"""Primitives, conforming to the glTF 2.0 standards as specified in https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0#reference-primitive Author: Matthew Matl """ import numpy as np from OpenGL.GL import * from .material import Material, MetallicRoughnessMaterial from .constants import FLOAT_SZ, UINT_SZ, BufFlags, GLTF from .utils import format_color_array class Primitive(object): """A primitive object which can be rendered. Parameters ---------- positions : (n, 3) float XYZ vertex positions. normals : (n, 3) float Normalized XYZ vertex normals. tangents : (n, 4) float XYZW vertex tangents where the w component is a sign value (either +1 or -1) indicating the handedness of the tangent basis. texcoord_0 : (n, 2) float The first set of UV texture coordinates. texcoord_1 : (n, 2) float The second set of UV texture coordinates. color_0 : (n, 4) float RGBA vertex colors. joints_0 : (n, 4) float Joint information. weights_0 : (n, 4) float Weight information for morphing. indices : (m, 3) int Face indices for triangle meshes or fans. material : :class:`Material` The material to apply to this primitive when rendering. mode : int The type of primitives to render, one of the following: - ``0``: POINTS - ``1``: LINES - ``2``: LINE_LOOP - ``3``: LINE_STRIP - ``4``: TRIANGLES - ``5``: TRIANGLES_STRIP - ``6``: TRIANGLES_FAN targets : (k,) int Morph target indices. poses : (x,4,4), float Array of 4x4 transformation matrices for instancing this object. """ def __init__(self, positions, normals=None, tangents=None, texcoord_0=None, texcoord_1=None, color_0=None, joints_0=None, weights_0=None, indices=None, material=None, mode=None, targets=None, poses=None): if mode is None: mode = GLTF.TRIANGLES self.positions = positions self.normals = normals self.tangents = tangents self.texcoord_0 = texcoord_0 self.texcoord_1 = texcoord_1 self.color_0 = color_0 self.joints_0 = joints_0 self.weights_0 = weights_0 self.indices = indices self.material = material self.mode = mode self.targets = targets self.poses = poses self._bounds = None self._vaid = None self._buffers = [] self._is_transparent = None self._buf_flags = None @property def positions(self): """(n,3) float : XYZ vertex positions. """ return self._positions @positions.setter def positions(self, value): value = np.asanyarray(value, dtype=np.float32) self._positions = np.ascontiguousarray(value) self._bounds = None @property def normals(self): """(n,3) float : Normalized XYZ vertex normals. """ return self._normals @normals.setter def normals(self, value): if value is not None: value = np.asanyarray(value, dtype=np.float32) value = np.ascontiguousarray(value) if value.shape != self.positions.shape: raise ValueError('Incorrect normals shape') self._normals = value @property def tangents(self): """(n,4) float : XYZW vertex tangents. """ return self._tangents @tangents.setter def tangents(self, value): if value is not None: value = np.asanyarray(value, dtype=np.float32) value = np.ascontiguousarray(value) if value.shape != (self.positions.shape[0], 4): raise ValueError('Incorrect tangent shape') self._tangents = value @property def texcoord_0(self): """(n,2) float : The first set of UV texture coordinates. """ return self._texcoord_0 @texcoord_0.setter def texcoord_0(self, value): if value is not None: value = np.asanyarray(value, dtype=np.float32) value = np.ascontiguousarray(value) if (value.ndim != 2 or value.shape[0] != self.positions.shape[0] or value.shape[1] < 2): raise ValueError('Incorrect texture coordinate shape') if value.shape[1] > 2: value = value[:,:2] self._texcoord_0 = value @property def texcoord_1(self): """(n,2) float : The second set of UV texture coordinates. """ return self._texcoord_1 @texcoord_1.setter def texcoord_1(self, value): if value is not None: value = np.asanyarray(value, dtype=np.float32) value = np.ascontiguousarray(value) if (value.ndim != 2 or value.shape[0] != self.positions.shape[0] or value.shape[1] != 2): raise ValueError('Incorrect texture coordinate shape') self._texcoord_1 = value @property def color_0(self): """(n,4) float : RGBA vertex colors. """ return self._color_0 @color_0.setter def color_0(self, value): if value is not None: value = np.ascontiguousarray( format_color_array(value, shape=(len(self.positions), 4)) ) self._is_transparent = None self._color_0 = value @property def joints_0(self): """(n,4) float : Joint information. """ return self._joints_0 @joints_0.setter def joints_0(self, value): self._joints_0 = value @property def weights_0(self): """(n,4) float : Weight information for morphing. """ return self._weights_0 @weights_0.setter def weights_0(self, value): self._weights_0 = value @property def indices(self): """(m,3) int : Face indices for triangle meshes or fans. """ return self._indices @indices.setter def indices(self, value): if value is not None: value = np.asanyarray(value, dtype=np.float32) value = np.ascontiguousarray(value) self._indices = value @property def material(self): """:class:`Material` : The material for this primitive. """ return self._material @material.setter def material(self, value): # Create default material if value is None: value = MetallicRoughnessMaterial() else: if not isinstance(value, Material): raise TypeError('Object material must be of type Material') self._material = value @property def mode(self): """int : The type of primitive to render. """ return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, value): value = int(value) if value < GLTF.POINTS or value > GLTF.TRIANGLE_FAN: raise ValueError('Invalid mode') self._mode = value @property def targets(self): """(k,) int : Morph target indices. """ return self._targets @targets.setter def targets(self, value): self._targets = value @property def poses(self): """(x,4,4) float : Homogenous transforms for instancing this primitive. """ return self._poses @poses.setter def poses(self, value): if value is not None: value = np.asanyarray(value, dtype=np.float32) value = np.ascontiguousarray(value) if value.ndim == 2: value = value[np.newaxis,:,:] if value.shape[1] != 4 or value.shape[2] != 4: raise ValueError('Pose matrices must be of shape (n,4,4), ' 'got {}'.format(value.shape)) self._poses = value self._bounds = None @property def bounds(self): if self._bounds is None: self._bounds = self._compute_bounds() return self._bounds @property def centroid(self): """(3,) float : The centroid of the primitive's AABB. """ return np.mean(self.bounds, axis=0) @property def extents(self): """(3,) float : The lengths of the axes of the primitive's AABB. """ return np.diff(self.bounds, axis=0).reshape(-1) @property def scale(self): """(3,) float : The length of the diagonal of the primitive's AABB. """ return np.linalg.norm(self.extents) @property def buf_flags(self): """int : The flags for the render buffer. """ if self._buf_flags is None: self._buf_flags = self._compute_buf_flags() return self._buf_flags def delete(self): self._unbind() self._remove_from_context() @property def is_transparent(self): """bool : If True, the mesh is partially-transparent. """ return self._compute_transparency() def _add_to_context(self): if self._vaid is not None: raise ValueError('Mesh is already bound to a context') # Generate and bind VAO self._vaid = glGenVertexArrays(1) glBindVertexArray(self._vaid) ####################################################################### # Fill vertex buffer ####################################################################### # Generate and bind vertex buffer vertexbuffer = glGenBuffers(1) self._buffers.append(vertexbuffer) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexbuffer) # positions vertex_data = self.positions attr_sizes = [3] # Normals if self.normals is not None: vertex_data = np.hstack((vertex_data, self.normals)) attr_sizes.append(3) # Tangents if self.tangents is not None: vertex_data = np.hstack((vertex_data, self.tangents)) attr_sizes.append(4) # Texture Coordinates if self.texcoord_0 is not None: vertex_data = np.hstack((vertex_data, self.texcoord_0)) attr_sizes.append(2) if self.texcoord_1 is not None: vertex_data = np.hstack((vertex_data, self.texcoord_1)) attr_sizes.append(2) # Color if self.color_0 is not None: vertex_data = np.hstack((vertex_data, self.color_0)) attr_sizes.append(4) # TODO JOINTS AND WEIGHTS # PASS # Copy data to buffer vertex_data = np.ascontiguousarray( vertex_data.flatten().astype(np.float32) ) glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, FLOAT_SZ * len(vertex_data), vertex_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW ) total_sz = sum(attr_sizes) offset = 0 for i, sz in enumerate(attr_sizes): glVertexAttribPointer( i, sz, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, FLOAT_SZ * total_sz, ctypes.c_void_p(FLOAT_SZ * offset) ) glEnableVertexAttribArray(i) offset += sz ####################################################################### # Fill model matrix buffer ####################################################################### if self.poses is not None: pose_data = np.ascontiguousarray( np.transpose(self.poses, [0,2,1]).flatten().astype(np.float32) ) else: pose_data = np.ascontiguousarray( np.eye(4).flatten().astype(np.float32) ) modelbuffer = glGenBuffers(1) self._buffers.append(modelbuffer) glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, modelbuffer) glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, FLOAT_SZ * len(pose_data), pose_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW ) for i in range(0, 4): idx = i + len(attr_sizes) glEnableVertexAttribArray(idx) glVertexAttribPointer( idx, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, FLOAT_SZ * 4 * 4, ctypes.c_void_p(4 * FLOAT_SZ * i) ) glVertexAttribDivisor(idx, 1) ####################################################################### # Fill element buffer ####################################################################### if self.indices is not None: elementbuffer = glGenBuffers(1) self._buffers.append(elementbuffer) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementbuffer) glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, UINT_SZ * self.indices.size, self.indices.flatten().astype(np.uint32), GL_STATIC_DRAW) glBindVertexArray(0) def _remove_from_context(self): if self._vaid is not None: glDeleteVertexArrays(1, [self._vaid]) glDeleteBuffers(len(self._buffers), self._buffers) self._vaid = None self._buffers = [] def _in_context(self): return self._vaid is not None def _bind(self): if self._vaid is None: raise ValueError('Cannot bind a Mesh that has not been added ' 'to a context') glBindVertexArray(self._vaid) def _unbind(self): glBindVertexArray(0) def _compute_bounds(self): """Compute the bounds of this object. """ # Compute bounds of this object bounds = np.array([np.min(self.positions, axis=0), np.max(self.positions, axis=0)]) # If instanced, compute translations for approximate bounds if self.poses is not None: bounds += np.array([np.min(self.poses[:,:3,3], axis=0), np.max(self.poses[:,:3,3], axis=0)]) return bounds def _compute_transparency(self): """Compute whether or not this object is transparent. """ if self.material.is_transparent: return True if self._is_transparent is None: self._is_transparent = False if self.color_0 is not None: if np.any(self._color_0[:,3] != 1.0): self._is_transparent = True return self._is_transparent def _compute_buf_flags(self): buf_flags = BufFlags.POSITION if self.normals is not None: buf_flags |= BufFlags.NORMAL if self.tangents is not None: buf_flags |= BufFlags.TANGENT if self.texcoord_0 is not None: buf_flags |= BufFlags.TEXCOORD_0 if self.texcoord_1 is not None: buf_flags |= BufFlags.TEXCOORD_1 if self.color_0 is not None: buf_flags |= BufFlags.COLOR_0 if self.joints_0 is not None: buf_flags |= BufFlags.JOINTS_0 if self.weights_0 is not None: buf_flags |= BufFlags.WEIGHTS_0 return buf_flags