :class:~`trimesh.base.Trimesh` objects. bg_color : (4,) float Background color for the created scene. ambient_light : (3,) float or None Ambient light in the scene. Returns ------- scene_pr : :class:`Scene` A scene containing the same geometry as the trimesh scene. """ # convert trimesh geometries to pyrender geometries geometries = {name: Mesh.from_trimesh(geom) for name, geom in trimesh_scene.geometry.items()} # create the pyrender scene object scene_pr = Scene(bg_color=bg_color, ambient_light=ambient_light) # add every node with geometry to the pyrender scene for node in trimesh_scene.graph.nodes_geometry: pose, geom_name = trimesh_scene.graph[node] scene_pr.add(geometries[geom_name], pose=pose) return scene_pr