import argparse import json import multiprocessing as mp from zsvision.zs_multiproc import starmap_with_kwargs from pathlib import Path from zsvision.zs_utils import BlockTimer from typing import List, Dict from llm_api_utils import ( call_openai_with_exponetial_backoff, estimate_cost_of_text_generation_api_call, init_openai_with_api_key, ) class CheckClaimAgainstEvidence: def __init__( self, temperature=0.0, max_num_evidences=2, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", src_dir=Path("data/raw"), dest_dir=Path("data/extracted_claims"), filter_str="", processes=1, refresh=False, ): self.temperature = temperature self.max_num_evidences = max_num_evidences self.model = model self.src_dir = src_dir self.dest_dir = dest_dir self.filter_str = filter_str self.processes = processes self.refresh = refresh def check_claim_against_evidence( self, claim: str, evidences: List[Dict[str, str]], ): init_openai_with_api_key() evidence_str = "" for evidence in evidences: # avoid linebreaks in each piece of evidence, else it can create a confusing prompt text_evidence = evidence["text"].replace("\n", " ") evidence_str += f"{text_evidence}\n" evidence_str += f"URL: {evidence['link']}'\n" evidence_str += f"Date accessed: {evidence['date_accessed']}\n\n" prompt = f"""\ Your task is to assess whether a claim is correct based on the given pieces of evidence. Your answer should be in json format as follows: {{ "verdict": "", "justification": "", "quotes": [""], "URLs": "", "date_accessed": "" }} The label should be one of the following: "Fully supported", "Partially supported", "Unsupported" When quoting the relevant sentence from the evidence, be careful to copy it **EXACTLY** (with no edits). --- ## Example **Claim**: Hannah Arendt was born in 1906. **Pieces of evidence**: Hannah Arendt was a 20th-century German-Jewish political thinker and philosopher. She was born in Linden, Hanover, Germany in 1906. When she was three her family moved to Königsberg so that her father’s syphilis could be treated. He died when she was seven years old. Königsberg was where Immanuel Kant was born, right? Königsberg was where Immanuel Kant was born, right? URL:' Date accessed: 2023-05-10 Hannah Arendt was born as Johanna Arendt in 1906, in the Wilhelmine period. Her German Jewish family were comfortable, educated and secular in Linden, Prussia (now a part of Hanover). They were merchants of Russian extraction from Königsberg.[a] Her grandparents were members of the Reform Jewish community. Her paternal grandfather, Max Arendt [de] (1843–1913), was a prominent businessman, local politician, a leader of the Königsberg Jewish community and a member of the Centralverein deutscher URL:' Date accessed: 2023-05-10 **Assessment**: {{ "verdict": "Fully supported", "justification": "The claim about Hannah Arendt's birth date is directly supported by the evidence." "quote": "Hannah Arendt was born as Johanna Arendt in 1906, in the Wilhelmine period.", "URL": "", "date_accessed": "2023-05-10" }} --- **Claim**: {claim} **Pieces of evidence**: {evidence_str} **Assessment**:\ """ persona = "You are a careful research assistant who helps with fact-checking and editing informative articles." system_message = {"role": "system", "content": persona} user_message = {"role": "user", "content": prompt} messages = [system_message, user_message] with BlockTimer( f"Using OpenAI API to check claims against evidence {self.model}" ): response = call_openai_with_exponetial_backoff( model=self.model, temperature=self.temperature, messages=messages, response_format={"type": "json_object"}, ) cost = estimate_cost_of_text_generation_api_call( model=self.model, response=response, verbose=True ) assessment = response.choices[0].message.content assessment_dict = json.loads(assessment) return {"assessment": assessment_dict, "cost": cost} def check_claims_against_evidence(self, claims_with_evidence): """ Checks claims against evidence. """ kwarg_list = [] results = [] for idx, item in enumerate(claims_with_evidence): kwarg_list.append( { "claim": item["claim"], "evidences": item["evidences"][: self.max_num_evidences], } ) if self.processes == 1: for kwargs in kwarg_list: results.append(self.check_claim_against_evidence(**kwargs)) else: # multiprocess func = self.check_claim_against_evidence with mp.Pool(processes=self.processes) as pool: results = starmap_with_kwargs( pool=pool, func=func, kwargs_iter=kwarg_list ) costs = [result["cost"] for result in results] print(f"Total cost: {sum(costs)} USD") assessed_claims = [] for result, item in zip(results, claims_with_evidence): item["assessment"] = result["assessment"] item["verdict_model"] = self.model assessed_claims.append(item) print(f"Writing {len(assessed_claims)} assessed claims") return assessed_claims