import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import requests import os import numpy as np import re from tqdm import tqdm from time import sleep from PIL import Image import requests from io import BytesIO from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset import json import cv2 import pathlib import imagehash API_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_READ_TOKEN") MAX_MODEL_NUM = 300 ''' Yntec digplay ''' hf_civitai_image_info_dataset = load_dataset("svjack/hf_civitai_image_info_v0", token = API_TOKEN) hf_civitai_image_info_df = hf_civitai_image_info_dataset["train"].to_pandas() def gen_interface(model_name, max_times = 3): times = 0 gr_model_interface = None while gr_model_interface is None and times < max_times: try: gr_model_interface = gr.load("models/{}".format(model_name),live=True) except: print("error {} times {}".format(model_name, times)) sleep(2) times += 1 return gr_model_interface #gr_model_interface.title def toImgOpenCV(imgPIL): # Conver imgPIL to imgOpenCV i = np.array(imgPIL) # After mapping from PIL to numpy : [R,G,B,A] # numpy Image Channel system: [B,G,R,A] red = i[:,:,0].copy(); i[:,:,0] = i[:,:,2].copy(); i[:,:,2] = red; return i; def toImgPIL(imgOpenCV): return Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(imgOpenCV, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)); def jpg_val_to_img(jpg_bytes): img_buf = np.frombuffer(jpg_bytes, np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(img_buf, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) return toImgPIL(img) model_list = hf_civitai_image_info_df["hf_repo_id"].drop_duplicates().values.tolist() model_interface_list = [] for model_name in tqdm(model_list): gr_model_interface = gen_interface(model_name) if gr_model_interface is not None: model_interface_list.append(gr_model_interface) if len(model_interface_list) >= MAX_MODEL_NUM: break print("load model num : {}".format(len(model_interface_list))) def get_civitai_iframe(url, width = 1400, height = 768, as_html = True, visible = False): html= '''
'''.format(url, width, height) if as_html: html = gr.HTML(html, visible = visible) return html def get_info_by_interface(gr_interface, model_interface_list = model_interface_list): #### out: (gr_interface, civitai_url, civitai_info) if hasattr(gr_interface, "app"): civitai_url = hf_civitai_image_info_df[ hf_civitai_image_info_df["hf_repo_id"] == gr_interface.title ]["civitai_url"].iloc[0] civitai_info = hf_civitai_image_info_df[ hf_civitai_image_info_df["hf_repo_id"] == gr_interface.title ][["prompt", "image"]].values.tolist() return gr_interface ,civitai_url, civitai_info else: civitai_url = hf_civitai_image_info_df[ hf_civitai_image_info_df["hf_repo_id"] == gr_interface ]["civitai_url"].iloc[0] civitai_info = hf_civitai_image_info_df[ hf_civitai_image_info_df["hf_repo_id"] == gr_interface ][["prompt", "image"]].values.tolist() return list(filter(lambda x:x.title == gr_interface, model_interface_list))[0] ,civitai_url, civitai_info def read_image_from_url(url): response = requests.get(url) img = return img def image_click(images, evt: gr.SelectData, gr_interface_value, ): img_selected = images[evt.index] #print(img_selected) im_data = img_selected["name"] im = im_hash = imagehash.average_hash( im, hash_size = 1024 ) min_diff = int(1e10) #print(-1) repo_card_im_dict = dict( get_info_by_interface(gr_interface_value)[2] ) min_repo_name = "" for idx ,(repo_name, repo_card_image) in enumerate(repo_card_im_dict.items()): repo_img = jpg_val_to_img(repo_card_image["bytes"]) repo_img_hash = imagehash.average_hash( repo_img, hash_size = 1024 ) diff = im_hash - repo_img_hash if diff < min_diff: min_diff = diff min_repo_name = repo_name #print(idx) prompt = min_repo_name return prompt #return prompt, im def try_repo_act_func(civitai_url, show_civitai_button): repo_html_iframe_hide = get_civitai_iframe(civitai_url, visible = True if show_civitai_button == "Show Civitai Page" else False) return repo_html_iframe_hide, gr.Button("Hide Civitai Page" if show_civitai_button == "Show Civitai Page" else "Show Civitai Page") with gr.Blocks( css = ''' .header img { float: middle; width: 33px; height: 33px; } .header h1 { top: 18px; left: 10px; } ''' ) as demo: gr.HTML( '''

logo 🤗 Civitai Model on Huggingface

''' ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): hf_model_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(label = "🤗 Hf model", choices=sorted(map(lambda x: x.title, model_interface_list)), value=sorted(map(lambda x: x.title, model_interface_list))[0],) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): civitai_prompt = gr.Textbox(label = "🤭 Civitai Prompt (Click from 👉 right gallery to get them, and You can edit ✍️ yourself) Don't use them to generate NSFW content, such as porns. 😬👎 Or you will get ❌👀", interactive = True, ) gen_button = gr.Button(label = "Generate") hf_image = gr.Image(label = "🤭 Image generate by 🤗 Huggingface", height = 768) with gr.Column(): civitai_info_gallery = gr.Gallery( pd.Series( get_info_by_interface(hf_model_dropdown.value)[2] ).sample(n = min(len(get_info_by_interface(hf_model_dropdown.value)[2]), 30)).map(lambda t2: t2[1]).map(lambda x: x["bytes"]).map(jpg_val_to_img).values.tolist(), height = 1024, label = "🖱️👇 ➡️ 👈 Civitai image samples", object_fit = "contain" ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): try_repo_button = gr.Button("Show Civitai Page") civitai_iframe_html = get_civitai_iframe( get_info_by_interface(hf_model_dropdown.value)[1] ) hf_model_dropdown.change( lambda x: pd.Series( get_info_by_interface(x)[2] ).sample(n = min(len(get_info_by_interface(x)[2]), 30)).map(lambda t2: t2[1]).map(lambda x: x["bytes"]).map(jpg_val_to_img).values.tolist(), hf_model_dropdown, civitai_info_gallery ) hf_model_dropdown.change( lambda _: (gr.Button("Show Civitai Page"), gr.HTML(visible = False)), None, [try_repo_button, civitai_iframe_html] ) image_click, [civitai_info_gallery, hf_model_dropdown], civitai_prompt ) hf_model_name, text_prompt: get_info_by_interface(hf_model_name)[0](text_prompt), [hf_model_dropdown, civitai_prompt], hf_image ) lambda hf_model_name, button: try_repo_act_func( get_info_by_interface(hf_model_name)[1] , button), [hf_model_dropdown, try_repo_button], [civitai_iframe_html, try_repo_button] ) demo.launch(show_api = False)