import numpy as np from numba import njit, prange # The foreground estimation refer to pymatting [] @njit("void(f4[:, :, :], f4[:, :, :])", cache=True, nogil=True, parallel=True) def _resize_nearest_multichannel(dst, src): """ Internal method. Resize image src to dst using nearest neighbors filtering. Images must have multiple color channels, i.e. :code:`len(shape) == 3`. Parameters ---------- dst: numpy.ndarray of type np.float32 output image src: numpy.ndarray of type np.float32 input image """ h_src, w_src, depth = src.shape h_dst, w_dst, depth = dst.shape for y_dst in prange(h_dst): for x_dst in range(w_dst): x_src = max(0, min(w_src - 1, x_dst * w_src // w_dst)) y_src = max(0, min(h_src - 1, y_dst * h_src // h_dst)) for c in range(depth): dst[y_dst, x_dst, c] = src[y_src, x_src, c] @njit("void(f4[:, :], f4[:, :])", cache=True, nogil=True, parallel=True) def _resize_nearest(dst, src): """ Internal method. Resize image src to dst using nearest neighbors filtering. Images must be grayscale, i.e. :code:`len(shape) == 3`. Parameters ---------- dst: numpy.ndarray of type np.float32 output image src: numpy.ndarray of type np.float32 input image """ h_src, w_src = src.shape h_dst, w_dst = dst.shape for y_dst in prange(h_dst): for x_dst in range(w_dst): x_src = max(0, min(w_src - 1, x_dst * w_src // w_dst)) y_src = max(0, min(h_src - 1, y_dst * h_src // h_dst)) dst[y_dst, x_dst] = src[y_src, x_src] # TODO # There should be an option to switch @njit(parallel=True) on or off. # parallel=True would be faster, but might cause race conditions. # User should have the option to turn it on or off. @njit( "Tuple((f4[:, :, :], f4[:, :, :]))(f4[:, :, :], f4[:, :], f4, i4, i4, i4, f4)", cache=True, nogil=True) def _estimate_fb_ml( input_image, input_alpha, regularization, n_small_iterations, n_big_iterations, small_size, gradient_weight, ): h0, w0, depth = input_image.shape dtype = np.float32 w_prev = 1 h_prev = 1 F_prev = np.empty((h_prev, w_prev, depth), dtype=dtype) B_prev = np.empty((h_prev, w_prev, depth), dtype=dtype) n_levels = int(np.ceil(np.log2(max(w0, h0)))) for i_level in range(n_levels + 1): w = round(w0**(i_level / n_levels)) h = round(h0**(i_level / n_levels)) image = np.empty((h, w, depth), dtype=dtype) alpha = np.empty((h, w), dtype=dtype) _resize_nearest_multichannel(image, input_image) _resize_nearest(alpha, input_alpha) F = np.empty((h, w, depth), dtype=dtype) B = np.empty((h, w, depth), dtype=dtype) _resize_nearest_multichannel(F, F_prev) _resize_nearest_multichannel(B, B_prev) if w <= small_size and h <= small_size: n_iter = n_small_iterations else: n_iter = n_big_iterations b = np.zeros((2, depth), dtype=dtype) dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0] dy = [0, 0, -1, 1] for i_iter in range(n_iter): for y in prange(h): for x in range(w): a0 = alpha[y, x] a1 = 1.0 - a0 a00 = a0 * a0 a01 = a0 * a1 # a10 = a01 can be omitted due to symmetry of matrix a11 = a1 * a1 for c in range(depth): b[0, c] = a0 * image[y, x, c] b[1, c] = a1 * image[y, x, c] for d in range(4): x2 = max(0, min(w - 1, x + dx[d])) y2 = max(0, min(h - 1, y + dy[d])) gradient = abs(a0 - alpha[y2, x2]) da = regularization + gradient_weight * gradient a00 += da a11 += da for c in range(depth): b[0, c] += da * F[y2, x2, c] b[1, c] += da * B[y2, x2, c] determinant = a00 * a11 - a01 * a01 inv_det = 1.0 / determinant b00 = inv_det * a11 b01 = inv_det * -a01 b11 = inv_det * a00 for c in range(depth): F_c = b00 * b[0, c] + b01 * b[1, c] B_c = b01 * b[0, c] + b11 * b[1, c] F_c = max(0.0, min(1.0, F_c)) B_c = max(0.0, min(1.0, B_c)) F[y, x, c] = F_c B[y, x, c] = B_c F_prev = F B_prev = B w_prev = w h_prev = h return F, B def estimate_foreground_ml( image, alpha, regularization=1e-5, n_small_iterations=10, n_big_iterations=2, small_size=32, return_background=False, gradient_weight=1.0, ): """Estimates the foreground of an image given its alpha matte. See :cite:`germer2020multilevel` for reference. Parameters ---------- image: numpy.ndarray Input image with shape :math:`h \\times w \\times d` alpha: numpy.ndarray Input alpha matte shape :math:`h \\times w` regularization: float Regularization strength :math:`\\epsilon`, defaults to :math:`10^{-5}`. Higher regularization results in smoother colors. n_small_iterations: int Number of iterations performed on small scale, defaults to :math:`10` n_big_iterations: int Number of iterations performed on large scale, defaults to :math:`2` small_size: int Threshold that determines at which size `n_small_iterations` should be used return_background: bool Whether to return the estimated background in addition to the foreground gradient_weight: float Larger values enforce smoother foregrounds, defaults to :math:`1` Returns ------- F: numpy.ndarray Extracted foreground B: numpy.ndarray Extracted background Example ------- >>> from pymatting import * >>> image = load_image("data/lemur/lemur.png", "RGB") >>> alpha = load_image("data/lemur/lemur_alpha.png", "GRAY") >>> F = estimate_foreground_ml(image, alpha, return_background=False) >>> F, B = estimate_foreground_ml(image, alpha, return_background=True) See Also ---- stack_images: This function can be used to place the foreground on a new background. """ foreground, background = _estimate_fb_ml( image.astype(np.float32), alpha.astype(np.float32), regularization, n_small_iterations, n_big_iterations, small_size, gradient_weight, ) if return_background: return foreground, background return foreground