Input Text,Model,Fact Checked Output,flag,username,timestamp ,gpt-4-1106-preview,,,,2024-02-16 13:59:41.379589 The earth is flat,gpt-4-1106-preview,"The earth is flat[^The-earth-is-flat] [^The-earth-is-flat]: ❗ Claim: The earth is flat. 👉 Unsupported ""Flat-Earth ideas are based on basic scientific misunderstandings that can be easily refuted."",""For most people, even those who have no physics background, the evidence for a spherical Earth is obvious."" The claim that the Earth is flat is directly contradicted by the evidence, which states that Flat-Earth ideas are based on basic scientific misunderstandings and that the evidence for a spherical Earth is obvious., URLs:, date accessed: 2024-02-16 ",,,2024-02-16 14:00:40.524144