import torch import gradio as gr import fitz # PyMuPDF # Use a pipeline as a high-level helper from transformers import pipeline qna = pipeline("question-answering", model="deepset/roberta-base-squad2") def read_pdf(file_path): try: # Open the PDF file pdf_document = # Initialize a string to store the content content = "" # Iterate through each page for page_num in range(len(pdf_document)): page = pdf_document.load_page(page_num) # Load the page content += page.get_text() # Extract text from the page # Close the PDF file pdf_document.close() return content except Exception as e: return str(e) def answer_question(file_path, question): context = read_pdf(file_path) answer = qna(question= question, context=context) return answer['answer'] gr.close_all() demo = gr.Interface(answer_question, inputs=[gr.File(file_types=['pdf'], label='Upload a pdf file'), gr.Textbox(label='Please ask question?', lines=3)], outputs=[gr.Textbox(label='Answer is:', lines=3)], title="Gen AI Learning Project 5: Question and Answer with PDF file", description="This Application uses 'deepset/roberta-base-squad2' to simple short answer from PDF content to questions asked.") demo.launch()