import numpy as np import pytest from trimesh import transformations from pyrender import (DirectionalLight, PerspectiveCamera, Mesh, Node) def test_nodes(): x = Node() assert is None assert is None assert x.children == [] assert is None assert np.allclose(x.matrix, np.eye(4)) assert x.mesh is None assert np.allclose(x.rotation, [0,0,0,1]) assert np.allclose(x.scale, np.ones(3)) assert np.allclose(x.translation, np.zeros(3)) assert x.weights is None assert x.light is None = 'node' # Test node light/camera/mesh tests c = PerspectiveCamera(yfov=2.0) m = Mesh([]) d = DirectionalLight() = c assert == c with pytest.raises(TypeError): = m = d = None x.mesh = m assert x.mesh == m with pytest.raises(TypeError): x.mesh = c x.mesh = d x.light = d assert x.light == d with pytest.raises(TypeError): x.light = m x.light = c # Test transformations getters/setters/etc... # Set up test values x = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) y = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) t = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) s = np.array([0.5, 2.0, 1.0]) Mx = transformations.rotation_matrix(np.pi / 2.0, x) qx = np.roll(transformations.quaternion_about_axis(np.pi / 2.0, x), -1) Mxt = Mx.copy() Mxt[:3,3] = t S = np.eye(4) S[:3,:3] = np.diag(s) Mxts = My = transformations.rotation_matrix(np.pi / 2.0, y) qy = np.roll(transformations.quaternion_about_axis(np.pi / 2.0, y), -1) Myt = My.copy() Myt[:3,3] = t x = Node(matrix=Mx) assert np.allclose(x.matrix, Mx) assert np.allclose(x.rotation, qx) assert np.allclose(x.translation, np.zeros(3)) assert np.allclose(x.scale, np.ones(3)) x.matrix = My assert np.allclose(x.matrix, My) assert np.allclose(x.rotation, qy) assert np.allclose(x.translation, np.zeros(3)) assert np.allclose(x.scale, np.ones(3)) x.translation = t assert np.allclose(x.matrix, Myt) assert np.allclose(x.rotation, qy) x.rotation = qx assert np.allclose(x.matrix, Mxt) x.scale = s assert np.allclose(x.matrix, Mxts) x = Node(matrix=Mxt) assert np.allclose(x.matrix, Mxt) assert np.allclose(x.rotation, qx) assert np.allclose(x.translation, t) assert np.allclose(x.scale, np.ones(3)) x = Node(matrix=Mxts) assert np.allclose(x.matrix, Mxts) assert np.allclose(x.rotation, qx) assert np.allclose(x.translation, t) assert np.allclose(x.scale, s) # Individual element getters x.scale[0] = 0 assert np.allclose(x.scale[0], 0) x.translation[0] = 0 assert np.allclose(x.translation[0], 0) x.matrix = np.eye(4) x.matrix[0,0] = 500 assert x.matrix[0,0] == 1.0 # Failures with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.matrix = 5 * np.eye(4) with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.matrix = np.eye(5) with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.matrix = np.eye(4).dot([5,1,1,1]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.rotation = np.array([1,2]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.rotation = np.array([1,2,3]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.rotation = np.array([1,2,3,4]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.translation = np.array([1,2,3,4]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.scale = np.array([1,2,3,4])